News Release (December 27, 1974) TESC faculty to discuss their Winter Quarter course offerings


News Release (December 27, 1974) TESC faculty to discuss their Winter Quarter course offerings
27 December 1974
extracted text

The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington

for immediate release
December 27, 1974


for further information
Judy Annis, 866-6128

Faculty sponsors from eleven part-time studies programs at The Evergreen State
College will be on hand January 7 at 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall Two to discuss their
Winter Quarter course offerings.
Academic Dean Rudy Martin said the special "Living Catalog" session will offer
interested community persons an opportunity to meet faculty sponsors and discuss program content of the modular courses.
Registration for the one-credit modules, which are equivalent to four quarter
hours of credit, will be held January 8 from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and January 9 and 10

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Office of the Registrar, Seminar Building.
Module offerings and their faculty sponsors are:

Introductory Physics taught by

Lee Anderson; Philosophy of Science,by Will Humphreys; Calculus with Analytic Geometry
by Charlie Lyons; Mathematics for the Uninclined by Richard Brian, Pre-Calculus Mathematics
by Fred Young; Introduction to Organic Chemistry by Michael Beug; Basic Ecology by Ed
Kormondy; Autobiographical Writing by Earle McNeil; Stage Lighting by Keith Smith;
Nepali Language by Willie Unsoeld; and Law and Ecology:

Environmental Law by Oscar

Registration fees for persons interested in earning academic credit as "special"
students are $80 per module.

Auditing students --- those not wanting formal evaluation

or credit --- may enroll in the programs for $20.

Interested persons should contact the

Registrar's Office, 866-6180, or the modular course cinstructors for more information.



