The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 2 Num. 03


Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 2 Num. 03
Eng Newsletter_19700302.pdf
extracted text

March 2, 1970

... , T.


The Evergreen State College

> Olympia, Washington 985Q5

Volume 2, Number 3

Contract documents were signed recently by the state and Hoffman Construction Company
of Portland for work on Evergreen's first building—the library. Although activity
may not be furious right off the bat, construction will be getting under way within
the ne^t few days. The company is expected to begin moving equipment and supplies
into the construction area this week, Hoffman already has two major jobs in progress
in the Olympia area—the new St. Peter Hospital and ths Highways Department Building
on the East Capitol Campus. Work on Evergreen's library is scheduled for completion
in August, 1971. As most of us recall, the Portland firm last month submitted the
low bid for the library job, $7,517,700, including alternate items. By adding $173,129
already spent for excavation of the building under another contract, the total construction cost comes to $7,690,829, or $10," ,171 below the budget for the building.
That's good news!
Meanvhile, more good money news. General Electric Company's low bid of $152,826 to
supply electrical switch gear for a power sub-station on the college campus was about
$47,000 under the figure budgeted for the equipment. GE's bid included a 266-day
delivery schedule. The switch gear—to be installed as part of a large site improvement contract—was ordered early to provide a hedge against possible delivery delays.

With construction of the library about to begin and with numerous other projects
scheduled for starts later this year, sotna concern is being voiced about visits by
college staff and the pxsblic to construction areas. Some regulations—to protect
everyone*s safety and to assure that curiosity seekers don't delay our carefullytimed construction schedule—are in the mill and will be announced soon. It is urged
thct everyone familiarise himself with the procedures and adhere to them.
Although much attention is focused on construction work starting this year and continuing in 1971, Evergreen's facilities planning staff, business officers and academic
planners are devoting much tins to the development of plans for buildings we hope to
construct during the 1971-73 biennium. To get consideration by tha 1971 legislature,
capital requests will have to be forwarded to the State Office of Program Planning
and Fiscal Management by about mid-1970 (operating budget requests also will be due
during the summer). As part of the buildup for 1971-73, the college has contracted
with architect Robert Durham of Durham, Anderson and Freed, Seattle, to conduct second
phase construction master planning studies. The three-part contract includes development of planning guidelines and tentative site plans; covers Durham's services as
leader of the college design team; and provides for preparation of reports and documents after schematics have been drafted for Phase Two buildings. Durham's firm was
a participant in the college's initial master planning and also designed the library.

March 18 has been set as the date for public hearing on the proposed route for the
limited access corridor the State Highways Department will be constructing to connect
the college campus with Highway 101 (Aberdeen Freeway). The Highways Department hearing
is set for 7:00 p.m. at Jefferson Junior High School in West Olympia. Another hearing,
probably next fall, will be held to discuss accesses to the corridor. During the
March 18 hearing, three proposed corridor routes will be discussed. The first leaves
the freeway in the vicinity of Overhulse Road, runs north to the second exit at the
Old Shelton Highway and continues north to the campus. The second route is similar,
except for a slightly westward bulge beyond the Old Highway. The third route would
leave Highway 101 at Mud Bay, cross the bay and run to the campus in a northeasterly
direction. Even though a route is to be selected and accesses determined this year,
the present Highways Department appropriation does not include construction funds.
Thus, work on the project can't begin earlier than the 1971-73 biennium and only then
if the legislature approves funds for the corridor. This means that access to the
college will be provided by the county road system in the next few years.
Speaking of roads and such, here's a brief rundown on what will be happening on the
Cooper Point transportation scene as the 1970s unfold: The section of Overhulse Road
(between Barnes and Driftwood Roads), which has been closed for construction of a
section of Evergreen's ring road, will be reopening soon. A ramp—designed to bring
Overhulse to the level of the ring road—has been constructed and will be compacted
and oiled within a few days, allowing movement of traffic all along Overhulse and
reducing driving mileage to the campus. The ramp will be paved later on. There will
be some traffic restrictions on both Overhulse and Driftwood Roads as building construction gets into high gear—generally one-way traffic controls and occasional brief
closures. Long-range planning indicates that both Overhulse and Driftwood Roads will
be permanently closed where they pass through the campus, but not until agreements have
been reached with Thurston County so that access routes are developed to replace the
vacated sections.
Another project of fairly immediate concern is the construction—sometime within the
next 16 months—of a new county arterial to connect Kaiser Road at the eastern campus
boundary with Cooper Point Road. Kaiser Road is expected to remain open during this
construction project, which also includes providing traffic controls at the intersection of the new county arterial with the campus ring road.
Evergreen's cluster of temporary structures continues to grow with the recent placement
of a triple-sized trailer to provide space for our academic planners. The 30 by 52
foot trailer will house Vice President and Provost David Barry; Deans of the Divisions
of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences and Humanities and Arts; clerical
personnel and some as-yet-to-be determined personnel. Phone numbers in the new trailer
are 3410 (Dr. Barry) and 3413 (deans).
Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Donald G. Humphrey will be joining the staff
permanently April 1 rather than in mid-June. He'll be on campus March 7, 8, 14 and
15 for a variety of meetings and will move his family to Olympia March 26 and 27. His
new address: Route 6, Box 366 (Ridgewood Drive) Olympia.

Welcome aboard to three nex* employees. Bernice Freeman began work February 16 as a
Clark-Typist II in the office of the deans. Claire Hess joined us February 26 as a
Clerk-Stenographer in the office of the deans. And Sandra Granger began work March
2 as secretary to the Director of the Office of Interinstitutional Business Studies.
(We'll know she can handle the job perfectly if she can type "interinstitutional"
15 straight times without error!)
March 21 is the date for the wedding of Rose Ann Eaton, accounting assistant in the
Controller's office, and Richard M. Elway, a resident of Aberdeen and student at Grays
Harbor College. The wedding will be held at the First United Methodist Church, Broadway and Second in Aberdeen at 8:00 p.m. Rose hopes the entire staff can attend the
ceremony. Meanwhile Pat Baugh and Helen Spears will give a bridal shower for Rose
at Pat's home (11109 Deepwood Drive Southwest, Lakewood) at 7:30 p.m. Itfareh 4. That
should provide the bride with quite a sendoff. And, from the entire staff, the very
best wisher; to the forthcoming newlyweds.

Coordinator of Media Services Dave Carnahan will attend a meeting of the National
Education Association's Department of Audio-Visual Instruction March 4-7 at Iowa City,
Iowa. The DAVI organization, of which Dave is a committee chairman, is paying the
tab. Dave also expects to sandwich in visits to media facilities while in the area...
Executive Vice President E'. J. Shoben, Jr. will be hitting the speaking circuit pretty
hard this month, with several major addresses scheduled. He'll speak at a Western
Interstate Commission on Higher Education meeting in Salem, Oregon, March 11; address
ths American College Personnel Association 1970 convention in St. Louis March 16;
participate in the Distinguished Lecture Scries at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
March 18; be a program speaker for the Human Rights of the Man in Uniform Conference
In Washington, D. C. March 19 (he's a member of the Organization Planning Committee);
and speak to the Association of College Unions in Houston March 24...Vice President
Phobf.n also has been named as a member of the Evaluation Team of ths College of Education at the University of Massachusetts and will visit the Amherst, Massachusetts campus
in that capacity March 30...June Kisler, secretary to the Vice President and Provost,
is teaching a typing course for the Olyrapia High School Adult Evening Education program
on Tuesday evenings. And, as President of the Thurston County Legal Secretaries
Association, she serves as a coordinator of the Legal Secretarial courses offered at
the high school on Thursday nights...Director of Information Services Dick Nichols
will serve as master of ceremonies for the Olympia High School basketball banquet
March 11.



(March 2-31)
Monday, March 2
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—American Association on Higher Education National Conference,
Tuesday, March 3
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—American Association of Higher Education National Conference,
President's Council Meeting, 3:30 p.m.
Ken Winkley, Norm Johnson, Sue Clark—Visit to offices of Steelcase Company in
Portland for seminar on administering the new state office
furniture contract.
In-House Seminar for entire staff, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., conducted by Director of
Financial Planning Buel Brodin. Title: "Financial Planning
and Personnel Procedurestf.
Wednesday, March 4
Dick Nichols—Hosting Howard Ferguson, higher education reporter for Tacoma News
Tribune, in development of series of feature articles on the
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Speech to Alpha Delta Kappa, Chuckwagon Restaurant, Lacey,
6:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 5
Dean Clabaugh—Attending interinstitutional meeting on indirect cost rates at
Grupe Conference Center, Central Washington State College,
11:00 a.m.
Ken Winkley—Meeting with Computech personnel to continue development of
financial systems.
Monday, March 9
Bob Barringer, Denis Curry—Committee of Systems Analysts meeting, Central
Washington State College.
Tuesday, March 10
Charles McCann—Council on Higher Education meeting, Richland, all day4
Wednesday, March 11
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Speech to Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education seminar
for department chairmen, Willamette College, Salem, Oregon.


Wednesday, March 11 (Continued)
Charles McCarm—-Speech to Women's League, United Churches, 12:00 noon at United
Churches, Olympia.
Dean Clabaugh—Interviews with prospective Phase Two architects, Library Services
Trailer, all day (also March 12 and 13).
In-House Seminar for entire staff, time and location to be announced.
Thursday, March 12
Buel Brodin—Higher Education Personnel Board meeting, Clark College, Vancouver.
Continuation of architectural interviews.
Friday, March 13
Continuation of architectural interviews.
Saturday, March 14
Charles McCann—Speech to Cowlitz County Branch, American Association of
University Women, Longview, 6:30 p.m.
Monday, March 16
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Speech to American College Personnel Association convention,
St. Louis, Mo.
Charles McCann—Attend inauguration of President Eugene Wiegman, Pacific Lutheran
University, 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, March 18
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Presentation in Distinguished Lecture Series, Indiana University
of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pa.
Helen Spears—Council for Management of Forms and Records meeting, Panorama City,
12:00 noon.
In-House Seminar—Subject of discussion to be announced.
Thursday, March 19
Board of Trustees meeting, Library Services Building, 1:30 p.m.
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Program speaker, Human Rights of the Man in Uniform
Conference, Washington, D. C.
Friday, March 20
David Barry—Speech to Highline School District Teachers' In-Service Program,
Tyee High School, Seattle, 10:00 a.m.

Sunday. March 22
Jim Holly, Don Humphrey—Attend Workshop on Innovation and Experimentation,
University of California at Santa Cruz (also March 23 and 24).
Monday, March 23
Denis Curry—Committee of Business Officers meeting, Seattle-Tacoma Airport,
9:30 a.m. (tentative).
Bob Barringer—Library meeting, Seattle.
Jim Holly, Don Humphrey—Meeting at Santa Cruz.
Tuesday, March 24
Denis Curry, Bob Barringer—Systems Policy Committee meeting, Sea-Tac, 9:30 a.m.
Jim Holly, Don Humphrey—Meeting at Santa Cruz.
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Speech to Association of College Unions meeting, Houston, Texas.
Friday, March 27
In-House Seminar. Topic to be announced.
Monday, March 30
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Visit University of Massachusetts (Amherst) as member of
Evaluation Team of the College of Education.
