2-4-2020 2020-01 Dr. Nicandri moved for approval of the minutes of the November 18, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
2-4-2020 2020-02 Dr. Nicandri moved for approval to the renaming of Daniel J. Evans Library to “Daniel J. Evans Hall”, in which the library is situated. The motion was seconded by Mr. Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
2-4-2020 2020-03 Dr. Nicandri moved for approval to appoint Ahniwa Ferrari, Associate Dean for Library Operations; Holly Joseph, Chief Budget Officer; Sarah Mealy, Senior Human Resource Representative; and Laurel R. Uznanski, AVP for Human Resource Services to conduct collective bargaining with the Washington Federation of State Employees Classified Staff bargaining unit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
2-4-2020 2020-04 Dr. Nicandri moved to authorize the President to initiate any legal actions necessary to clarify the College’s obligations associated with records created by students involved in extra-curricular activities. The motion was seconded by Mr. Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
2-4-2020 2020-05 Mr. Goldberg moved that the Board develop a statement in support of the Big Bets process to show the depth the Board’s support. The motion was seconded by Dr. Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
2-25-2020 2020-06 Dr. Gonzales moved that the Board direct the Executive Committee to work with the executive leadership at the College to identify best practices for presidential search processes for consideration by the Board at its March meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
2-25-2020 2020-07 Mr. Goldberg moved to approve the letter of commendation on academic visioning. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
3-13-2020 2020-06a (*Duplicate numbering) Dr. Nicandri moved for approval of the minutes of the February 4, 5, 21, and 25, 2020 Board of Trustees meetings. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
3-13-2020 2020-07a (*Duplicate numbering) Dr. Nicandri moved to create a subcommittee of the board that consists of the executive committee, and Trustee Nicandri, to work with College staff in the procurement process for a presidential search firm and recommend a final search firm candidate, or candidates, to the full board. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
5-1-2020 2020-08 Mr. Zuckerman moved to approve a temporary modification for assessing summer 2020 tuition: In lieu of the per-credit hour tuition rate typically used for summer quarter, for summer 2020 only, apply the flat tuition fee rate for credit loads from 10-18 credits as per the regular academic year. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
5-20-2020 2020-09 Dr. Nicandri moved to accept the recommendation made by the Request for Proposals Committee and delegate authority to Vice President for Finance and Operations and the college’s procurement team to complete the procurement process and contract execution. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
5-20-2020 2020-10 Mr. Goldberg moved to appoint Trustees Alexander, Nicandri and Zuckerman, to the 2020-2021 nominating committee. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote
5-20-2020 2020-11 Mr. Goldberg moved to approve the revisions to the Emeritus Status policy as proposed. The motion was seconded by Dr. Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
6-11-2020 2020-12 Mr. Zuckerman moved to reaffirm the Board’s partnership with the Foundation for the next 5 years by approving the agreement between the College and the Foundation. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
6-11-2020 2020-13 Dr. Gonzales moved to approve the meeting minutes for March 13, March 27, April 3, April 9, and May 1, 2020. The motion was seconded b
6-11-2020 2020-14 Dr. Nicandri moved to approve the presidential search proposal in concept reserving the right to adjust and amend based on intervening information and discernment with the potential to revisit by June 30th. The motion was seconded by Mr. Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
6-11-2020 2020-15 Dr. Nicandri moved to approve the Board officer nominations for 2020- 2021; Karen Fraser to remain as the Board Chair, Fred Goldberg as the Vice-Chair, and Miguel Pérez-Gibson to serve as Secretary. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
6-11-2020 2020-16 Dr. Nicandri moved for approval of the proposed operating budget including: approval of tuition and fee increases, approval of spending levels, and approval of intercollegiate athletics budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
6-11-2020 2020-17 Mr. Zuckerman moved for approval of the amended 2020-2021 Services and Activities Fee budget as developed by the college and the Services and Activities (S&A) Fee Allocation Board. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
6-11-2020 2020-18 Ms. Fraser moved the Board of Trustees affirm its support for the new academic directions model, encourages the college to pursue further the model's development, and in assessing its feasibility consider the proposed change in the college's name. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
6-29-2020 2020-19 Dr. Nicandri moved to form a Presidential Search Committee that will work with the college’s Search Consultant to conduct the presidential search and recommend candidates to the Board of Trustees for its selection of the President. The Presidential Search Committee shall consist of 12 members, some who will be appointed at a subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Presidential Search Committee shall be strictly advisory to the Board of Trustees, is not authorized to act on behalf of or exercise any powers of the Board of Trustees, and its members are required to maintain strict confidentiality during and after the search. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
6-29-2020 2020-20 Ms. Fraser moved to appoint Trustees Fraser, Goldberg, Nicandri, and Pérez-Gibson to the 2020-2021 Presidential Search Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
6-29-2020 2020-21 Ms. Fraser moved to appoint Faculty Members Nancy Murray, Melissa Nivala, and Doreen Swetkis to the 2020-2021 Presidential Search Committee. The motion was seconded by Dr. Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
6-29-2020 2020-22 Dr. Gonzales moved to form a Presidential Search Advisory Committee that will work with the college’s Search Consultant to seek input from a broad range of stakeholders through a variety of mechanisms, all of which will be presented to the Presidential Search Committee and Board of Trustees for review and consideration. The Presidential Search Advisory Committee shall consist of up to 30 members who will be appointed at a subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Presidential Search Advisory Committee shall be strictly advisory to the Board of Trustees and is not authorized to act on behalf of or exercise any powers of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Dr. Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
7-23-2020 2020-23 Mr. Goldberg moved to adopt the Thurston County Hazard Mitigation Plan for the Thurston County region including Evergreen’s annex to the plan. The motion was seconded by Mr. Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
7-23-2020 2020-24 Dr. Nicandri moved to appoint the Committee members for the 2020-2021 Presidential Search Advisory Committee as proposed. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
7-23-2020 2020-25 Mr. Pérez-Gibson moved to appoint Trustee Zuckerman and Member of the Faculty Dawn Barron as the Committee Co-Chairs for the 2020-2021 Presidential Search Advisory Committee. The motion was seconded by Dr. Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
7-23-2020 2020-26 Dr. Nicandri moved to appoint students Nettie Gould and Lionel Scott, staff members Correan Barker and Ivana Trottman, and Foundation Board representative Korbett Mosesly to the 2020-2021 Presidential Search Committee. The motion was seconded by Dr.Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
7-23-2020 2020-27 Dr. Gonzales moved to appoint Trustee Karen Fraser as Chair and Member of the Faculty Doreen Swetkis as first vice-chair and Trustee Dave Nicandri as second vicechair for the 2020-2021 Presidential Search Committee. The motion was seconded by Ms. Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
8-20-2020 2020-24a (*Duplicate numbering) Trustee David Nicandri moved to approve the Presidential Search Advisory Committee charge as presented. Trustee Miguel Pérez-Gibson seconded, and the motion passed on a voice vote.
8-20-2020 2020-25a (*Duplicate numbering) Trustee David Nicandri moved to approve an MOU with the United Faculty of Evergreen to address budget shortfalls in the 20-21 year. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
8-20-2020 2020-26a (*Duplicate numbering) Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the adoption of the supplemental Title IX Student Conduct Procedures and Prohibited Conduct as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
09-09-2020 2020-33 Vice-Chair Fred Goldberg moved to approve The Evergreen State College Strategic Plan 2020-2023. Trustee David Nicandri seconded, and the motion passed on a voice vote.
09-09-2020 2020-34 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the 2021-2023 Capital Budget Request and 2021-2031 Ten-Year Capital Plan. Trustee David Nicandri seconded, and the motion passed on a voice vote.
09-09-2020 2020-35 Vice-Chair Fred Goldberg moved to approve the 2021-2023 Biennial Operating Budget Request. Trustee Ed Zuckerman seconded, and the motion passed on a voice vote.
09-09-2020 2020-36 Chair Karen Fraser moved to approve the proposed rule as written. Vice-Chair Fred Goldberg seconded, and the motion passed on a voice vote.
10-26-2020 2020-37 Trustee David Nicandri moved to approve the minutes for the 5/20/2020 & 5/21/2020, and 6/8/2020 meetings of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
10-26-2020 2020-38 Trustee David Nicandri moved to approve the presidential search timeline and work plan. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
10-26-2020 2020-39 Trustee Irene Gonzales to approve the proposed 2020-2021 Presidential Search Committee charge, including the amendment. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
10-26-2020 2020-40 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the negotiated 2021-2023 classified employees’ collective bargaining agreement between The Evergreen State College and the Washington Federation of State Employees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
10-26-2020 2020-41 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the negotiated 2021-2023 uniformed personnel collective bargaining agreement between The Evergreen State College and the Washington Federation of State Employees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
11-17-2020 2020-42 Chair Karen Fraser moved to approve the committee membership for the 2020-2021 Finance and Budget Committee, Audit Committee, and Student Recruitment and Success Committee as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee David Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
11-17-2020 2020-43 Trustee Melinda Bratsch-Horsager moved to approve the 2021 Board of Trustees meeting scheduled as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
11-17-2020 2020-44 Vice-Chair Fred Goldberg moved to approve the meeting minutes for June 11, June 29, July 23, August 20, 2020 with the proposed changes. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
11-17-2020 2020-45 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to adopt the President’s evaluation as drafted and authorize the Chair of the Board to fix typographical errors contained within. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
12-09-2020 2020-46 Vice-Chair Fred Goldberg moved to approve the emergency student conduct rules pending permanent rulemaking. The motion was seconded by Trustee Melinda Bratsch-Horsager and passed on a voice vote.
12-17-2020 2020-47 Trustee David Nicandri moved to approve the presidential search prospectus with proposed amendments. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
12-17-2020 2020-48 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the presidential search advertising strategy with proposed amendments. The motion was seconded by Trustee Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
01-26-2021 2021-01 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve a revision to existing WUE waiver eligibility to lower the high school GPA required for first-time, first-year students to 3.0, and to expand the program to community College transfers who have completed two-year degrees and have a prior College GPA of 3.0 or higher. The motion was seconded by Trustee David Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
01-26-2021 2021-02 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve for summer 2021 and summer 2022, approve a flat tuition fee assessment rate for credit loads from 10-18 credits as per the regular academic year. The motion was seconded by Trustee David Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
01-26-2021 2021-03 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the meeting minutes for September 9, 2020 as amended. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
01-26-2021 2021-04 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the meeting minutes for October 26, 2020, as amended. The motion was seconded by Trustee Melinda Bratsch-Horsager and passed on a voice vote.
01-26-2021 2021-05 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the meeting minutes for November 17, 2020 as written. The motion was seconded by Trustee Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
01-26-2021 2021-06 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the meeting minutes for December 9, 2020 as written. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
01-26-2021 2021-07 Trustee David Nicandri moved to approve the meeting minutes December 17, 2020, as amended. The motion was seconded by Trustee Melinda Bratsch-Horsager and passed on a voice vote.
01-26-2021 2021-08 Trustee Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved approve the proposed rule as written. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
03-22-2021 2021-09 Trustee Ed Zuckerman made a motion to move forward with interviews for seven presidential candidates; including the five candidates that were recommended by the search committee, in addition to two other candidates. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2021 2021-10 Trustee Irene Gonzales motioned to delegate presidential contract negotiations to the Board Chair, Karen Fraser with assistance from the Assistant Attorney General, subject to final contract approval of the Board. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2021 2021-11 Trustee Ed Zuckerman motioned to approve the permanent rulemaking as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2021 2021-12 Trustee Fred Goldberg motioned to approve the emergency rulemaking as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2021 2021-13 Trustee Irene Gonzales motioned to approve the SSSU Management Team. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2021 2021-14 Trustee David Nicandri motioned to approve the UFE Management Team. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
03-26-2021 2021-15 Trustee David Nicandri moved to designate the Executive Committee to develop a proposed transition plan to submit to the Board for review at the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees May 12, 2021. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
04-01-2021 2021-16 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to adjust the timeline of completion of the presidential search to mid-May 2021, and to delegate authority to the Board Chair to adjust the timeline if necessary. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzalez and passed on a voice vote.
04-16-2021 2021-17 Trustee Irene Gonzales made a motion to nominate Michael Dumont as a presidential finalist. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
04-16-2021 2021-18 Trustee David Nicandri made a motion to nominate Catherine Kodat as a presidential finalist. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
04-16-2021 2021-19 Trustee Fred Goldberg made a motion to nominate Lee Lambert as a presidential finalist. The Motion was seconded by Trustee Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
05-05-2021 2021-21 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved the Board of Trustees require that further contracts for senior vice president positions be approved by the Board of Trustees, that a process for identifying what constitutes senior level be identified, and the Chair take the lead as a liaison between the president and the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee David Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
05-07-2021 2021-20 Trustee Dave Nicandri moved to authorize the Chair of the Board along with the appropriate staff and consultants to bring forward and identify an interim president or administrative structure to take effect July 1 while the Board continues the search for a permanent president. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on voice voted.
05-07-2021 2021-22 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to adopt the recommended plan proposed by Chair Karen Fraser with the suggested amendment of revising the term “president” to “president or co-presidents". The motion was seconded by Trustee David Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
05-07-2021 2021-23 Trustee Irene Gonzales moved to hold interviews for Interim President or Co-Presidents on Monday, May 12; Wednesday, May 14; and Friday, May 16. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
05-07-2021 2021-24 Trustee David Nicandri moved to delegate authority to the Chair of the Board or her designee to contact potential candidates for interviews. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
05-12-2021 2021-25 Trustee Irene Gonzales moved to approve the meeting minutes for March 19, March 22, March 26, March 29, April 1, April 29, and April 30, 2021 as written. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
5-12-2021 2021-26 Trustee David Nicandri moved to delegate authority to the Chair to negotiate a contract amendment with Karras consulting for the interim presidential search, not to exceed $37,500. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
5-14-2021 2021-27 Trustee David Nicandri moved to delegate authority to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees working with the Karras Consulting firm, to develop a proposed interim administrative structure and bring recommendations back to the full board within 10 days. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
06-02-2021 2021-28 Trustee David Nicandri moved to adopt the Executive Committee’s recommendations for an interim administrative structure. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
06-02-2021 2021-29 Trustee Irene Gonzales moved to offer the position of Interim President to John Carmichael and authorize the Board Chair to negotiate a contract to be presented for Board approval at the Board’s next regular meeting on June 10, 2021. The motion was seconded by Trustee David Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
06-02-2021 2021-30 Trustee Monica Alexander moved to offer the position of Executive Vice President to Dexter Gordon and authorize the Board Chair to negotiate a contract to be presented for Board approval at the Board’s next regular meeting on June 10, 2021. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-31 Trustee David Nicandri moved to set the salary for Interim President John Carmichael at $305,400 and approve the contract negotiated and recommended by the Chair. The motion was seconded by Secretary Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-32 Trustee Monica Alexander moved to set the salary for Executive Vice President Dexter Gordon at $250,000 and approve the contract negotiated and recommended by the Chair. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-33 Secretary Irene Gonzales moved to approve the Board officer nominations for 2021-2022: Karen Fraser to remain as the Board Chair, Miguel Pérez-Gibson to serve as Vice Chair, and Ed Zuckerman to serve as Secretary. The motion was seconded by Trustee David Nicandri and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-34 Secretary Irene Gonzales moved to delegate to the President or his designee the authority to approve an Interagency Agreement funding the Sustainability in Prisons Project. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-35 Vice Chair Fred Goldberg moved to approve the 2021-2023 capital budget spending plan as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-36 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve 2021 tuition, fees, and operating budget as proposed. The motion was seconded by Secretary Irene Gonzales and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-37 Secretary Irene Gonzales moved to approve 2021-2023 Housing and Dining Services rates as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-38 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the Student Wellness Services Budget for 2021-2022 as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-39 Vice Chair Fred Goldberg moved to approve the Geoduck Student Union Voluntary Fee as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-40 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the 2021-2022 Services and Activities (S&A) fee and budget as proposed, with the following conditions: 1) The S&A Board at the beginning of the next academic year (Fall, 2021) shall be appointed in conformity with all applicable laws and policies; 2) The S&A Board shall have as its first order of business a review of its budget for the 2021-2022 academic year; 3) The S&A Board shall recommend to the Board of Trustees on or before the Board of Trustees last regular meeting of 2021 a modified S&A budget for the balance of the year; and 4) No expenditures after the Fall Quarter shall be made until a modified budget has been approved by the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
06-10-2021 2021-41 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to affirm the campaign working goal of $40 million dollars as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
06-25-2021 2021-48 Trustee Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the student support services staff union (SSSSU) 2021-2023 collective bargaining agreement with the Washington Federation of State Employees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
08-31-2021 2021-49 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to delegate authority to the president to execute a memorandum of understanding with the United Faculty of Evergreen extending the term of the collective bargaining agreement (June 15, 2018-August 31, 2021) by one month to September 30, 2021. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
08-31-2021 2021-50 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the 2022 supplemental operating budget requests as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
08-31-2021 2021-51 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the 2022-2023 supplemental capital budget requests as proposed. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
10-14-2021 2021-52 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the meeting minutes for January 26, April 16, May 5, May 10, May 14, and June 25, 2021. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
11-17-2021 2021-53 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the meeting minutes for March 24, May 7, May 12, June 2, and September 29 as written. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
11-17-2021 2021-54 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the 2022 Board of Trustees meeting schedule, amended as follows: January 31, March 11, May 20, June 9, June 10 (Commencement), September 12, and October 24-25 (retreat). The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
11-17-2021 2021-55 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to ratify the Memorandum of Understanding with the United Faculty of Evergreen as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kris Peters and passed on a voice vote.
11-17-2021 2021-56 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the 2021-2022 Services and Activities Fee budget as presented June 10, 2021 and recommended for approval by the duly appointed 2021-22 Services and Activities (S&A) Fee Allocation Board. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
01-31-2022 2022-01 Chair Karen Fraser moved to approve the meeting minutes for June 10, August 31, September 14, and October 14, 2021, with one amendment to the September 14 minutes. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
01-31-2022 2022-02 Vice-Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to adopt the revised bylaws as written. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
01-31-2022 2022-03 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to authorize the Chair to finalize the letter with feedback from the meeting and send to the President. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kris Peters and passed on a voice vote.
01-31-2022 2022-04 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve membership in the Western Regional Graduate Program for Evergreen’s Master of Environmental Studies program. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
03-11-2022 2022-05 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the meeting minutes for November 17, 2021, as written. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kris Peters and passed on a voice vote.
03-11-2022 2022-06 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to appoint the management team for classified staff collective bargaining as presented: Laurel Uznanski; Sarah Mealy; Ahniwa Ferrari, and Casey Lalonde. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
03-11-2022 2022-07 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to appoint the negotiating team for the uniformed personnel collective bargaining as presented: Rod Younker; David Brunckhurst; and Laurel Uznanski. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kris Peters and passed on a voice vote.
05-20-2022 2022-08 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the meeting minutes for March 11, 2022, as written. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
05-20-2022 2022-09 Vice-Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the revised Community Representative policy as written. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
05-20-2022 2022-10 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to direct the Chair to explore the possibility of extending the Interim Presidential contract giving due consideration to community feedback. The motion was seconded by Trustee Allyson Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-08a (*Duplicate numbering) Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the meeting minutes for January 31 and May 20, 2022, as written. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-09a (*Duplicate numbering) Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the reappointment of the Executive Committee with the current officers: Karen Fraser as Chair, Miguel Pérez-Gibson as Vice Chair, and Ed Zuckerman as Secretary. The motion was seconded by Trustee Allyson Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-10a (*Duplicate numbering) Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the tentative agreement made with the United Faculty of Evergreen to approve a three and a quarter percent (3.25%) salary increase for faculty within the next year. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Miguel PérezGibson and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-11 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve a 2.4% increase in the operating fee for undergraduate resident students and confirm the originally proposed 2.9% operating fee increase for non-resident and graduate students for the 2021-22 academic year. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-12 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve proposed spending levels for fiscal year 2023. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-13 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve a 5% increase in the meal plan prices for housing students in the 2022-23 academic year. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-14 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve a 5% increase to $552/year or $184/quarter in the Wellness Fee for 2022-2023. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-15 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the Intercollegiate Athletics budget 2022-23 academic year. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-16 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved approve the 2022-2023 Services and Activities Fee amended budget as developed by the College and the Services and Activities (S&A) Fee Allocation Board. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sakiko Krishna and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-17 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the 2023-2025 Capital Budget Request and the ten-year budget plan for 2023-2033. The motion was seconded by Trustee Monica Alexander and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-18 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the proposed 2023-2025 Biennial Operating Budget request framework. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
06-09-2022 2022-19 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to authorize the public launch of Evergreen’s fundraising campaign during the 2022-23 academic year. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sakiko Krishna and passed on a voice vote.
07-07-2022 2022-20 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to ratify the Uniform Personnel Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2023-25 as presented. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
07-07-2022 2022-21 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve a written evaluation of the President to be submitted to the Board no later than the next Board of Trustees meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Allyson Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
07-07-2022 2022-22 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the amended President’s contract for the period ending June 30, 2025, as negotiated, and recommended by Board Chair Karen Fraser. The motion was seconded by Trustee Allyson Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
09-16-2022 2022-23 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the negotiated 2023-2025 classified employees' collective bargaining agreement between The Evergreen State College and the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE). Trustee Allyson Brooks seconded, and the motion passed on a voice vote.
10-14-2022 2022-24 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the meeting minutes for June 9, July 7, and September 16, 2022, as written. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
10-14-2022 2022-25 Trustee Allyson Brooks moved to authorize Chair to finalize the President’s evaluation including feedback from the meeting and send to the president. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
10-14-2022 2022-26 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to make an official name change of The Evergreen Longhouse to s'gwi gwi? Altxw: The House of Welcome. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kris Peters and passed on a voice vote.
10-14-2022 2022-27 Trustee Kris Peters moved to make an official name change of The Longouse Education and Cultural Center to The House of Welcome Cultural Arts Center. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
10-14-2022 2022-28 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to update the Resolution Authorizing Investment of The Evergreen State College Monies in the Local Government Investment Pool, amending the authorized individual designated to act on behalf of the Board to include the “Chief Financial Officer”. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
10-14-2022 2022-29 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson move to approve a campaign goal of at least 55 million dollars raised by June 30, 2024. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
11-07-2022 2022-30 Trustee Allyson Brooks moved to approve the meeting minutes for October 14, 2022, as written. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
11-07-2022 2022-31 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to adopt the Trustees meeting schedule for calendar year 2023: January 13, March 24, May 12, June 15, September 8, and November 29 & 30. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
11-07-2022 2022-32 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the design of the Seminar I building renovation. The motion was seconded by Trustee Shane Everbeck and passed on a voice vote.
01-13-2023 2023-01 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the meeting minutes for November 8, 2022. The motion was seconded by Chair Karen Fraser and passed on a voice vote.
01-13-2023 2023-02 Trustee Allyson Brooks moved to approve the resolution authorizing the Prison Education Program to move forward. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kris Peters and passed on a voice vote.
01-13-2023 2023-03 Trustee Allyson Brooks moved to preliminary recommendation to increased tuition by 2.5% for in-state students. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2023 2023-04 Trustee Allyson Brooks moved to approve the management team for United Faculty of the Evergreen (UFE) bargaining unit: Interim Provost David McAvity (lead negotiator); Academic Dean Steff Beck; Academic Dean Kevin Francis; and Interim Vice Provost Trevor Speller. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2023 2023-05 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to appoint a management team for Student Support Services Staff Union (SSSSU) bargaining unit: AVP for Human Resource Services Laurel Uznanski (chief negotiator); Interim Associate Dean for Student and Academic Life Any Corn; and Director of First Peoples Multicultural, Trans and Queer Support Services Michael Rupp-Talamantez. The motion was seconded by Trustee Allyson Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2023 2023-06 Secretary Ed Zuckerman moved to approve the meeting minutes for November 7, 2022. The motion was seconded by Trustee Shane Everbeck and passed on a voice vote.
03-24-2023 2023-07 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the meeting minutes for January 13, 2023. The motion was seconded by Trustee Allyson Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
05-12-2023 2023-08 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the meeting minutes for March 24, 2023, with technical error edits. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-15-2023 2023-09 Trustee Allyson Brooks moved to approve the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreements with the United Faculty of Evergreen and with the Student Support Services Staff Union. Motion was seconded by Vice Chair Perez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
06-15-2023 2023-10 Trustee Goldberg moved to approve the meeting minutes for May 12, 2023. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
06-15-2023 2023-11 Trustee Allyson Brooks moved to approve the reappointment of the Executive Committee with the current officers (Karen Fraser as Chair, Miguel Pérez-Gibson as Vice Chair; Ed Zuckerman as Secretary) and to add the chair of the Finance and Budget Committee to the Executive Committee. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fred Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
06-15-2023 2023-12 Trustee Fred Goldberg moved to approve the 2023-2025 Capital Budget Spending Plan of $34,972,000 that authorizes staff to spend the funds approved by the Legislature for the 2023-2025 capital programs and re-appropriates funds from the Fiscal Year 2023 budget to the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. The motion was seconded by Trustee Miguel Perez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
06-15-2023 2023-13 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve an increase in tuition, fees, and operating budget. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-15-2023 2023-14 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to Approve the 2023-24 Intercollegiate Athletics Budget. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-15-2023 2023-15 Trustee Allyson Brooks moved to approve the 2023-2024 Services and Activities Fee amended budget as developed by the College and the Services and Activities (S&A) Fee Allocation Board. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
06-15-2023 2023-16 Vice Chair Miguel Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the proposed Housing and Dining Rates for 2023-2024. The motion was seconded by Secretary Ed Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
07-31-2023 2023-17 Vice Chair Perez-Gibson moved to ratify the Uniform Personnel Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2023-25 as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
09-05-2023 2023-18 Secretary Zuckerman moved to instruct Chair Fraser to prepare a written evaluation of the President to be submitted to the Board. The motion was seconded by Trustee Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
09-08-2023 2023-19 Vice Chair Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the supplemental budget request. The motion was seconded by Trustee Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
11-28/29-2023 2023-20 Trustee Pérez-Gibson moved to approve meeting minutes for June 15, July 31, September 5, and September 8 with a revision of including Trustee Peters as present on September 5. Motion was seconded by Trustee Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
11-28/29-2023 2023-21 Trustee Pérez-Gibson moved to offer congratulations to KAOS on behalf of the Board of Trustees, to be delivered by written letter, signed by Chair Fraser. Motion was seconded by Trustee Zuckerman and passed on a voice vote.
11-28/29-2023 2023-22 Trustee Pérez-Gibson moved to approve the meeting schedule for calendar year 2024. Motion was seconded by Trustee MacEwan and passed on a voice vote.
11-28/29-2023 2023-23 Trustee Goldberg moved to approve tuition rates for the 2024-25 academic year. Motion was seconded by Trustee MacEwan and passed on a voice vote.
11-28/29-2023 2023-24 Trustee Brooks moved to approve the written evaluation for President Carmichael. Motion was seconded by Trustee Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
11-28/29-2023 2023-25 Trustee Zuckerman moved to amend the president’s contract. Motion was seconded by Trustee Goldberg and passed on a voice vote.
01-29-2024 2024-01 Trustee Zuckerman moved to adopt Resolution 2024-01 delegating to the President and or his designee the authority to spend up to $1 million from the Board contingency reserve fund to pay expenses associated with the tragic event on December 11, 2023, providing the Chair of the Board an accounting of all expenditures made under this authority. Motion was seconded by Trustee Brooks and passed on a voice vote.
01-29-2024 2024-02 Trustee Zuckerman moved to approve meeting minutes of November 28, 2023. Motion was seconded by Trustee MacEwan and passed on a voice vote.
01-29-2024 2024-03 Trustee Peréz Gibson moved to adopt resolution 2024-02 authorizing the establishment of a new Prison Education Program at The Evergreen State College. Motion was seconded by Trustee MacEwan and passed on a voice vote.
03-08-2024 2024-04 Trustee Zuckerman moved to approve meeting minutes of January 29, 2024. Motion was seconded by Trustee MacEwan and passed on a voice vote.
03-08-2024 2024-05 Trustee MacEwan moved to approve the management team for Classified Employees bargaining group. Motion was seconded by Trustee Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
03-08-2024 2024-06 Trustee Zuckerman moved to approve the management team for Uniformed Personnel bargaining group. Motion was seconded by Trustee Pérez-Gibson and passed on a voice vote.
03-08-2024 2024-07 Trustee Goldberg moved to approve delegation of authority for the renovation of Seminar I building. Motion was seconded by Trustee MacEwan and passed on a voice vote.
05-15-2024 2024-08 Trustee Zuckerman moved to approve meeting minutes of March 8, 2024. Motion was seconded by Trustee MacEwan and passed on a voice vote.