For What It's Worth


For What It's Worth
The original purpose of this 1976 film was to document and evaluate Evergreen’s growth as an alternative institution of higher education at the time. It does this by interviewing a number of people at Evergreen including faculty, students, and staff about various themes such as community, evaluations, curriculum planning, and general comments. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this video are valuable in order to understand Evergreen’s beginnings. When people are asked to speak freely on Evergreen’s growth as an alternative institution of higher education there is an extremely varied opinion. The sound was recorded by James Moore, Michael Tiranoff, and Allen Mador with portions of “For What It’s Worth" by Buffalo Springfield. The technical advisers for the project were Ken O’Connell, Pat Barber, and Bob Bernard. The titles were composed by Liz Orred, Flicky Ford; the conforming, Pat Barber.