The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 1 Num. 01


Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 1 Num. 01
Eng Newsletter_19691118.pdf
extracted text



November 18, 1969

Volume 1, Number 1

This Is the first of what will be a monthly series of calendar-newsletters designed
to keep college staff members abreast of developments at our fast-growing institution. The calendar-newsletter will be published on or around the first of each
month (we're obviously a wee bit late this time). Your cooperation is needed to
make the project a success. Information forms will be distributed about one week
prior to each publication. Please fill out the form sent to you and return it to
the Information Services Office immediately. Include anything you think might be
of interest to your fellow staff members. We hope by circulating the calendarnewsletter that we'll all have a better idea about what the other guy is doing and
have a chance to see the exciting Evergreen story unfold in a more comprehensive
manner .


Executive Vice President E. J. Shoben, Jr., has been elected to the Board of Direc
tors of the American Psychology and Law Society. He also has been named as a consultant for the Johns Hopkins College Drug Study, supervised by Peter Rossi for the
National Institute of Mental Health, and will be a featured speaker during the
January meeting of the Association of American Colleges in Houston, Texas.
Dean of Library Services Jim Holly has been elected to a three-year term as a
member of the American Library Association Council, a group representing academic
libraries. (We understand there's a bit of political in-fighting associated with
Jim's election, which we'll let him explain to those interested.)
This item falls in the category of inclusion by whim of the editor: Director of
Information Services, Dick Nichols, has been elected to a four-year term on the
Tumwater City Council, scoring a nearly unanimous decision over no one. He was
sworn in this week and expects to be sworn at for some time to come.

(November 18-December 1)
Tuesday, November 18:


E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Meeting, Committee on Academic Affairs of Committee of
Presidents, 9:00-12:00 noon, Tyee. Lunch with Dick Nichols
and staff members of State Arts Commission, 12:00 noon, Tyee.

Dean Clabaugh and Denis Curry—Joint meeting of Interinstitutional Committee
of Business Officers and Interinstitutional Committee of
Academic Officers, Tyee (morning). Meeting of Systems Policy
Committee, Tyee (afternoon).
Buel Brodin—Higher Education Personnel Board meeting, Bellevue Community
College, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dick Nichols—Luncheon meeting with E. J. Shoben, Jr., and State Arts
Commission staff members, 12:00 noon, Tyee.
Dave Carnahan—Presentation on the technical requirements for closed circuit
television distribution systems—Glendale (Seattle) Junior
High School, 9:30 a.m.
Don Parry and Bob Strecker—Joint speech to Washington Society of Professional
Engineers (Olympia Chapter) monthly dinner, 6:30 p.m., Golden
Carriage Restaurant.

Thursday, November 20:
Board of Trustees meeting, college offices, 2:00 p.m.
Legislative Budget Committee meeting, Seattle.
Denis Curry—Meeting on Library Statistics, Washington State Library, 1:00 p.m.

Friday, November 21:
Jim Holly—Washington Higher Education Library Committee Meeting, State
Library, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dich Nichols—Speech to Thurston County Young Republican Club, 12:00 noon,
Jacaranda Restaurant, Olympia.

Saturday, November 22:
Charles McCann, Dean Clabaugh—Joint Boards of Trustees meeting, 9:30 a.m.
Hyatt House, Seattle.
Legislative Budget Committee meeting, Seattle.

Monday, November 24:
E. J. Shoben, Jr.—Meeting in Washington, D. C. of chairmen of site visit
teams in U. S. Office of Education's review of Centers for
Research and Development in Higher Education.
Ken Winkley, Buel Brodin, Denis Curry—Budget, Accounting and Reporting meeting,
Central Washington State College (Ellensburg), 9:30-5:00.

Tuesday, November 25:
College Design Team meeting, Durham, Anderson and Freed, Architects, Seattle,
9:00 a.m. (Charles McCann, Dean Clabaugh, Jerry Schillinger
probable attendees).
President's Council meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Dick Nichols—Speech to Olympia Lions Club, 12:00 noon, Hotel Olympian.
In-house Seminar—Jim Holly—"The Library as a Modern Educational Resource."

Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28:
Thanksgiving Holiday.

And, a final word:


If you think this first calendar-newsletter is a turkey,
save it for Thanksgiving.

Calendar of Events

September 11—College Activities Building Design Conference, 3 p.m.,
office of Kirk, Wallace and McKinley, architects, Seattle.
September 12—Interview of candidates for Director of Computer Facilities,
The Evergreen State College office, all day.
September 16—Design Team meeting, 9 a.m., office of Durham, Anderson
and Freed, architects, Seattle.
September 19—Board of Trustees meeting, 3 p.m., The Evergreen State
College office.
September 24—Town Hall Meeting, 7 p.m., Olympia Community Center.
September 26-27—Planning Association of Washington conference at Tyee
Motor Inn, Tumwater, beginning at 9:30 a.m. both days.
September 30—Design Team meeting, 9 a.m., office of Durham, Anderson
and Freed, architects, Seattle.
October 2-3

College gymnasium conference, The Evergreen State College
office, beginning at 9:30 a.m. both days; adjourns noon
October 3.
