Disorientation Manual (2005)
A student created guide to the Evergreen experience
extracted text
6Jl4onu3 w tlte 2006 {5]J;Jrmentatiffl't/ ~utdl
The 2005 DisMan Team is:
Camille McCarthy
Graham McE vily
Shaun Johnson
Jon Kemp
Michelle Pajka
Tim Simmons
Kaori Suzuki
.. and many authors.
What you hold in your hand is a compilation of accumulated knowledge
from past generations of G reeners. Every year, we work all summer
to publish the DisMan so that you don't have to start your Olympia
experience from scratch. It is ot;r hope that future student movements
can build off of the successes and failures of the past with the aid
of this book. Use the Manual wisely and consider helping us inform
the next round of Greeners by working with us on the 2006 Manual
next summer.
The Disorientation Manual may be reproduced and distributed freely.
Please contact EPIC or the Infoshoppe for a copy machine friendly
version. The DisMan is made possible by people like you! To meet
the kids at EPIC or get involved with the next Disorientation Manual,
come up to the office in Student Activities, call us at 360-867-6144,
or drop us a line at EPIC@Evergreen.edu.
The Disorientation
Manual is not a
manifesto! It is an
accumulation of student
experience, shared out
of compassion, incite,
and respect. The
Disman is not a public
The articles herein reflect the
declaration of
~·:-. :~· '· ' principles, policies, or opinions of the authors and do
/ · ': , . intentions. Please see not necessarily represent those
of EPIC or The Evergreen
State College.
4. What's up with the Administration?
6. Student Journalism at Evergreen
7. How the Cops Got Their Guns
8. Shit You Should Know About Housing
9. How to Throw a Party on Campus
10. Lying Cops
11.Couch Surfing at Evergreen
12. Graduation Speaker: Mumia
13. LaRouche: Too Good to be True
Banking in Olympia
14. International Women's Week in Olympia
16. A Tale From the Inauguration Protests
17. The Twice a Month Paycheck Struggle
18. Graffitti on Campus
19. The Legacy of Murals
20. Breakfast Pirates
21. Evergreen's Flirtation with the Multinationals
25. Eating Sustainably in Olympia
28. The Center for Ecological Living anZ:l Learning
27. The Compost Controversy
28. Race Politics at Evergreen
29. Day of Presence, Day of Absence
30. You Are the Media: the Evergreen lnfoshoppe
31. Smoking at Evergreen
32. The New MENtality
34. Sex Resources
37. Low Income Resources
39. Biking in Olympia
40. Map: Downtown Olympia
41. Olympia for Cash (Bars, Coffee Shops, Food)
42. Olympia for Free (Music, Food, Activism)
45. A Hi tory
46. Whi e Privil
48. The
ime Struggle
ay in Olympia
e Department
n Association
der, Genderqueer, and
lntersex Activism
55. Evergreen, Anthropogenesis,
and the Politics of Land
57. The Empire Strikes Back
60. The Olympia Music Directory
62. Evergreen Student Groups
70. Olympia Community Groups
Evergreen is viewed by most people familiar
with it as a radical place, just go hang out in a bar in
Lacey if you're not sure about the college's reputation.
But underneath this revolutionary chic veneer lies a
hierarchical institution that all too often resembles the
fucked up shit in society that we are considered radical
for opposing.
One of the reasons there's no functioning
student union or separate form of governance for students
at Evergreen is that the college was formed with the idea
that students, staff, facility and administrators were
supposed to come together to write policy and make
decisions. To this end students are supposed to be
represented on the dozens of committees, boards, and
Disappearing Task Forces (DTFs). DTFs are committees
that come together to address specific issues and then
disband, the first ever DTF wrote the colleges leashed
dog policy. There are dozens of DTFs, boards and
committees although often the discussions and decisions
that come out of them are simply viewed by the
administration as recommendations. Despite the exist
of these more or less democratic decision making bodies
most decisions that affect the college are made unilaterally
by the administration.
DTFs are generally run on a loose form of
consensus decision making, on paper they seem very
democratic. Representatives of staff, facility, and students
are supposedly having open discussions about issues
affecting the college. Unfortunately, in practice facility,
staff, and most often students are kept from having voice.
Your typical DTF or Board meets once a month and
the time / place is rarely advertised publicly. It will most
likely have a representative of the administration their
along with at least two staff and two facility and maybe
one student. Students are the only people for whom
being on the committee isn't a part of their job; we're
expected to participate in a process that has rarely been
proven effective out of the goodness of our hearts.
Furthermore, when decisions need to be made that are
controversial (i.e. changes to housing, foodservice, cops
etc) they are often made in the summer when very few
students are around or involved in campus politics.
Evergreen is a bureaucratic maze that keeps
Raia al Iha Board al
Many students suspect that corporate interests dominate our
college, but few realize how bad it is. The eight people serving
as the Board of Trustees are at the top of Evergreen's hierarchy,
and are responsible for everything from hiring and firing TESC's
President to determining the cost of on-campus
living, to setting policies for the entire
institution. The Trustees serve a term of
six years, and are appointed by the Governor.
They are generally prominent business and
community "leaders" and political supporters
of the Governor. Knowing anything about
life at Evergreen is not a requirement.
many students, even activist students, from engaging in
policy discussions. Compared to many other 'progressive'
liberal arts schools Greeners have very little decision
making power.
How to join a board or DTF:
1. Visit the office of the Vice President for Student
Affairs' office in Library 3236 and ask for a list of existing
2. Pick one that you are interested in, anything from
facility hiring to campus sustainability.
3. Contact the Chair of that board/DTF and find out
when and where they meet.
4. Show up, and keep showing up
The Board of Trustees is also responsible for
how the college uses its multimillion dollar investment
fund. The Board has always kept a tight lid on what
companies it owns shares in. Although some of that
information in the past was recovered from the libraries
paper recycling the endowment is now administered as
a part of the much larger University of Washington
endowment, effectively removing the possibility of social
conscience investing & boycotts like those tl1at helped
bring down the aparilieid regime in South Africa.
Student Trustee:
There is a single student trustee, that position rotates
every year and is also appointed by the Governor.
radical and these people would like nothing better than
to move the college in a more mainstream direction.
However, you should not assume that all of the
administration is bent on undermining the more radical
sides of Evergreen. In me past, students have found
many allies within me faculty and staff. Just make sure
you use your discretion when dealing with me schools
bureaucratic process and don't let meir actions discourage
you and your efforts at making the college a more socially
and ecologically responsible institution.
The President
TESC's prez is responsible for implementing
me Board of Trustees policies and shapes the entire
landscape of me college's administration. Most of me
president's job is done behind closed doors and rarely
includes direct contact wim students. Despite towing
me official line Les Purce is generally mought to be a
very nice guy.
I once participated in a sit-in of the President's
office in March of 2003. Students and faculty had strong
concerns about the beginning of me current war in Iraq
and job safety for radical faculty following a recent firing
of a professor in Florida. After hours of discussion mat
went nowhere, Les pulled out his guitar and strummed
"The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" an old protest
song about a vet from WW1. Les Purce: 1 Rowdy
Greeners: 0.
Admin vs. Students?
There are clearly certain powerful figures in the
administration that view Evergreen as a dangerously
Tim Tap Fa•r Exa:•s■s Iha Adminislralian gins wh■n aH■m,tiq la Cna
Elfarts la Maka Iha Call■p a man Sadally Ra■pllllSihla ln■ti..lin:
1. ''You arc misinformed, don't have your story straight, and/ or nobody agrees with your cause." Have your facts well documenttd
and accessible. Have some proof that people agree with you (petitions, surveys, etc.) Experience has shown that studen~ l!fe
generally much better informed on the issues than the administration; never assume that the administration is right just becaoae
they tell you they are.
2. "There Is No Alternative (TINA); the college has no options in this situation; it would be illegal for the collcite to do that"-95o/o
of the time this is total bullshit. Here's the translation: "Of course we could do what your asking, but it woulJ take a lorof
on our parts, it would open the doors to others demanding similar concessions, and, most importantly, it will make us look bad
in the press, with the state legislature, and especially with the corporate donors. As to your idea's legality, I really don't have a due
whether the coller can legally do that, so I'm just guessing. I'm really hoping you'll believe me and that you'll go away. As you
may have guesse , I have no qualifications whatsoever to decide what's legal and what's not since I'm not a juage or the State
Board of Education, and they're the only ones with the authority to make those judgements."
3. ''We need to look closer at the problem (and look and look and look. ...)" Be aware that if the administration knows you have
your facts straight, you have popular support, and they can't give you the TINA, stalling may be the preferred option. The
administration can take years to make the smallest decisions. Persistence and popular pressure are the only remedies.
4. One of the most frequent and disturbing excuses that the administrators have given, particularly when confronted about fiscally
supporting corporations that commit human rights abuses, is that doing otherwise would violate the college's "neutrality." Don't
stand for this nonsense. In the words of Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher of education, ''Washing one's hands
of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
Student Journalism at Evergreen ___,.__
(or, how to make the CPJ readable in spite of itself)
True story that is possibly untrue: Matt Groening's
Should you decide to becom~ mvolved with a
lawyers are loyal subscribers to The Cooper Point
student gtoup (and you should!"4U· f you! Especially
Journal, Mr. Groening, as you are surely now aware, youJ), you'll probably have.to deal :with the CPJ at
was a student here at Evergreen, where he was the
some point. Horror stories are abundant.. ,Censorship
Journal's editor-in-chief. More importantly to his
isn't so much an issue as much as mis,han,dling. with
lawyers, though, he also drew several comiq for the ·simple inexperience rather than Wh t' · ajarriling
paper throughout his tenure, comics for which he
about many of the mistakes froll). ·la~t rear is how
retains the copyright. So every Friday the Groening .many surrouf¼ded issues of olor, ,especially in e~ards
team finds a copy of the CPJ in the mail; they open to heac!Hnes, photo choice.s, .a~d placement .in t1he
the back pages, scan the comics section, and, finding paper. A section called ''Vokes o( Color" 'was quietly
nothing resembling "Life is Hell," throw t .e P¾,Per. in phased out last yea11 after b~ing left ew,{\>ty for several
the recycling bin.
weeks at a time.
Those lawyers have something ill common with
_Th~ CPJ also. ha~ a ~1.1si1:e.s~ side of t~e operatio ,
most of the students at Evergreen. D mg the last
which is respons1ble lfo,r splicttmg advertisei:s, parent
few years the GPJ has deservedly earned the reP,utasubscriptions, and so on. Last y~ai the business staff
tion as an unreadable rag hopelessly ou~1 of touch
ran several ads frOPJ;ja corporatif,)n:-calle~ 360Youth
with the Evergreen community. This is due in no
Their extensive clieljl'* le is a virtrial "wlio'siwlio" of
small part to the sometimes hostile and conservativee most notorious i:hul~i-natipnals. They .us,e advertisleaning staff of the paper, but the pervasive and
ing and consumer data to not only make Business
widespread apathy'among the general student
good for Generation Y, bu~ make Generatidn .Y: gooa
population is equally responsible. So when the paper for business. Several ads were run for car: companies
comes out every Tlmrsday, students pick up the
like Toyota. One staff member com2laine in an
paper, read incoherent and inscrutable comics, and
op-ed that.ads for: SUVs did no accurately reflect the ,
quickly discard it. It's a communal activity shared by environmentally conscious Ever~r"en commun:ity,; an
early everyone on campus, including~at least haTCof editor responded t4at ~he kn w many studc;nt -w o
the CPJ staf£
owned SUVs, 0ne itQagi 'f!S•that cig-1rette ads wout~
The Cooper Point Journal is written, edited,
never see the Jight ofday in the CP/, but pei:haps this
distributed, and operated (ap_d 1 ,tPi great extent,
isn't an ~tfiiea ly v~lili comparison; a(te~ .all, _one
funded) by students at TESC. Itlha.s a student staff of pro uct 1s re~ponsible for more deaths m this country
about twenty-five, including edito -in-chief, managing tlfan any otfier -and is proven, to cauS'e cancer, a d the
editor and business manager. Tne 1paper's editorial
other. is tobacc'o.~.
• ., ,
policy ·s that any student is welcome to sub!llit any
TheJe's good news, though, and it's that all o the
article on any subject ,;it any time (the priorities, in , above means bupkiss OJl the;,first day of school. The
order, are: Evergreen, Olympia, Washington,11 Unitea · CPJs editorial policy is based on the belief that you
States, Earth, outer space). Yet the editors and section don't need trained and professional experts to tell you
coordinators can and do decide what is 6 to pdnt, what's gomg on in your cpmmunity, on your planet,
and have refused to-pul;>lish articles for any :number or in your life. You don't need to be interested in
of criteria. Generally, the paper i fairJy lax o,n, ~at it journalism, ot an exceptionally gifted :writer. You just
will publish.
hive to care,, and in il:iis day and ag,e that gets you
This means there is a wide variance in quality ana further than you think ·So how C-aikJ:Oll c_gmbat the.
quantity from week to week and atticle to 'article. The CPJ's mediocilty? Get 'irtvolved·wltili he. cia!D.:!1- th~rtg!
staff is not responsible for manufacturing content
With the exception of editor-in-erief;-"busmesper se; while some a:e required ~o write one ai:ti~le
man~ger _anq managing Fditor, e~ery"':po~i:tion~ n ,:,W<:..:_
per week, he paper 1s made entuely from whatever · staff is wide the-fuck open. The CPfis 31so a--s:tn.de~
submissions there are. As the _saying goes, a cook i~
group (albeit one with a .17:ea:rly $300k fuannua _-_ ,,;;
only ~s- good as zir ingreaien~s. Howev~~.1!~e sectio_n operating budget), with fc;ivr-times-a:~eelu:r~.eetings .coordmators are also responsible for sohqtmg stones open to everyope. You ll)iay be met wuh-.res1stanc~ -""'
;u~d rec:uiting :egular contributo s! at w;hich tqey
but the r~suf.t fill11be1 f paper 1t~at refl~ctsry-ouC
dramatrcally fuiled. In other words, the cook has
commJmty and re.fldcts your hfe. Dec1S1ons care mad
done nothing to improve-zir ingredients.
b those who_
u u n Huu1
A IIIS'l'OllY ()(?
'l'IIE AllHING (;ON'l'llOVEllSY
In the late 1980s, upper level Evergreen
Administrative folks began discussing arming what were
then called "Public Safety" personnel who, prior to
1996, were not commissioned officers. It wasn't until
the beginning of the 1995-96 academic year, however,
that the arming of campus security was formally
proposed by Thurston County Undersheriff Neil
McClanahan who was, at that time, also acting as Interim
Director for Public Safety. Art Costantino, Vice
President of Student Affairs, then made his own formal
recommendation for arming during winter quarter of
that same year. Following Art's recommendation, there
were several community forums to discuss the
implications of arming.
Despite vocal anti-arming sentin1ent from students,
faculty, parents, and other community members, and
despite numerous protests and a petition composed of
an unprecedented 1200 signatures opposed to the
arming of Public Safety, President Jane Jervis made her
recommendation to the Board of Trustees in support
of arming. While the public continued its protest, the
Board of Trustees voted to recommend "linlited arming"
of Public Safety. The community responded with a
mass sit-in, blocking the entrance to the bus loop.
The so-called "linlited arming" of campus security,
which began in the 1996-97 academic year, meant that
the newly ordained Police Services had access to guns
in lockboxes and were allowed to carry them on their
persons from 6pm to 8am a~d when "patr<:'lling _area,~
dJStant ~rom the_rr vehicles
at any time durmg the day.
In one fell swoop, what
":ere o~~e generally ~elp~
safety <?fficers attired m
polo shuts and shorts
b e c a m e
a;,1pd a{i::~;
~ l"
officers in
SWAT style
A I O 11 g
with the
the ability to cite moving violations, make arrests, and
so on.
During the 1996-97 school year, complaints about
the use of excessive force and allegations of sexual
harassment of Police Services secretaries by campus
officers arose, and the officers involved are still patrolling
your campus. By the end of the 1997-98 school year,
rumors began circulating (and were confirmed by one
Police Services Officer's account) that the Evergreen
Administration was just waiting around for students to
forget about the struggle to prevent campus arming
before moving to full-time arming for all officers.
During September of 2002 Evergreen cops began
carrying guns with them at all times of the day. At first,
the excuse was that there had been malicious threats
toward students and faculty and they had to be prepared.
But it became clear that members of the administration,
the police, and the Washington Federation of State
Employees (the cop's union), were intent on keeping
the Evergreen police's holsters filled permanently. The
cop's union clain1ed that they were concerned about
officer's safety, and by not allowing the Police to have
guns at all times, tl1e officers were being forced to work
in unsafe conditions. Vicky Peltzer, chief of police for
the University of Washington, was brought in as an
outside consultant on the issue. She, too, recommended
that Evergreen police be armed 24/ 7. The Police
Services Community Review Board held several forun1s
around campus to discuss full time arming and also
recommended that campus police be allowed to carry
guns 24/ 7.
After reviewing the recommendations, Art
Constantino chose to follow along and recommended
to President Les Purce that campus police be allowed
to carry guns at all tin1es. Finally in May of 2003, Les
Purce made his final decision to authorize a rewriting
of campus police procedure to allow for 24/ 7 arming.
He was quoted as saying, "the safety of both the campus
and our officers will be enhanced by allowing our
officers more consistent access to firearms ." And tl1at
is how the cops got their b elove d guns 24 hours a d ay
and seven days a week!
Though it's certainly convenient, it is not the cheapest
housing in Olympia, in fact it's some of the most
expensive. Many students have found housing in town
that gives them much more room while paying less rent.
For cheaper housing, check the housing boards in the
Library Lobby and the food-coops, Cooper's G Jen
Apartments, the Olympian, or cruise around the
neighborhoods you're interested in and look for obvious
FOR RENT signs. This may be time consuming, but
sometimes it is the best option. You'll soon find out
about the many other quirks, perks and disadvantages
of Campus Housing
You'll learn plenty of ways to prop doors (coat
hanger on the top corner of the door) and cover fire
alarms (plastic bag duct taped over the sensor) but there
are a few other things we would have liked to have been
warned/told about:
When a fire alarm is set off (certain kinds of smoke
tend to set them off) the cops have the right to walk
through every room, and they will, so when you hear
that beep, hide your shit. Also, don't mess with your foe
alarm once it goes off - they may make you buy a new
If you have a room.mate and they move out, it's rad
because you get your own room, but it may cost you
due to something Housing calls "Reduced Occupancy".
The way to avoid this is to find another roommate, be
willing to move to another room, or keep all your stuff
on one side. They'll charge you money for whatever they
can, so be careful.
Speaking of charging money, beware of cleaning
fees after you move out. It's usually cheaper to take the
late-move-out fee and stick around cleaning than to
suffer Housing's extremely high standards. Be sure to
follow everything on the sheet pro-tided by your RA
detailing what needs to be done, and don't be afraid to
appeal unfair charges to the Housing Arbitration
Committee (a student board, ask your RA how to get
involved with it).
Partying can be pretty pervasive in Evergreen Housing
(see partying section), so if you have trouble concentrating
you may want to get off campus, or hit up the library
or some quiet grove in Evergreen's backcountry. But·
you're a social person it can be a whole lot of fun, so
we say hang out, open your door, take part in your
community and form many fond memories. It used to
be fairly easy to find somebody to buy your housing
contract, but recently housing has taken over that gig;
it costs 4() bucks that you get back if nobody takes over
your contract.
One last thing: Washington Title 59, RCW 59.18.040
exempts residents of public or private educational
institutions from the Washington State Landlord and
Tenants Law - in other words, you exempt yourself from
nearly all renter's rights laws by choosing to live in
Housing. Including the police's right to enter your place
110111 TD Tll■DIII a
can be a great place to throw crazy parties, and in
most cases, the RAs, Housing and cops are fairly
cooperative. Most campus parties occur in Alphabet Soup (the A- U campus dorms) and are a great
way to let off stress and help sustain the campus
nightlife. Before you crunk up, here are some
crucial things to remember wlien you plan on
hosting a party.
First of all, you have to make the decision about
whether or not you want to notify the authorities.
In most cases it does not hurt to fill out a party
application provided by Housing. Housing will
notify the Police about the party and they may
swing by before it starts just to check in with you.
If you decide not to fill out the application, there is
a good chance the Police and/or RAs will find out
about it on their walkthroughs and respond in a
more negative and confrontational way.
Second, quiet hours start at 11:00pm on weekdays
and 1:00am on weekends. If it's past quiet hours,
and if you have a loud, large party that spills
outside, the authorities will defimtely come and tell
you to shut it down. Although gigantic loud parties
with deejays or bands that span multiple rooms and
have a huge drum circle out front with dancing
hippies are definitely entertaining, remember that
the larger it is the more likely it will have to end
early. In general, it is a good idea to send a
representative outside to meet the RAs and Police
when they conduct their walkthroughs to see if
there have been any complaints, etc. As well as
showing a level of matunty, this tactic will keep the
authorities outside of the party when they want to
Third, in 2002 the campus implemented a no-keg
policy and they were not afraid t
force it. Early
m the year, one student was kic
t of housing
for hosting a kegger in his dorm. he general rule
for alcohol is that it must be kept inside. You are
not supposed to be selling or giving away liquor to
minors on campus, but if it all stays inside, the
police do not have much of an excuse to come in
and bust you. At really large parties where lots of
people are enjoying themselves outside, the police
have been known to show up and make an example
out of some kid by giving a breathalyzer and
performing a search of the person's pockets and/or
bags. The poor kid usually gets written up with an
MIP and has to go to grievance but the party
inevitably rages on.
The most important thing to remember is that the
host of the party can be held completely responsible
for the activities of the guests, invited or not. Don't
let any of this scare you, just be friendly, mature,
and act professional when dealing with the authorities and it should all work out fine. Happy partying!
Also, there's a fair amount of money available for
students wanting to host events through Housing.
For instance, a few years ago there was a 4/20 party.
Housing paid for bands, food and advertising. Ask
your RA how to apply for these funds, and remember your RA is given a certain amount of money per
month to spend on her or his residents, so make
sure they use it. ~
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•~11.~1 .. usc01•s
l'OUCE viouiNnl ANn 111sc:oNnuc1·
HUllING l~AI.I. UUAll'l'Ell, 200!1
On top of the fact that the 2002/ 03 school year marked
the first time in Evergreen's history when police were
allowed to carry guns with them at all times, a number
of disturbing events occurred on campus that
demonstrated the increasingly confrontational nature
of TESCs police services and their growing desire and
ability to use the many weapons at their disposal.
In two separate incidents during the week of October
23, 2002, police conducted sting operations in campus
housing (T and K dorms) designed to take down small
time marijuana dealers. In both raids, officers Perez
and Adkins led the assualts with their guns drawn to
serve out the felony search warrants that were authorized
by police chief Steve Huntsberry. Both operations
involved the use of undercover agents acting as pot
buyers. When the officers involved in the raids filled
out the incident reports, they decided not to mention
that they had drawn their guns. They did not even
inform Chief Huntsberry of their actions during the
operations. When asked a few days after the incidents
about the possibility that the cops had drawn their guns
Huntsberry stated, "I would be very surprised if they
withdrew their guns." Whenever TESC police draw
their firearms, it is campus policy to convene the Deadly
Force Review Board to determine if the action was
As word of the incidents spread and the controversy
thickened, Art Constantino sent out a campus wide email informing the community that he had been the
one who had authorized the sting operations. In the email he explained that over the past year there had been
numerous students who had flipped out on mushrooms
and that they had endangered their own safety as well
as the campus's. He had authorized the police to take
down the mushroom dealers that were operating on
campus and in the process, undercover officers became
aware of some small time marijuana dealers who were
Housing residents. Hunstberry proceeded to authorize
the raids with Constantino's approval regardless of the
fact that they had nothing to do with the original goal
of stopping mushroom sales. As it became clear that
guns had definitely been drawn in the raids, the campus
decided to convene its Deadly Force Review Board.
Right around this same time, during the end of
October, another incident occurred which further
strained community and police realtions. A drunk
student in T dorm tossed an empty vodka bottle at a
passing RA and an officer who arrived on the scene to
check out a noise complaint was informed of the incident.
He told the residents that he wantei:I to speak with tl1e
drunk student and when he approached the bottlethrower, the student attempted to push past the officer
and would not respond to his verbal commands. After
a brief scuffle, the officer proceeded to mace the student
directly in the face and hand cuff hinl. The student fell
to the ground screaming for water but the police did
not allow anyone to appr<Yach him. Despite other party
goers attempts at helping the maced student, the police
refused to allow anyone to administer medical treatment
for nearly half an hour until paramedics showed up.
These incidents disturbed many students and sparked
a lot of debate about the role of police on our campus.
A series of community forums with Chief Huntsberry
were held. Although the Deadly Force Review Board
concluded that the officers actions in the drug raids
were justified, they also decided that the decision not
to report the drawing of firearms was explicitly against
the college's standard operating procedure. There are a
number of 'Cop Thoughts' boxes around campus for
students to use in expressing their opinions about TESC
police. A year later, the campus police continue to use
non-lethal weapons as substitutes for tactful non-violent
I-:---, (
Step One : Make Friends!
for a new place to crash before getting evicted. Switch
dorms every few nights but make sure not to leave a
Hang around the dorms, go to a few parties and
trail of your possessions or your messes. This is a
when you hopefully meet some people that are
good way to piss off a lot of people and lose your
friendly enough to let you stay, don't forget their
stuff. If necessary, establish a home base for longnames and location of the dorm. Make sure it is okay term storage and fallback sleeping area, while
with ALL roommates before "moving in".
maintaining options at secondary sites.
Step Two: Help Out.
Before you pose any difficult questions to your
newfound roomies, offer to help with things like
dishes and garbage/recycling. These are chores that
are very rarely done in dorm life and if you jump on
that grenade when it needs to be done, that improves
your standing in others' eyes.
Keep your roomies happy by washing your clothes,
brushing your teeth, using deodorant, and showering regularly. These activities are all small investments of time and money that will make a huge
difference. Whether you are crashing until you find a
job, a new place to live, or whatever your reason for
being homeless, you'll find it easier to do it without
being covered in filth. Also it will help you avoid the
next issue ...
Step Three: GetOutoftheWay.
Couch surfing does not necessarily mean sleeping on
a couch. People have couches so they can sit on
them, not so you can sleep on them. If you find
yourself sleeping on a couch, make sure you clean up
your bed in the morning before you are asked to. But
there are a variety of places you can sleep. Empty
closets are an ideal place to sleep depending upon
your intended stay and you can store all your shit
and keep it closed when you need to. Another idea is
to portion off a small (emphasis on small) part of a
bigger room, but only after you clear it with all
people actually paying rent.
Nowy ou're in. Don 't fuck it up.
G Rotation Method
Ticks, lice, fleas, scabies, etc. Do not associate with
these blood sucking little beasts. Do not sleep with
animals (pets). Check yourself regularly for infestations, especially if you have been gallivanting in the
woods or have gone without bathing for a while.
Make sure to deal with any parasites before they
spread. Not only is this good for your own health
and that of those around you, nobody forgets the
dirty hippie that gave them lice. Avoid other peoples'
dirty laundry, keep clean, and if you must, cut your
hair very short (don't worry, it'll grow back). Another
important thing in this same vein is always, always ...
(free at the TESC Health Center). This isn't high school
sex-ed, but be safe. Also don't abuse the seduction-for-aplace-to-sleep trick. This makes a lot of enemies.
mates drunk/ high/ whatever will increase your palatability
(if they're into that sort of thing).
Some parting tips ..
Don't Borrow Money
• Return favors. Remember people that probably didn't
That is unless you absolutely have to. Instead earn
know you well took you into their home. These people are
money through hard work, it makes for a much
being kind and benevolent and you should try to do the
more admirable character. Drug dealing while couch same if ever put in their position. Repay your karma to
surfing is a bad idea because it draws extra
~ y o u r hosts and to others.
attention from authority figures and you
could get two charges (at least) if you're •
• Have backup plans for everything . Whether it's
caught. And if you are forced to
getting locked out, kicked out, leaving on your
borrow money, don't spend it on
own, finding employment, or finding a place
booze or drugs. These items are
• •••
to live, you need to have a secondary plan. If
luxuries. Borrowed money should be
you find yourself in dire straits, there is
spent on food, gas for a job hunt,
always one last option:
bus fare or whatever absolute essentials
might be beyond your budget. Write
•camping! The family activity that
down your debts and pay them promptly
you may have done growing up is now how you
or give a semi-solid date when it can be repaid before have to live. This is only a viable option if you have the
accepting money. But if you find yourself with a
equipment. Don't think you can just wander into any
little extra money...
wooded area in Olympia and carve out a niche for
yourself. Oly winters are typically cold and wet and you
G Partying as a bum
need good warm waterproof gear to consider this as an
option. The Evergreen Woods are notorious for people
First of all, don't spend money on parties that could camping within them. Camping is illegal in the woods (if
be spent on food, clothing, or rent. But if you find a you get caught) and can be dangerous.
few extra bucks in your wallet, getting your room-
fftuKtia Altu JaKtae
You may have heard about Evergreen and the controversy created when former
Black Panther Party activist Mumia Abu-Jamal spoke at its 1999 graduation ceremony.
Abu-Jamal has been on death row since 1982 for allegedly murdering a police officer
in Philadelphia in 1981. His trial was a case study in the corruption of the US
Criminal Justice system, and nearly every human rights organization in the world
has demanded a retrial. (More information is available at www.mumia.org).
Students worked hard throughout the year to raise awareness about Mumia's
plight and the problems of the criminal justice system, and encouraging students
to write-in Mumia for the graduation speaker vote. When Evergreen's first choice
for graduation keynote speaker (Governor Gary Locke) fell through, Mumia was
chosen as the replacement. Following significant media attention and pressure from the state government,
the higher ups in the administration overruled the decision of the graduation committee, unilaterally selected
another keynote speaker, and reduced Abu-Jamal to a less prominent position in the event.
Despite this setback the event was a huge success. Before the day of graduation rumors circulated that
during Mumia's speech discontented seniors and opponents ofMumia would be playing horns or screaming
to make his words inaudible, but the speech went on with no disruption. Instead, the majority of the crowd
(students and guests alike) rose to a standing ovation.
-[/J fJif@ flg@@:g(w u@ @11 filflmooo
Here's a little background on
LaRouche, as be 5t as I can tell.
LaRouche was originally a member
of tl1e radical stucfent movement in
the '60s. He has worked as an
economist and activist. He was
convicted of fraud, and went to jail
from '89 to '94.
LaRouche ran for P,res_iden_t in '76 on
the labor ~•cket a_nd ;ned for tJ,e
, emocratic nom1113:t10n from 80 to
92, as well as runmng for cqngress
Federalist come across as highly
i.i1tellectual, witll lots of Platonic and
ocratic references. To be 1000/o
onest here, I've never actually
• mished r~adjng _one - tl1ey tend
oward~ lustnorncs and would seem
o reqwre lots of research to ,
ubstantiate µJerr chums - so I m not
ur~ how philos_oph1cally ngorous or
og1cally defens1b1e they are. I do
now so.me of the articles have _nothing to do witll politics, but are
ra~y dJScourses on general philosophy.
ou II see some of his brochures I promise.
epending on who you talk to, LaR:ouche is either a statesman and
rilliant economist who was framed by the government
www.laroucheP.ub.com, www.laroucilein2004.net), or a "Neonazi,"
fascist menace" (www.protest.net/view). No one has a lukewarm
pm1on about LaRouche.
aRoucheites are some of tl1e most aggressive recruiters on campus.
They set U]) tables on Red Sguare or m the CAB, and are more than
appy to debate the finer points of LaRoucl,e's plans for hours at a
ime. They are smart and articulate, and tl1ey know LaRouche's
MlNEY IN M' 1,iN
,ice DUNT GO?
Witl1 handy free advertisements that Evergreen
distributes in orientation info and tl1e friendly
people at tables during orientation week, Bank
of America stands ready to sign you up for a
free account. With the ATM's on campus and
ilie numerous locations around Olympia to
serve you, it might seem like iliere is a
conspiracy to get you to bank witll these guys.
Before you make tllis decision, or even decide
to make a donation (tl1at is, pay the surcharge)
to their on-campus ATM machines, here are
some things you should know.
Bank of America (BofA) is tl1e 2nd largest
bank in the US, and the 19th largest corporation
in the world. For anyone concerned about the
amount of power large corporations have, tliis
fact may set off some alarm bells. How does
a company that offers so many free services
make so much money? BofA, like all financial
institutions, makes money by loaning your
money while you're not using it, and collecting
the interest. With few exceptions, BofA loans
your money solely on the basis of what will
enerate the most rofit.
teachings in and out.
If you talk to tl1em long enough, tl1ey'll ask you to come to a weekend
Here is where YOU MUST BE CAREFUL.
Last year an acquamtance of mme went to such a retreat He was
weeks from graduating and had just asked his best girl to marry him.
Sounds like an ABC After Sd10ol Special, doesn't it? He was idealistic
and passi?nate. He was also frustrated wiili the progressive movement
and, heres the key: he was looking for something.
He had always been dismissive of the LaRouchites, but then tl1ey
pointed out that he didn't really understand what LaRouche stood
for. True enough, he said. Considering himself open mi.i1ded, he
went to a weekend retreat.
He was gone for about a week, and came back a LaRouch1te. He
broke off his engagement and dropped out of school.
He was adamant tllat LaRouche was right, tllat LaRoucile was the
only possible answer.
I am not here to say that LaRouche is wrong. I can't say my
ac_quaintance made the wrong choice. I am only here to say that you
will be a target, and the dec1S1ons you make now will affect you for
the rest of your life.
d · k
p_ease .-, a can o 1s _a~ . - question everyt mg. ts not Just
your nght; its your respons1biht)I. Be ca'.eful about O(g~n1:2at1ons that
need to be pushy to get you to listen. F mally, and tll!S 1s Just food
general advice: don't spend the weekend with anyone you don t know.
BofA is also notorious for screwing its
workers while maintaining its CEO's wealth:
In 2002, cilairman President and CEO Kenneili
D. Lewish raked in $21,068,119 in total
compensation including stock option grants
from Bank of America, not including the other
$23,638,050 in unexercised stock options from
previous years (AFL-CIO). Indeed, BofA's
influence in government is note worthy, with
4 seperate Political Action committees donating
over $1.4 million in the 2002 election to
candidates around the US (Center for
Responsive Politics), as well as to massive
corporate-government conferences, including
1999 World Trade Organization ministerial
in Seattle. BofA's labor practices can now be
seen in action in the Bush Administration,
with Elaine Chao, an ex-executive at BofA, as
his Labor Secretary.
,.ro (IQ
approve of, but they're probably a bit more
socially conscious than BofA and are more
likely to give out more loans to lower-income
community members.
To get an account just visit their office
and bring $50 for a membership deposit that
you aggree to have in your saving account at
all times, from there you can open a free
checking account, get a check card, or apply
for a credit card (boo!) The great tiling is once
you're a member; you're always a member.
Finally, tllough it will mean extra work on your
part, there is of course tl1e option of (gasp!)
not having a bank accowlt at all.
Avoid tile pot tax: a no-fee Washington State
Employees Credit Union ATM is available on
tile second floor of the CAB building next
tile book store.
In the past, TESC administration did not
care to provide an alternatve to BofA's oncampus ATMs despite these issues. But after
10 years of hard work and red tape, you now
have a better option. The Washington State
Employees Credit Union (754-6133, 400 E.
Union St.) is a nonprofit institution that offers
most of the same services as BofA, to students
(as a student at Evergreen, you qualify for
membership). They too will invest your money
in a wide variety of activities that you may not
i:'.f .
onh, p~t 16 yem on M«ch 8th,
Evergreeners have joined millions of
women and men around the world celebrating
International Women's Day. Over the years, International Women's Day has turned into a week of events
commemorating women around the world. The weeki
recognizes women who stop at nothing to tigfi for
women's social freedom. On this day we celebr t
the accomplishments and progress of women thr ugh
our struggles with self.recognition, quality oflife, and
challenge that face women in our societies.
weights among oppression, race, and economicvprejudice suspend from the phallus skylines of this natiqn,
internationally women have faced a myriad of
control-confining laws against them. I once wondered
about the ways that under-represented people are
highlighted on the calendar by a day or a month, if a
white, male dominated society felt sorry for unoerrepresenting us and gave us a day out of the year to
recognize ourselves. This negativity isn't the case; on
International Women's Day we flip this perspective
around to say that we deserve this. Women of all
colors around the world were not just given a day, we
give ourselves everyday as ordinary makers of today
and history. International Women's Day is a time for
women to recognize the diversity of experiences and
common struggles women inherit solely because they
are women.
Recognized or not, women are expressing themselves daily, helping and seeing each other, creating
their own·ways to reconcile and live more freely. We
gave ourselves this day to celebrate and highlight the
works with the community, and in sharing our voices,
to recognize the potentials in all of us working
together. I've ranted as if you need justification why
t ·s celebration of women is highlighted for a week
a Evergreen.
Although too often, the celebration of women in
this ci
is defined by patriarchal Iust, a racist
ah-ran of white istory's progress in a land of
genocide, or a pe~pective that only looks behind and
sighs ,in thinking how innocent this society has
eco , e now that wo en vote in ballot boxes. This
d0~n't paint our pictu s. Although the struggle for
gender equality underlies the International Women's
Day movement, what is not often remarked is that
women of color face additional challenges. The
validity of these expenences hit a pressure point on
th body of this instit tion. Two years ago InternationaJ::Women's Week at Evergreen began a divaricating sliift ·n leaders'liip.
From margin to page
Tne week was silently protested by women of color
at EYe~e ecause theevents were not culturally
aware or conscious of the different experiences
omen of color face in their every day lives. At the
time, the Women's Resource Center organized events
addressing gender and sexuality, body health, self
defense, etc. Not only was the Women of Color
Coalition omitted from the planning process, but to
many, this reflected a common reality that women of
color are marginalized and their needs are
overlooked. After a continuing dialogue with the
Women's Resource Center, the Women of Color
Coalition agreed to take on International Women's
Week the following year as well as years after. This
was a conscious decision that came out of meetings
held with the WRC and the WOCC.
~ n a / - '~~ '()(kA;
a h1storyo
ow mm, than m,, women at Eve<gmn wmk
with others to put more of our own realities
and presence in this picture. It is the collaborative
work of performers and guests, campus activity
boards, and especially the student groups eagerly
brainstorming to bring events and activities that
address issues concerning women from different
ethnic, political, cultural, linguistic, and economic
backgrounds. We encourage the artistic expression of
women believing in the transformations through art,
and events have ranged from improvisational theater
to music performances that break down the walls of
perpetuated silence created by stereotypes. During
workshops we moved through personal journeys,
exploring our multi-faced and sexual identities. We
discover our potentials in the communion with our
place in the world. In March 2005, along with 10
student groups, we held a natural contraceptives
workshop at the Organic Farm to explore the unique
ways we can get access and take control of our bodies
through alternative methods to the medical industries. Siren's Echo, Scream Club, and the Female
Hip-Hop Alliance brought the electricity under our
feet to the mic and voice, performing female
empowered underground hip-hop that flows unstoppable in our neighborhoods. The Medea Project,
using theater to transform the lives of incarcerated
women and ex-offenders, performed improv to tell
their stories, remember the power of creativity in
transforming pain and the obstacles lived through to
offer as hope.
This year women at Evergreen envision working
together to make International Women's Week a
meaningful, creative, healing, and empowering time
for ourselves and the community. Your visions and
help are needed and encouraged. IWW is made
possible with lots of fundraising and a collective,
supportive, and respectful environment. In connecting with the performers who give to the Evergreen
community, we take and give back, making the
threads meet through our borderless struggles as
women. Because we give thanks to those who believe
and who let us believe in the transformation from
violence to hope and sisterhood. Because we live in
unnoticed potentials. Because we've got stories to
share and stories to create us.
For more information about International Women's Week,
contact the Women of Color Coalition at wocc_tesc@yahoo.com
a tale from the
inauguration protests
The first version of this article was written on a train While we waited for this stage of processing to end,
heading out of DC six hours after I was released
one cop decided to "educate" us on the process. He
from jail. The retelling of this story begins after a
informed us that, i~e cooperat and give our full
long day Oanuary 20, 2005) of mostly unname, address, and date of birth, we'll be released in
empowering marches. The day concluded with an
a few hours. Horever, 1f we only Pive our name or,
Anti-Flag show at a local church, filled with amazing heaven forbid, refused to give our name, we'd be in
energy. Truman, the nine-year-old son of the lead
jail, inl'his ords, '" orever and ever and ever. And
singer, read an inspiring essay he wrote about
the{ when I show up to work in a year, you all will
imperialism and the need to rise up and oppose it.
stil1/b rotting in jail." This was too much for me.
Afterwards, an unannounced march began with this
As} We cop\ yelled iar me to stop, I told the crowd of
energy and headed towards the Adams Morgan
th irfright to femain-silen, that refusing your name
neighborhood with torches and chants. The first
is f valid form of prates\ how best to deal with
march of the day without a police escort had reat
pepper spray, and that, aBovse all, cops lie.
energy to it: a banner hung proclaiming ''With War
They finis~ed processi g and loaded us into
and Occupation Comes Resistance." As thf marc:1\
po+icb transit Vfhicles. Forty-five minutes and we
passed a Starbucks, windows were broked(not at
arrivJr at the Blue Plains PoFce Academy in the far
random, windows were broken at multi-national\
southwest edge of C, v
far from any form of
evildoers such as KFC, Citibank, Riggs ~ank,
public transportadon. vert after we arrived we were
McDonalds, and a police II M/ h
t • th.
dt I .
t--t held in the van
substation with an
_:,•Y op~, y re e 11 ~g ' IS. sa . a e, IS RO O for another hour
estimate of$15,000
discourage folks from gett1 g.mvolved
and a half. The
of property damage) Or"pro~esting\on th'e slittets. My twelve-hour
officer in our
and barricades,,were drug jaiye1xpe\ience; as awful as it was, is nothing
van told us
into e reets. As all
compared ta-theJifetimes of oppression that the th at we
th is energy coalesced,
U.S/r.overnment, acting in our name, inflicts b . hare cl
the police caulht up
emg c arge
to the march. 'In riot O 'tl:ie"rest of the world.
with "parading without a permit"
gear, the cops broke up t:he force for liberation and
and that, if we pay them a $50 extortion fee, they will
justice. We were.chased down the street and trapped drop our charges, we won't have to go to court, and
in two allies. Riot police pepper sprayed the
there will be no conviction on our records. He also
protesters in the front. We were forced to kneel
told us that if we paid we should be out by 3:45am.
down in the snow for around an hour with our
A number of us complained about wrist pain and
hands behind our head. One activist complained
they said the cuffs would be removed once we were
that she had a heart condition where she couldn't
inside the Academy. They also wouldn't let us use
have her hand above her heart for too long. Her call the bathroom (even after four hours), so a couple of
for medical aid failed and the cops yelled at her with the people in my van decided to use the back of the
pepper spray in-hand to keep her hands on top of
vehicle. After they escorted us into the Academy,
her head.
they took away most of our property, including
After an hour of kneeling in the snow, the
shoelaces. This I call Search #1. Then they asked if
transport vehicles arrived and the cops cuffed us with we were going to take the $50 deal (most responded
very tight flexi-cuffs, one by one. We were formed
that they would) and we got a bathroom brake-but
into lines as they processed our names and addresses. only with a police officer watching. We were led into
a classroom at the Academy. They separated the
women from the men; women were on one side of
the room, men were on the other. Since the door to
this "classroom" didn't lock apparently, about five
guarded over us. They cut off our flexi-cuffs and
replaced them with zipties, allowing us to hold our
hands in front of us. For many of us the zipties were
loose enough to slip in and out of. Others had
zipties that cut off circulation after the several hours
of restraint.
Around six in the morning those wh1/,ai the
$50 fee and had their identification werr.~lease . I
was among the unlucky without IDs, w ich
illegal. They felt the need to further i vlsti
identity after we paid them
were put in a waiting roo
could transport us to the
fingerprint us. After t
our ride ca
led to the p
no "monke
windows, o
and they'll 0Kpock
Central Jai~e h
they let·us in. H
we're led into eel
Lab 2 metal bunks to sleep in. Three hours later
we're finger printed, photographed, and given two
sandwiches. As hungry as I was, bologna-mayo and
che:Je=mayo-sandwiches didn't seem edible to me, so
I refused. After another hour, around 10 am, most
o t?e people in my group were released. Another
and I remained. I inquired why I remained in
tp 't small, cramped, dirty, bug-infested cell, but no
0ne answered my question. Around noon, a cop
around to round 'up folks going to court. She
~ea1ized that rr1Y friend and I should have had been
released h urs ago since we paid the $50 extortion
tee. Finally we are relea1ed. Unfortunately, the
p\Iice didn't send our ?.roperty to the Central Jail, so
our money, Metro Carcls, phones, etc. were still at the
P~'lice Academy. Fortunately I met with the
meinbers of Oly Bloc who were doing court support
work, which thrilled me greatly.
My hope, by retelling this sad tale, is not to
e discourage folks from getting involved or protesting
on the streets. My twelve-hour jail experience, as
awful as it was, is nothing compared to the lifetimes
of oppression that the U.S. Government, acting in
our name, inflicts on the rest of the world. I hope
tes before this tale inspires more people to rise up and to
gave us Search #3. Then
oppose the imperialism and capitalism ruining our
the size of the bathrooms in lives.
Due to the intransigence of the college's administration, efforts to move pay for student workers from once-a-month to a twice-amonth pay schedule took the Union of Student Workers well over three years to achieve success. Student workers got paid as long as six
weeks after the day they worked and were the only ones in Washington to be paid in this way.
In the first year, USW met with "standard administrative delay strategies" (SADS?!?). The school claimed the focus was too
broad when USW brought many student worker issues (livable wage issues, not being allowed to work more than 19 hours/weeks, the
once-a-month pay schedule) to their attention. They then turned around to claim that our focus was too narrow when we brought to them
a single issue - the once a month paychecks! In the Fall of 1998, in front of 400 supporters, the USW confronted the administration on
their inconsistencies and presented them with a plan to move to a twice-a-month pay schedule. After a long period of haggling, the
administration finally committed to the idea. It then took two years of planning. In the spring of 2001 twice-a-month paychecks were
finally enacted. However, coordinators of S&A groups are now paid on a stipend system which operates on a twice-a-quarterpay schedule.
A little known secret that most new Greeners will not
hear about is the amazing graffiti wall that used to
exist behind the COM building. During the 20022003 school year graffiti artists and the Evergreen
administration brokered a deal to allow graffiti on the
large blank wall on the back of COM. Sadly, the wall
was shut down before the 2004-2005 school year
started. Rumors have circulated that it was due to
fumes from spray cans entering the ventilation system
from the back of the building that irritated and made
people sick. I was unable to find out the true reason
for ending the lll!l'llll"".,....__~ _,..rl"'l'l'
progressive art
piece known
as The Wall
since there was
evidence. As a
final insult to
creativity and
free speech,
not only shut
down the wall,
but painted
over all the
huge freehand
pieces. As a
remedy to this
brought a large corrugated cargo container, located
behind the tennis courts along the path to Overhulse
Rd. and the Childcare Center. The only problem to
this seemingly fair deal is the container itself. The
corrugated metal sides are, well, lets just say much
less than ideal for freehand than a concrete wall, and
the container makes stencil work utterly impossible.
The only solution that many artists have come to
accept is that we can no longer restrict our artwork
to the sanctioned areas if the administration cannot
provide us with something better than a fucking
shipping container. There is basically no surefire way
to get away with defacing campus property, no matter
how amazing the piece may be, but if you follow these
few suggestions you will find your midnight adventures
more fruitful and grand. First, pick your spot carefully.
Hitting places like the front of soup dorms, or the
entryway to the SEM II cluster would be
considered ... bad. These well-lit areas will get you
spotted and busted by Perez and Co. faster than you
can drop your cans. Next, make sure you bomb places
at the right time. Sunday through Thursday nights
after 11 pm walkthroughs (from about midnight to
daybreak is the
best window
to ensure your
m1ss1on is
success fol),
Friday and
nights are
pretty much
bad because
even though
are done by
1 :30, people
still wander
around getting
fucked up till
early morning.
This means
the cops are
still out doing
their job. Lastly don't tag your real name on your
work. Remember the more graf that's out there, the
more attention you will get. The only people who
should know your work on campus should be those
who do it with you and fellow trustworthy artists .
Well, that's about all the info you are going to get out
of me. Have fun, keep the art real and wear your
respirators! Some good websites to check out would
be : www.woostercollective . com and
www.stencilrevolution.com. A final word of respect
for others' work: "If you can't burn it, don't touch
Got somethin' for ya that not every merry
Greener-to-be knows, a juicy little artful secret that
no one's told you yet. Scattered over Evergreen's
campus, lodged way
back in nooks and
crannies and stairwells,
buried on basement
walls ... Evergreen has
a voice all its own; a
voice that has been
gathering strength for
many years now.
Tucked away are the
murals and artwork of
students, the images,
words and wisdom imparted to other generations.
Some are harder to find than others. The Dragon
Wall winding up the Library stairwell is heavily
trafficked and the largest mural on campus. Down the
basement library, below the first set of elevators, the
second largest mural, entitled "Democracy and
Tyranny," portrays the history of the Americas. An
Elemental Goddess mother figure births the world
and the piece moves through the Aztecs and Mayans,
Conquistadors, forced native labor, slavery mining
and raping of nature, drug wars, rainforests burning
behind calmly grazing cattle, the rise and fall of the
Industrial Age, the corruption of currency, the eventual
fall of the skyscrapers and womankind rejoicing and
emerging into the light, harmonious at last. Mountains
turn to buildings, an image of Mother Earth strapped
with an LV. sheds tears onto an expectantly waiting
Uncle Sam, an alien-demon figure sits atop the World
Bank, sucking the earth's blood. This mural shouts
freedom at the top of its lungs, replete with metaphors,
cultural and historical references and fabulous artwork.
It was painted in the Spring of 1989 and will strike
awe into any onlooker.
Also entombed in cement beneath the library,
three other murals and one unintentional floor painting
can be found sleeping in their loneliness. One is a
calendar wheel for the seasons held by a water/wind
woman, a fire goddess/nymph and an earth or tree
goddess. The calendar covers Samhain, Yule,
Candlemas and the solstices and equinoxes of the
earth. This one was created in 1997 and '98 by The
Students of Perspectives on Ireland.
tdUR S
Another greenish, abstract linear speed portal
grabs people's eyes from a far wall, shrouded in
darkness. Down in the corner the three word title is
painted in small, neat
black letters: "Chaos,
Calculus, Confucius."
Former TESC students
. Erik Phenix and Chris
masterminds behind this
brilliant piece painted in
So as not to
give away all the details
of all the murals on
campus and ruin their majestic character, I'll just clue
you into their whereabouts. Check out the A Building
Lobby and bottom floor plus all the stairwells of A,
B, C and D buildings (there's a ton in here kiddies!).
There's also an interactive quote wall spanning
from the 8th through the 10th floor stairwell in A
Dorm. Created without Evergreen's permission by
a large group of rebel students one December 13th,
this wall contains quotes from Dostoyevsky to Buddha
to Plato, spontaneous poetry and tons of character.
It's comforting to live in a place with art on the
walls. It gives the place a calm feeling and gives the
eyes many wonders to peruse. Providing an outlet
for the student artwork is one of the most important
things a school can do, and even though Evergreen's
administration still has a few things to figure out
concerning the nature of art, freedom and expression
they do a decent job. Take the completely random
mural tour next time you find yourself blundering
about campus and enjoy the sights.
Every wall inside the dorm hallways can potentially
be painted, especially the stairwells, all you have
to do is submit a design to Housing and they will
buy you the paints, or you can not ask and use
your own paint but you risk losing your design
and facing graffiti charges. Besides, there's some
kind of paint-restricting building code, and I'm
sure they wouldn't want to allow free speech
that's too free.
.. =
~ '-~ ;
First, if you don't have a kitchen in housing, find one.
It is vital to establish a good relationship with each
resident in that partieular dorm. Offer to do some deep
cleaning and provide free m~ for the fulks who'll be
putting up with the.ruckus. Clean the place; decorate, and
get some music going. Next, buy groceries. Figg.re 6ut
what you're willing to spend, and don't exped to get it all
back. I encourage you to buy loci! organic or everyt:hin
possible. This scheme can suyport local producers and
grocers, plus-you utilize the oh yeah~well this is organic"
statement. Once you have groceries, sit down with t,he
receipt and draw up a menu with uggestecl prices Ha:sed
on p~oduct cost. Decide.what ti!\le-you int~nd to be
cooking and get the word out. Call your friends, make an
Food service at Evergreen has been
the topic of debate and controversy for years.
The last two years have seen the formation an
S&A student group focused specifically on the
topic of food service. Students Organizing
for Food Autonomy (SOFA) formed at the
beginning of last year (2004-05) and works to
make food service a visible part of college life.
But before we talk about the last year's actions
it is important to look at the work the students
that came before us have done.
In the spring of 2000 the school
announced replacing their current food service
provider (Fine Host) over the summer (while
the students were away on break). After briefly
checking into the corporations bidding on the
contract it was clear most of the corporations
were pretty shady at best (surprise, surprise).
One of the most egregious of the corporations
was Sodexho, a Paris based corporation with
a monumental history of abuse of its
employees, violating health codes, and with
major fiscal and managerial ties to the forprofit prison industty (y:es, there are
corporations that build and operate prisons
and make big bucks doingjt).
It was assumed that with a record like
this the administration would not want to deal
with Sodexho. On the contrary, they called us
liars, rumor mong,ers, and accused us of "falling
victim to leftist conspiracy theories." Their
evidence against us? A letter from Sodexho's
corporate spin machine warning them not to
believe us!
We were eventually able to convince that
administration that we had are facts straight,
but the administration was unconcern. They
gave the typical TINA (There Is No Alternative)
explanation and continued with negotiations
with Sodexho.
We hung banners around campus
warning Sodexho and the administration that
they were asking for it, did some fun guerilla
theatre in red square for the summer school
crowd and the international students, notified
the press, and scheduled a massive town meeting
to discuss the situation with the campus.
Apparently somebody got scared because just
a few days before the town meeting the
negotiations mysteriously broke down. The
college asked the permission to extend the
contract with its old food service provider: the
threats of JINA were bogus. Students had
kept the 2n largest food service corporation
in the world off Evergreen's campus!
Then in 2001 Sodexho tried to come
back. It was decided to send a clear message
to Sodexho that corporate pillagers were not
welcomed at our school. Forty students and
community members greeted the Sodexho
representatives on campus in masks, camouflage
and black clothing. They read a statement
warning Sodexho that coming to Evergreen
would be the worst mistake the company had
ever made, and implored the company to leave
campus immediately.
The administration, under the leadership
of Art Costantino, completely flipped. Within
* ,+
48 hours hundreds of "wanted" flyers had been
posted around campus, greatly distorting the
confrontation, accusing the masked protesters
of threatening the Sodexho employees with
violence, comparing them to the KKK, and
encouraging the campus community to turn
the names of any of protesters in to the police.
The administration eventually realized
that the protests would only grow worse if they
continued their witch-hunt, and the investigation
was dropped. Meanwhile, Sodexho (along with
several other crooked food service corporations)
had dropped their bids, citing an "anticorporate" climate on campus! The school was
forced to contract out to the only company
still interested, Bon Apetit.
At the time, Bon Apetit was a small west
coast company who provided organic and local
food. Ironically, soon after coming to Evergreen
Bon Apetit was bought out by the multinational
corporation, Compass Group (yet another
company that profits outrageously from the
current military occupation in Iraq and the
prison industrial complex).
The contract with Bon Apetit was slightly
different then the contracts the school entered
into involving food service. The school paid
Bon Apetit a flat managerial fee to Bon Apetit.
This meant Bon Apetit received the same
amount every year regardless of whether food
service was making a profit or not. Whatever
profit (or lose) would be the school's. Well in
the three years Bon Apetit was on campus,
food service cost the college approximately
$1.5 million dollars. These soaring losses lead
to the school instituting a forced meal plan for
the first time and have been blamed for the
removal of the kitchens from Phase 1 in
Housing (I've personally have had high up
members of Housing tell me that it was at least
part of the reason for the kitchen removals).
These new changes, coupled with a
growing number of students becoming aware
of Bon Apetit's ties to war-profiteers lead to
a campaign to get them off our campus. In
the 2003-04 school year Bon Apetit's contract
was coming up for review; the students once
again starting lobbying for a more sustainable
food service at Evergreen. Pointing to a 2001
report issued by a Disappearing Task Force
(before the school contracted out to Bon Apetit)
charged with researching the food service
situation at Evergreen, the students began
calling on the administration to draw up a
business plan to run it's own food service (this
is known as a self-op food service). The report,
which was later corroborated by an independent
paid consultant (which cost the school
thousands of dollars), stated that though there
would be a considerable start up cost, and a
few years of functioning in the red, a self-op
food service would be the school's best option.
Students wrote articles for the CPJ, held public
discussions over the future of Evergreen's food
service, and signed a petition, all of which was
ignored by the administration.
As early as January it was clear that ban
Apetit was not going to remain on campus.
The students made it clear that we would not
be silenced until Bon Apetit was off our
campus; the administration also had strong
reasons to end their dealings with Bon Apetit.
The school was losing about half a million
dollars a year due to food service. It's a good
thing the school decided to contract out to a
company that is better suited to run our food
service then we would be.
Though it was
cleared Bon Apetit wasn't coming back, the
administration waited until the spring to issue
a Request for Proposal (RFP, essentially a wantad). The RFP was drawn-up by members of
the administration, without any student input.
There were students (I believe it was four, one
left to protest the lack of any real voice in the
process) on the board that was to approve the
RFP, but all debate over a companies
bid had to be focused around the RFP. Initially
the board set a minimum score that any bid
had to receive in order for a company to be
invite to campus for a public presentation.
Aramark did not receive this minimum score,
but since they were the only company to submit
a bid the school had no choice but to invite
The campus community packed the
presentation room (it is important to note that
the presentation took place during the last week
of school, which is an incredibly busy for the
students). There wasn't an empty seat in the
house. Aramark provided us with a wonderfully
cookie cutter marketing presentation. All was
as expected until one student stated that she
ate Aramark food in prison and it was absolutely
horrible. A member for Aramark assured
everyone they provide much higher quality of
food at schools. The Armark member went
on to say that when they work at prisons they
provide the level of food the situation calls
for. Since prisoners are "bad people" they get
bad food. But we at the Evergreen State College
have nothing to worry about.
Regardless of this presentation the
administration had no choice but to contract
out to Aramark (since Aramark was the only
bidding company). Contract negotiations took
place over the summer and Aramark began
serving food the Evergreen population in
By now you have probably picked up on
some trends: the school likes to make large
decisions over the summer while the campus
is virtually empty, and the school's consistently
has to negotiate with the only company that
applies. The last three times the school issued
a RFP (2000, 2001, and 2004) either no
companies issued a bid, or only one company
issued a bid. This forces the school to make
concession to the companies and leaves the
school in a position, like with the Bon Apetit
contract, where it is forced to subsidize a large
corporation at a rate of half a million dollars
a year.
* ,-+
Last year saw some major changes in the
food service debate. Over the summer there
was some reshuffling within the adminstration.
Food service, which was the jurisdiction of
the Vice President of Finance, came under the
authority of the newly hired director of
Residential Life, John Lauer. This lead
Evergreen Housing and Aramark working with
each other. A member of Aramark's
management attending the weekly meetings
between the RA's. Aramark would constantly
bounce new ideas of the RA's wondering if
"their residents would be into" whatever new
marketing scheme they could come up with.
At one point the director of Aramark
came to the RA meeting with some questions
about the Killer Coke Campaign. Like most
(all?) multinational corporations, Coca-Cola
has been accused of some gruesome acts.
Union organizers in there plant have
disappeared or been killed. They is good reason
to believe that Coke funds paramilitary death
squads in Columbia. The Killer Coke Campaign
Ois a grassroots campaign calling for a boycott
of all Coke products until they clean up their
act. Schools all throughout the country have
joined the boycott, refusing to sell Coke
products on their campus. Students at
Evergreen have been pushing for Evergreen
to join the boycott and last year all their hard
work almost succeeded. Aramark came to the
RA's to see if the RA's felt that Aramark should
stop carrying Coke. This proposal was quickly
shot down, most vocally by Andy Seabert, Area
Director of Phase 1 (If you're as outraged by
this as I am let Andy know. You can reach her
at 867-5113.).
This is a perfect illustration of the new
tie between Housing and food service. For
those of you living in Housing your RA might
.....,.lllliiiiioiii,oiiii,,,ii_ _ __
be a better person to talk to about complaints
with Aramark then Aramark's suggestion box
(though to their credit Aramark does seem to
take suggestions seriously). If you live in
Housing and have an issue with food service
it would definitely be worth your time to the
Housing Professional staff is aware of your
complaints. This includes the Resident Directors
(Luda Konshin 867-5115 and Dionn, the Area
Directors (Andy 867-5113 and Monique Vallot
867-6133), the Assistant Director of Housing
(Chuck McKinney 867-6191) and of course
the big cheese John Lauer 867-6419.
Last year also saw an explosion in activity.
The students, taking a lesson form the global
Food Not Bombs movement (now in its 25
year), decided get together and hold large weekly,
highly visible potlucks open to everyone on
campus. These large public protests/
celebrations were a huge hit and made the
subject of food service a key camous issue,
dominating the Cooper Point Journal (the
school's paper) on a weekly bases. On some
days upwards of 200 people came to share food
and socialize with their fellow community
members. This of course did not sit well with
everyone. Emails started circulating and
eventually someone told the school health
inspector, Robyn Herring (867-6111) to shut
us down. We were told that Robyn received the
email from the school's catering service, but
when catering was asked about the email they
denied ever sending it. The administration has
refused to release the email. Not even the
Cooper Point Journal was able to obtain a copy.
Robyn attempted to put an end to the
potlucks claiming that we were breaking health
codes. But according to Washington State law
potlucks are exempt from health codes. This
lead to a 2 month long ordeal where we were
constantly debating whether or not our event
met the Washington State law definition of a
potluck (ridiculous I know). Eventually Robyn
backed off and we finished out the year with
weekly potlucks.
SOFA also organized a series of
community discussions on the future of food
service. John Lauer and other members of the
administration were always·willing to attend
and here what the students had to say, but they
refused to commit to working towards self-op.
At a meeting between a group of students and
Les Purce, the school president he stated that
he did not view self-op as feasible and said it
was not a priorty to the college. The college
did, however, finally decide to institute one of
the recommendations from the 2001 DTP
report and started a Long-term Planning
The battle to get corporations off our
campus has been a long one, and momentum
has ebbed and flowed throughout the years,
but last year we made some large gains. The
Long-term Planning Committee has been
focusing multiple different ways for the school
to go self-op to some degree or another.
Though it is crucial to the movement to
maintain a voice on the committee and the
DTFs focusing on food service, we must realize
that the only reason why we are in the favorable
position we are in right now is due to direct
action on our part. It was direct action that
kept Sodexho off our campus (twice) and the
formation of the Planning Committee was due
in large part to the weekly potlucks and the
demand from the students for some progressive
steps to be made in the direction of self-op.
If we hope to see an end to the corporate rule
over every aspect of our lives we need to take
a firm and make it clear to everyone watching
that we will find the means to feed each other;
multinational corporations with no respect for
human life will never be welcomed on our
campus; we will not rest until corporations go
the way of the dinosaurs.
Eat ~ !
In the chaos of going to a new school and community,
it may seem that everything in your life is in flux. Rest
assured fellow Greener, one thing will remain constant:
you will get your energy from food. Accepting that truth
comes the realization (hopefully) that your consumption
effects the world. Every bite of food is a political, social,
and environmental issue.
Although advertisements and grocery store shelves
entice you with convienience, a lot of heavily marketed
"food" is full of utterly horrible shit. Hydrogenated oils
and genetically modified crops have unknown, barely
studied effects on human bodies. A survey of scientific
studies of Aspartame (aka NutraSweet, an artificial
sweetener) shows 920/o of independent researchers
i~ntified it as dang~ou~k,~adaches,..seizure~,
and brain-damage. (None of $le studies funded by
N utraSw~were "able" ro identify any health concerns).
Th~ f._
is ,aboxeplete ~ith !'orker
• , ~ant and 1n'urugrant workers
get thejlijlitfifl.d of the stick. Labor laws rarely do good
for agucul~ workers, b9th because of the laws
themseW-e (f.or example, 1 1/ 2 pay not required for
Overi:in;ie)~d:because the Jaws are rarely enforced
(busioes~es arc s~pposed to be p'.!..nished for enir,loying
illegal wens, ou t's almost ahv·ays tfie YfOtker who
ff, ) S f, ty
the · b · · k ·th
k l
su er · a_ e on ._. JO IS a}~ e, WI .f!WS wor P a~es
~ of toxics (p t1c1des, herb1c1des, fer-~e~, e.tc.) which
p01s0 worke S4mghterhouses are sted as the i:v-<?st
dang rous workplace- by the Bureau of Labor StatIStlcs.
Coffee fartners throughout the Amerit:as 'York in
catshop-like coiiditions, earniqg less l:ha,n$1 pei:pound
bf 1ourmet" cot.t¢e.
Itufurd for anyone who trj.es to get by·producing
ijh"quality, organic (no artificial chemicals), nonel\.p1oitative, sustainably-grown food. On top of that,
~arket conditions force n.rjc_d on organics so high that
There are lots of opportunities around Oly for access to garden
Objllljlia flllUIWt'o IKllllket- April-October: Thursday-Sunday,
10-3. November-December: Saturday & Sunday 10-3. (401
Capital Way (north of 4th and State), 352-9096)
If local produce, music, arts, flowers, and an amazingly diverse
community interest you, then make the Market part of your
weekly routine. This is a great place to meet people, inhale rich
scents, and support the livelihoods of locals.
Tke Tlcwi41eit CIIIIIWJ Fa111tt IKlljl- Is a directory and map of small
farms in the Olympia-area. Take a bike ride over to one of the
farms, talk with the growers, and enjoy the beauty of smallscale agriculture. This is where food should come from. Putting
money directly in the hands of the farmers is exciting for
everyone. Pick up a Farm Map a e armer's Marlee or tn
Food Co-pp
Tire Ofpq,ia Feod C.-efl. (2 locations: ~st Side (closer to
TESC) 921 Rogers (754-7666); East Sidc (near 1-5) at 3111
Pacific Ave (956-3870). The Co-op (Cooperatively run) is a
fiiena!y, non~profit, member-owned store with high ethical
~nd-0.utr1tional standards, _and an emph_asis oo organic and.
bulk food. Comparable pnces, vegai.1-fnendly, .and rnrnmurnty
bulletm boa~ds. The Co-op donates mo1;1ey to var10us nonprofits, and 15 always looking for_ suggestions on how t? bette
serve the needs of our commuruty. For a small fee (waived fo
low-income individuals) you can become a member of the
op. Non-members pay 10% above the marked (shelf) price.
Members can vote in Co-op elections, volunteer at the co-o
and receive extra discounts. Go to the Co-op. It feels like ho
1)ulllj)OfeJt 'Oiui,cg- Corporate grocery stores and many resta rants
throw away lots of food every single day. An example of this
can be found on campus. Dumpster diving is best learned by
getting out_ and doing it and not getting ~s~~ted if you don't
get unmediate results. An~yes, d~ckte~ 1s illegal (aka thefi
trespass mg) so take that t to cons1 eratton.
ipey become ac~essible ~xclusively to the 1;1idd\-! and
W Ket~ . Food No Bombs (Mondays, 3:00@ the
~pper classes. Its ~ fuc.kiri~ mess. B_qt.,here s a ruttdo\Vn ~blic Library, 313 8th Ave SE. Additional times TBA) is a
for ,r-~at ~our ophon ar,e
ke~mg younclf fed
irow-ing m.ovrment in Olympia to.Provide, a source of free:
tasty, and healthy food for the community on a regular bas1S,
as well as s reading values of community food action and
or guerilla gardening sustainabil.ify. It's also a way to eat amazing food, meet new
irowing your own food people, and give something back to the community while yo
at it. Food Not Bombs is always looking for help: come to
easy. Watching little
e green things is intensely weekly feeding for info on how to get involved,
our food whic,h makes you
. The food is top notch,
ce I
the distance that food travels from farm to table has increased. As a corollary to this, waste
streams and pollutant byproducts resultant of our globalized food system have increased for a variety of reasons
like the greater focus on advertising through unnecessary packaging, environmental effects from transportation
and shipment, and an expanding use of pesticides and preservatives. Symptoms are apparent as our recent
physical, mental, and spiritual disconnect between growing and eating continues to expand indefinitely.
~ ({)"flal/lie ~ J J /
~ YfJom mlfllt'IJ;. flJjiJ((/e11Li
The TESC Organic Farm successfully integrates
elements of a subsistence-oriented economy into campus
life, while simultaneously providing students with an
opportunity for hands-on, ex2_erience-based learnin_g in
an agricultural environment. Through the Organic Farm
market, students and facul!Y are offered a chance to
indulge in an array of locally grown, freshly picked, and
minimally processed vegetables, eggs, flowers, and plant
starts. At supermarkets, the full pnce of the products
sold is not displayed on the label, and it is our goal to
eliminate the often hidden costs of food production,
includinp ecological devastation, adverse health effects,
workers rights abuses, and the economic difficulties now
common to virtually all locally-owned farms, processors,
restaurants, and grocery stores. Unfortunately, Aramark,
Ever_green's food service _provider refuses to buy fresh
goods from the Organic Farm for stated reasons of cost
effectiveness. The market is open from l0am-Spm on
Tuesdays and Thursdays in front of the library building
(second floor). Currently, the Organic Farm has about 17
subscribers their CSA. To find out more about Evergreen's
own Organic Farm visit the website at
www.evergreen.edu7 organicfarm/home.htm. The Organic
Farm is also available on weekdays at 360.867.6160.
The Commufiity Gardens is an area of the
farm designated to bringing together students,
alumni, and community members who wish to
have a place where they can grow their own
organic produce. This allows people to be directly
in toucn with th food they eat and encourages
individuals to learn, teach, and grow to_gether. To
fmd out how to reserve a plot or for other related
q_uestions, call the Community Gardens
Coordinator at 360.867.6145 or visit
www.evergreen.edu/ cel1/.
YfJom/xkJI :!}J:;;;/itie6
The Compost Facility closes the nutrient cycle on
~ampus by recycling pre and post-consumer food refuse
mto compost and worm castmgs. It provides students
with real-world learning environment and community
outreach and research opportunities. All compost_produced
is used to increase soil fertility on the Organic Farm and
the Gardens. On-campus composting depends upon the
student body's educated support and use of the compost
bins located throughout campus. Basically, on campus
dorm kids need to pay attention to which bms they dispose
of their compost into. To end the confusion and compost
frustration, pay attention to the following tutorial. Frrst,
dump your bucket of dorm compost in the gray buckets
and then grab some of the dust m the black bucket and
throw it in your now empty dorm compost bucket. Yesss!
For more mformation on Evergreen's advanced
composting system1 call 360.867.6145 or visit
www.evergreen.eau/ cell/.
The Farmhouse integrates a classroom-style
atmosphere into the Center. It is a meeting place
where students, faculty, and other commumty
members can teach, learn, cook, eat, and share
experiences with each other. To reserve the
Farmhouse, contact Space Schedulirig at
Demeter's Garden is a low maintenance; fora_ge
style food system based on the design prmciples
of permactilture and other food forest systems
from around the world. It is a community based
educational garden that is open to the public for
foragin_g fooa and herbs ana learning about the
dynamic relationship humans have with nature.
It is a model for sustainable Pacific Northwest
forest,permaculture which - as of summer 2003
- is still under development. To learn more or
S!t involved in this pro{·ect, contact DEAP
(Ueveloping Ecologica Agricultural Practices)
The Center is located on the far west side of
campus and is accessible both by a trail behind
the Art's Annex and Lab Buildings as well as by
road. Please feel free to stop by ilie farm anytiine
to visit our fields, greenhouses, composting facility,
gardens, chickens, and ducks.
The Evergreen Compost Project was conceived
, ,.., ~
in February of 1997. The fact that it took 4 years from first
idea to the first clod of ground broken is partially due to the
amount of work and thought required to design a small facility
to handle all of the college's compostable food wastes.
However, much of Tom Gilbert,Jeff Clug, Teagan Robinson,
Charles Hannah, and many others' time was taken up cutting
though the ocean of red tape that the college strung in front
of them. Red tape is sometimes the product of innocent
ignorance, people not knowing any better. The people who
create red tape are not necessarily out to stifle creativity. But
whether or not individuals are to blame, red tape is most likely
to accumulate in front of causes that the people in power do
not feel are important. In this case, the ease with which the
directors of facilities - the body that contains and shapes the
school's spirit - brushed off a project that came from a vision
of a sustainable campus, made it clear how shallow Evergreen's
green is.
According to Evergreen's creed, students learn best
when they can translate their passions into interdisciplinary
real-world projects. Not, apparently, on campus, outside of
the classroom, for whenever the composters tried to make a
move that would hasten the school towards sustainability, staff
frustrated them.
A few individuals went above and beyond the call of duty
in obfuscating them. Michel Kelly, Director of Facilities,
twice did not invite the students who had made a life of getting
composting onto campus to large meetings where vital decisions
and announcements were made. In the first of these exclusive
meetings, Kelly Smith, coordinator of the organic farm facility,
was named director of the project. This seems to make sense,
since composting would likely be on the farm's grounds. But,
since Smith didn't want the project to take off in the first
place, the decision amounted to a coup. Smith often failed
to schedule meetings with them, and then did not show up
to those meetings that he did manage to write onto his schedule.
Fortunately, the composters also had allies. Carl Putzier,
past director of housing, and Mark Lucina, head of housing,
ended up putting a great deal of faith, resources, and effort
into the project, in the form of supplies, public endorsement,
wages, and assistance in educating the campus about the need
for composting. They also twisted a few arms behind the
This helped the composters along, but in the end, besides
having to invent a new sort of facility to deal with the school's
special needs, the composters had to jump through hoops,
do oceans of paper work, and single handedly raise $56,000.
On August 1st, 2001, the first ground was broken on the
organic farm . The facility has been up and running since last
"The final step in the vision is a campus with a
zero-waste policy," Tom has said. He desires this so that
Evergreen can serve as a model for sustainable urban
communities but also, and urgently, because of what he knows
about Robanco, Inc., the Arizona-based company that TESC
pays to deal with their wastes.
Tom knows that Robanco will close the Thurston County
Landfill in several years, and truck the county's trash 200 miles
to the Southeast, to the town of Roosevelt in Klickitat County.
This is not
news to the public: Robanco was not secretive and, besides,
that is just the ways things are done in an era of increased
privatization of public services. Food and supplies enter the
community from distant sources, where they are produced in
specialized facilities, and when they become trash, they are
shipped out to distant places fordisposal. That's the shiny
story told to the papers. Tom and Jeff knew that the realities
were not that bright. They knew that the poorest, most
minority-dense, and most economically desperate areas take
these facilities on, because they don't have the power to combat
them or the influence to be able to object if the company
poisons them. Tom and Jeff looked past the front and found
that Roosevelt's population was the poorest in the entire state,
and that Robanco was currently accepting all kinds of toxic
materials there, including radioactive waste from Hanford,
although the site was not certified for this type of hazardous
waste. Any business that Robanco gets supports the dumping
of horrifically toxic substances in the backyards of the people
who can least object. During the endless meetings, what got
to him most was that TESC, once informed, did not rush to
decrease its dependence upon this abusive, destructive cycle.
Currently, the compost crew collects at minimum, 2 tons of
compost every week. This includes food scraps from housing,
food service, and the childcare center. With an operational
budget supported by the Department of Academics, the
compost facility can afford to process this abundance of waste.
Funding and support for the Organic Farm and the compost
facility is all thanks to much support from the community in
Olympia, as well as pressure from the public stressing the
importance of such a facility to be in existence. Look out for
compostable plates! Collaborations between ARAMARK
and the Organic Farm include the future introduction of
compostable dining ware. As much as it is worth, ARAMARK
claims to have ordered boxes of the dining ware and is simply
waiting to introduce it.
"Who rules the school?" is a less important question
than what they believe, and the compost project is a tale of
beliefs in action. The students prevailed, in spite of certain
staff. And how about you? Will you be silenced, or work
towards your dreams, despite the school's hypocrisies?
also plans cultural events on and off campus
and they welcome ideas and assistance from all
students. First People's provides support services
to students of color by assisting them in achieving
their academic and personal goals. Their services are
tailored to meet the needs of students of color and
are open to all students currently enrolled at
Evergreen boats of its diversity, but as one
staff member observed, "Evergreen is alternative,
not diverse." Be careful when reading the percentage
of students of color presented by the school, it
sometimes includes students on the Tacoma campus
and students who are enrolled in study-abroad
programs. So, many misled students of color find
themselves feeling isolated and under-re2_resented.
One of the educational tools we have at Evergreen is
seminar. In seminar we are supposed to have msight • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •
on our studies by listening to our peers' interpretations. Surprised? Well, students of color have known that
Yet, an overwhelming majority of Greeners are from Evergreen is not a safe space and more people are
white upper-middle-class-liberal families. The typical starting to hear about it. In Spring 2003 there was a
Greener misses out on many perspectives. Students
hate cnme in Housing involving a student whose room
of color often face tokenism and are labeled racewas broken into. Some CD's were stolen, the room
obsessed. Students of color who are listened to when riffled through, but most significantly was a note left
they share often feel like their points are quickly
behind with a derogatory term written on it. The term
abandoned. This is because Greeners generally lack
referred to a person of African descent while the
experience with people from other ethmcities, cultures, student's ethnicitr. was from an entirely different
ana classes, so they don't know how to further the
continent. So while this asshole was a complete idiot,
it still leaves the problem at hand- Intolerance,
Many students of color entering Evergreen find that immaturity, hate, and students feeling unsafe and
Greeners are highly interested in "ethnic" ideologies wanting to transfer out. What is even more appalling
and, more commonly, "ethnic" products. We also fmd than tlie crime itself is that Evergreen does not even
that these people are entirely unaware of these objects' have a policy that deals with hate crimes! While this
historical and spiritual context and are separated from
was the only documented hate crime, plenty of
the peo_ple whose culture these products come from.
discrimination occurred on campus and students
This often leads to cultural appropriations, stealing
are speaking up about it.
someone else's culture, which 1s especially fucked up
when it is used for artistic recognitJ.on or for profit.
This past year there was a group of students
Students of color often feel as 1f there are barely any
of color on campus who were so fed up with the
traces of our heritage in Olympia. We cannot fmd
people that look like us, movie theaters that play our hostile and unhealthy learning environment in the
classroom that they created ilieir own independent
movies, bookstores that sell our books, barbers and
learning contracts. Their contracts were varied and
hairstylists that know how to work with our hair,
religious establishments that reflect our heritage, grocery ranged from art to social science. Essentially they
created a learning community, complete with faculty,
stores that sell our goods, and environments
a syllabus and regular class meetings. The students
(clubs/ malls) that are geared towards and accepting
of our socia! habits. Students of color soon find tnat met regularly with their faculty, read books that tie
Lacey and Tacoma, which are both city bus accessible, in what they were all doing, and met together to seminar
among themselves. What these students did is exactly
provide them with some of the _physicaL sociaL and
what they should at Evergreen; they got what they
spiritual necessities that Olympia lacks.
needed academically by creating the vehicle to obtain
it. They didn't quit like so many other students of
color have been forced to do.
hate Crimes 8t evergreen
first 11eo111es allVising
However, Evergreen does provide services for students
of color. First People's Aavising provides personal
and academic counseling. The}' have materials available
and are an excellent resource for connecting students
to other services and other students. First People's
\f ~ ,~
,,, , ~ je;we,, _,
The annual Day of Absence/Day of Presence
program provides an opportunity for the
entire campus to explore issues of diversity,
equity, and multiculturalism. The program
started at Evergreen in 1975 and comes from
the play, Dqy ef Absence, by African American playwright Douglas Turner Ward. The
play is about a town where all of the African
Americans disappear one day leaving their
white neighbors. The town is unable to
function as usual on this day and the
remaining residents realize that all members
of the town are vital and integral members
of the community.
During the Day of Absence at Evergreen,
many of the faculty, staff, and students of
color are absent from campus in order to
participate in an off-campus retreat. Their
absence from the college serves as a tangible
reminder of the diversity present at Evergreen. While away, the community of color
looks at issues within our communities and
strategize ways to strengthen our support for
. ·~ :,~
each other. The day is spent enjoying each
other's company and looking at administrative and community-based solutions for
providing a safe and welcoming campus
atmosphere. Previous themes for the Day of
Absence/Day of Presence are examining
racial climate in the classroom, incorporating anti-oppression values in the workplace
and seminar, exploring one's own internalized oppression, and every year guest speakers are featured as part of the program.
In 1992 the Day of Presence was added at
the recommendation of members of the
Evergreen community in order to reunite
the college community and honor diversity
and unity. Today, the Day of Presence
occurs the day after the Day of Absence and
represents the uniting of our community
and consists of campus-wide workshops,
seminars, and performances.
For more information, contact First People's
Advising at 867-6467 or drop by Lib 2153.
. • PeJthap-6
you've experienced this phenomenon: someone has left behind a
certain nameless major newspaper in a restaurant of your patronage, and being alone, in
want of activity to bide your time, you peruse the paper. Pretty quickly, something
catches your attention; say, Donald Rumsfeld's plans to use small-scale nuclear weapons
in Iraq. It's an offensive turn of events, made the more unbearable by the fact that it's
buried on page six, behind department store ads and the weather report. You become
appalled, agitated and excited, and suddenly your pulse quickens and you· let out an
exclamation. Immediatel' afterwards, you've remembered that you are in public, and look
up from the paper to see the other patrons eyeing you quizzically.
After all, you've done the
unthinkable: you talked back to the media.
You are embarrassed, of course.
This is why independent media is important. In a media envi• ronment where only a (very small) handful of (very wealthy)
corporations own (very many) of the media outlets, the
odds of hearing your voice, your interest, and your life
amidst the din of commerce-disguised-as-news, are slim to
none. By doing it yourself, you are reclaiming your voice from
the plutocratic punditry; you are rescuing the truth from the
capitalist sewer passing off as the stream of information.
This is where the Infoshoppe comes in. The Evergreen
Infoshoppe is a student-run resource center for students
who wish to print their own media.
Want to print your own zine? That's what we're
here for. We can help you create it, print it, and copy it.
Or, we can leave you alone, and let you have access to our
resources. But this is only one aspect of the Infoshoppe's
mission. We also have a growing zine library with many
international zines, and a book collection that
includes lots of radical literature. Because we
regularly exchange with other distroes around
- - - ~ the globe, out collection is continuously grow
,..,,,.~- ing. When it comes down to it, the media
not only stunts your own voice, but it seldom lets
you hear the voices of others.
al e,a,ergreen
Everyone who smokes has a reason for
doing it. One may puff away to forget the
day, as is the patent excuse. One may choose
to contemplate at the mercy of a subtle red
flame. Although it is common to forbode
that sting of the eye as one crouches low to
utilize the hands, the cigarette stays,
dangling from the lip. One may smoke
because cracked hair doesn't cut it and
fingernails take too long to grow. One may
chase dreams in the shapes of flowing gray
clouds, partake in the means to a firey ends,
or buy them just to give them away. Or
perhaps one is disposed to quiet dependancy.
Whatever the reason, there are plenty of
smokers in Olympia to keep you company.
And I mean plenty. Olympia has got to be
the smoking capital of the planet. Cigarettes
are practically springing up from freshly
mowed lawns and between cracks in pavement. Find them if you can: Phillip Morris
has factories hidden in downtown Olympia
and hires agents who infinately bum off
cigarettes. When it rains, every-other person
in the streets cradles a hidden treasure in
their palms.
With this said, if you're a social-smokertrying-to-quit, you're completely done for.
This town turns people who smoke only
when they're wasted in to Molboro men. It's
amazing that in a town where "meat" can't
be said aloud to children so many people
smoke. But I don't question them; they have
their reasons.
The obvious truth is that smokers and
non-smokers co-exist at Evergreen. While
this has been true for years, it is only
recently that the relationship has grown
uneasy. Recently the College instituted a
non-smoking policy, herding smokers in to
unfriendly blue bekons across campus. The
new policy forbids every square foot of earth
not covered by an outrageous blue circus
tent from smokers. The marginalization goes
further: as the policy is "peer inforced," it
turns student on student. I found these
realities quite unpleasent when, weeks ago,
when puffing on the last cigarette from an
empty box, a biker wore his breaks to
inform me of the policy. "Thanks," he said
as I scraped my good friend against my
shoe. As he rode off there was no one but
his fading form.
Smoking on campus isn't going to get
any easier. The college admitted to advocating complete cessation in an official document. As the new policy sets in, fewer
smokers will gather together outside of
building doors in dissent. I remember when
the school took the ashtrays away and
masses of butts paraded the streets in silent
protest. Their numbers dwindled fast. Weeks
passed and I began seeing people loney
under hollow ice caps, sulking with a hated
$ otiniixnficn
$t-xiam nnJ eff om~pltohin
How can men help women fight sexist oppression?
How can straight men or women help fight against
homophobia? The answers to those questions are also
the answer to another question: How can men help
other men (and themselves) overcome their own
oppression and homophobia? As Terrence Crowly
puts it: "As a man I accrue privilege simply by remaining
silent." However, it should be acknowledged that men
too are oppressed, consciously or not, in this patriarchal,
heterosexist society. Especially men who overtly
challenge our culture's gender stereotypes and
We live in a society where male to female violence
is absolutely deplorable by most standards, but male
to male violence is both accepted and embraced. More
men have died at the hands of other men, than have
women. Much of this killing stems from institutions
that are designed to assert male domination or at very
least a social norm of masculinity. Furthermore, we
live in a society that accentuates the dominating traits
of men, and the submissive traits of women.
Socialization/ Gender Boxes
The process by which men are taught to be tough,
aggressive, and in-control and women are taught to be
pleasing, passive and controlled is called socialization.
Socialization is subtle. It occurs when young boys are
given toy guns and blue shirts as gifts, and their female
counterparts are given Barbie dolls and pink skirts. It
occurs when teen magazines, movies and music suggest
girls will be feminine if they consider their body to be
their best asset. Socialization occurs for men when we
are taught that our masculinity is analogous to our
sexuality, or that our ability to take control of a situation
is a measure of our manhood. If we listen to the media,
men are supposed to be aggressive leaders and/ or
aloof and mysterious. In fact, these myths of masculinity
manifest themselves respectively through a domineering
personality or an inability to communicate, both of
which inhibit healthy relationships.
The socialized gender boxes of patriarchy force
men and women alike to present a false image of
themselves to each other. Images that lack both
humanity and spirit. Images that separate us and mystify
us. While women in our culture also have the license
to show each other affection both physically and
emotionally. If men do the same, fear or suspicion
often follows. For men, homophobia keeps the gender
roles in place. Should a man want to divert from any
sort of social standard of masculinity (wear pink, act
effeminate, cry in public), he may be, at the very least,
silently judged by others as weak or as less of a man.
The gender boxes that are put around both men
and women can be devastating. Especially when gender
is confused with sexuality. When we think of gender
purely in sexual terms, men and women have difficulty
forming friendships that are based on an understanding
of each other's struggle. Instead, these friendships may
be based on sexual definitions of gender. Many young
men already associate their masculinity with their sexual
Same gender relationships, when seen through
sexuality, become stigmatized and feared, especially
for men. This is the essence of homophobia.
Homophobia is not exclusively a gay issue. It is a
straight issue. When gender is examined through
sexuality, men fear each other. Men do not develop
deep or lasting relationships with other men because
of the fear of being labeled as gay. How often do men,
in society at large, sit down and really talk to each other
about their fears, passions, hopes and sorrows? Likewise,
just as women get together and talk about their
oppression and how to liberate themselves, so too
should men.
Socialized gender bo)\es also dictate who we
should be attracted to. How do we treat those who's
sexuality doesn't fit the mold? As straight men and
women we take our heterosexual privilege for granted.
Besides the obvious challenges of being rejected and
scorned by society at large, gay men and women face
considerable obstacles in many aspects of life. As
difficult as love can be, for gay couples it is even harder.
Their validity and normalcy as couples are constantly
challenged. They rarely live their lives outside of their
sexual identity. While straight people can be
congresspersons, lawyers, doctors or teachers, gay
people are known most often for their sexuality, and
secondly their talent or occupation. We as straight
people have the right to raise children without the
threat of state intervention; few gay couples have had
that luxury. Gay
men and women,
just as straight men,
do not have the
social acceptance to
share affection in
public. Therefore,
ending heterosexual
privilege contributes
liberation as loving
Some of you
reading this article
may be thinking
"this may be the case
in the Midwest, or in
some small hick
town, but here at
Evergreen, we are all
evolved men". I
wish that were true.
activists often talk
domineering some men are, how so many workshops,
activities, and trainings are led by men, and how often
the majority of comments in meetings are made by
men. If men are not willing to look at their own sexist,
competitive, and aggressive or domineering behaviors,
which are rooted in their own oppressive socialization,
our revolution will only go so far. We may have a
kinder gentler patriarchy, but the patriarchy will remain
none the less. Furthermore, every year on the Evergreen
Campus women are sexually harassed and even sexually
So what can we as men do to help ourselves, and
thus our female comrades as well? Many believe it
starts with self-examination. Where do my notions of
masculinity come from? What did my father (or mother)
teach me about being a man? Do I feel intimidated by
a powerful woman? Do I feel competitive in the
presence of a powerful man? Do I find myself talking
a lot at meetings, in class, or other social situations?
In addition to probing self-analysis, men can also
ask women and gay
friends to help them
realize their own
homophobia. Women
can tell us kindly but
honestly how our
sexism effects them.
And our gay friends
can tell us how they
are effected by our
homophobia. They
can explain to us our
behaviors that prove
sexist, homophobic,
or just plain hurtful.
We can mentor
our younger peers. We
can provide them with
healthier models of
masculinity than what
we may have received
growing up. We can
provide them with
courage and support
to stand up to
derogatory comments,
sexist and heterosexist stereotypes, as well as educating
them about their own privilege as males and how not
to abuse that privilege.
Most of all I encourage men to talk to other men
in deeper ways than you usually do, to create a new
mentality behind our notions of masculinity. Equally
important, I encourage men to listen more deeply to
other men and to other women, gay and straight. Check
out the Men's Center at Evergreen, CAB 320, space
2, for more information. or call them at 867-6092.
~ h-----"-'- L. .h
SEX at evergreen ... like everywhere
else! except perhaps you could enjoy
some in the lovely forests here. we
want sex to to be a gorgeous activity
for all. too bad orientation and
housing provide no education! but as
always, there are resources to help
you out! please see
http://www.evergreen.edu/ he alt
h/ sexualassaulthtm for a full listing
of information about recommended
sexual assualt practices. everyone
should read this so we're familiar
enough to support a friend in need.
we have some helpful info at the end
of this section about sexual assualt
support and options. if you are
interested in working on sexual
education intiatives for evergreen and
olympia this year contact
olysexconference@hotmail.com. also,
last year the Evergreen Qieer Alliance
published a zine fall quarter that
included the hottest places on campus
to make out. Go by CAB 314 and see
if they have an extra copy. Or go find
your own fun spots! check out the
links page for alternaporn sights! nonoppressive and HOT HOT HOT!
The student Health
anonymous HIV. The Morning-After ealth/ phadm/ adult.html.
treatment is also available. They tend
to be nice and helpful but be careful
about confidentiality at the check-in
free condoms, lube,
window as the waiting area is right
gloves, dental dams, etc.
there. If your worried, make an
appointment for something else and
•evergreen student health
then bring up your sexual health
center (SEM 2110)
concerns. If you do not pay while
you are there, a health center charge
•outside the evergreen
will appear on your bill. It shouldn't
queer alliance (CAB 314)
be specific to sexual issues. If your
•planned parenthood in
parents get the bill be prepared to
downtown olympia
explain. If your worried about
confidentiality, it is still important that
you go somewhere. Try...
Planned Parenthood
01 mpia
It's located at 402 Legion Way, #201
or call them at (360) 754-5522. You
can also check out their website at
http://www.ppww.org/ Clinics/
Olympia.html. They offer STI and
pregnancy testing for sliding scale
fees. Ask about the Take Charge
program through washington state,
they offer free birth control and
exams. Call to make an appointment.
They are really nice and helpful.
dent health center
• thurston county
health department
Toys In Babeland
Toys in Babeland is a sex toy store
run by women whose mission is to
promote and celebrate sexual vitality
by providing an honest, open and fun
environment, encouraging personal
empowerment, educating our
community, and supporting a more
passionate world for all of us. They
offer all kinds of sex toys, books and
accessories. They are located in seattle
and also have a great online
The center is located at Seminar 2110,
which is the main floor of the Seminar
building, across the open breezeway
from Police Services. Their phone
They provide testing options also.
number is (360) 867-6200.
Call them at (360) 786-5581 or go by <tore "w=.b,beland.com.
he staff can treat many injuries and 412 ~illy Rd. NE. Also check the
test for pregnancy as well as sexually website at
transmitted diseases and free,
_Thurston County
Health Department
General sex Ed
http://www.scarleteen.com/ they
have an amazingly informative site
~bout straight and queer sexual health
men should check out
g/, http://www.jacksonkatz.com/
and http://www.menstopping
No Means NO
no means no. if you are confused
about sexual consent, STOP!
communication is key. just for review...
Consent: Both parties must agree or
gain consent to any sexual activity
before initiation. Consent is the act
of willingly and verbally agreeing to
engage in specific sexual contact or
conduct. Obtaining consent is an
ongoing process in any sexual
interaction. The request of consent
must be specific to each act and
should be obtained with each new
level of physical and/ or sexual
contact/ conduct in any given
interaction, regardless of who initiates
it. Don't ever make any assumptions
about consent, do not take silence as
consent; it isn't. Consent must be clear
and verbal.
The person with whom sexual
contact/ conduct is initiated is
responsible to express verbally and/ or
physically her/his willingness or lack
of willingness when reasonably
possible. If someone has initially
consented but then stops consenting
during a sexual interaction she/ he
should communicate withdrawal
verbally and/ or through physical
resistance. The other individual(s)
must stop immediately.
within our society has a different
understanding of rape and a different
means of dealing with its' aftermath.
I have decided to give information
here on what types of medical and
legal options are available to you as a
member of the Olympia community;
however, please remember that these
are OPTIONS. Do not allow anyone,
family, friend, counselor or police
officer, to pressure you into taking
any of these options, but do seek out
folks who support your ability to
decide what is best for you. First and
foremost, get to someplace where
you feel safe, then call a friend or
someone you trust.
the results of your exam will not be
released to the police without your
written consent. If you are under 18,
the hospital is required by law to
report that a rape has occurred. Please
remember that it is always your choice
to speak with the police or answer
any questions they may ask. If you
want to pursue legal charges or think
you might in the future, it is important
to go to the hospital for collection of
evidence within the first 72 hours
after an assault, but it is less after an
anal penetration (48 hours) and oral
assault (12 hours).
Go to the College Health CenterLocated in room 2110 of the
Seminar Building on Campus (8666000 x6200). The Health Center
cannot conduct legal rape exams, but
the staff can treat many injuries and
test for pregnancy and sexually
transmitted diseases, including HN.
In addition, you can receive the
It is important to be checked for
physical injuries, sexually transmitted Morning-After pill from the Health
diseases, HN, and pregnancy. In spite Center.
of a strong and natural desire to clean
up, if you choose to seek medical
attention, it is best if you do not bathe,
take a shower, douche or change
clothes until after the physical
examination. If you must change
Get support from a friend, family
your clothes, put the clothes you were member, peer advocate, Safeplace
wearing into a brown paper bag and advocate, or anyone you trust for
bring them with you to the
immediate and/ or long-term support.
Counseling Center- Located in
room 2109 of the Seminar Building
Go to the hospital- Both St.
Peter's (493-7289, 413 Lilly Road) on Campus (866-6800), the
and Group Health (456-1700, 700 Counseling Center has licensed
Lilly Road ) provide legal rape exams, counselors, as well as peer counselors,
who are available during the academic
although Group Health will only
accept members of its health plan.St. calendar year. Conversations with a
Peter's will call a Safeplace advocate licensed counselor are confidential
and a Sexual Assault Nurse Examirier and free. Drop-in hours vary from
for you- these folks are specially
quarter to quarter.
trained to help you through the
examiriation. Rape exams at St. Peter's Sexual Assault Prevention
are paid for through Crime Victims Coordinator ( on campus)- 867Compensation.
5221 M-F between 8am and 5pm
Like any person in today's society, my
and Police Services (867-6140) after
life has been affected by sexual assault. regardless of whether or not you file hours. Even if you decide that you
It is understandable that each person a police report. If you are 18 or older, don't want to contact the police or
Medical Options
for victims of
sexual Assault
EmotionaJ support
sexual Assault
are unsure what you want to do, call
to discuss your options. The
coordinator will provide support and
assistance with making choices and
seeking help. This web site is a great
resource to check out:
www.evergreen.edu/ health/
acknowledged the need for trans
survivor services but work on
improving these services seems to be
coming along slowly. Intersex and
trans survivors should contact the
survivor project out of Portland @
(503) 288-3191 and
Safeplace Rape Relief/Women's
Shelter Services- Located Off.
Campus (754-6300-- 24 hour crisis
line, 786-8754-- business line),
Safeplace workers and advocates are
available 24 hours a day and are
specially trained to help WOMEN
survivors through all phases of
recovery, including medical treatment
and the legal system. Safeplace can
also provide you with confidential
shelter for women and children. Male
advocates are available upon request.
Due to the recent work of local trans
activists and allies, Safeplace has
How to Help a
survivor of sexual
Talk, listen, respect and be emotionally
available to the survivor. Accept what
the survivor tells you. Accept the fact
that the assault occurred and
understand that it is not the survivor's
fault. Listen non-judgementally.
Suggest options and actions (medicaL
psychological, and other assistance,)
but let the survivor decide what action
to take. Let the survivor talk about
the incident, but don't force a
discussion. Respect and understand
that temporarily, the survivor may
become distant from loved ones.
Assure the survivor that you will be
available to provide support
throughout the process of recovery.
Give the survivor time to heal. Be
patient and understand that the
healing process takes time. Take the
initiative to maintain communication
with the survivor. Moderate your
natural tendencies to become
overprotective. The survivor may need
to seek medical attention immediately.
You can help by encouraging and
accompanying the survivor to obtain
medical attention, but do not push
them to do so. If the survivor wishes
to seek criminal action, this should
be done as soon as possible after the
low Jncome Reoounceo/
Finding the money to provide basic needs for yourself (and your family if you're a parent) can be very difficult
for those with a limited income. This is true in Olympia where unemployment is chronic - a town of limited
employment and an abundance of students willing to work for poverty level wages. In Washington, the
unemployment rate as of August 2004 was 6%, a half a percent higher than the national average.
Unfortunately, American capitalism teaches from a young age that taking assistance from the government
is lazy and selfish. Furthermore, it's plain "UN-AMERICAN"! Despite the social stigma associated with state
and federal assistance programs like food stamps and welfare, many in this "prosperous" country have no
recourse due to economic and political issues beyond their control. If any shame is called for, it is against a
capitalist system that exploits workers and creates a class system that prevents workers from attending colleges
and universities due to high tuition and unreasonable expenses.
~ There are more low-income students at TESC than at any other four-year college in
Cu>W~G>O There is a strictly limited pool availible for food stamps.
Just because you decide to collect food stamps in order to suppliment your food budget, it does
not mean that someone else will get denied.
get fnee food!---~
Free Food Box: Located at the TESC health
center. Check out bread and roses; they provide
all sorts of assistance. See the community
Olympia Food S:O-ops: Located ~t 921 Rogers
, St. NW (west-side) and 3111 Pacific Ave. SE
(east-side). Provide a 10% discount for low-income
people and waive membership dues. This program
does not require documentation, but the co-op
asks that all interested individuals read a short
history of the program before choosing to use it.
Thurston County Food Bank at 220 North
Thurston street is open Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday, 1-3. commodity day is fost Monday
of every month.
If you earn less than $970 per month in a single
person household you are eligible for food benefits
from the state of Washington.You can apply for
food benefits online at
https:/ / wws2.wa.gov/ dshs/ onlineapp/ introdu
Dumpster, yo! And check out Oly Food-NotBombs! Check out the Oly for Free guide later
in this manual for more information.
get fnee ohit!-----,
Historically there has been a free box located next to
the HCC that has served Evergreen for many years.
The free box was removed at the end of the 2002/ 2003
school year because housing claimed it was being
overused. You should harass them to get it back!
Housing tends to be a wasteful environment and
people throw all sorts of things out.
Also, check out the Free Store located in front of the
west side Food co-op!
get a cheapeR------education!
If the main reason you are in school is to get a
diploma, find out about some of the ways to get it
fast and cheap. CLEP (college-level examination
program) tests are cheap, easy and will give you credits.
Classes at SPSCC (South Puget Sound Community
College) are also fairly cheap. PLE (prior learning
from experience) is a program offered through
Evergreen that offers credits for non-classroom
experiences. Academic advising (866-6312) can fill
you in on these alternatives.
low Jncome Reoounceo!
get neDidency!------,
Before school starts, immediately open a bank account
in the state, register to vote, and get your Driver's
License or ID card IN THIS STATE and register your
vehicle if you have one. For more information about
residency, contact Rafael Lozano at 867-5189 or pick
up a checklist from the registration office.
get health inDunance!
provides subsidized health care plans to low-income
individuals. The waitlist is usually very long. Apply
early! Plans cost as little as $17 a month. The application
process is simple and easy. To apply contact the
Washington State Health Care Authority at 1-800-8262444 (ask for a Basic health application packet), pick
up a packet at the health center, or find more
information online at http:// www.basichealth.hca.
wa.gov/ .
DENTAL INSURANCE : Basic Health does not
provide dental insurance. Go to the TESC Student
Health Center for information on low-income dental
care options. They are extremely limited and there is
often a waiting list for most routine services.
Emergency dental services are, however, available with
a minimum wait and with costs on a sliding scale.
get mannied!----~
If you are under 24 and your parents make the big bucks
you WILL NOT be eligible for financial aid even if they
don't give you one red cent of it... unless you get hitched!
Find a friend who you trust enough to join in eternal
matrimony (or at least for the duration of college) and
you will be considered financially independent and will
be eligible for thousands in grants and subsidized loans
that you would otherwise have no access to. Do it before
the deadline for financial aid! Applications are at the
county courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, 786-5453.
If you want your application processed faster, APPLY
ONLINE athttp://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ . You can make
around $5500 in personal income and still receive full
financial aid.
There are tons of ways to lower your expenses. Try
playing around with your needs and seeing what
superfulous things in your life you can get rid of Try
living in the woods, using coupons, or both! You can
work with the Bikeshop to build a bike, get your books
from the libraries, or photocopy the chapters you
need. You can audit classes, stalk the CRCs backcountry trips, or make your own beer! If you ever run
out of ideas, the kids in the EPIC office will offer
great advice on how to never pay for anything!
It is our goal to invite and celebrate diversity within our campus community. Our approach
is designed to be holistic and to empower by promoting: self-reliance, effective problem
solving skills, enhanced academic and personal development, ad equal access to all aspects
of college life for qualifies students with disabilities.
Services available: Pre-admission counseling, Priority registration, Academic Adjustments,
including alternate testing arrangements, scribes, Peer Note takers, books on tape, Auxiliary
Aids, such as sign language/ oral interpreters, closed captioning, assistive listening devices,
adaptive software and computers, etc., Referral to on and off-campus resources.
Access Services
graffiti art. A car
&J lelff~@ ff&% ~lml. Driving a
drives through/
2000-pound machine powered by explosions at
past/ over communities, cycling is travel in
unearthly speeds emitting toxics fumes that are
killing the planet is stupid. But let's not dwell
on sad topics like the people that are killed to
provide you with gas for your car, or how gas
prices are going up, or about how over 40,000
people are killed by cars each year on america's
highways each year. Let's talk about putting some
fun between your legs.
Riding a bicycle is a great way to improve your free bikes/ ffirts/ repairs for low income folks
physical fitness, think of it as cross training for
Sundays 5 & Eastside
out running cops or any other sport you may
enjoy. Or to appeal to your vanity think about
how hot biking will make our ass look. There's Free/ cheap bike stuff and knowledgeable
volunteers to service your bike. Open as often as
probably no __·..,.,.·A·~
volunteers can staff it, open everyday in the
bombin d
basement of the College Activities Building
,11,!1,tlPi~iBIB·, fD
ally cheap. Noto
r gas but it's not that d ·
our own repairs. And you
o have resources that can he
about your bike. If you hav
deck out a sweet rig and hav
oney left over if you sold it.
le who ride bicycles will
orld just looks diffi
resources aren't your thing yo
at one of the many bike sho
Cn · al Mass is a national movement that started
e Bay area over a decade ago when cyclists
ed riding en masse once a month to assert
presence in traffic. For years now that
nthly celebration has spread across the nation
ncl has attracted a lot of police repression in
rban centres, most notably NYC. The ride
happens across the country every last Friday
of the month. In Oly riders gather at
Harrison & Division at 4:30pm.
8th AVE.
(81.btfum OIUO!t. $$$ . An almost classy_healthy rest;1urany' gay
O Tke Kew !ffllOlt Ca(ie . $$. If you eat breakfast here you're
nightspot. Remodeled recently, still finding 1t s audience,
great organic food last time I was there.
unstoppable for the rest of the day. Trust me on this.
4!, Ike S~lllt. $$ • By far the best thing about this restaurant
8 Qua£ily 13Ullllito. · $$ • More like "Qyantity Burrito"
is that you can sit around eating your all Ame_rican burger
HAHAHAHAHA. Eat here if you l}ke your foo_d on wheels, and sipping on your vanilla milkshake and looking at loggers
New Moon Cafe's alter-ego. Late mght, open till 2am.
standing on giant trees they cut down fifty years ago. Well,
E) .Cell!OKqiUIM . $$$ . Thai cuisine. I've only eaten ~ere once
if that's your idea of a good time.
because usually this place is pouring people out of its ld:! 11 CD Tke Studo6k . $$ -Very good food and the buffet is the best
doors (packed). But I was very delighted when did. priced and most tasty in town. It's quite easy to fill oneself
0 .Ce Vi,yewt · $$ · The most hip greasy spo_on m town.
and pop on the way home, so I guess my only advice is to
Sandwiches, soups and entrees all of which can be made
be careful.
vegan on request with as much grease and gnt as a street
C .w. -.= ..
kid. Re_gular hang out for many Oly weirdos like you.
011ee ..,"':Is
8 Slliglllt J<eMkzuau.,. $$. has many Vegan and vegetarian ~ ~ & ~ l i l t ('8&13) ·$·Go there at noon ~fter a mght
menu options. Spring rolls = good. Dark atmosphere; Just 9f partying !o see who "Yoke_up together. U~ncdallegeclly
right for a lazy, rainy Olympia evening.
Pal! Trade coffee~ skip this place for Trad1t:tons.
0 Cfob.6id.e Ca~e . $$ . Newly remodeled but brighter G> ~ ·I:· Avoid at all costs.
than looking directly in to the sun ..Carry shades al)-d ~ OU fke Cw.$. Get wired into the human web and an
prepare yourself for delectable dehc10usness . Don t
americano while your at it. Friendly folk, open very late.
forget to close the door.
61 Cali~' Vitti.$. Definitely hip, academic, and .chill. Bring
G lffirti Saiga.ll • $$ · This pl_ace gets five stars._ There your typewriter and kick 1t. Hopefully your not and passer~y
are suitable quests for t~e light-hearted appetites and who takes a seat OUTSIDE the restaurant though, or you 11
epics for the more amb1t10us. If you figure out the
be told to leave.
secret, don't tell a soul.
0 Oed. Seka.a.£ 'Pizza1tia · $ · One of many digs t~ have G Jke 4fk Aoo Tau. $. Pretty low key with a friendly staff and
fallen in the flame an_d risen from th_e as~es, this place a pool table.
however, looks no different. The pizza 1s good
@) Tlie &,icode. $$. This place bumps like my last ~nline post.
(excellent) and cheap. The Iron Maiden poS t ers are
completely rad.
surely off the hook.
0 Fuji'., . $$ . Snag the seaweed salad. And vegetable tempura. ,.. Tl.• E ,.,.1. T
$ H'
fi b
d f: b
~ 111e 114wiue twl!IUt ·
- 1t up ror some me eers. ue up
Good sushi. Japanese restaurants -~re ew an ar etween
for some fine pool. Get up for some fine dining from the
m O/ym,..pta·· be sure to check ~UJI s out.
East Side Clul::i.
~Otta.., ljagef1ty • $ - Olympia 1s a good breakfast
town. It's also a good lunch town; Otto's is to be
$ Tke ~ -- ~·,If your lucky enough to sit somewhere
blamed for both of these fortunes .
where t_he ,music_ 1sn t tearmg your eardrums apart _and the
smoke 1sn t makmg you claw your eyes out, you might have
CDT~ Ca(ie -. $$ - Delectable food (soothmg soup),
a good time. Keyword is "might."
entrancmg musical acts_, mspirat:onal p~rformances, and
~ Jake'., lilt fllllllfk _$_Perhaps the best addition to Olympia
some very mce Olympia folk. Its all Falf Trad~ too.
besides you, Jake's has more energy than a light. The karaoke
0 0!J"Wt ~e - $$$ - Expensive seafood/ local history palace. is karao-KEY
Not for the lone soul's wallet; get your guardians to take you~ Tke ffiglcdiiitlielt. $$ . Let it roll of the tongue: boooshii.
~Bert !ffl!ile"6. $. This is a laid back bar without all the frills.
0 E~ GIUl.lUlU - $~ • Good, Salvadonan fo(?d, chfck out the Good for solo or couple adventuring-- do everyone a favor
giganttc nacho Journey; 1t s the cheapest trip you II ever take. and don't go with four of your friends.
~ '011111,y'., - $$ - Best mother fucking mimosa on the goddamn ~ Tke Jt(flllk . $$ • Some good shows come through this place
mother fucking planet. While there are a few breakfast problem is, it's expensive as hell. If you co be sure to dress
digs that might con:p~te wit~ Dar~y's ''.best _tofu
scramble in Olympia, I wont believe 1t until I see
the death match.
L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _41
Ra11doni Sldt to Keep ¥011 Occupied
~Ziite .l!ib.itMy@ !Mt Wl!ltd Banh - Inside Last
Word _Book~ hides a cave tl~at w~ll fill Y.our
Free Edibles
~Fuel Ka.t Bo.11tb.6 - I think the.name says it all.
Serves Mondays, 3pm, library downtown. Go
day with en1oyment. The Zme Library is
and eat, go and help.
I!\ GI~_ANTIC, so check it out.
~Sahe Fu.a.cl hl!lt Ck111tge - Another way to snag a
W F11-gitwe - An urban Cops and Robbers assa ult.
meal. Serves Wednesday at 5pm. There's also
By far the coolest shit in Oly. Training for the
a small organic produce giveaway usually
Revolution; practice your evasion skills. Every
accompanying the feast.
Thursday at lOpm(ish) at the Fountain.
$Tlwuta.K Ca.u.idy Fllt!.d Brum - If you're low on funds fo!·
C1titieltt ff{ll.66 - Get your bike and rock the city.
food, check out the Food Ban~: Remember that Fmanc1al
Meets at Harrison and Division at 4:30 and at
Aid does not effect your eligibility. Mo?days, Wednesdays,
t ·
t 4·45
and Fndays, 1-3pm. 12:30 for fresh p1ckins, or show up
th e S qu1rty
oun am a · ·
late to avoid the line.
~ ff{edi11 bt111td - See Ca.11t11t11-1tity 1)ilteetl!lty -A good
0~ Fltee ff{~ If
, d
t h k
lace for literature and local zines, hapig,
U . G
!Mi-. y(obu ~~-c ets&peLra e,hc edc out ek)
· di
ruon ospe ss1on reaiuas
ays a wee ,
nen y peop e, an an exce ent p ace to 1gure
th p- B · t Ch h (S
th s I t"
out how to help the community.
e mt ~pus
un, 4pm, or e a va ion
. 1)' t
Army (avoid if you have a warrant out for your arrest).
1teuc a.o. - ee a.11t11t11-1tity
11tec l!lty -
Classes are taught and attended br people of
the community. Lots of great ski! shares. Be
sure to check out the Fall Schedule @ www.
Olympiafreeschool.org! '-·Moongsan '•'
• Altte6ialt WeU - If you enjoy clean, fresh, plentiful ~
water, check out god's faucet. This water flows WOtylflPitt FlllUtU!lt6 ff{llllket-Eatyourheartoutinthegarbage
up from a giant underground reservoir.
ca? b~ffets, open on Saturdays and Sundays morning to
wWa.11te1t lit ~tacit·.
support the_Women In ~St4ewag~-AnalternativetostealingfromSafeway.
.6 Black, a silent vigil for peace, Fndays at 5. W
~ Ratpk'6 T ~ 'Dmtq,6telt - This dumpster is watched
occasionally, so be careful. Also be prepared to scale
ff11-Me Skt1-1116 - Listen to Free Rad10 Olympia
a wall. If you are successful you will have loads of
(98.5) for clues to good shows. Chee!< out .
awesome shit to show for your efforts.
posters and flyers - you probably know all this. & n. ....... Oll-ttet
. Wh , b
Eu.e1tt6 Ill 'BMiitU6U - Many Oly businesses host •
v •wu:1"J
· (We.!1.!ik)
ats ~tte~ 1 an gettm~ ~
awesome events like teach-ins concerts
two pounds of cheese at a heavily discounted pnce.
movies, and more. Again liste~ to FRO 'or
Getting it free off the floor of a dumpster!
check the bulletin boards.
U1tb.111t Cti11tb.i1tg - You can climb in concrete
FfK1) ff{ORE Sf{IT AK1) TE.I!! US - There
jungles too. Be sure to 1) be very careful, 2)
are lots of things you can do without
know where the power lines are, 3) do it with
a friend and 4) don't do it drunk.
spending a dime. There are also people
who would accompany you on those adventures Eat tke Rick - They're tasty.
so explore, inspire, and create!
Eat Trash?
This Pep Talk Brought to You By
Last W□rd Books
_,. .
Rec The Place Fantastic Records collective
( .
Often we hear about the idealism of youth. Our parents' You can help build up your community by supporting locallygeneration had puritanical and bourgeois values to rebel
owned businesses and farms rather than Wal-Mart. You can
against, and comprised a revolutionary social and cultural
feed and heal yourself ~ th weeds and plants that grow in
movement in response. Looking back upon th te sixties your backyard. You cml love whomever you want to.
and seventies, one can sense a spirit of revolution. Those
Most importantly, you can do something amazing. It is
who were not active in social causes started businesses, raised not part of capitalism's st tus quo for non-college graduates,
families at a young age, built nowprofit o.rganizatio s from racial and sexual minorities lower-income people, or youth
nothing, lived sustainably, were openly gay, grew th · own to start businesses, raise ch~dren, or run for political office.
food and medicffll, ran for office, and developed co
unities. In Olympia, however, you can find many business and
Many lived what the· own parents would euphemistically organizations which have been hprn out of opposition to this
call an "alternativ :estyle."
standard. The Olympia Food Co\s,p is entirely member-run
Not much 'has c nged; there still exists a status quo to
and Dumpster Values is owned by women. The Last Word
question. J;fowever, oday it is not so much piety that the
Books/ RecThePlace Fantastic Records collective began in
dominant ~ture regards as ideal (one flip through the channels 2002 when three Evergreen students opened a small bookstore
will confirm th~),but rather a sort of gluttonous luxuriance. in the back of the now defunct Olympia World News. Two
And it seems t t some force of the system (Reaganomics?) years later a second business has sprouted from the first, a
has effectiv<rly d. enchanted a huge group of people who now few additional members have joined and both,work collectively
comprise th maj ~ty. Some of these people are our parents. to provide a community performance space.
Don't get me ,~ng, this author knows some pretty hip
Don't be disempowered by a lack of credit, education or
parents. In no wa l:loes ze* mean to marginalize anybody. money. Most importantly; don't allow doubt from thers keep
But generally.speak~·g, ost Evergreen freshmen will go
you from doing what it is you want. ~ e too of change
home this fall for T nk ~iving break, eager to confront Uncle are those that IJl.,,911' and privilege cannot buy; a community
Investment Banker
h privilege, and be met with jaded of support 1fu..in elf.sufficiency, collecf!\re actioh, creative
condescendence. T J.v•v~ one that whelei:hangMh~- ingenui n
rd (very hard) work. If you don't know where
revolution thing an Jc u9-d that it i
tter suited f ~ ~ t o ta{ <:t
project in the community, we can point ou in
ad than for actual practice
asy to feeJ.,disempower~
a good drrection. Books are always a good place sta ....And
by the system, abd it Is ev easier to resign oneself to apathy. you'll probably need some good music to pump you up for
Contributing to the general feeling of futility that characterizes your endeavor..
our generation are the jaded musings of our parents and their
You c a n ~ at 211 Fourth Avenue down the street
peers. Perhaps the most active form of revolutiow to mer'ely"'from Metro - or by calling 786-WORD. Visit us on the web
resist the sense of resi nation,..b.opelessness and defeat that at www.lastwordbooks.org.
seems to sweep people
after years of an uphill battle. You
can reduce the amount of oppression occurring in third-world
*gender neutral pronoun, use it in your papers in place of s/he
sweatshops by choosing to buy used or sweat-shop free
clothing, and by encouraging your friends to do the same.
Last Word Books
211 4th Avenue
De Colores
507 Washington St
Orea Books
509 4th Avenue
You can find class books at these stores.
De Colores is a multicultural bookstore
with tons of children's books. Try to
avoid the TESCs bookstore if you canthe clothing is sketchy and the books are
far more expensive then the downtown
shops. Definitely check out Powell's
bo6kstore in Portland! It's a treat! Also,
don't forget to check out Last Word's
kickass zme library.
the fight for
workers' rights
discuss reinstatement and basic worker's rights in writing.
At the meetings, we made it clear that there was no
animosity against Flores personally; what we wanted was
resolution for the injustices of the former owners. We felt
he had a responsibility to set things right because it was ou1
unity and the community's stand for justice that ultimately
drove Shane out, and gave Heath the opportunity to own
Olympia Pizza Time.
To mend the previous injustices, we asked for reinstatement and basic recognition of our rights and our 5½
month long struggle. Our one-page proposal included
recognition for the Olympia Workers Association, the
organization we created when we united in February. It
also included a non-discrimination agreement to ensure we
would be treated the same as our replacements, a just-cause
provision for job security and an agreement to give us a
1. Abara and John get their jobs back. Jeff (the owner's
voice at Pizza Time. We made it clear we did not want to
2. brother) has to go.
displace those who had recently found employment at
3. No workers are fired without Just Cause and without
Pizza Time, and would only take work when it became
4. No more racial slurs
Flores' proposal was for us to re-apply for work without
any agreement or recognition. He noted he would have to
5. A friendly, clean, safe work environment
check references, since he wasn't sure if we were qualified
6. Standardized breaks
enough to work at Pizza Time. We made it clear we could
Respect for the workers' right to unionize
not return without assurance that our rights would be
The next day, Shane arrived at work over 7 hours late and respected, and Flores refused our offer to draft an
found his entire staff waiting for him, except for Jesus who agreement together.
was out on delivery. Once Shane entered we confronted
Flores' final offer was unacceptable. He claimed that
him with our concerns.
because he was such a nice guy we didn't need unity or just
Shane cut us off right away and said his brother was
cause, and that to be fair, he had promised the replacement
staying. He chuckled with his brother and blew off our
workers he would not consider our terms. He said it took
concerns, and so the entire staff walked out the door. We
every ounce of his training as a repo-man to remain calm
picked up picket signs and expressed our outrage.
over the past few weeks, and for that we were indebted to
After seven days of picketing, community support had
brought Pizza Time's business to a trickle. The owners
After many concessions we refused to give up the
realized they would not be able to operate the business
Olympia Workers Association, and felt we owed ourselves,
successfully without meeting with the workers. Rather than our supporters, and our community nothing less. In the
establish fair working conditions, they chose to punish the end, Heath Flores decided that keeping the OWA out of
workers and shut the place down.
the business was more important than giving a guarantee to
the community that unjust labor practices are unwelcome
In July, five months after the beginning of the struggle,
new owners took over the franchise. We hoped the new
at Pizza Time.
For more information on the
owner, Heath Flores, would help resolve the situation.
Pizza Time struggle or the
Flores refused to meet and denied any responsibility. We
Olympia Workers Association,
resumed our picketing, until Flores agreed to meet to
visit www.olympiaworkers.org.
In February 2005, all the Olympia Pizza Time workers, and
the manager, went on strike, taking a stand against racism
and for workers rights. Shane Bloking, a previous manager
at Pizza Time, bought into the business and immediately
fired two competent employees without reason. Shane had
a history of uttering racist comments and it was no surprise
when the store's only African-American employee was the
first to be fired. Shane intended to replace the workers with
his incompetent brother and his friends.
Instead of getting fired for no good reason one-by-one,
we held a meeting the night of February 11th. We could
not work at Pizza Time under these conditions. We drafted
a list of basic demands that had to be met or we go on
strike instead of making and delivering pizza. The demands
May Day is an international holiday that celebrates
solidarity between workers of the world and is
commemorated by gathering for a good time, and
continuing the struggle for worker's rights.
Before May Day there was a worker's holiday called
Bdm~ a celebration of the planting season, summer,
and fertility. Celebrations of this kind have been practiced
for centuries by certain European tribes, namely the Celts
and the Saxons. Some traditions carried out on this
sacred holiday included jumping through fire for
purification, igniting large wheels and rolling them down
hills, and the May Pole, a magic item used to unite people
into love. Sexual openness and spontaneity was enjoyed
on this day, as tradition would include going into the
forest to have sex. As history progressed, Catholic,
Puritan and Governmental forces attempted to criminalize
May Day celebrations. May Day was a day where everyone
was considered equal, and people teased local authorities.
A mischievous figure celebrated on this day was Robin
Goodfellow, a precursor to the folkloric Robin Hood,
an appropriate figurehead for any incarnation of May
Day. In general, May Day is a day for doing things that
you wouldn't normally do.
May Day's manifestation as a worker's holiday
began, ironically, in North America, where it is not
officially recognized as a holiday. During the 1880s, a
struggle began for 8-hour workdays, when the typical
workday was 12-16 hours long. Protests took place all
over North America in demanding these rights.
The events came to a flashpoint in Chicago on May 4th
1886, when a peaceful protest was interrupted
by a bomb that killed and injured several people,
protestors and police included. This event is known as
the Haymarket affair. The bomb is a mystery of history;
yet, the radical leadership involved in the protest was
blamed for the actions of a righteous madman or police
saboteur. Eight Radicals were persecuted in order to
disrupt the organization of labor; four of them were
hung by the state of Illinois. The trial was by no means
a typical "fair" trial; the jury was hand selected by the
prosecution. The Haymarket Martyrs were later
commemorated by the Second International in Paris,
calling for an International Worker's Holiday to be
. many E uropean
celebrated on May 1 . s·mce th at trrne
countries have turned this day into an official holiday.
Olympia has a rich May Day history with events
constructed from the collective Olympia community,
Evergreen members included. Every May Day in
Olympia is celebrated with marching and a festival.
These festivities have attendance in the thousands and
are the largest annually occurring political gatherings in
Olympia. Sometimes there is overnight camping for
May Day celebrators with festivities going into the night.
May Day has also been a day to create guerilla
community gardens in Olympia. Every year many
events occur on this day, and it is a good way of getting
closer to the subculture in Olympia. Seek community
groups to learn more of May Day festivities and how
you can help, or plan something fun yourself.
Many students come away from Evergreen with a new
understanding of their privilege in society. Whether it be
race, class, gender, ability, gender identity/ expression, religion,
immigrant status, health, etc. Reconciling how their oppressions
interact with their privileges is a complicated process full of
pain, guilt, confusion, denial, misunderstanding, and hurt.
But it's also extremely rewarding and life-changing. Our aim
is to leave people feeling less guilty and more empowered,
and with a better idea of how to approach the process of
understanding the effects of privilege and oppression in our
lives. And hopefully, you'll catch a glimpse of the rich
possibilities for transformation in our lives and communities.
Privilege and oppression are two sides of the same coin.
Privilege refers to the unearned advantages enjoyed by favored
populations. Many Greeners benefit from several kinds of
privilege, others from little more than having access to a
college education. Native English speakers, men, (white)
European-Americans, heterosexuals, upper / middle class,
U.S. citizens, able-bodied people, non-Indigenous people,
and people of dominant religious beliefs have more power
in society and benefit from unfair privileges.
Understanding privilege is not as easy as having it explained
to you. Your privilege may be invisible to you until someone
points it out or you pay close attention. If we belong to one
of these powerful populations, we often don't notice that
we enjoy certain opportunities and advantages that are less,
if at all, accessible to others. Having privilege is not something
to feel guilty or ashamed of, and it's not something that we
can undo or give away. Acknowledging that we have privilege
is the first step toward understanding, identifying, and
challenging systems of oppression.
White privilege refers to the unfair advantages that people
of European descent have over People of O:,lor. I am a
white girl from the suburbs. Most of my friends, educators,
and neighbors look like me. The standards I learned for
beauty, language, success, intelligence, etc. are defined by
whiteness. If my application for a job or an apartment is
rejected, I don't worry that it's due to my ethnic background
or foreign-sounding name. I am not subject to racial
profiling. If people cross the street or stare when they
see me coming, it's due to my attire, not the color of
my skin.
A lot of Greeners deny that white supremacy exists at
this school. People claim, "I'm not racist," "I have Asian
friends," or "I listen to hip-hop." Having white privilege
means that white people don't have to think about racism.
White people need to have real conversations about racism
and white supremacy, to recognize that multicultural does
not mean anti-racist. People of O:ilor at Evergreen deal
with a lot of shit- tokenism, patronizing attitudes,
harassment by the police (yup, the TESC cops too),
stereotyping, white guilt, being exoticized, accusations of
"reverse racism," blatant cultural accusations and being put
in situations where they are forced to educate white people.
Racism is linked to three central power schemes:
Capitalism, oppression, and power. The most substantial
privilege white people are afforded is not having to think
about racism or white culture. Most white people cannot
even tell you what white culture is. White privilege is what
I get every day, automatically, without having to ask. I can
just expect it. And I do. All white people do. We've had it
our whole lives so we're used to it.
Does the Evergreen community REALLY care about
"diversity'' and students of O:ilor? We sure don't show it.
It must be alienating to come to a school that promises
People of O:ilor on every bench and in every class when
in reality many students of O:ilor are the only Person of
O:ilor in their seminar. As white students, we look to that
student when we want our question about racism answered
or the "different" perspective. We pledge allegiance to
diversity when in reality we are not so diverse. We have
barely any classes for students of color. We do not even
have an African American studies department and our
"cultural studies" listing barely deals with the historical and
modern issues of Peoples of O:ilor.
We do offer "diverse" classes that end up being mostly
about cultural appropriation. Culture is any and all aspects
of a community that provides life force including art,
music, spirituality, food, philosophies, and history. To
appropriate is to take as a possession. Cultural
appropriation is the stealing of another person's culture
for white use and enjoyment without embracing the
struggles or supporting the liberation of the Peoples of
Color in which the tradition originated. You can learn
afro-Brazilian dance, yoga and Buddhism. But who are
these classes really for? How many white kids at evergreen
do this with dreadlocks, Native American dream catchers,
and Indian dress and jewelry?
Wealthy white kids at Evergreen who appropriate
dread locks and working class clothing styles have the
privilege to cut their hair, buy new clothes and return to
corporate culture if they choose. The lower classes do
not have this privilege. Also, disassociating from white
culture with cultural appropriation is disassociating from
privilege and the responsibility for oppression. Many
Evergreen students, including myself, have the privilege
to participate in "cultural tourism." This is the privilege
to "study," "travel" and "experience" other cultures
without having to do the work. I wonder what it means
for me to have my hair cut in a semi-Mohawk. When I
think of Mohawks I think of 80's punk rockers. But why
did they think it was so cool to wear a Native American
Piercings, tattoos, yoga, all popular at Evergreen and
in Olympia, have long cultural histories that most of us
are unfamiliar with. I'm not saying white people should
never, under any circumstances, do or wear any of these
things -- it's a complicated issue. I am sure, though, that
we need to start seriously thinking about what it means
for us to take these cultural icons into our white culture
without acknowledging or giving back anything. Even
if we did, would it be okay?
to define reality for yourself, others and society.
Racism is a system of advantage based on race. Racism
is a system of oppression based on race. Racism is a
white supremacist system because white people get the
advantage again and again. This will continue until we
make institutional, cultural and personal change.
People of Color do not have societal or institutional
power on a wide scale. This is why People of Color
cannot be racist. People of Color can have prejudice
and stereotypes and commit violence against people
based on race, but they do not have an entire system of
socialization backing the prejudice up.
"Reverse racism" is a myth perpetuated by white
people who can't or won't see that People of Color are
still oppressed and who deny the existence of white
privilege. The concept of reverse racism denies the
struggles of People of Color and ignores the fact that
white-skinned people of European descent have been
receiving preferential treatment for centuries. Despite
civil rights acts and Affirmative Action, white people
still have better access to housing, health care, education,
high-paying jobs and so on.
People often cry out that it's "reverse racism" when
people of color try to establish spaces free of white
folks. White people need to get over hurt feelings and
realize that these safe spaces are extremely important
for People of Color to support each other, heal, and
have a short break from the overwhelming whiteness
of Olympia and Evergreen.
When you hear people of color talking about white
people in a less than positive light, wait before you get
defensive. Step back for a moment and think about this:
white society has "systematically devalued their humanity,
covered up their history, brutalized their memory of
themselves as a people, and then placed white standards
as the mark by which they are judged" in terms of
beauty, culture, language, and expression (Chris Crass).
When white folks aren't conscious of our privilege and
Racism is social and institutional power + race don't challenge the white supremacy of our society, we
prejudice. "Social and institutional power" include access are contributing to the bullshit that people of color deal
to resources, the ability to influence others, access to with.
decision-makers to get what you want done, the ability
February 1997: Forum organized by City of Olympia, which brought
various experts to testify on structure and organization of police
departments. Accountability is a side issue. Videotaped for TCTV.
May 1997: Copwatch sets up meeting with expert on law enforcement,
Eileen Luna, to discuss issues with Olympia city officials. She says
citizen review is good for the city and the police.
August 1997: Gary Michel (of Oregon) hired to replace chief John Wurner
after 18 years with OPD.
1998: $15,000 of Olympia's City budget earmarked to conduct police
accountability study.
2000: Police accountability study done by John Walters with components
of case review and small public sessions. Study finds accountability
system lacking, technical system flaws, and recomends corrections as
well as different intake system.
January 2001: Police shoot and TASER Kent DeBoer, a mentally ill man
who lives in Olympia, Washington, who was showing aggressive behavior
due to a change in medication. Kent DeBoer lives, but experiences
severe health problems as a result of his injuries. His Federal
lawsuit is dismissed.
2001: Olympia City Council decides to create an Independent Auditor to
oversee police complaints rather than a civilian review board. Council
elects to exclude citizen participation in the auditor process.
2001: Olympia City council buys riot gear for the OPD due to complaints
about street festivals and conduct during May Day.
Summer 2002: Oly Copwatch reorganizes after hiatus due to police
harassment of homeless people in downtown.
November 2002: Police TASER a man four times in one minute outside
Ralph's Thriftway for suspected shoplifting, and punch him in the
face, knocking him unconscious. Stephen Edwards is dead just 15
minutes later.
Spring 2004: OPD extends their deadline to investigate citizen
complaints from 30 days to 45 days.
Summer 2004 Ad Hoc Committee on Police Accountability forms in
reaction to Police using a motorcycle to push a 55 year old woman out
of a street during a protest. Committee meets, reviews history, and
had not yet recommended action as of September 2, 2004.
Summer 2004: Oly Copwatch begins broadcasting on Free Radio Olympia
98.5FM each Tuesday, 5-6PM their radio show "Seeking Justice" with
host, Drew Hendricks 870-3127.
2005: Oly Cop Watch maintains records of police use of force and puts
continued pressure on the city council to reign in the police.
Feb 2005: marks the beginning of a significant drop in use of TASERS to
about half of their previous uses
CONTACT Drew Hendricks 870-3127 for info on Cop Watch.
Follow-up Inquiry into the ODA
Acting on the information that Beth Ward presented
with her article "An Inquiry into the ODA" which
originally appeared in The Voice, I reviewed the city
files on neighborhood associations, specifically the
Downtown Association. It is clear
at the ODA does not
eet the city's eligibility
standard for classification as a neighborhood
association because they
have repeatedly violated
the annual reporting
requirements through the
entirety of the city file, which dates back to 2002 (the
2004 report was absent from the file). And yet the
city, in their love-affair with the ODA, gives them
thousands of dollars year after year to the possible
detriment of other neighborhood associations that
received only partial funding or none at all from this
limited resource.
Olympia Municipal Code 18.86.060(A) requires that
neighborhood associations annually report on why
'renters or lessees' are not allowed in the organization and whether or not they are to be included in
the future. The ODA does not grant FULL membership, including organizational voting rights, to
rental residents. The ODA has not properly reported
this condition to the city of Olympia year after year.
This requirement is not too hard to understand as
evidenced when another association referenced it in
their application process. OMC 18.86.060(D) states
essentially that the city needs to notify the offending
neighborhood association, the ODA, of their
non-compliance and possibly suspend them.
I believe because of The Voice's intrepid inquiries,
the city developed a new annual form (dated June 8,
of this writing, the ODA still has not reported their
exclusive membership. In the community's interest,
the ODA should at the very least return all its
ill-gotten funds from the city's Neighborhood
Matching Grant program.
The city should end its love-affair with the ODA
Perhaps the Olympia Downtown Association is not
an honest or capable corporate citizen as they claim
or as the city of Olympia automatically gives them
credit for. They have been the instigators and
proponents of anti-homeless and anti-youth legislation for nearly twenty years. And they are still
pushing an agenda that needs to be examined even
more closely now, given the reporting discrepancies
detailed above. Interesting to note that the current
ODA president and main spokesperson, Jeff Kingsbury, and former spokesperson, Joe Hyer, are both
running for city council this year. I guess they want
to supersize their discrepancies and further dilute the
chain of command between the city and the ODA.
The Olympia Downtown Association is a non-profit
corporation that works tirelessly for the profit of a
few and, despite their rhetoric, are
ily community-minded.
half of their current
Board of Directors
in the city of
Olympia. Their
ti-homeless and
anti-youth legislative
initiatives have cost the
city thousands of dollars to
'study' and have repeatedly divided
an otherwise
caring community.
The business association only represents a fraction of
the estimated 540 businesses downtown with a
current membership of 230, at least 200/o of whom are
A number of downtown businesses actively avoid the
ODA. Currently the ODA is at its historic highwater mark in membership but is now proposing
mandatory membership of all businesses into what it
claims is the next evolution: a Business Improvement District. A BID is a special tax district in
which businesses or property owners downtown
would decide to add an additional fee to their tax
bill that they can decide to spend later. Nothing is
stopping the ODA as a non-profit to raise and spend
money voluntarily without creating a new taxing
district except the likelihood that small businesses
can't afford to contribute or may not want to be a
part of the ODA otherwise. But through
business/asset bullying, all businesses downtown
would be compelled to do their bidding.
The primary purpose of the district would
be to operate a publicly funded and
constructed parkinggarage. Studies have
shown that the majority of parkers
downtown are business owners and
their workers. Businesses could invest in
a shuttle or subsidize their workers' use of
alternative transportation to free up
the streets for consumer needs. It would
be less expensive than demanding a
parking garage. The Downtown Neighborhood Association conducted a survey
of residents. The preliminary results show
that residents were more interested in improved
public transportation than a parking garage. If a
parking garage is so needed, surely a private entity
would have already seen the merits of building one.
Their plan sounds too much like plundering public
resources for private gain.
The city's Comprehensive Plan and the city priorities
is to develop downtown as 'Mixed-Use' with some
residential, some retail, some commercial, etc.
Declaring downtown a business zone is not consistent with such community-minded plans and
priorities. Such a zone downtown could approach a
sense of community if it included improved business
guarantees such as fair trade, living wage, mandatory
recycling and waste reduction, and additional
consumer protection requirements; residential
discounts; and enhanced public accommodations
including open access to restrooms.
A BID would be unfair to the two captive markets
downtown, residents and local consumers. Since the
BID would compel financial contributions from all
businesses (something the ODA has not been able to
accomplish otherwise), the cost of which would
undoubtedly be passed onto the consumer, raising of
rental housing and all other prices downtown will
result. And the consumers won't necessarily have a
vote on the formation of the district or how the
funds are to be spent. If I'm not mistaken this
country was founded on the slogan "No taxation
without representation!" It seems the ODA is behind
the times.
The only upside to their BID proposal that
I see is an implied statement that
downtown Olympia is no longer
'struggling' since they are so
pleased with downtown they are
considering raising prices across the
board. Hopefully, their consistent
negative campaign over the decades
that downtown is struggling which
has pitted them as 'underdogs' to
the 'controlling interests of the
youth and homeless' under the construction of 'safety' is finally finished. Goodbye to
their clever attempts to deprive vulnerable populations of their civil rights. Actual crime downtown as
documented by the Olympian and the police
department has remained fairly constant - and was
never really high. Fear of crime and fear of 'others' is
the flames fanned for decades by the ODA. Downtown is safe - just ask those who live downtown.
Hopefully enough local businesses can come together
to oppose the ODA's BIDding so we can maintain
downtown's mixed-use character. We regular citizens,
flesh and blood persons, are second-class citizens
without a right to vote on the issue that will certainly
affect those of us who value downtown Olympia.
~vergreen has a history of activism around gender identity. there
have been transgender, intersex and genderqueer people at evergreen since
the school began. because of transr,hobia, genderqueerphobia, and intersex
oppression many people who identify as ~ender variant in any way cannot be
out on campus. like in the queer community, there is also a history of violence and repression against
those who deviate from "traditional" gender, sex and genitalia standards. evergreen is no utopia free
from this bigotry. if you need basic education around these issues, as they are often not included in the
activist oppression run-down, see the internet link resources in the back of the manual.
~ckily, unlike many other universities, evergreen has exciting gender variant events and educational
opportunities. the trans forum began in '96-'97 which included speakers, panelists and question & answer
sessions. leslie Feinberg, a radical multi-issue trans activist, came in 2000 and spoke to more than 1000
students, facul!Y, and community members in red square. caitlin sullivan {who wrote nearly roadkill with
kate bornstein) came to evergreen several years ago as well.
two xears at evergreen, there has been a northwest trans, genderqueer, and intersex film festival.
it was one of the three film fests of this kind in the united states along witli Chicago and San Francisco.
there have also been fests in London and Toronto . this puts olympia on the map for the genderqueer
film extravagance! the film fest began out of a trans discussion group that began in '97-'98 with 20
members at the first meeting. A few transpeople and allies were tallcing at the end of the meeting about
getting together to watch tne porn "tranny boys in the alley." "why not have more people get to~ether
and watcli exciting artsy gender variant films?" they thought. and so the festival idea was born . Beginning
in 1999-2000 the festival began as the "trans and intersex film fest" and was 3 days long . In 20002001, they added genderqueer to the name of the festival, though films on the subject were already
presented, and grew to 4 days. The festivals included speakers, workshops, panels, films, bands and
art. almost 1,000 attended. the gender-nuetral safe bathroom signs during the festival got ripped down,
but, in general, minimal harassment was reported . the administration provided substantial funding and
SUF>F>Ort. many people came from seattle, portland, and vancouver to attend . The festival's last year was
in 2000-2001 oecause there was a lack of new student and community organizers.
~ong with the first film festival, transgender issues and identity became a
hot topic in seminar discussions because of more outspoken gender variant
students. there are a good amount of classes offered on gender at tesc, but
they almost always deal mainly with feminism and sexism . if classes do talk
about gender transgression it tends to be a quick "special topic" or the gender
variant person in the class is permitted to teach the rest of the class about
trans and genderqueer issues. intersex is just beginning to be discussed in classes
~more regularly as intersex activists are working hard to make sure the issue is
addressed . it 1s not fair to tokenize trans, genderqueer and intersex people to
educate classes about gender variance . tliough these issues are just beginning
to become academically _popular, academia already has a history of gender
activists and thinkers. professors need to do their own work so these issues
can be fairly addressed in classes without having to put the burden on gender
variant students to do extra work so their identity is not swept under the rugin relevant discussions.
-:-" r;::-:i
) :
,( '
~ s past year a student did a contract on gender issues in campus housing. he tried
to work with housing to establish gender neutral housing solutions for 9ender variant
people who want or need to live in campus housing. housing told him 1t was illegal. since
the college is an institution they are legally allowed to gender segregate housing, but
they are NOT required to do this. gendered housing presents a very uncomfortable and
potentially dangerous situation for trans, genderqueer, and intersex people. to respect
all people's housing needs there needs to be at least some gender-nuetral housing
alternat(ve. opening this faO, there will be a trans dorm at wesleyan university in middleton,
connechcut so we know 1t can be done .
Ji' Iii, \,
olympia sex conference last year was one of the first trans, genderqueer, and
intersex inclusive sex education and anti-oppression event. In the two years before, the sex and gender
conferences took place by different organizers. Both events included speakers, music, workshops, antioppression work, and panels that dealt, at least in part, with trans, genderqueer and intersex issues.
~ s t year, there was also a trans/genderqueer 101 workshop provided as a part of the women's
resource center international women's week. the survivor project, a trans and intersex organization
dealing with abuse survivors! !;JOVe an anti-oppression workshop as a part of sexual assault awareness
month sponsored by the coo ihon against sexual assault.
most schools, there have been drag parties and shows throughout the years. these are fun,
genderqueer events that have a long revolutionary history in queer and trans culture. these days, there
seems to be a dangerous appropriation of these events by non-queer groups to raise money. it is important
to think about whose culture you are using to raise money when you plan events. make sure you are not
using other people's histories to make a ouck.
evergreen queer alliance's mission statement includes gender variant people. originally called
the gay & lesbian resource center it was later changed to the lesbian & gay resource center. in the 80's
and 90's bisexual folks raised helf. eventually the group was renamed it the evergreen queer alliance.
there have been trans coordinators since the late 90's. at one point, the eqa had 3 trans coordinators
and there have been varying numbers of trans members in the group, but more work can always be
done to make queer organizations more inclusive. intersex issues have not been addressed enough.
~newall/outh, olympia's queer and trans resource providing support and events, hosts a trans
discussion an support group that has been around for 3 years. contact them from the community groups
listings in this manual. additionally, the gender variant health care project provides health care consulting
and referrals for gender variant people in the area. they are also listed in the community groups listings
of the manual. last year, a small group of i:Jender variant, current and past, students trained the evergreen
advising staff on trans, genderqueer and intersex sensitivity issues.
¥ome of the issues gender variant activists and allies are working on this year include housin9 9ender
segregation, evaluation pronoun issues, and sin!;Jle-stall gender-nuetral bathrooms. feel free to 101n the
gender variant activist list serve (oly gender achvists@yahoo.com} to stay in touch about this work. also
check out http://www.tgguide.com7Guide/washington.htm for a list of trans resources in washington
state. there you will also find information about a transsexual prisoner support program.
Oreo books GN
Metro Body piercing and Tattoo GN
Dumpster Values GN
Old School Pizzo GN
All the bothroomsoresingTe stall and con lodc1 yetnotoll ore New moon Cole / Quality Burritto GN
gender neutral. this is the key: GN means genoer neutral and Botdorf and Bronson Coffee shop GN
Gmeans gendered yet still safer because you con go in alone. Traditions Gin the bock
Chopsticks Gin the bock
in olympia ...
Chong Mai Gin the bock
Le Voyeur GN
Otto's Gin o hall way
guide to safer bathrooms for
gender· ambiguous and
trans/gender11ueer folks
Starbucks GN
More than Friends (bar) GN
Ben Moore's-Gin the bock
Mini Saigon Gon side
Thai Pavilion Gin the bock
and at evergreen...
CAB 3rd floor G
Lob l basement GN
Arts Annex G& GN
cond largest colle
the country; th
e a bit of land as a natur
rve, the scale and se
ergreen's a
f undeveloped land ma ·
Although all o
as been log
red years and there are
growth trees remaini
oods are an a
ng place. One grizzled Greener-grad has told me that Evergreen is t
gest piece of wild land left anywhere on Puget Sound.
ut what does wild mean exactly? It's important to understand how our cultural conditioning
frames the way we see the land. Even in these postmodern days the mythology of the old west is
till alive and strong, and often goes unquestioned even at Evergreen. It's in the water. You
e o story: the American West is an unlimited and untamed land which was mostly empty
-,hite folks came in with their bold blood. To uncover deeper stories in the land we have- ~ - -
ong before Evergreen was built, the land our school now stands on was stolen from the
of Puget Sound (this author is unclear as to whether this land was occu2ie b
quaxins or the Nisqually people, or both). This led to the
_A war, a rarely-m6ritioned but important piece of local history.
~ settlers forced Indians off their land, the traditional techniques
ment went with them. Thus the camas fields-thriving semi-wil
potato-like bulbs and onions south and east of Olympia-were no lo
through regular burning.
here's a lot of evidence that Indigenous people throu~Q
....,.,,....~....., uge areas of land for the production of food and medicine. (See-the f~scinatl
"1491" from the March 2002 issue of Atlantic Magazine, which can b
google "1491.") In the Northwest, this has often involved the
maximize production and the burning of certain lands to e
provide forage for game animals. While our Western myt
America as a wilderness, there was actually little land that wa
production of food, medicine, fiber, and other necessities
is traditional Northwest way of living lies in stark c
rein we abuse a lot of land with total disregard fo
chunks which are to be untouched. This way
e long-term: if we don't change our agricultural tee
t in. We will learn to see that food-production can b
ards into perenn '
culture gard
we love, combining dom
And w won'
Evergreen, Anthropogenesis, and the Politics of Land
What I'm trying to say here is that it's important
for us all to connect with the land where we live.
Pick some berries when you walk through the woods
and get to know the plants. Learn how to use some
of the common medicinal plants here and harvest
them in a sustainable manner. I've known Evergreen
students who are scared to dig an Oregon grape root
because they don't want to disturb nature, but they
buy their food from a vast monoculture farm that is
chaos in terms of following natural patterns, even if
it is organic. I'm not saying we should all get all of
our food and medicine out of the woods-it couldn't
support that anyway-but moderate use of a few herbs
can actually connect us to the land and in that sense
preserve it because we who have the local soil pulsing
through our veins will always be the first to lie down
in front of the bulldozers when they come to clear
land for a new state office building. (That's a real
threat, says Evergreen Professor Frederica Bowcutt,
since Evergreen is state land.)
Now that I've had my rant, I'd like to talk a little
more about the management of the Evergreen woods
by the college. The Campus Land Use Committee
(CLUC), a group of various staff members with a
token student, is charged with the responsibility of
recommending management plans for Evergreen's
land. For the most part, they leave things outside the
core campus area alone. An exception to that
occurred in the spring of 2003 when CLUC decided
to pave the major trail to the beach. While that in
itself is somewhat controversial, the builders used the
meadow-place of great full moon bonfires for all of
Evergreen history-as the staging site for the paving
project. To this day, half the meadow is covered in a
thick layer of basalt paving stones.
Lots of Evergreen students over the years have
realized that the woods can make a great place to live.
There's no way to get to know the land like living on
it. For the most part, the school does little to stop
people from long-term camping trips in the
Evergreen woods, especially when those people are
bona-fide students. They are slightly less sympathetic
to random people living on campus, but generally
don't patrol for campers except when they get
complaints. There have been times in the past when
so many people were living in the woods that the
powers that be swept through looking to oust any
camps they found. And those times may come again:
rumor has it that at this writing (summer 2005),
Facilities is looking to hire someone to trek around
in the woods, marking the location of all campsites
using GPS units. They will then hire an outside
contractor to demolish these campsites. My take:
they don't want to do the dirty work of kicking out
innocent kids themselves, not to mention potential
PR hassles, so they'll hire it done.
If you've read this far I hope you see that there's a
big part of Evergreen that most people are at best
vaguely aware of during the years they spend here. As
students we have the great privilege of having this
land all to ourselves. Unlike most public lands, at
Evergreen you won't find hunters, meth-heads,
commercial pot-growers, or ATVs to intrude upon
your wilderness rambles. But we also have the
responsibility to get to know the plants, animals,
lichen and fungi, and to learn the violent history of
this peaceful-seeming place, in the hope we can keep
it from being just another subdivision.
It's important to know what plants around you can be
used for food and medicine and now how to harvest
them in a sustainable way so they will still be there for
generations. Some plants in the Evergreen woods
should never be harvested: Wild Ginger (Asarum
canadense), Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata), and
Trillium (Trillium ovatum) are not abundant here and
can't stand up to random Greeners taking what they
need. But other plants like Oregon Grape (Mahonia
nervosa) and Western Bleeding Heart (Dicentra
formosa) can take some browsing as long as all of us
harvesters know how to do it right. Read up first.
Michael Moore's Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West is
a good place to start. Also check out Savage Dreams:
the landscape wars of the American West by Rebecca
Solnitt if you liked this article. And you might like the
zine An Oral History of the Evergreen Woods which is
currently out of print but still floats around campus
(check the Infoshoppe).
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then
they fight you, then you win" -Gandhi
Globalization was
the buzzword of the 1990s.
With the fall of the Soviet
Union, the emergence of the
US as the world's only super
power, and capitalism's
supposed victory over
socialism, it became common
for people to use the word
globalization in an attempt to
describe a complex system of
interrelated political,
economic, social, and cultura~
trends that were shaping the
post-cold war era. Th~
common thread that run
rough t e e many diverse
phenomena is the emergen p an increa ingly transnational
capitalist ruling class eager · tegrate all a pects of life and
earth into a unified global s ~ . Yet, it · clear that capitalism
has always had an inheren ndency towards expansion and
the proliferation of international trade. Some of the earliest
forms of truly capitalist enterprises, the first limited liability
corporations, were formed specifically as a means of funding
dangerous, but potentially rewarding expeditiollf from
renaissance Europe to the far reaches of the Earth. So in
a way, the project of global' ation that beqme su<i\ a
prominent.; ~ fure and topi o tli~cussion in the 1 ter yea~s
of the twe
th century was n thmg new.
ever, we can see that there arThdefinitely some
unique feature that characterized the late 20 century global
capitalist order, ~s a response 'to the economic stagnatio
of the l 970s wrd the loss of faith among many in welfare
state Keyneslanism, there arose a new dominant ideology ou
of the reactionary; years of Reagan and Thatcher that came
to be called ne0Iib ralism. On one hand, neoliberalism refers
to an ideology tha claims to be a resurgence of the faith in
the 'hidden hand of the market' as well as an emphasis on
individualism and maximizing individual liberty. N eoliberalism
can also be understood as a specific strategy or set of strategies
for restructuring national economies towards deregulation
and privatization driven models in which the state is forced
to step back and minimize its control over the economy.
This is the logic of contemporary globalization that drives
institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary
Fund and the World Trade Organization as well as the
transnational corporations that have been proliferating and
benefiting from this system. In 1970 there were roughly 7,000
corporations operating internationally. As of 2002 there were
. "'"iillllll approximately 60,000
·: ,.~i; I tr~nsnational corpornti<;>ns
1J.. ;
with over half a m1ll1on
Many neolibernls
.;j foreign affiliates.2
";'' "''w41 employ the rhetoric of domg
away with wasteful 'big
government' when they
advocate the dismantling of
welfare states or the
privatization of nationalized
industries. Yet it is clear that
under neoliberalism, bloated
states remain essential
ingredients to the healthy
functioning of the capitalist economy. The need for massive
corporate welfare programs and increased policing and security
to protect private property in an ever more unequal world
means that states are as big as ever, yet they are becoming
little more than devices for propping up transnational capital.
In this sense, globalization can be understood as
a multilateral and less overt approatp. to solidifying a global
capitalist system in which the globalized ruling classes of all
integrated nations get a slice of the exploitation pie. Although
there is still the overarching impenal go of dominating and
exploiting the entire world, there is ot one core imperialist
state exploiting the resources and la:l:lor of 'its periphery. The
US clearly plays a leading role in th'is process, yet it seems
that globalization is centered more around a multilateral and
transnational elite operating through a hegemonic capitalism
rather than a more unilaterar approacQ that benefits one
imperialist power at the expens of aJJ, the others. In other
words, under a neoliberal model of capitalist globalization,
the rich investors of all nations benefit at the expense of life
everywhere. However, 1t is important to remember that there
is till thl; entrenched hierarchy of rich and p0<;>r nations and
we can see this reflected in the way tha.t the vast majority of
transnational corporations are based out of the global North.
This process of elite globalization is exemplified by the
annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland
in whic the rich and powerful from all the Earth's corners
meet at a ski resort in the Alps to network, party, and discuss
th conti nued proliferation of neoliberal capitalism.
O1te of the most interesting aspects of the
globalization debate during the bubble of the 1990s is the
way in which many corporate pundits and capitalist apologists
chose to present globalization and neoliberal s
&LOUALIZATIDn Ano TU[ n[W lfflP[RIKoi5ilQD[Q
restructuring as inevitable and without an alternative. The threatening the future of the
post-cold war triumphalism of the capitalist ruling classes project.
fueled the notion that the establishment, solidification, and
This unnerving re
expansion of a unified global capitalist economy was permanent WEF in Davos. The party a
and could be taken for granted. One of the most well known had worn off with participan
g up to
theorists with views sue as these is Francis Fukuyama. In economic uncertainties and
f war lo
n the
an article from 2000 he states, "What truly unites the world horiz?,n. This year's forum ha
~er thell).
(and hence the age) toda; are technology and economics ..." Trust .
He goes
to say, "(T]li e are no overarching conflicts or
It is under this backdrop of a failing gll'> al economy
political nB.itions tha~c ar cterize the world as a whole ... that we have witnessed the unprecedented rise of a new wave
[L ]ike ne
ore, the o d\ center of political gravity is of US unilateralism and militarism. If globalization was the
almost imp :ss· to locate in
on of its parts." Fukuyama buzzword of the '90s, so far empire seems to be the buzzword
called this a~
e end of his ry".3
of the new millennium. Journalist and author Robert Kaplan
Un o unately for Fukuyama and his "end of notes in an article in The Atlantic titled 'Supremacy by Stealth:
history" theory,
world of the 21 century is a very different Ten Rules for Managing the World' that, "It is a cliche these
place. Today, its ems foolish to assume that the peaceful days to ogserve that the United States now possesses a global
spreading of neoliberal capitalism will continue indefinitely. empire." With a glance over the headlines of the world's
The economic crisis that first appeared in the 1997 Southeast newspapers and policy journals, it would be hard to argue
Asian financial disaster and quickly spread to Russia and Brazil otherwise. Recent events such as the invasions and colonial
has now made its way into the heart of the global capitalist' occupations of Afgha!ilistan and Iraq suggest that a significant
power structure causing the US to slide into a serious recession faction of the US capitalist ruling class, led primarily by the
that shows no signs of letting up and is pulling the rest of the neoconservative wing of the Republican Party; is set to abandon
world down with it. In Argentina, once a poster child for the many of the pillars of multilateralism in an attempt to pursue
IMF and the globalization project in genera~ the neoliberal overt empire. Other actions taken by the Bush Regime, such
economy has completely collapsed sending investors fleeing, as pushing for the development of a new generation of nuclear
the currency devaluing, and unemployment soaring. This weapons and the massive proliferation of US military bases
Argentine economic implosion has significantly helped to across central Asia, point in a similar direction.
undermine the legitimacy of the neoliberal economic model
There is no do1.1bt that the US has been the most
at a time when its proponents were already on the defensive. powerful state in the world since WWII yet during much of
Massive popular movements have been disrupting nearly this time it has placed emphasis on maintaining a multilateral
every major gathering of world leaders as well as the capitalist system that has incorporated all of the imperialist
transnational elite and have forced those who advocate capitalist powers into the dominant power structure. The Bush regime
globalization to address the human-and ecological impacts of and their neoconservative allies appear to be much less
their policies. With leaders in power such as Brazil's Lula and interested in maintaining this multilateral system and in many
Venezuela's Chavez and resistance to capitalist globalization ways they see the other powerful capitalist countries as threats
spreading throughout much of Latin America, it seems as if that stand in their way. As the anti-Iraq war stances of both
in this area of the world neoliberalism has passed its heyday. France's Chirac and Germany's Schroeder demonstrate, the
To top all of this off, there arose the infamous other major capitalist powers outside of the US are growing
accounting scandals that exposed the lying and corruption increasingly worried about the effects of an overtly imperial
that had become common place in some of the largest US and its steps towards abandoning more multilateral forms
transnational corporations attempting to hide the reality of of capitalist domination and exploitation that benefit a wider
devastating declines in corporate profit. When the Enron range of elites. It has even been argued that the invasion and
scandal first broke, Enron was considered a flagship of the occupation of Iraq was really an attack on Europe in the sense
global economy and had the eighth highest revenue of anl that it was an ittempt at maintaining the Dollar's dominance
corporation in the world; financially the size of South Africa. over the Euro. It seems that as the global economy continues
The realization that Enron and a long list of many other to decline, wider and deeper fractures are beginning to form
transnational corporations such as AOL Time Warner, Xerox, within the global ruling class that are further tearing apart the
and Worldcom, were not even playing by the rules that were globalization project and causing a steep risejn inter-imperialist
designed to benefit them has further chipped away any rivalries.
remaining confidence in a world order dominated by powerful
In many people's minds, the US's recent steps towards
corporations. In short, transnational corporations and overt empire are merely responses to the 'wake up call' of
neoliberalism are facing an enormous crisis of legitimacy that 9/ 11 and the need to combat the growing threat of terrorism.
combined with a staggering global economy are seriously Yet this is clearly not so. Influential think tanks such as
the infamous Project for a New American Century
(PNAC), which is composed of many members of the current
Bush Administration, had been advocating this imperial
strategy long before 9/ 11. They simply used those horrendous
attacks as excuses to push their agenda on a frightened
population and politicians eager to look patriotic during a
national emergency. 9/ 11 ended up being the "new a I
Harbor" that the fNAC needed in order to unleash
imperial offensive. Furthermore, if the US governm
seriously concerned about protecting its population
threat of terrorist attacks it would cease its actio
that have enraged much of the Arab world. It
end its funding and support of violent regimes a ,
actors that could theoretically follow the same p
Bin Laden in the sense of turning on the US ter it had
supported them; a process now termed 'blowback'. Since
these actions are clearly not being taken, we must assume that
terrorism is not the empire's real concern.
When we look at these disturbing imperial trends
within the context of a failing global capitalist economy, we
can see clearly that they are related more to the inherent
instability and contradictions within capitalism rather than its
strength and permanence as a viable world system. In order
to secure specific corporate profits and the dominance of the
US elite in a rapidly deteriorating economic climate, the Bush
regime has chosen to turn its back on many of the failing
devices used to benefit all multinational corporations. Instead
they have taken actions, such as invading Iraq, that only benefit
a narrow sliver of corporations closely tied with the Bush
regime. Halliburton, the 'oil services' corporation Vice
President Cheney was once the CEO of, has been awarded
contrais involved in the Iraq occupation worth $1.7 billion
dollars. Much of this money is directly from no-bid contracts.
This is really just another form of state subsidization that
is being used to prop up a portion of a vulnerable corporate
sector during a period in which capitalism is facing a deep
Acknowledging the growing obstacles that now
stand in the path of the capitalist globalization project does
not mean that we should assume that this process is over.
While recent events do point to its decline and deterioration,
this multilateral and less overt form of capitalist domination
and exploitation is still the primary goal of much of the global
ruling class. Trade negotiations revolving around the further
development of the WTO as well as the creation of the Free
Trade Area of the America's show that the neoliberal model
is still being pushed on much of the world. However, the
proliferation of this restructuring could be threatened by the
rich states unwillingness to take the very medicine they
prescribe to the poor. Afraid of further damaging national
industries·, many of the rich states have retained their
protectio~ measures such as tariffs on agricultural imports;
or sted ' , the case of the Bush regime. It is very possible
this p ' of conflict between the rich and poor nations as
well as e US and EU could lead to the collapse of future
In this war torn and devastated world, there are
$tilJ lmuners of hope that are shining through the destruction
left behind by the new world disorder. Paralleling the
destabilization of multilateral globalization, a surge of
grassroots global solidarity has risen to confront the capitalist
elite and demand a world based on social and ecological
sustainability. This is the 'movement of movements' that
successfully shut down the WTO's third ministerial meeting
in Seattle on November 30, 1999. It is also responsible for
the annual World Social Forum that has taken place during
the past three years in the southern Brazilian city of Porto
Alegre where participants gathered from around the world
to discuss the essential notion that "Another World is Possible".
More recently on February 15, 2003, this global grassroots
network showed its unprecedented solidarity and strength
when 15 million people took to the streets of cities in almost
every country in the world to say no to war and militarization.
The Bush Regime has demonstrated that it is willing
to stoke the flames of nationalism, racism and xenophobia
in an attempt to coerce the people into complying with its
imperial agenda. We must not let theses power plays of the
elite undermine our global grassroots solidarity. As Davos
crumbles and Washington lashes out in desperation, Porto
Alegre must shine.
1. Shutt, Harry. The Traiiewith Capi:alism Zed Books, New York 1998, 7.
2. New Internationalist. Ccqx:ratelnfl= The Fads. available onhttp:// www.findarticles.com,July, 2002.
3. Fukuyama, Francis. The Traiie WithNams. Foreign Policy Magazine, available on http:// www.findarticles.com, Summer
4. New Internationalist.
5. Kaplan, Robert. Su_{Temu:ybyStealtlr Ten Rules fir Milnagugtlr Wald The Atlantic Monthly, available at
http:// www.theatlantic.com/ issues/ 2003/ 07/ kaplan.htm, July 2003.
6. Research Unit For Political Economy. Behim tlr lnvasim cf Iraq. Monthly Review Press New York, 90.
7. Ibid, 59.
8. Tapper, Jake. Iraq WinflalL· Ccrp:.ratims Bendit Fran Cats cf Iraq Rtrrmtnxtim ABC News, available on
http://www.commondreams.org. September 2003.
OL~ e0ycmp8a . . . _
emu~:~ Jg•~eOeG>y
(Band Name / Contad Info / Contad)
@:iX!lb ©!W olycoolguys@gmail.cam
l!llIDl!J ~rds@dirtybirdsmusic.com
• speedlab_424@juno.con.-
~ (l);I (;{!Iil loveisstupid@hotmail.com
~ ~ drummer@rlseup.net
~ ~ mail@thefireants.com
~ r.ililWJIB birthdayponi@hotmail.com
D W iginarna@comcast.net
!::J:WJ] I f i l l ! ) ~ ~ hookandthedaggers@yahoo.com
~ idhiostega@yahoo.com
~ incendiary@graffiti.net
~ ~ loveisstupid@hotmail.com
M::l ~ 530 705 2715
</Jlli[j) ~ 360 790 2366
~ ~ rosscowman@riseup.net
l!filll:3 360 753-4261
~ (?{fill] lepush@hotmail.com
lHlfil.IB ~ bumblingoldman@yahoo.com
~ ~ tribill@love·sunlimited.com
olvmCP:m moos3e cD:[?e~lo•v
~ Oi])filID, [(ill)~ murderparis@hotmail.com
~ pastiesmusic@yahoo.com
~ ~ pablo_diablo@hotmail.com
~ □ ~ 00 infinitywaltz@hotmail.com
~ ~ wilsonbd@indiana.edu
~ [ ( i l l ) ~ ll:i) ~~ ~ ~
00 ~ eledroncricket@comcast.net
~ romanteek@gmail.com
Yi) u:m:@'il IIlID) (![]!illffiJ (;)'.fil]i]) slim@killrockstam m
~ 1!IiID D ~ hornetleg@hotmail.com
~ ~ rosscowman@riseup.net
W'l (ill])~ j!)_~l!aos@hotmail.com
~ Qmllil 360 9511470
~ drummer@rlseup.net
Q!!lTI!&@~ wingpirate@wildmail.com
~ thewaxfire@yahoo.com
~ ll:i) D ~ ~ 360 866-4257 (Nathan)
~ ~ frillee@gmail.com
W@@@@@~~@ ·@@@®@@@® ®®@®®®
®lI?(] (!IIDJ] (360) 7S4-8187
~ [m]db (360) 239-9907
(360) 70S-1867
OOiilli[lffijj] Maniumbooking@hotmail.com
00 00 (360) 70S-0330
@@®@®W ®®@@®®
~ 00 ~ (360)
@mfill ~ audrey@pi
~ ~ olyvouyer
'illlG2 [fil[(f(ffi9 contad@themark
~□~ (360)3S2-0
~ WMO&,.E &,.OT
'Phere is a whole lot happening
pesides classes. The11 . is a number
based activities to ta.Ke part in: disc
· · ns, activist alliances, m ·
ups, art and music collec
and much,
participant in a group should be comfortable with
the decisions made by the groi.ig; .tpat we can trust
ourselves and each other to work 1out Jiffen;nces of
opinion in a way that is a,ateptab1e fo d~eryone. This
means that unlike in the usual "rna)<?rity_ rule_s" mc:,je
of ~emocracy, consensus hono ·s. mmonty v1ewpo¥1t
ahd considers them j
worthy of discussion j.(ld
sitl~~ ion as the
of the majority.
s this wo
p~posal might be raise ''y
estioJs are then asked and •
ussio~ follows. Concerns rais _
in the discus'sion a
essed by the group as a
whole and the pro
is r
ed by all participants
to fit everyone' comfort.. itf':(he end, someone does,
not like the proposal, s,tlie can -WOck" (or, veto) anY.
propbsal they feel is threatening to the integrity of th~
group or if it will cause the person to leave the g ou
forever. However, on smaller decisions, most people
with disagreements will simply "stand aside," which
means that they don't agree with the decision, but the
can live with it.
ver teen has a large number o 'official" camp 1
a,: are budgeted by the co ~ge and at least e
«!inator" who takes care of paperwork an
t e groue unc .
smoothly. These
;llOt close
at reqbire sec
tio , and piembers
car (
thou a ttmes ~ ay em !me ii:): All ,.
en oups welcome everyone tq their meetings and
he vast maiority of gr ups are highly recep6ve to n w
eas and iinaividual ini iative 1
Workingwith campus student groups can a rewarding
nd meaningful experience; it can be highly empowering
1to work with others for soda! justice or creative and
r:rsonal growth. These groups also provide a good place
for meeting like-minded folks and making friends that
share your interests and visions.
N O ~ MCW MJOf woe, GA'CX.P5 Ga?
This section of the Disman will introduce you to how
"Student Activities" functions, the groups currently
operating on campus, and to how you can locate resources
The Services and Activities (S&A) Fee Allocation
for your own projects.
Board is a bureaucracy that exists to determine the
allocation of money to fund various services offered
NO M'l'E5 ~ RR 5Tll'ENT' ~ on campus, such as the CRC, KAOS, the CPJ and the
Child Care Center. The Board also allocates all the
Most official student groups have one to three paid money for student groups. This means the Board is
coordinator(s). The coordinators job is to do the "official" quite a powerful entity; the ten paid student
work (i.e. paper/ office work required to keep the group's "representatives" have near complete power in deciding
finances and events in order, coordinate events and
how the student body of Evergreen wants millions of
projects, help the group remain accessible to the public). dollars spent and can even micromanage each student
In most cases, the coordinators don't make decisions group's budget.
unilaterally, but are present to help carry out the visions
The S&A Board is selected by a committee that is,
of the club. Each coordinator has specific office hours, in theory, open to all students, but in practice, usually
and most are eager to answer questions or ramble lovingly involves only a very small number of people; S&A is
about the groups for which they work.
not well known to students and requires a bare minimum
Student groups are run in all kinds of ways, from
of student involvement. The selection takes place this
monarchies, oligarchies, democracies, and beyond. Most way because - for better or for worse - Evergreen does
groups operate by a particular form of democratic process not have a student government; the S&A Board is not
called a.nsenms. Consensus is popular at Evergreen,
accountable to the general student body and most
however it's not popular enough on a world scale to be students never even hear about their decisions . Many
included in most high school or college curriculum. So, don't even know S&A exists.
I'll give you a very brief overview.
This unusual situation means that the S&A board,
Consensus operates off of the basic idea that every by its near complete control over dozens of
of organizations' wealth, is the o~y organization on caf!l!)1;1S
that has institutional power to consJStently shape what act1V1t1es
are prominent on campus. As ,:ou _might imagine money can
make or break a campus orgamzation.
This doesn't mean that the S&A Board 1s made up of
power-hungry asshol~s. The Board generaµy has reflected
a diverse range of I?terests_ and_has s~nven to be as
'.'unbiase?" as possible. ThlS bemg said, the S~A Board
is po_ten~ially vu1?erable ~o. orchestrate_d or accidental
dommat10n by highly opm!'?nated factions. _If the Board
has a large number of politically conservatlV~ stude_i:ts
on it, ~t m~y reduce funding fo~ many progresswe po~ocal
orga?izati?ns ~n ~ampus (which means you wouldn t be
read~g this). Srmilarly, a Board that thou~ht tha~ art and
music was a waste _of money could curtail fundmg to
these types of projects. Le~s s~verely, the S&A Bo_ard
can (and does) f~vor organ_izat101:s. that _they pe!cewe as
being well-orgaD1Zed and highly v1Sible, rmpressions that
can be easily skewed by chance, circumstances, or personal
. .
The other significant sources of power O? the S&A
Board lie in Tom Mercado, the S&A Board Director, and
the rest of the non-student, paid full-time employees
that assist and oversee Student Activities. Although wellintentioned people, they present an "I'.m just here to help
the students" image that obscures the significant re~tory
power that is an unmistakabl~ compon~n_t of therr J<?b
positions. They ~an m~½e unilateral decmon~ regardmg
budgetary spendJ.?g,_ hmng of s~dent ~oordmators for
groups, and legality issues associated with any student
project, and they don't h~v~ to consult the S&~ Board
or anybody else for perm1S~ion. These types of situations
have come up numerous trmes.
It is important that students who are concerned about
these power issues activelf wo~k to change th~ system
and speak up when troubling c~cumstances anse. There
is no group that regularly momtors the S&A Board (or
any other decision making body at Ev~rgreen ~or that
matter). I_t is highly unlikely that these issues will be
resolved mternally.
Lll'!U.I ,..1'11..1 /
~ '--"'
Gef' N,'a.va, IMfM n£
The S&A board is an annually selected group of
students who allocate your student fee money. The board
is made up of eleven-paid student positions and two
Evergreen staff advisors. The board allocates over a
million dollars of your fee money. The money is used
to support the CPJ, KAOS, the Childcare Center,
the CRC, student wages, and healthcare benefits. In
addition to these ~rganizations, the board spends much
of its time allocatmg funds to support stud_e ~t groupplanned events like concerts, speakers, trammgs, and
workshops. Board members are the first to kno":' about
student-funded events, they work close~y with the
Evergreen activist community, and learn the ms and outs
of Evergreen's budgeting.
Being a board member is a p~i~e opp'?rtumty to
become a part of designated decmon-makmg on the
campus. Board members are responsible fo! continually
interacting with student groups and makmg sure t~e
process of requesting support is u~derstood. Th~ duties
of being a board member are at trme~ demandm_g, but
undoubtedly rewarding. If you are mterested m the
functions of the board or would like to apply to be a
member contact the S&A Office. You must be a full
time student and make a commitment for the school
year. Time commitment will be compensated with a
several hundred dollar stipend.
HON CiO / GeT 5 T ~
One of the better ways to get an introduction to the
various on-campus organizations is to visit the 3rd floor
of the CAB (College Activities Building; where the
Bookstore is) in room 320. The offices for the vast
majority of the student groups are located here. The
folks at the front desk have a directory of ~tudent groups'
mission statements, phone numbers, mail boxes, and
hopefully their meeting times and office hours.
Once you've checked out some of the options at the
front desk, the best way to fmd ou~ mo~e abo~t a ~pec~c
group is to leave a message on their_ voice1!1ail or m their
mailbox visit the coordinator(s) durmg their office hours,
or attend the group's meetings. The initial meetings of
each quarter generally fmd a go?d i:niJc of new folks and
returning members and attendmg lS a good way to get
"plugged in."
A word of warning for new students: The student
activities "community(s)" can seem very cliquish. People
involved in activist and/ or creative projec~s often become
fast friends_ this can be rewarding for those mvolved, but
highly alienating fornewcomers (atleast at first). Also fru_strating
is the fact that people who have bee? workmg on proJec,!s .
together for awhile tend to develop lingo and acronyms ( Did
you see that speaker from the MST the other day?", "What
have your experiences with heterosexism been?" etc.).
Academic programs. And academic deans
Fortunately, these experiences are common enough that
· , -,
will match funds is two programs sponser
nearly everyone involved in campus groups has experienced -- :·. ~
. your idea. Talk to faculty or faculty
them at one point so many people have an appreciation for ~ ·
how much it totally blows. The folks involved in Student
Activities are a diverse lot, are generally kind, and genuinely
Access Services for Students with Disabilities
want to create a friendly environment for everyone at Evergreen. -.
.•- . has funding for projects for disabled students.
Communicating if you feel disrespected or out of the loop to - ~ •
the group or to the coordinator can make a huge difference in ~
challenging these unfortunate dynamics.
Community organizatio~s often fund
projects. Check out the Community
Organizations Directory in this manual.
Let's say none of the student groups suit your fancy or
you're working on a project on your own. There are many
options on and off campus for raising money for an
event, project, or special cause. Here are some ideas:
There are a myriad of options: rich studends,
bake sales, fund raising, secret cafe's, teeshirt sales, robbery, or just selling stuff on
Red Square.
Existing student groups regularly provide
fiscal support for students with no strings
attached. The Women's Resource Center
and EPIC are known for this kind of support.
First People's Advising has money for
Start a Student Group and get mad cash for __ •
doing shit you want to do! Get a budget for - ~ :
your sling-shot hobby.
The Diversity Fund maintained by the Equal
Opportunity Office will often fund projects.
S&A Productions has money to bring
musical acts. For information, inquire with
Greg Porter (usually orbiting the front desk)
S&A Productions has money to bring
musical acts. For information, inquire with
Greg Porter (usually orbiting the front desk)
student ac::ti \Ji ti es
g-eg J]Ol"-t et"
t-.Jo1nens t-esou n::e cent et·
Housing Social Events Council and RAs
have money for funding events. Remember eg_aal oppottU1ity office
that RAs are given money to spend on
housing office
first peoples advising
access s.et· \Ji ces
Evergreen Healing Arts Collective
It is our intent to represent, educate and assist all preprofessional healers. We are committed to improving
health care and health care delivery to all people.
not being met by academic programs or other student
organizations and provide them with events tailored
to graduate students that satisfy those needs.
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a pro-feminist group that exists on the Evergreen
campus because we accept that Evergreen and our
surrounding communities are not free of racial,
homophobic, or sexual violence. Through group
meetings and campus events we want to create a more
positive and caring environment by examining the
personal and political structures of male and female
oppression. We also want to promote physical, mental,
and spiritual health for men as well as personal growth
and political awareness. For info call 867-6092 or email
us: tescmencenter@hotmail.com.
"Percussion Oub
The Percussion Club seeks to contribute music to
campus activities, make and maintain instruments,
promote the playing of percussion instruments on
campus, learn traditional music an invite note
. .
percuss1omsts to campus.
Medieval Society
The Prison Action Committee is dedicated to seeking
fundamental changes in the existing prison system. Its
goals include exploding the myths of the prison system
Mindscreen Film Group
14 by raising awareness on campus through events and
Mindscreen movie group's goal is to be a FREE student workshops about the many issues within prison work,
operated and student program selected movie theater and providing a space for active student participation.
on The Evergreen State College campus.
PAC is an organization on the TESC campus that
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • deals with the growing prison industrial complex and
other related issues. The criminal (in)justice system in
Musician's Club
the US is one of the most corrupt and inhumane in
The Musician's Club is a network for musicians and
the world. We have only 50/o of the world's population
music enthusiasts who would like to get involved in the
and yet we have 250/o of the world's prison population.
music scene. A bombastic crew to nurture the musicians
The rate of incarceration in the United States has risen,
community and music enthusiasts alike. We provide
while the crime rate has declined. Those who suffer
events and entertainment to achieve and collect
most are people of color, women, and youth as they
performances and information of value to the music
have the least support from outside. One out of every
community. Coming up we have a World Music Festival
three black males in the United States is involved in
October 25th Music from Seattle and around the world.
some way with the criminal (in)justice system. Prisons
Plus a free drumming workshop put on by the
are now taking jobs from workers and giving them to
performers. Last year we hosted a number of events
inmates who work for as low as 3 cents an hour in
including a Blur Grass Fest. Rock, Blues, open mic, you
horrible conditions. It should be clear to all who are
name itA- we support it. To find out about other local
involved in social change that slavery never ended in
music and happenings check out www.olymusic.org
the United States. This short description does not even
Music makes it happen! To get involved with putting
go into the problems with the death penalty, racial
on events or learning how to do sound get a hold of
profiling, public defenders, mental, physical and sexual
us at onebeat@musician.org or 867-6879. Check out
abuse by guards, the waste of tax payers money, or the
our website @ http://evergreen.edu/ groups/ musicians
militarization of the police. To battle this horrible beast
we need a movement! That movement can begin with
Native Student Alliance
13 the concerned students on the TESC campus and the
The Native Student Alliance serves the Native students concerned citizens in the Olympia community. People
at Evergreen, and larger tribal community, through
on the "outside" need to access their resources to help
recruitment, retention, and support for the cultural
out prisoners. PAC can help. PAC has brought awareness
aspects of each individual according to his/her origin.
to TESC about prison issues by celebrating Mumia
NSA is also committed to serving nonnative students Awareness Week, working with Books to Prisoners,
by building cross-cultural awareness in order for them Olympia Cop Watch hosting and sponsoring events
to stand in solidarity with indigenous nations. For more on youth incarceration, and with your help we can do
information, visit the NSA homepage.
much more. Contact PAC at 876-6724 or
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to be military targets for the U.S. SESAME believes "" "'T ESC Shaolin Cultural Arts Club
that many of: the contr!vercial policies that connect the We are dedicated to the promotion of traditional
U.S. to the Middle East mvolve issues thatstudent groups Shaolin Buddhist teachings and cultural awareness.
at Ever~reen_are alreadY:workmg to overcome such as Members will educate themselves and their peers on
ecommJC, social, and environmental concerns that touch the history and modern relevance of Shaolin Buddhist
us all. We strive to relate the way these issues play out theory.
abroad to the domestic issues of racism, xenophobia,
classism, and patriarchy. Furthermore, within SESAME
we are committed to organizing to be as inclusive as
possible, which means actively working against all forms Umoja is an organization of students dedicated to
of oppression. Moreover we are committed ot working promoting diversity and racial understanding as well
with and learning from the Evergreen community. This as fostering an identity among black students at TESC.
means reaching out to other student and community
We provide a structure for organizing positive cultural
groups for collaboration ad well as supporting other
activities, events, and educational programming about
groups in the work that they do. We can be reached at African Americans. We endeavor to recruit more black
students to the campus and to help them adjust
.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ academically and socially, to become affiliated with
black students in the community and to become an
Students at Evergreen for Eco Design
active force in the Olympia area.
Students at Evergreen for Ecological Design works to
unite nature, culture and technology to reintegrate the
needs of human society within the balance of nature.
They encourage learning the environmental impacts
educate young pro-choice Americans and mobilize
of design, and using this information to determine
them in support of reproductive health and rights. The
ecologically sound alternatives. The goal is to empower
Olympia chapter is specifically working to raise
individuals to be conscious creators of their own space.
awareness of reproductive health issues on campus
The group has weekly meetings as well as regular
and provide a forum for relevant discussions and action.
workshops, presentations, and field trips, focusing on
issues like natural building, ecological design, and
appropriate technology. SEED also has a large resource
Women of Color Coalition
6006 CAB 206
library with many items available for checkout. During
The Women of Color Coalition student group tries to
the month of February, SEED will be organizing a
ensure equality, diversity, justice and freedom for women
conference focused on issues of sustainability. All are
of color in the Evergreen community, as well as aiding
welcome and encouraged to get involved. Contact
in the attention of these students. They encourage
"IISEED at tescseed@yahoo.com or 867- 6498 ·
multiethnic, nonsexist perspectives of diversity, beliefs
- - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - •
Student Government Plannmg Group
Historically, there has never been a recognized
undergraduate student government at Evergreen. This
working group of students are working onthe
development of a sustainable governance model that
the general student body will be able to endorse through
a vote.
and values at Evergreen.
Women's Resource Center
6162 CAB 313
The Women's Resource Center strives to provide a
library of books, periodicals, videos, and referrals to
local service agencies. They also attempt to facilitate
political action relating to the concerns of women.
They attempt to work towards the end goal of a collegefunded, professionally staffed women's center to meet
all the needs of Evergreen women .
Don't be afraid to branch out beyond student groups. You can learn about Olympia and
yourself that way. Consider internships; you can do activist work and get credit!
Alliance for Public Trans ortation
Our mission is to im_prove the service
of public transit in Thurston county and to
encournge community use of and leadership
support for mass transit. Public transit helps people
of all mcomes and physical abilities access the goods
and services they need. Our organization keeps up
with current events that have tlie potential to rmpact
transit services, and v,e then dissem_,inate that
information to our member . 'S(/e are wo,rkiiig to bring
more funding to local transit, mce Intercity Transit will
be forced to cut service by 17-"18 percert't at the end of
2002 without a new funding source. Also, with o1l!i."Once
a Week, Give Your Car a Break" camp.i.ig_n, we'are trying to encourage
drivers to give transit a try, and hopefully bring mote riders-into the
s stem. Publictransit@ ahoo.com
American Civil Liberties Union o Washin ton
The ACLU is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership organization
devoted to protecting the basic civil libe;tjes of all Americ_ans, afid
extendmg them to groups that have trad1t1onally been derued therr
basic civil rights. Doug Honig American Civit Liberties t1nioncommunicattons@aclu-wa.org 705 Second Av~nue, Suite 300Seattle,
WA 98104 (206) 624-2184
Art in the Streets
Making art flex its muscles for community building since 2002.
To support creative work that triggers public dialogue, challenges
social inequities and/ or increases access to arts and culture in our
community. www.artinthestreets.org - info@artinthestreets.org PO
Box l 022 01 m ia WA 98507 - 360- 754-7084
Avanti Hi h School
Avanti is recently opened alternative high school within the Olympia
School District with a much smaller student body and faculty. AHS
is ripe for input from Evergreen students. Evergreen students have
contributed to the Avanti curriculum as student teachers and
paraeducators, as well asJeaders of mini-units, and hosts of community
service projects: With an unfolding program, Avanti is 21?.en to
community involvement, whatever you have to bring. UlJl,J!\.vanti
for more infbrmati n at (360)596-7900, or, e-mail
American Civil Liberties Union of Washin 1on
Our goals- are to maintain and protect our ecosystems for future
generations, and P.romote environmental education and recreation.
www.blackhillsauclubon.qrg BHAS efforts include both education
and activism on behalf of wildlife and the ecosystems on which they
dep_end. Education includes monthly programs and several birding
ana natural history field trips each month both to members and the
general _gublic. Activism includes efforts to protect local natural areas
and "-important bird areas" and to strengtlien local environmental
rotections. bhas@blackhillsaudubon.or 360 352-7299
Black Hills Audobon Socie
Our goals are to maintain and protect our ecosystems for future
generations, and promote environmental education and recreation.
www.blackhillsauaubon.org BHAS efforts include both education
and activism on behalf of wildlife and the ecosystems on which
they depend. Education includes monthly programs and several
birding and natural history field trips each month both to
Black Hills Audubon Socie
members and the general public. Activism includes
efforts to protect local natural areas and
"important bird areas" and to strengthen local
bhas@blackhillsaudubon.org (360).352-7299
Books to Prisoners
Books to Prisoners-Olympia is an all-volunteer effort
to provide reading material-free of charge-to inmates in
prisons 'and jails across the country. It is a SUJJpOrt
organizationforl:eft Bank Books in Seattle. We send books
to P,risoners all over the country. We are always in need of
goocl bogks, stamps, volunt~ers, donations and operational funds
tolc.eep,providi:ng our ervice. Chris Carson PO Box 7204, Olympia,
Wi '98507 360 9 -2375
established: 1982
In the spirit of the Catholic Worker, our mission is to aid and the
homeless in Olympia by providing food, shelter and dignity.
www.bandroly.com We serve two meals a day six days a week Mon.Sat. Lunc\lis at noon, dinner at six. The drop-in center offers free
laundry service, a way for homeless people to get an address, free
phones for local calls, showers and bathrooms. The Overflow Shelter
can house up to 44yeople a night and is available for those who
have nowhere to sleep; the group meets at 7pm at drop in center.
Bread and Roses also runs a women's shelter that can house up to
six single women with children and two families for stays up to three
montlis. community@breadandrosesoly.net 1320 8th Ave. SE
Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 754-4085 1320 8th Ave. kitchen: 114
Cherry St.
BRICK will utilize creative and diverse educational approaches to
promote student awareness and advocate progressive social change.
www.spsccbrick.org Primarily a group for SPSCC students, RICK
acts to bring speakers, films, and other information to our camgus
and our co;nmunity to promote a .P.rogressive social
agenda.dhyde@spscc.ctc.edu David Hyde, 2011 Mottmav.Rd. SW
Olympia, WA 985J:2'- 360-596-5284 Tuesdays 2:15pm, Building 34,
Room 128, SPSCC.
Communi Build-a-bike Pro"ect
The Build-a-bike project helps build self-esteem by having adults
and kids (between the ages of 8 and 18) work together to rebuild
donated bikes for the kids to keep. Buifd-a-bike also teaches traffic
-safety, bike maintenance, hand's on repair, and gives away fre,e
helmets. You can contact Build-a-Bike at 786--1693 or
tezzerl@ ahoo.com.
Ca itol Land Trust
Our mission is to preserve the natural heritage of South PugetSo~d.
Capitol Land Trust is dedicated to the conservation, appreciation
and stewardship of the diverse open spaces and unique natural
habitats of Southern Puget Sound. www.capitollandtrust.org Diane
Lloyd email:info@capitollandtrustorg- 209 E.4thAve. #205 Olympia,
WA 98501 (360) 943-3012
Carne ie Grou
We believe that people should QUESTION
G ROWfH and that growth should pay for
growth. The Carnegie Group brings together
citizens of different backgrounds under one unifying
principle: a concern for the abuses of unbridled
growtli and its effects on our community and our
environment. We maintain that pof,ulation growth
is neither inevitable nor beneficial. 'Grow th at any
price", as an article of faith in America, has put our
environment at risk and erode~ comml¥nity life. Those
who stand to profit fromg_rowth should no longer be
subsidized by taxpayers: infrastructure expenses should
be borne by those who create the need. We are O{)posed
to taxes that provide infrastructure: roads, sewers, fire and
schools, to pnmarily benefit grovyth. We host a bi-annual
Public Forum, usually in the fall, and hold th~ee hi-monthly Town
Hall meetings at the beginning of each year. Walter"R. Jorgensen
walt·orgensen@comcast.com - 209 5th Ave. Olympia, WA 98501
360 867-0138
Cascadia Risin
Cascadia Rising_ is a regional network of environmental organizatioris
in the Pacific Northwest (aka Cascadia). Werecognize and value
strength in diversity of tactics, and some of our member org~tions
use the principles of nonviolence, civil disobe"dience, and direct
action to prevent the destruction of our inc.reasingly scarce natIVe
forests. We seek to approach the problems of e)lV!fonmental
degredation at a bio-centric manner.Action@CascadiaRising.org 503 493-7495 - htt : www.CascadiaRisin .o,
Centro lntre al Educativo Latino de O
ia Pro· ctatRadio Rane
The mission of the CIELO Project is to enhancethe youth in the
community with a focus on the Hispanic population.
www.cieloproject.org CIELO proviaes information and referrals
and training to consumers and providers in cross cultural competence
on an ongoing basis Proyecto Familia provides bilingual, bicultural
mental health services. We offer free English classes on Tuesday and
Thursday nights from 6:30- 8:30. Other activities include PlayBack
Theater, performance by Latina women, a horsemanship program
for.you~, and Litima, a support group for young men, that addresses
leadersb1p and identity. We also hold Spanish classes Monday and
Wednesday evenings. People can also work off community service
hours in a bilingual setting at Radio Ranch. Leticia Fernandez 3102
8th Ave NE Oh
ia WA 98506 360 709-0931
0irnate Solutions is a non-profit organization working to he!P. gioneer
solut,ions tll global warming. We are demonstr~Jing a.._medel of
tegional leadership that strengthens communit~s and provides__,
economic opportunity. Local programs include Smart Moves n
educationa\ program that teaches students apout alternative
tdnsportaflon and sustainable development; th annual,J3icycle
Commute-rContest; and the Energy Outreach Center - a walk-in,
hands on exhibit of technology available to make homes more energy
efficient. 610 4th Avenue E 01 m ia WA 98501. 360-252-1763.
Committee in Solidari
with the Peo le of El Salvado
een-working since 1980 in solidarity with the FMLN
(Fatabundo Marti National Liberation Front) and the Salvadoran
sbcial j\,\S'i'ice movement to promote an alternative to the oppressive
US-b;1&_keclpolicies of the Salvadoran right. Today, a decade after
the signing of the Salvadoran Peace Accords, the struggle for a more
just society continues on many socioeconomic fronts. CISPES
currentlyworks within the soliaarity and anti-corporate globalization
movements, to build a cross-border movement that can confront
the injustices of the neoliberal economic model that is ravaging El
Salvador and much of the globe. In particular, CISPES is now helping
to launch a hemisphere-wide campaign against CAPTA, a froposed
free trade agreement between the Uruted States and Centra Americ
modeled on NAFTA, and which was promoted by George W
Bush in a March 2002 visit to El Salvador. Larry Mosqueda Lmosqueda@home.com- (212)465-8115 http:// www.cispes.org
Book binding and letterpress printing. Open studio
available for use for a small fee. Access is granted
upon completion of a shop proficiency workshop.
Some examples of worksliops include: Letterpress
I, Print and Protest, and Text and Image i:>lease
communityprint@yahoo.com 508 Legion Way # 1
Olympia, WA 98507 {360)754-5854
Sustainin Fund
The Community Sustaining Eund provides grant support
for progressive and community-oriented projects in
Thurston Countr. Our funding is aimed at creating a
democratic, equitable, nonviolent and ecologically sound
society. http:/7www.traditionsfairtrade.com/
sustFund/ sustFu dhome.html - cathyvic@comcast.net (360) 9$6--9344
In a socie.ty which glorifies their power and our passivity, all thought
which challenges. tliis passiyjty is thoughtcrime. Crimethinc. is the
black market where we de m this precious contraband. Here, the
secrenvorlds of shoplifters, rioters, dropouts, deserters, adulterers,
vandals, daydreamers- that.is to say, of all of us, in those moments
when, wanting more, we mdulge in little revolts-converge to form
gateways to new worlds where theft, cheating, warfare, boredom,
and so on are sim
o6solete. www.crimethmc.com - Crimethinc.
Gisis €1inic ResoUICe Network
We offer immediate {24/7/ response to callers that are in need of
emotional support, assistance in solving problems, making decisions
or locating resources Staff and volunteers are well-trained,
compassionate and c ring people. All calls are confidential and
anonymous. bevp@ eris· -clinic.org - (360) 586-2888 http:// www.cris1s-c1ihic-.org- CriSIS Line: (360)586-2800
Disu te Resolution Center
We value empowering people to resolve their disputes by providing
conflict resolution services and training community members in
those skills. It's easy and convenient to access DRC services. Simply
call the DRC office at 360-956-1155 in Olympia, between the business
hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Visit fife weli
address: wwww.mediatethurston.or
Earthbound Productions Procession of the S ecies Ceiebµtio
To empower communities to engage in culturalrelationship with
the natural world as of a means of sustaining efforts of environm tal
protection and restoration. To advance effective environmen,tal action
and-education thro~h creative cultural programs, civi ~ershif>S
andj)ublic forums o remain dedicated to the wisdom that the
fufUres of healthy fa ilies and healthy communities qt,e directly,tie
to a sustainable kins,llip with the natural world by env1Si0ning;'
developin_g, an<!Jiroducing cultural events and f)rograll). (;36.0)70
1087 - info@procession.org 209 East 4th Ave. Suite 20'7 Olympia
WA 98501 - litt : www. rocession.or
Erner enc Shelter Network Homeless Resource Advocac
We provide shelter and resources for fanµlies ancf single women in
rhurston County. Information and referrals regardmg resou ces,o
employment, rental assistance, voice messaging servicep1 h meles
child care and more! ESN is a program of the Family Support'Cer;iter
in collaboration with Associated Ministries of Thursto C:.ount)'.
esn@familysupportctr.org 360-528-8999 htt : www.famil su ortctr.or
EGYHOP's mission is dedicated to bringing direct service items
and resources to the homeless and low-income populations living
on the streets or who self-identify as part of the street population.
This population is made up of youth-at-risk, homeless, and lowincome people living below the poverty line. EGYHOP street
outreach workers provide direct service on the streets of Olympia.
Street outreach workers are available during hours when tlie
street population cannot access traditional services. The
mission of EGYHOP is to provide emergency
intervention, information and referrals to services,
a friendly and familiar face to talk with, and needed
and requested items for living on the streets, such
as socks, blankets and sleepin bags, etc. "LongHair"
David - lhd@ ol a.net 360 791-2241
Enterprise for Equity Offers a Business
Start-up Training Program to Help Low Income*
People Start their Own Businesses! We want to build
an inclusive economy in l;he S~11th Puget Sound. To
qualify, annual income must be: single, under $16,400;
family of 4. Our mission is to ensure that low-income
people in the South Sound region have access to
training, technical assistance, suppo,rrand credit for
small business development. These services are provided with
the belief that people can and do transform their-lives as they
bring their strengths, initiative and dreams to their entrepreneurial
efforts. Lisa Smith - create@igc.org-(360) 704-3375 http://www.enterpriseforequ1ty.org
Feminists in Self-Defence Trainin
Self defense workshops for women, covering mental preparation,
assertiveness, strategy development, and physical defense-skills.
Women teachers in a self-affrrming, non-threatening atmosphere.
Sliding scale $5-$35. Also publish a quarterly n ewsletter. Emily
French - (360) 438-0288, or, e-mail:fistselfdefense@riseup.net
Fern Haven Center
We offer public classes, workshops, and counseling services that
promote personal growth and community spirit in the areas of:
spiritual psychology, communication and relations hips, the creative
and intuitive arts. A variety of workshops based on Non-violent
(Compassionate) Communication (NYC), as taught worldwide by
r Ph.D.
Food Not Bombs is an all volunteer organization dedicated to
nonviolence. Food Not Bombs has no formal leaders and strives to
include everyone in its decision making process. We recover food
that would otherwise be thrown out and makes fresh hot vegetarian
meals. Meals are served in public places to promote awareness and
community and are free to anyone without restriction.
www.foodnotbombs .net- esse - fnbo l cs.com- 360 951-0707
The Freechild Pro·ect
The Freechild Project is a group of youth activists and allies who
are dedicated to making social change action, education, and resources
more accessible for young people around the world, especially those
who have been historicall)' denied participation. info@freechild.org
- (360)753-2686 - http:// freechild.org
Friend of Artesians
Our mission is to preserve and protect Olympia's hentage of publicly
accessible artesian wells, and to promote good stewardship of these
extraordinary gifts of nature. James W lngersoll jwin ersoll@attbi.com
The Freechild Pro'ect
GRuB is a grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to nourishing
community by em_powering people to grow good food. We grow
inspired, self-confident, and community-minded youth through
educational and employment opportumties. We help low-income
families to help themselves by building raised-bed gardens at their
homes and we improve quality of life and nutrition of low-income
seniors through therapeutic garden programs. G RuB resulted from
a merger between Sister Holly Community Garden Project (started
1996) and the Kitchen Garden Project (started 1993) the merger
was m 2001. www.goodgrub.org, grub@goodgrub.org - (360) 7535522
Gender Varient Healthcare Pro"ect
The South Sound Gender Variant Healthcare Project (GVHP)
is dedicated to improving the healthcare of all gender
variant people living in our community. GVHP
raises awareness ana increases public support
for gender variant people both within the medical
field and in the general population. We are a
diverse group of individuals who seek to provide
education, support, advocacy, and resources to
the public, to clinics and providers, and to the
gender variant people who live-in Lewis, Mason,
Thurston and other surrounding counties in
Washington's South Puget Sound region. The term
'gender variant' is being used-as an umbrella term to
include anyone whose gender identity or expression does
not fit within gender norms. Identit:ies inc)ude but are
not limited to:Transgender, MtF, lntersex, Crossdresser,
Trans, GenderQyeer, Transsexual, FtM, Native American
Two-Sp_irit, and all other gender variant people. website:
G_V H P@ ahoo.com
Gifford Pinchot Task Force
The Gifford Pinchot Task Force seeks to preserve and restore the
ecosystems and communities of southwestern Washington by
promoting conservation of forest ecosystems and sustainable
restoration-based employment. The Task Force is the local expert
and primary educatiorial resource on the region's forest conservation,
policy, and law. We engage interested citizens and policy makers
through o ur canvass, hikes, and field events, presentations and (ress
events lobb · and strate ic coordination with local re iona and
Green Par
of South Pu et Sound
The Greens are a group of concerned people dedicated to promoting
values-based grassroots democracy. We are committed to tackling
public policy 1Ssues affecting our local and global community. We
intend to promote this through inclusive civic i:>articipation and local
action, adhering to and applying the Green's Ten Key Values.
htt : www. reen a -s s.or - os s@ ahoo.com
Habitat for Humani
- South Pu et Sound Ch.
The mission of SPS Habitat for Humanity is to serve God by
engaging the community in empowering people with hope artd
opportunitr. that comes from building and owning their own home.
Habitat builds houses in partnership with the buyer of the home.
Volunteers provide labor and most of the materials are donated. A
Family Selection Committee, made up of volunteers and board
members chooses recipients. Home owners are required to invest
sweat equity (500 hours) into the construction process, working
alongside other volunteers. Homes are sold at cost with a 20-25 year
non-interest mortgage. Donations of funds and materials are accepted.
Habitat also owns and manages the Sound Builder.s ReSource, a
non-profitstore dedicated not only to diverting used building materials
from our local transfer station, but also providing educat:lonal and
volunteer opportunities for the commuruty while raising money and
collecting materials for Habitat construction rojects. Lori Capra info@s shabitat.or - 360 956-3456 - htt : www.s shabitat.or
Hearts ar e P a ers
As a multicultural company we will use Playback Theatre and other
interactive theatre techniques as tools for community building,
education and social change. We will provide affordable performances
for the public; and for groups who lack resources.We will be a
community resource and share our artistic skills. We will empo)'ler
communit:ies and individuals by providing a forum for stories to be
heard, shared and honored.We will maintain a high level of artistic
quality and integrity by providing on-going training opportunities
for our performers. debek@olywa.net - 360.943-6772 www.hearts arkle.or
Homeless Resource Advocac
In conjunction with the Emergency Shelter Network, we give
homeless individuals a support:1Ve environment to work on life skills
directly related to establishing and maintaining stable, permanent
housing. We are a program of the Family Support Center.Our
program offers a vanety of resources and opportunities based
on individual needs. Case management services are provided.
Job skills training, nutrition, parenting, problem solving, legal
issues, and credit matters are a few of the services
rovided through community advocacy. Call or
in weekdays from noon to 4PM.
rg- 360-528-8999 ortctr.or
nanc and Birth
To provide positive directions for
pregnancy and birthing through the use of hypnosis.
The focus is on positive bonding and relaxation for
moms, babies and families before birth.
hypnosisforbirth@comcast.net - 360-943-8933 http://horne.comcast.net/-eypnosisforbirth/ and for
Hypno fertility resources:
Industrial Workers of the World
The I WW is a militant, non-hierarchical, directly democratic union
that organizes workers as a class, regardless of.stheir e111ployment
status. The IWW believes that the employing dass and workinJ;
class have nothing 111 common, and seeks to abolish capitalism, wnue
for=g_ a new, more ~qu1table society based on free-ass_ociation and
production for need mstead of profit. The IWW was founcled ·
1905. For more information call us at 705-0567. - ol obs@riseu .net
KAOS - Communi
Public Radio - TESC
KAOS Olympia Community Radio... Local Voices, IndependeA(
Music, Global News ... since 1973! KAOS is a communicy:radio station,
operating under the policies and procedures of The Evergreen State
College. KAOS serves the interests of Everg~en students and the
citizens of Thurston County and the surrounding areas, _giving special
attention to the interests of people historically ignored by the media.
KAOS broadcasts educational, 111formatio11al, cultural and
entertainment pro_grams exploring a wide- range of culturaL political
and social alternat1Ves, and emphasizing infor,rnation, news and local
relevance. KAOS provides traming in radio broadcastinl\ to all
members of the community. kaos@evergreen.edu - (360) 867-6895
- htt : www.kaosradio.or
Labor Education and Resource Center
The Evergreen State College Labor Education & Research Center
a public service initiative of The Evergreen State College, provide;
a safe forum for workers community members and Evergreen
s~denfs'-to look_ at their t-:es and work through_ the lenses of labor
historyand political economics. The center provides a place to think
about what a movement for positive change in society should or
could-.!9ok like. The educational focus of the center is to develop
programs in a collaborative fashion with organized labor and lal:ior
sup;' rt gr'l;ups fu address relevant issues to worker's unions and
wor lives. 1brcntr@evergreen.edu - (360) 867-6525 ww .ever reen.ed laborcenter
L st Word Books and Rec-the-Place-Records
Last Word Books seeks to provide an outlet to satisfy the local thirst
for altematlve media and_ reading m~terial and be a space w,here ideas
are snared and .111format1on dissemmated. They are dedicated to the
1de~ of ,!.SU,S tamable local economy. We manage the Olympia 'Zine
L1b,r,vy, and e!Lbooks to the locals. We buy, sell, and trade. We seek
to ~etter network the org_anization_s in the area wiving towards
similar goals. Youth activism, media literacy, radical politics and
coo;imu1;1ity organizing are also high on our list of priorities.
·last:w<ndbooks@yahoo.com - 360-786-96 73 - 211 4th Avenue SE
Olymp a,WA 98501
N(!)n-partjsan, non-profit organization promotes political responsibility
lhi?ugh: :informed and active participation of citizens in government,
action on selected governmental issues, sponsorship and coordirtation
of voter registrations, meetings with candidates, and publication on
specific topics. Sylviann Frankus - lwvtc@pugetsoundwa.net- (360)
The Freechild Pro·ect
often used for meetings and workshops. People
are welcome to stop in during office liours to
browse, soctahze, plan, compute, watch a video
or just sit down and en/·oy a hot beverage. Our
website, *www.mediais and.org* offers an opensubmission news site, South Sound community
calendar, directory of local organizations, and forums
to help facilitate communication and participation
within Mil. Check it out or stop by to find out how
you can get involved! 816 Adams St. SE, downtown
Olympia Contact 352-8526 or mii@mediaisland.org
<mailto:mii@ mediaisland.or >
MOMS Club of 01 m ia
Our mission is to interact with each other in an accepting
and supJJOrtive environment which provides opportunities
to build friendships; offer educational and social activities for mothers
and .cltildre~; _and.suppor~ the local community through volunteering
and fund raismg. We work to support at home mothers and provide
various activiti'es a~d gatherings throughout the month. We do
vanous service pro1ects 111 our community and help members get
involved. momsclubofolympia@yahoo.com htt : www.momsclubofol
Nis uall Reach Nature Center
NRNC is a private non-profit organization where nature comes to
life. Our center has. 1000 sq_uare feet of sp_ace filled with bird
specunens, 111teract1Ve learnmg opporturutles, v1ew111g scopes lab
equipment, and as a highlight, 3 large tide-connected aquariu~s to
view Puget Sounds undeiwater world. nrnc@nisquallyestuary.org 360 459-0387 - htt : www.nis uall estua .or
The goal of the Nisquallv River Basin Land Trust is to rrotect the
land alo?g the Nisqually River. By do_i,_lg so, we protect fish and
wildlife nab1tats, particularly the sens1t1Ve salmon runs. We provide
for the conservation of wetlands, scenic areas, recreational lands
agricultural reso_urces, open spaces,and historic, cultural and
archaeological sites. Constance Bond - staff@nisquallylandtrust.org
- 360-458-1111 - htt : www.nis uall landtrust.or
The Nisqually Stream Stewards is comprised of people living in th'e
N isqually watershed and reople from outside of the watershed who
want to helJJ protect and improve the health of our streams and
salmon. NSS morutor the health of streams by taking benthic macro
invertebrate (" stream bug") samples and/ or by taking other stream
and npanan data. NSS help rmprove stream health by removing
invasive pl~nts_ or planting native_plan~s along stream banks. NSS
also help cfistrJbute. valuable nutnents 111 salmon- bearing ~treams
yirougli the salmon carcass return program. We are looking for
mterns-who are mterested 111 gauung both office and fieldwork.in
the field of salmon habitat protection/ restoration and volunteer
project implementation We are always looking for interes~d volunteers
111 our projects, such as tree plantin_gs, stream health monitoring and
salmon carcass flm s. Ann Marie Finan - a:fman@ nwifc.wa. ov -
The Northwest Earth Institute
T_he Northwest Earth Institute encourages community-based bpok
d1scuss1on groups on_voluntary simplicity, deep ecology, discove.ring
a sense of place, choices for sustainable living and globalization,
They offer the 111d1V1dual the opporturuty to examine personal and
cultural.values and h_abits that are ha~ming the earth and to explore
alternatrve_ways of livm more creat!Vely, deeply and sustaina6le.
To/rovide networking and resources fo_r Advance Practice nurses
an_ . PAs 111 the Olympia area. Includes hstmg medical services
utilizmg Nurse Practitioners and PAs. olyareaapa@ olyareaap.org
- 360-943-8933 - http://www.olyareaap.org/
Media Island International's (Mil) resource and networking center
offrrs a 24-hour info porch, library, computer center, ana a
vanety of tools for grass- roots orgaruzmg. Our center is
01 m ia Columbia Committee
Solidarity and Fellowship with the Colombian
People mission: Our goal is to bring about
awareness of the inequalities of the armed strug_gle
in Colombia through educational events, lobbymg
and political involvement to bring about a_J?eaceful
resolution.occ@onebox.com Call Yul (36U/ 7535442 - htt : www.seattlecolombia.or
CopWatch seeks to organize to gather stories
and testimonies of police. 1nisconduct, to educate the
public on legal safety and policing issues and encourage
police accountability and community control over law
enforcement. olycopwatch@riseup.net0lympia CopWatch
currently hosts a rad10 show on FRO 98.5 every Tuesday
at 5:00pm.
01 m ia Fellowshi for Reconciliation
Working locally for peace, social justice and nonviolence '6ince 1976.
The Olympia Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation seeks to
replace violence, war, racism, intolerance, and economic and social
in1ustice with nonviolence, peace and justice. We are an organization
of many faiths committed to active nonviolence as a trans formative
way of life and as a means of profound social change. We model
th_ese principles by personal example. We collabornte _and dia!ogue
with the larger commumty to educate and to engage m nonviolent
and compassionate actions. Glen 491-9093 - ·'
glen@olywa.netwww.olyfor.org - http:/ /www.olyfor.org
01 m ia Film Socie
The OFS attempts to show films that depict the experiences of
under represented people in mainstream film industries including
People of Color, queers, and religious minorities. We are here to
support independent film makers and we a\so host benefits for local
organizations. We are located in the Capital Theatre. The OFS
hosts an annual film festival.www.olyfilm.org- (360)754-6670 - 206
E. 5th Ave. 01 m ia WA 98501
Ihe O))'Jilpia Food Co-op aims to increase the health and well-being
of the Olympia community by providing wholesome, accessible
food and oilier goods, through a locally-oriented, not-for-profit
cooperative organization. We strive to make human effects on the
earth and its inhabitants positive and renewing. We seek to: Provide
information about food; support efforts to increase democratic
processes; support local production; make good food accessible to
more people; see to the long-term health of the business; assist in
tl).e development of' local community resources; provide information
about collective process and consensus decision making; suppo.rt'
efforts to foster a socially and economically egalitarian socie .
eastsiaecoop@olywa.net, westsideco-op@olywa.net - 3111 Pacific
Ave . .SE oJ}c!'pia, WA 98501 - (360) 956-3870- 92). N. Rogers and
31~ 1 Pacific 'Ave. S.E. Westside store open 9:00arn-8:00pm. Eastside
store o en 9:00am-9:00 m. - www.olym iafood.coo
ia Free School
The Free.School is a skill-share network rooted in the pedagogy o(
_RC>pular education. Formed tluee years ago, the organization is
comprised of community members who believe learning occurs
througHout lifetimes and that the learning process can become
constanTsour'ce of renewal and growth. FS provides free alternative
educational opportunities to people of all ages and backgrounds in
an open environment. The orgamzation works for social change by
actively'building community, empowering people, and by serving as
a model for education in the future. / 360-352-4165 /
info@ol m iafreeschool.or
01 m ia Motherin Network
A Grassroots Effort to Create Community Support for New Parents
and Children. My wish is that together we can share our strength
to empower and inspire eachother to be happier, healthier, more
skillful_parents. Wel:isite: Rosabel Harris Harburg rosabelh@juno.com
We are committed to building a mass movement
to further justice and peace. We believe that the
issues of justice and peace cannot be separated,
and that by furthering economic and social justice
we create the conditions for a peaceful world. Our
long term goal is to build a society that meets the
neeas of all people, not one based on profit and
economic values. We actively support movements
that challen_ge corporate-sponsored globalization, and
those that further racial gender and economic equality.
Our efforts are focused.on working in solidarity and in
coalition with individuals and groups on a locaL regional,
nationaL ,md global level. To achieve our goals, our
principle tactics will be popular education, active protest,
and duect action. We invite all who share our goals to join
the Olympia Movement for Justice & Peace. We are committed to
building a grour that is democratically structured, where each person's
voice, is valued and heard. We intend to share skills and know ledge
amonll_ our membershir and with the broader community.
omjp@omjp.org - (360/ 867-6513; (877) 881-1560 htt : www.om .or
The sister city project that bonds Olympia, Washington and Rafah,
Palestine was envisioned by local peace activist and friend, Rachel
Cotrie (197,9-2003). Through her dedication to social justice and
acute cqgnizance of the lsraeli military occupation, she believed that
cultural exchanges between our two communities could result in
significant social change. Following in Rachel's footsteps, we will
collaborate with the people of Rafah to create lasting friendships
across borders and bridge cultural gaps through popular education,
advocacy, communication, and community exchange. These
friendships help us to educate ourselves, increase awareness, and
demonstrate solidarity in a common struggle for a just and prompt
peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. info@orscp.org - P.O. Box
6275, 01 m ia, WA 98507 - htt : www.orsc .or
01 m ia Parents Families and Friends
PFLAG promotes the health and well-being of _gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgendered persons, their families and friends through:
support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an
ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure
equal civil rights. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and
gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and
respectful of human d1Vers1ty. info@pflag-olymp1a.org- HELPLINE:
~ 866-0511- http://www.pflag-olympia.org/ J221 Legion Way
Peo le for Pu et Sound
Our mission is to preserve and restore Puget Sound' wateL~lity
and habitat. Jim Da'i"~On - southsound@pugetsound.org- (360) 7549177 - www.pugefsound.org
Pre-Birth Health Education
Education for moms, babies and families before. birth established.
Mission: To provide information and resources for families_planning
a pregnancy, early pregnant, and during a pregnancy. Prenatal Parenting
is our oal. prebirthhealth@comcast.net - 360-943-8933 htt : home.comcast.net - rebirthhealth
Public Educational Resource Center
P_ERC International was formed by a diverse group of c~ncerned
c1t12ens, with a common goal for the prov1s1on of educat1dnal
opportunities in areas of extreme poverty and high illiteracy-rates.
PERC recognizes a need for developing an education model, which
promotes an efficient, physical and technical environment, one that
promotes literacy, development of technical skills; create a sense
of pride, accomplishment and a feeling of community.
perc2002@ hotmail.com - http://www.percinternational.org
etSourd Netwoddi:n-Com
PSNCC- pronounced 'peace-nik' - is a regional
non-profit association of volunteers who envision
a world in which all needs are met compassionately.
Our mission is to contribute to this vision by living
& teaching the erocess of Nonviolent
Communication (NVC), which strengthens the ability
of people to connect compassionately with themselves
and with one another, to share resources, and to
resolve conflicts. For general ·questions Call or at 206382-8576 or email us at sncc@ sncc.or .
Stonewall Youth
Stonewall Youth supports, informs, and advocates
for bisexual, lesbian, gay, transgender, and
questioning youth age 21 and under. Kristin Funk
and Sasha Reid - stonewallyouth@qwest.net 360 705-2738 - htt : stonewall outh.or
Sustainable Communi
Our mission is to foster sustainability and economy
and a way of life in which both peo_ple and nature
flourish. Linda Smith - ro11ndtaole@olywa.net
SafePlace provides services for victims of sexual and
domestic violence, including a confidential shelter, a 24hour toll-free crisis line and 24-hour crisis intervention. We
also provide in-person advocacy, support groups, and information
and referrals for other community resources. We offer legal and
medical advocacy. We have in-house Spanish, Cambodian and
American Sign Language translation and provide culturally .revelant
advocacy to underserved populations. 'fl.e also provide educational
seminars and speaking engagements in the community.
safe place@tss.net - (360) 786-8754 - SafePlace Business Office is
located at: 314 Legion Way SE, Olympia, WA. 98501 It is open:
9arn-12 m, Monda throu h Frida and! rn-5 m, Monda Tliursda.
Terra Commons is a non-profit building network. We serve
communities by researching, designing and practicing habitat
restoration, sustainable agriculture, and natural building. We believe
that.our patterns of land ·use and habitation are directly connected
with the health of our biosphere and that of generations to come.
Through our connections, we share in the responsibility of positively
affecting the balance of economic, social and ecological systems.
terracommons@.riseup.net- (360)352-8526 - listserve:
sustainabletools@ ahoo rou s.com
Forest Stewards Guild
Mission: To divert material from the landfill, to p.rovide affordable
building materials for the community, and to raise money for Habitat
for Humanity. qvittum@hotmail.com -(360)239-7280 htt : sbrol .or
Foresters are chief players in a drama which may determine the fate
of the earth. The mission of the Guild is to promote ecologically
responsible resource management that sustams the entire forest
across the landscape. The Guild provides a forum and support
system for practicmg foresters and other resource management
professionals working to advance this vision. jeanforest@cco.net 360-459-0946 - http//www.foreststewardsguild.org
Sound FoodShed
The Thurston Santo-Tomas Sister Coun
Sound FoodShed is a coalition of farmers, food processors, retailers,
educators, government agencies, local organizations and community
members. We act as a networking center for our members and the
greater community, and provide an open forum for dialogue about
local food issues. Sound FoodShed conducts and compiles research,
solicits and distributes information, and educates our community
about local food systems. We support and celebrate local food
production! Shonie Schlotzhauer- foodshed@yahoo.com - (360)7536439 - www.soundfoodshed.or
We organize communily and student delegations to spend time
volunteering for education and health care projects in Santo Tomas.
In turn, we also invite delegations from Santo Tomas to come to
Thurston County to volunteer for our community projects. We
publish a quarterfy newsletter to educate ourselves and our communi
about US foreign policy relating to Central America, promote the
efforts of other local organizations serving the Latino communities,
and to publicize our current work. We occasionally sponsor local
solidanty events for speakers on national tours. Eacli fall, we hold
an annual event where participants in the most recent spring and
summer dele a ions an share their ex eriences. Ther 1s alwa s
Stone Builder's Resource
South Pu et Environmental Education Oearin Hous
SPEECH is an environmental education center and information
clearinghouse providipg support and resources to those who seek
to preserve, protect and restore the environment of the Pacific
Northwest. Kra Unsoeld - speech@olywa.net- (360)786-6-349 www.ol
.net s eech
ThecSouth Sound Clean Clothes Campaign is a coalition o Olympia,
Tumwater, and Lacey students, union members, people of faith, and
concern,ed citizens raising awareness about the sweatshop industry,
and challenging individuals as well as public and private institutions
to create positive change by altering their purchasing practices. to
encourage public entitles to pass ethical purchasing agreements.
info@southsoundcleanclothes.org - (360)705-2819 www.southsoundcleandothes.or
S ace Gnome Records
Founded to highlight, record, and promote Pacific Northwest Artists.
Space Gnome Records firmly believes in the artist's responsibility
to generate performance and non-performance pieces focused on
raising awareness and expanding consciousness. Space Gnome
Records strives to offer creative experiences that are positive and
uplifting. managemem@spacegnomerecords.com - (360)259-1870
- www.s ace nomerecords.com
St. Martin's Social Action Club
The Social Action Club is an organization made up of students
are dedicated to progressive political and social action. We are a
group of civic citizens that practice active nonviolence. Our
goals are to educate and organize against social injustice.
Aaron Bonifield - smsa@stmartin.edu - 360-753-3192 -
The United Churches of 01 m ia
TUCO is a federated United Church of Christ.and Presbyterian
USA Cqurch. We are an o en church, welcoming all on a faith
g- 360-943-12!0-
We serve as the "eyes and ears" of our Affiliate Office, ACLU-WA,
in Seattle reporting civil liberties abuses; we testify at local and state
hearings and perform as activists to defend civj] liberties; and we do
outreach to educate the public to understand, appreciate and protect
their ri hts. info@aclu-thurston.or - 360 456-7180Public Access Television offering free classes and easy atce~s to the
airwaves. You can contact TCTV at (360)956-3100.
htt : www.tctv.net
Protect your rights. Learn how the system works. Reflect on your
conscience and spiritual beliefs. The decisions are yours.'Frovide
free information and free, confidential, non-directtve counseling
about options related to the military draft, registration/ nonregistration,
conscientious objection, legal and other opaons, counter- recruitment,
and getting out of the military because of conscientious objection
or other reasons.glen@olywa.net - (360)491-9093
Thurston Coun
Tenents Union
Affordable, Decent Housing for All. TCTU is
a non-profit, membership based organization of
tenants. The TCTU provides free informational
services and promotes the rights of tenants through
active public advocacy and organizing. Pat Tassoni
- tctu@tenantsunion.org -(360)943-3036 www.tenantsunion.or
Thurston Union for Low Income Peo le
Our mission is to equalize ecommiic power and
to fight poverty by improving linancial literacy and
providing access to credit ana savings services for our
members. We believe that lack of income should not
limit ones access to participation. The credit union model
of member-oriented participatory decision-making can be
a major force for equalizing this access. We waI)t to encourage the
low-mcome community to become involved in making a positive
and renewing economic impact in the local society. Our work will
be guided by compassion and respect, and we will work to build
alternatives to preaatory fmancial systems. Kitty Koppelman tulipcu@hotmail.com - (360)956-9235 - www.tuli cu.coop
United Communities AIDS Network
HIV/ AIDS is a community issue. UCAN - Make a Difference!
established: l 985The mission of the United Communities AIDS
Network is to provide the highest quality of life to all those infected
by HIV/ AIDS, to prevent the spread of HIV, and to increase
awareness about the disease. Suzanne Hidde - (360)352-2375 www.ucan-wa.or
ashin ton Coalition of Sexual Assault Pro ram
The mission of the WCSAP is to unite agencies engaged in the
elimination of sexual violence through education, advocacy, victim
service and social change. We offer many one to two day trainings
throughout the year ana an annual two and a half day conference
on topics ranging from advocacy, service provision, prevention, to
management issues. We have a sexual assault prevention resource
center. Elizabeth Naccarato - doyle@wcsap.org - (360)754-7583 www.wcsa .or
Washin ton Coo erative Su
ort Center
To provide jobs, training, transportation and advocacy for the
homeless, unemployed and disadvantaged people of the
Olympia/Thruston County area. We are a not for _profit temporary
labor company, a11d has also started a not for profit construction
co,rhpany that is fully licensed, bonded and insured. At the present
time we approximately 400 members registered for temp labor. We
run a background check on each temp worker. Bruce Yost byost@washingtoncsc.org - (360)459-9765 hf : www.washin toncsc.or
WEC is a statewide environmental organization and works primarily
on the state level to protect our land, air and water. The vast majority
of' our work currently takes place within our three strategic campaigns:
Sustainable State Forests: to improve management of Washington's
state forests, creating a model of sustainable forestry that protects
the enviromµent and benefits all citizens of the state. Healthy Streams:
to restore and protect adequate water in rivers and streams to support
healthy and abundant fish and wildlife. Habitat Protection: to protect
fish and wildlife habitat across Washington through improved and
better enforced shoreline and land use ordinances. Josli Baldi'osh@wec rotects.or - www.wec rotects.or
WROCs mission is to affect economic and social justice by educating
and empowering low income people, especially those who receive
public assistance, to affect positive change in their communities an
m their lives. Offering unpaid internships for college credits. The
First Christian Church is located at 701 Franklin Street, SE Olymp'
wrocoly@wroc.org - (360)352-9716 - www.wroc.org
Woodland Trail Greenwa Association
The Woodland Trail Greenway Association is
dedicated to the creation of a linear park and tr ·
along the Olympia Woodland Trail corridor from
the Chehalis-Western Trail in Lacey to the shores
of Capitol Lake. The WTGA, formerly the EastWest Greenway Association, is a non-profit coalition
of active, interested citizens and organizations which
serve as a public voice to promote the funding and
development of the Oly,nipia Woodland Trail corridor
for recreationand naturalopen space preservation. We
will accomglish, our goals through advocacy, political
action, education, and fundraising; by developing
partnerships with citizens, neighliorhood associations,
service group_s, and business organizations.
jack_horton@hotrnail.com 360' 956-1743
Workers' Information and Networkin Center
The organization is currently staffed with live operators every Monday
through Thursday 5pm to 7pm. The operators are trained to give
callers update information on labor and employment rights and are
workihg with Vince Brown, a lawyer from Columbia Legal Services.
WINC has modeled itself after several other successful organization
in and outside Olympia including the Welfare Rights Organizing
Center, the Thurston County Tenants Union, ana the Vermont
Worker's Center. It is also working with several organization in the
area including Bread and Roses and has become a member of the
Coalition for Low~Income Power.
It supporters believe that a worker's rights telephone line is filling
a real ga_p because, though several orgaruzations deal with low-income
issues, few deal directly w,ith the concerns of people in the work
rlace. "That is were we can become a viable resource" Roberts said,
having a worker's resources is a great addition the existing (ones)."
To fmd out more information about WINC or to report trouble in
the work place email
ol inc@comcast.net or call 360 705-0567
Worker's Association of 01 m ia
The Olympia Workers Association's mission is to assist working
peoRle m the O\ympia area who want to im_prove their working
conoitions. Workers in all different !Y,pes ot· emploY,In,ent deal with
the same issues - job insecurityrhealili, safety, and childcare-issues,
bad pay, and the general lack or respect for wage workers. The
Olympia Workers Association believes all peopfe deserve workplace
dignity, a living wage, safe working conditions and workplace
We are an independent worker-controlled labor alliance. Our.goal
is to improve working conditions in Olympia by creating a way for
all worlcers in the area to stand together and support each other.
We-are part of -a grassroots labor movement and are dedicated to
helping workers self organize. We operate a hotline and an online
forum for workers to sfiare information.
Workers have more power when they stand together. lt may not
be easy to stand ui, for better work conditions-by YQurself, but by
working with.the OWA you have other workers m Olympia beside
you. Jorn the OWA and we can all help each other. Workers c;an win
respect, job secupty, and decent working conditions with the support
of the commumty.
Organizers are available most Monday rughts at 6:00 at the OWA
office1 with a general membership meeting the first Monday of the
montn. The general membership meetings are intended to be a
monthly assembly of the grassroots Olympia labor movement, -and
all worl<:ers in the O1Yi:npia area are encouraged to attend. Our
Monday meetings are located at 1320 8th Ave SE, behind the Bread
& Roses house. You can call the Bread and Roses house and leave
a voice messa_g_e for the OWA at (360) 754-4085.For more information
about the OWA including an action calendar, a message forum, and
literature can be found online at www.ol m iaworkers.or .
We Build Strong Kids, Strong Families, Strong Communities
established: 1992 Our mission is to empower young people to be
effective, responsible global citizens by providing opportunities
for enviromnental education and action, cross cultural awareness
and leadership development. ssyesc@juno.com - (360)357-6609
xl 17 - www.olympradowntownymca.org/ contentjhome.aspx