The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 1 Num. 02


Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 1 Num. 02
Eng Newsletter_19691203.pdf
extracted text
December 3, 1969

Volume 1, ITumber 2


Presidents of community colleges in the Puget Sound, Olympic Peninsula and
Southwest Washington areas will visit Evergreen's campus Thursday, December 4.
They will arrive about 11:30 a.m., meet with the president and vice presidents,
join the president for lunch and then tour the campus. The visitation will end
about 3:30 p.m. Invited presidents are E. John Maier of Peninsula Community
eollege (Port Angeles); David Story, Lower Columbia Community College (Longview):, Thornton M. Ford, Tacoma Community College; Morman C. Richardson, Olympic
Community College (Bremerton); Marion 0. Oppelt, Fort Steilacoom Community
College (Lakewood); Edward P. Smith, Grays Harbor Community College (Aberdeen);
and Nels Hanson, Centralia Community College.


Evergreen will host what promises to be a most significant conference next
Monday and Tuesday (December 8 and 9). Joining our staff for the Conference
on Science Curriculum Design and Implementation at the Tyee in Tumwater will
be administrators from eight other new colleges, representatives of five national
commissions on the sciences, students and observers from a variety of educational
organizations. This conference, first of its kind held in the United States, was
designed to stimulate discussion about innovative science curricula and to transfer the talk into actual programs. The core of Evergreen's science curricula and
the thrust for its sciences building programs probably will result, to a large
extent, from conclusions drawn during the conference. Vice President and Provost
David Barry and Dr. John M. Fowler, Director of the Commission on College Physics,
will serve as conference co-chairmen. Dr. Barry first proposed the conference
and was responsible for bringing it to Olympia. Also deserving bouquets are
Dr. Fowler, who has lined up an outstanding array of conference participants,
and June Kisler, who has worked long, hard hours handling correspondence and
attending to all the little details necessary to conduct a successful meeting.

WELCOME ABOARD to three new employees who have joined the staff since publication of the November newsletter. Kristi Robinson joined us November 17 as
secretary to the Director of Facilities Planning. Alice Douglas came aboard
November 17 as a Clerk-Typist. And, Susan Clark started work December 1 as an
Accounting Assistant. Controller Ken Winkley says Susan's job is "to try to
bring some order and control to the purchasing function'1-. He further states:
"She will process all requisitions, handle vendor problems and answer inquiries
from the staff on purchasing troubles. She also will handle equipment inventoryso when items are moved, she should know about it.i!

Executive Vice President E. J. Shoben, Jr., a most prolific writer, has more
publication credits. He is the principal contributor to The Counseling
Psychologist's special issue on student unrest and has edited the column "Reviews",
appearing in the November-December issue of Change Magazine. He also is quoted in
the autumn edition of "Dialogues", Daedalus, published by the Journal of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, for his participation in the organization's
conference on Governance of the Universities (pages 1092-1154).
Dr. Shoben also has received a three-year appointment to the Association of
American Colleges' Commission on Liberal Learning.

There's going to be a real holiday gathering of the clan at the home of Dean of
Library Services Jim Holly. Son Mike and his June bride, Sharon, will arrive
from St. Paul, Minnesota December 18 for a Christmas visit. The Holly's other
son, Bob, arrives from Hawaii December 26. And, to make it complete, Jim's
father, Glenn, who is 86 years young, will fly in about December 10 to spend
the winter.


Mabel Whitney eagerly awaits December 15 when spouse George returns from a
nine-week federally-sponsored trip to India, where he was one of 30 participants in a cultural, social and educational study. George is Supervisor of
Social Studies for the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

(December 1-31)
Monday| December 1
Dick Nichols — Speech to Yelm Lions Club, 7:00 p.m. Lions Clubhouse.
Wednesday, December 3
In-house Seminar for entire staff, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., conducted by
Director of Facilities Planning, Jerry L. Schillinger. Title:
"Evergreen's Buildings: Housing An Idea".
Charles McCann and Dean Clabaugh — Commission and Council on Higher
Education meeting, Hilton Inn, Seattle, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Buel Brodin — Commission on Higher Education Meeting, Hilton Inn,
Seattle, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon.
David G. Barry and E. J. Shoben, Jr., — Conference on Teacher Education In Washington, Lake Wilderness, 1:00 p.m.

Thursday,December 4
Visitation by Community College Presidents, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
David G. Barry and E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Conference on Teacher Education
In Washington, Lake Wilderness.
Buel Brodin — Higher Education Task Force on Financial Aids meeting,
Husky Union Building, University of Washington, 9:00 a.m.
Ken Winkley and Bob Barringer — Visit to Western Washington State
College (Bellingham) to review hardware and operational
computer systems.
Denis Curry — Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education
meeting on Data Element Dictionary Review, Denver, Colorado.
Friday, December 5
Ken Winkley and Bob Barringer — Visit to Western Washington State College
to review hardware and operational computer systems.
• Jim Holly, Dave Carnahan, Malcolm Stilson — Visit to University of
Washington Library to <riew microfilm demonstration by
National Cash Register Company.

(•-. f

E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Convocation speaker, LaSalle University,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Saturday, December 6
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Recruiting interviews, New Haven, Connecticut.
Charles HcCann — Attends inauguration of Dr. Merle E. Landerholm as
President of Bellevue Community College.
Monday, December 8
Conference on Science Curriculum Design and Implementation, Tyee Motor
Inn, Tutnwater, all day (McCann, Barry, Clabaugh, Holly,
Carnahan, Schillinger, Nichols probably attendees).
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Foundation and recruiting interviews, New York City.
Tuesday, December 9
Conference on Science Curriculum Design and Implementation, Tyee Motor
Inn, Tumwater, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (same probable attendees).
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Foundation and recruiting interviews, New York City.


Wednesday, December 10
In-house seminar for entire staff, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., conducted by
Vice President for Business, Dean Clabaugh. Title: "Money
and Ideas: Evergreen's Financial Status".

Charles McCann — Speech to Centralia Kiwanis Club, 12:00 noon.

Don Parry — Interinstitutional Sub-committee on Environmental Health
Meeting, University of Washington, all day.
Jim Holly — Washington Higher Education Library Committee Meeting,
State Library, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon.
Thursday, December 11
Board of Trustees Meeting, college offices, 10:30 a.m.
Mondayv December 15
Dean Clabaugh and Denis Curry — Interinstitutional Committee of Business
Officers, Seattle, all day. (This will be the last meeting with
Dean as committee chairman.)
Tuesday, December 16
Buel Brodin — Higher Educational Personnel Board Meeting, University
of Washington Library, all day.
David Barry — Speech to State Training Council, Golden Carriage
Restaurant, Olympia, 12:00 noon.

Wednesday, December 17
In-house Seminar for entire staff, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., conducted by
Director of Information Services, Dick Nichols. Title:
"Evergreen's Story and How It Is Told".
Charles McCann — Speech to Chehalis Rotary Club, 12:00 noon.
Thursday, December 18
Legislative Budget Committee Meeting (probably in Olympia).
Friday, December 19
Dave Carnahan — Visit to North Campus of Seattle Community College.
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Speech to Western Interstate Commission on Higher
Education Urban Corps Meeting, San Francisco.
Legislative Budget Committee Meeting (probably in Olympia).
Tuesday, December 23
Office Christmas Party at noon.


Wednesday, December 24 and Thursday, December 25


Christmas Holidays