Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/3682 Title unknown (Weasel) Description Weasel looking over its shoulder to the left. Date 1960 Identifier 2023.004 Abstract Kenneth Callahan was mostly a self-taught artist. He said he strove in his paintings to convey "that eternal truthfulness and permanence that lies below the surfaces of life and objects." Source: http://portlandartmuseum.us/mwebcgi/mweb.exe?request=record;id=8182;type=701 Date Accepted 1999 Accrual Method Purchase ShortDescription 2/2023: Pin-pricks on every corner from thumb tacks. Otherwise good condition. Creator Kenneth Callahan Donator Beth Callahan through Fred Goldberg (Laura Russo Gallery) Location of Evans Hall 3200 Material inkwash -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/3681 Title unknown (Three Beetles) Description Three beetles crawling around. Date 1960 Identifier 2023.003 Abstract Kenneth Callahan was mostly a self-taught artist. He said he strove in his paintings to convey "that eternal truthfulness and permanence that lies below the surfaces of life and objects." Source: http://portlandartmuseum.us/mwebcgi/mweb.exe?request=record;id=8182;type=701 Date Accepted 1999 Accrual Method Purchase ShortDescription 2/2023: Good condition. No issues noted at this time. Creator Kenneth Callahan Donator https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Callahan Location of Evans Hall 3200 Material inkwash -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/3680 Resource class VRA:Person Title unknown (Bear and Moose) Description Bear hunting down a moose. Date 1960 Identifier 2023.002 Abstract Kenneth Callahan was mostly a self-taught artist. He said he strove in his paintings to convey "that eternal truthfulness and permanence that lies below the surfaces of life and objects." Source: http://portlandartmuseum.us/mwebcgi/mweb.exe?request=record;id=8182;type=701 Date Accepted 1999 Accrual Method Purchase ShortDescription 2/2023: Good condition. No issues noted at this time. Creator Kenneth Callahan Donator Beth Callahan through Fred Goldberg (Laura Russo Gallery) Location of Evan's Hall 3200 Material inkwash -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/3679 Title Mountain Lion (B.C.) Description Inkwash study of a cougar, front and back. Date 1960 Identifier 2023.001 Abstract Kenneth Callahan was mostly a self-taught artist. He said he strove in his paintings to convey "that eternal truthfulness and permanence that lies below the surfaces of life and objects." Source: http://portlandartmuseum.us/mwebcgi/mweb.exe?request=record;id=8182;type=701 Date Accepted 1999 Accrual Method Purchase ShortDescription 2/2023: Good condition. No issues noted at this time. Creator Kenneth Callahan Donator Beth Callahan through Fred Goldberg (Laura Russo Gallery) Location of Evans Hall 3200 Material inkwash -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/3592 Title Tambourine Description Large wooden sculpture of half a tambourine, inspirational words painted and adhered to the surface. Twelve metal symbols. Fabric additions on underside of arch. Identifier 2022.002 Abstract In the Pentecostal church tradition in which Carol Rashawnna Williams was raised, the tambourine has deep power and significance to women. Later in life, many pass their own tambourines on to their daughters. When Williams was given her mother’s tambourine in 2015, it inspired her to learn more about the history of the instrument. A violin player, Williams assumed as a child that the tambourine was an equally respected instrument. As she grew older she began to notice that it was rarely taken seriously in formal settings, relegated instead to the role of “folk instrument.” She saw this a poignant metaphor, and set to work creating a piece around it: a large tambourine sculpture addressing black challenges, identity, and future vision. Williams’ sculpture is an encapsulation of the past and a message of hope for the future. At a time when black churches are closing across the nation, the sculpture draws on the lasting power of ritual to connect future generations with ones that have come before. “The things that last forever are music and sound and art and ritual,” said Williams. “Ritual lasts through time, if people still believe in it.” Source: https://www.evergreen.edu/magazine/post/an-instrument-of-change Extent 73.75" x 152.5" x 23" Date Accepted 2019 Accrual Method donation ShortDescription 11/2022: Good condition. Minor issues follow. Slight soiling overall. Moderate fraying of textile components. Occasional white chipping along outside arch. Peeling glue throughout. Creator Carol Rashawnna Williams Location of CAB south stairwell Material wooden sculpture -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/3515 Title Strategic Planning (Part B) Description Part of a diptych, long yellow worm with a triangular green face on the left side. Date 1986 Identifier 2022.001b Extent 14.25" x 56.5" Spatial Coverage 16.75" x 60.25" Date Accepted 2019 Accrual Method donation ShortDescription 10/2022: Moderate buckling of support. Creator Paul Sparks Location of 0449 Material Oil pastel Description aluminium Mark "Sparks '86" -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/3514 Title Strategic Planning (Part A) Description Part of a diptych, long yellow worm with a triangular green face on the right side. Date 1986 Identifier 2022.001a Extent 14.25" x 56.5" Spatial Coverage 16.75" x 60.25" Date Accepted 2019 Accrual Method donation ShortDescription 10/2022: Moderate buckling of support. Creator Paul Sparks Location of 0449 Material Oil pastel Description aluminium Mark "Sparks '86" -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/3344 Title Plate Description Raku-fired ceramic plate in varying colors of black, red, gold, and yellow. Appears to have a hand-sketched figure in center. Fold on top left edge of piece. Identifier 1977.025 Extent 11" x 11" x 2.5" Accrual Method Purchase Creator Mark Gulsrud Has technique ceramic Material ceramic plate -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2505 Title American Beauty/Melancholy Princess Description Flash photography portrait of a Black girl wearing a crown with loop earrings and a heart necklace. Wavy texture superimposed over the whole image. Identifier 2017.001 Extent 20.5" x 14.5" Number 192 Creator Zorn B. Taylor Has technique Digital C-Print Location of storage - VB Material Photograph -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2503 Title Verbs Description Photograph of the back of a truck with logs sticking out. On the back is a historical woman in shock with the word "VERBS" hanging over her. Identifier 2014.014 Abstract Craig Hickman studied photography at Evergreen, where he also learned computer programming. He later began developing software that became "Kid Pix," for Apple Macintosh. In Portland Hickman co-founded the influential Blue Sky photography gallery, and subsequently became Professor of Art at the University of Oregon. Extent 12.5" x 19" Spatial Coverage 20.25" x 24.25" Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 93 Number 93 Creator Craig Hickman Donator Hickman, Craig Has technique color photo Location of storage - VB Material Photograph Description metal, white -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2492 Title Wall Tile # 18, from the Wall Hangings Series Description Square weaving made of multiple vibrant colors of yarn in symmetrical geometric shapes. Date 2005 Identifier 2014.003 Extent 29" x 28" Date Accepted 2014 Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 191 Number 191 Creator Liz Whitney Quisgard Has technique yarn on buckram Location of storage - 0449 flat file - drawer 2 Material textile weaving -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2491 Title Wall Tile # 9, from the Wall Hangings Series Description Square weaving made of multiple vibrant colors of yarn in symmetrical geometric shapes. Date 2005 Identifier 2014.002 Extent 29" x 28.5" Date Accepted 2014 Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 191 Number 191 Creator Liz Whitney Quisgard Has technique yarn on buckram Location of storage - 0449 flat file - drawer 2 Material textile weaving -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2490 Title Wall Tile # 7, from the Wall Hangings Series Description Square weaving made of multiple vibrant colors of yarn in symmetrical geometric shapes. Date 2004 Identifier 2014.001 Extent 28.5" x 27.5" Date Accepted 2014 Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 191 Number 191 Creator Liz Whitney Quisgard Has technique yarn on buckram Location of storage - 0449 flat file - drawer 2 Material textile weaving -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2485 Title Décor Description Abstract sumi-e style artwork of mountains and ripples on wood. Date 2005 Identifier 2013.001 Extent 18" x 54" Date Accepted 2013 Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 187 Number 186 ShortDescription 9/2022: Good condition. No issues noted at this time. Creator Susan Christian Donator Tina Hoggatt Has technique acrylic and latex on panel Location of Display: Library Building, 3rd Floor, President's Office Material Painting/mixed media on canvas/board/etc Mark Susan Christian LR -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2484 Title The B Family Description Three abstract figures made of shapes. Two wear dresses and one wears jeans. Date 1988 Identifier 2012.001 Abstract Hinson builds complicated abstract or non-objective structures that hang on the wall. They are painted constructions made mostly of Masonite with densely encrusted textures built up with plaster. Although they are three-dimensional he thinks of them as paintings and not as sculpture. He first began working on the oddly shaped constructions in about 1984 or ’85 and started consistently working on them in ’86 when he did an artist-in-residency program for the Bemis Foundation in Omaha. His proposal for the residency program was to work on paintings broken out of the traditional rectangular format, influenced by cut and shaped paintings by Frank Stella and by the writings of the critic Clement Greenberg, who claimed that all painting should be true to the flat, rectangular surface of the canvas, meaning no illusory space. Hinson said he wanted to make paintings that could not be seen as a window on the world. Source: https://www.thurstontalk.com/2012/01/25/ron-hinson-painting-outside-the-box/ Extent 73" x 96" x 12" Date Accepted 2012 Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 177 Number 177 Creator Ron Hinson Donator Ron Hinson Has technique acrylic on masonite and wood Location of display: Library Building, 2nd floor, library proper, base of stairs Material Sculpture, relief -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2483 Title Hagia Sophia Description Abstract shapes in gold, copper, and robin's egg blue. Row of hexagons at the bottom. Date 1990 Identifier 2011.001 Abstract Marilyn Frasca uses a variety of techniques to create textures in her artworks, which she later studies to see what is there. Working with the image that comes to her, the artist is able to sharpen and develop a visual and emotional response to the textures and shapes of the art. Source: http://www.marilynfrasca.com/process.htm Extent 26" x 80" Date Accepted 2011 Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 167 Number 165 Creator Marilyn Frasca Donator Beck, Stephen Has technique oil (and copper?) on masonite Location of display: Library Building, 3rd floor, library proper, near window looking over loading dock Material Painting/mixed media on canvas/board/etc Description black tape Mark on back -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2482 Title Circling Nine Heavens Description Person in an egg with a bird of prey behind them. Date 2004 Identifier 2008.005 Abstract Using the word monotype makes sense to me because I begin with a single print made from an inked plate. I use a variety of techniques to create textures which I later study to see what is there. Working with the image that comes to me I am able to sharpen and develop a visual and emotional response to the textures and shapes of the print which seem to clarify and assemble themselves into astonishing pictures of people, places and events that have no recognizable connection to my life. As I work it is as if I remember this person and her or his expression. It is an emotional quality that is slowly revealed as I draw out the image. I can feel and see the eyes, the curve of a forehead, a hand holding something. The presence of these figures exists in an ether of memory beyond my own existence, extending to a past and to a future, giving clear directions through textures of just how and what I should draw. Usually I feel an immediate compassion for the figure that shows itself. Often genderless, out of time and looking intently at me or somewhere else or at someone else. The look is occasionally pleading, knowledgeable, and communicates an awareness of my presence and scrutiny of its physical being and its relation to myself and the world in which I live. In this way the drawings assert emotions in their own terms and offer assorted facts that visually describe answers to questions I am slowly seeing and learning to ask. Source: http://www.marilynfrasca.com/process.htm Extent 9.5" x 9.5" Spatial Coverage 23" x 19" Date Accepted 2008 Identifier 166 Number 165 Creator Marilyn Frasca Donator Curtz, Thad Has technique mixed media Location of display: Library Building, 2nd floor, library proper, near emergency exit Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description wood Mark LL: Circling Nine Heavens LR: M Frasca 2004 -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2481 Title The Potter Description Abstract figure with hood surrounding a pot. Date 1982 Identifier 2008.004 Abstract Allan Houser excelled at all media, including stone, steel, bronze, and wood. He fashioned revolutionary pieces that not only inspired and influenced his contemporaries and proteges, but continue to make a world-wide impact. From his iconic narrative works, to the serene and mysterious forms of his geometric abstract works, Houser’s art connected with people through its refined aesthetic and exacting execution. Source: https://allanhouser.com/work/sculptures Extent 21" x 24" x 14.5" Date Accepted 2008 Accrual Method Donation, restricted Edition 12 Identifier 163 Number 162 Creator Allan Houser Donator Witt, Matthew and Linda Ohmans Has technique bronze Location of display: Library Building, 3rd Floor, library proper, administration offices Material Sculpture, freestanding, interior -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2477 Title In Honor of Bonita Evans Description Artwork in vibrant colors depicting wildlife and tree shapes. Abstract with blue and white geometric shapes in the background. Identifier 2007.008 Extent 27" x 38.5" Spatial Coverage 28.75" x 40.25" Date Accepted 2000 (not accepted into collection until 2007) Accrual Method donation Number 17 ShortDescription 6/29/2022: Minor issue: slight buckling along edge. Creator Joe Feddersen Donator Feddersen Location of display: Lab I, 1st Floor, Offices Material Print -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2476 Title Untitled Smoke No. 346 Description Image of rising smoke against a black background. Date 2006 Identifier 2007.007 Date Accepted 2007 Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 173 Number 173 Creator Kerry Loewen Donator Loewen Has technique pigmented ink on paper Location of display: Library Building, 3rd Floor, library proper, NE corner, red wall Material Photograph -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2475 Title Hunting for Joseph Description Portrait of a man overlayed with geometric accents, shades of gray and red. Date 1981 Identifier 2007.006 Abstract Part of the "Hunting For Joseph" series, with similar artworks housed with the Portland Art Museum and University of Puget Sound Art Collection. Extent 30" x 22" Spatial Coverage 40.25" x 30.25" Date Accepted 2004 Edition 0 Identifier 168 Number 178 Creator Jay Backstrand Has technique lithograph Location of 0449a - C2 Material Print Description metal -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2469 Title Splitting Hairs Description Charcoal drawing of human skin (scientific illustration style) with a hand slicing a hair with a razor blade. Date 1979 Identifier 2006.001 Extent 13' x 10" Spatial Coverage 20" x 16" Number 92 ShortDescription 4/2022: Good condition. No pressing issues noted at this time. Non-archival matting, drawing hinged onto foam core backing Creator Young Harvill Donator Harvill, Young Has technique looks like graphite/charcoal/conte with white chalk/conte highlights Location of storage, Building: Floor: Room: 0449a Bin: B2 Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description metal Mark Harvill 1979 -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2468 Resource class dctype:PhysicalObject Title Untitled Description Color photo of green pole coming out of the ground next to a road. Date 1979 Identifier 2003.001 Abstract Craig Hickman studied photography at Evergreen, where he also learned computer programming. He later began developing software that became "Kid Pix," for Apple Macintosh. In Portland, Hickman co-founded the influential Blue Sky photography gallery, and subsequently became Professor of Art at the University of Oregon. Extent 8.5" x 12.25" Date Accepted 2003 Number 93 Creator Craig Hickman Has technique Color photo Location of storage - VB-3 Material Photograph -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2467 Title Acanthus Description Abstract golden swirls on a background of shades of black, gray, blue, and pink. Identifier 2002.010 Extent 30" x 44" Spatial Coverage 33.25" x 48.25" Accrual Method purchase Number 183 Creator Lucinda Parker Donator Hodges/Banks Gallery Has technique acrylic on paper Location of COM Building, 2nd Floor, alcove overlooking CRC Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description metal -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2466 Title Triangle Composition #3 Description Square print of grayscale, geometric shapes. Date 1995 Identifier 2002.009 Extent 8.75"x8.75" Spatial Coverage 16.25"x17.25" Number 185 Creator Lynda Rockwood Has technique photogram Location of storage Description metal -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2464 Title Untitled Description In portrait of figure wearing goggles, gas mask, and hazmat suit. Identifier 2002.007 Extent 11.25"x8.5" Date Accepted 2002 Number 49 Creator W.R. Phillips Has technique etching Location of storage Material Print -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2463 Title Wet Ducks Description ducks flying over landscape Date 1982 Identifier 2002.006 Extent 19.75"X15.75" Spatial Coverage 28.25" x 24" Date Accepted 2002 Number 36 Creator Kent Lovelace Has technique Lithograph Location of storage Material Print -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2461 Title Third Ave between Union and University Seattle, 1/25/80 Description Seattle street scene Date 1980 Identifier 2002.004 Extent 2.25"X8" Date Accepted 2002 Number 90 Creator Ford Gilbreath Has technique Color photo Location of storage, Building: Floor: Room: Bin: Material Photograph -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2452 Title Portrait of Helmi Juvonen Description Black and white portrait of elderly woman in a knit sweater, sitting and holding a kitten. Date September 1983 Identifier 1988.002 Abstract Mary Randlett was a prolific Northwest photographer who created work in five main categories: architecture, nature, Northwest School artists, Northwest writers, and public art. Her portrait here is of Northwest artist Helmi Juvonen who is represented in the Evergreen Art Collection with several works in various media, Extent 7.25"x7.75" Date Accepted 10301988 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 53 Creator Mary Randlett Donator Wehr Has technique black and white photograph Location of Storage Material Photograph Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2448 Title Wolf I, and Mask Description Native-inspired linocut. Huma face on the left, wolf in the center, and an eye on the lower-right corner. Identical print to 1984.024. Date 1953 Identifier 1986.014 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 7.25 " x 11" Date Accepted 1986 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzsche Has technique Linocut on paper Location of Storage: Library basement, art vault, flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2443 Title Eagle Description Native-inspired eagle mask that takes up the frame. Identifier 1986.009 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 8" x 10.25" Date Accepted 1986 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzsche Has technique Mixed on paper Location of 0449a - flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2442 Title Wolf Mask Description Native-inspired artwork of a wolf mask that fills up the frame. Identifier 1986.008 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 8" x 10.5" Date Accepted 1986 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzsche Has technique Linocut on paper Location of 0449a - flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2439 Title Yakima Design II Description Yakima-inspired abstract diamonds and geometric squares with gray support. Identifier 1986.005 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 4.5" x 12" Date Accepted 1986 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzsche Has technique Linocut on paper Location of 0449a - flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2438 Title Yakima Design I (blue) Description Yakima-inspired abstract diamonds and geometric squares with blue support. Identifier 1986.004 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 4.5" x 12" Date Accepted 1986 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzsche Has technique Linocut on paper Location of 0449a - flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2435 Title Builders: Man on Scaffold Description Lithograph in bold colors of figures in an urban setting, slightly abstract. Man on scaffold top right, with other men holding tools at the bottom.Various other figures top left background. Woman carrying groceries center left. Primary colors are red, yellow, blue, brown, and gray. Date 1985 Identifier 1986.001 Extent 29.5" x 22" Date Accepted 1986 Number 34 ShortDescription 11/2022: Good condition. No issues noted at this time. Creator Jacob Lawrence Donator Friend of the Gallery, Francine Seders Gallery Has technique Lithograph on paper (arches cover) Location of 0449a - flat file 4 Material Print Description Wood -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2434 Title Requiem Description White winter tree with an orange moth in the center left, rainbow accents in the background. Done in the Nippon (Nihon) GA Style. Date January, 1984 Identifier 1985.002 Abstract Moniz’s subjects are what she observes in the world at hand: the beauty of nature right in her own backyard. A favorite method of hers is to pick one subject and intensely study it. A moth she found in her kitchen became the subject of several paintings. Moniz’s depictions of the natural world around her show her desire to capture not only the features and the spirit of her subject, but also her personal reaction to it. “In order to paint something I must be inspired by it,” the artist said. Moniz also stated how she passionately hates the time that passes between the last brush stroke of one painting and the first brush stroke of the next. Source: Helbert, G. (1981, August 16). She Paints Nature. The Olympian. Extent 35.25"x 24" Date Accepted 10151985 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 43 Number 43 ShortDescription 7/14/2022: Very slight buckling on top. No other issues noted. Pre-2022: Lighting, replace bulbs. Other Marker on cement wall under label "PINNER" Creator Haruko (Osawa) Moniz Donator Moniz Has technique Watercolor pigment and nihonga pigment on mulberry bark paper Location of COM Building, 1st Floor, near elevator Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2431 Title Projection Description Fine ink markings in black and red - geometric forms on upper half, spherical forms on lower half. Date December 2, 1970 Identifier 1984.027 Extent 109.75"x12.25" Spatial Coverage 17.25"x19.25" Date Accepted 1984 Number 20 Creator Joseph Goldberg Donator Fritzsche Has technique Ink on paper Location of storage Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2429 Title Ancestral Portraits Description Pen and colored ink drawing with abstract figure. Date 1984 Identifier 1984.025 Extent 5" x 6" Date Accepted 1984 Accrual Method Donation, unrestricted Identifier 126 Number 2 Creator Wesley Wehr Has technique Pentel color pens, graphite, ink Location of storage Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2426 Title Tlingit Singing Mask Description Native-inspired artwork of a woodcut-style mask with long hair and a frowning face. Date 1953 Identifier 1984.023a Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 10" x 8" Date Accepted 1984 Identifier 126 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzsche Has technique Linocut on paper Location of 0449a - flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2425 Title Spirit Dance Description Dark figure on red background with scratches. Date 1953 Identifier 1984.022 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 11.25" x 7.75" Date Accepted 1984 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 126 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzsche Has technique Mixed on paper Location of 0449a - flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2424 Title Imaginative Perceptions Description Intricate Native-inspired artwork printed with brown ink. Date 1953 Identifier 1984.021 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 12" x 9" Date Accepted 1984 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 126 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzsche Has technique Linocut on paper Location of 0449a - flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2422 Title Set of 15 N.W. Coast Indian Subjects: 1 of 15 Description Native-inspired artwork of a bird with a large eye and pigeon-like beak. Date 1950-52 Identifier 1984.005 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 6" x 4" Date Accepted 1984 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 126 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzche Has technique Linocut on paper Location of 0449a - flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2417 Title Untitled Description Print of abstract shape in green and copper. Date 1982 Identifier 1983.016 Extent 9.5"X7.75" Spatial Coverage 22.5"X18.25" Date Accepted 61983 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 4 Creator Guy Anderson Donator Wehr Has technique Woodcut with mixed media on paper Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2415 Title Man and Child in Street Scene Description City street scene Date 1982 Identifier 1983.014 Extent 8"X12" Spatial Coverage 18.25"X22.25" Date Accepted 61983 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 108 ShortDescription 4/2022: Moderate warping/buckling overall. Slight crease down center left, possibly inherent. Pre-2020: poorly set Creator Jay Steensma Donator Wehr Has technique Xerograph of graphite and pencil on paper Location of Display: Library Building, 2nd Floor; Room: back hall of Academic Deans area Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2414 Title Yakima Eagle Description Native-inspired linocut of an eagle, two crossed arrows at its feet. Date 1939-40 Identifier 1983.013 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 7.25" x 11 Date Accepted 6221983 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 126 Number 97 ShortDescription 10/2022: Good condition. No issues noted at this time. Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Fritzche Has technique Linocut on paper Location of Storage: Library basement, art vault, flat file 3 Material Print Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2410 Title Bird Description Colorful sparrow-like bird in rainbow hues of yellow, green, blue, and magenta. Date 1955-56 Identifier 1983.009 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 11" x 8.25" Date Accepted 3101983 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Wehr Has technique watercolor on paper Location of Storage: Library basement, art vault, flat file 3 Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description None -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2407 Title Gomokwey N.W. Coast Indian Mask Description Black ink woodcut print of Indigenous mask, white highlights, on slightly green paper. Date 1939-1940 Identifier 1983.006 Abstract Juvonen's largest works from the late 1940s through the 1960s are organized laterally and characterized by shallow indeterminate space and "all-overness". She valued and practiced conventional techniques of three-dimensional illusionism through the 1950s; she also developed a range of strategies much closer to graffiti and cartoons. A light or white delineation on a darker ground, which frequently appears in her works, suggests chalk on a blackboard, and vernacular references in her work are commonly associated with the "white writing" identified with Mark Tobey and Morris Graves. Juvonen introduces into her work words and phrases, a variety of human figures and faces, architectural elements, and religious and eclectic symbols from diverse cultures. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmi_Juvonen Extent 12"x9" Spatial Coverage 18.25"x22.25" Date Accepted 1983 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Wehr Has technique woodcut, mixed media on paper (green) Location of storage, Building: Floor: Room: Bin: Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2405 Title A Tobey Troll Description Varying blue print on a background of various shades of brown and green. Date 1952-54 Identifier 1983.004 Abstract Juvonen received a scholarship to the Cornish School of the Arts in 1929, which is where she may have met artist Mark Tobey. A year later, Juvonen was diagnosed as a manic depressive. In "Helmi Dagmar Juvonen: Her Life and Work: A Chronicle," Ulrich Fritzsche documents her fixation on Tobey between 1952 and 1956. According to Deloris Tarzan Ament, "At one point she made a life-size doll of him, dressed it in pajamas, and kept it on her bed. As her obsession with Tobey grew, the once-crisp lines of her art became tangled in an imitation of Tobey's 'white writing' style. Although it may have reflected her state of mind, it did not compromise the quality of her art." Sources: https://missoulaartmuseum.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/3950057D-3EAD-4511-9EBD-402525337182 https://www.historylink.org/File/3831 Extent 18"x12" Spatial Coverage 26.25"x22.25" Date Accepted 1983 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 97 Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Wehr Has technique Linocut on paper Location of storage, Building: Floor: Room: Bin: Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2404 Title Mark Tobey's Eskimo Mask Description Black ink linocut print of abstract lines and shapes throughout with face in center/upper left. Date 1954 Identifier 1983.003 Abstract Juvonen received a scholarship to the Cornish School of the Arts in 1929, which is where she may have met artist Mark Tobey. A year later, Juvonen was diagnosed as a manic depressive. In "Helmi Dagmar Juvonen: Her Life and Work: A Chronicle," Ulrich Fritzsche documents her fixation on Tobey between 1952 and 1956. According to Deloris Tarzan Ament, "At one point she made a life-size doll of him, dressed it in pajamas, and kept it on her bed. As her obsession with Tobey grew, the once-crisp lines of her art became tangled in an imitation of Tobey's 'white writing' style. Although it may have reflected her state of mind, it did not compromise the quality of her art." Sources: https://missoulaartmuseum.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/3950057D-3EAD-4511-9EBD-402525337182 https://www.historylink.org/File/3831 Extent 14.25"x11" Spatial Coverage 20.25"x16.25" Date Accepted 1983 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 97 ShortDescription 5/3/2022: Seems either paper has shifted or matting not cut correctly - upper edge of piece is not under the matting. Does not affect viewing of piece. Creator Helmi Juvonen Donator Wehr Has technique linocut on paper Location of storage, Building: Floor: Room: Bin: Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2400 Title Flintwalk Description Abstract black and gray print of organic shapes, textured, with light gray speckling throughout. Date 1977 Identifier 1982.020 Extent 15-3/4" x 15-3/4" Spatial Coverage 27-1/4 x 24-1/4" Edition 812 Number 22 Creator Robert Graves Has technique collagraph Location of storage - V-B1 Material Print Description metal section Mark "Flintwalk" 8/12 Robert Graves -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2397 Title Disk Forms Description Large wood, circular sculpture in light-colored wood with med-colored wood. Darker color wood accents on top. Date 1980 Identifier 1982.017 Abstract This piece was purchased with funds donated by Mrs. Virginia Saibel as a memorial to her late husband, Dr. Bernard L. Saibel, a pianist who had worked with Dr. Robert Gottlieb at Evergreen. Mrs. Saibel was president of the American Association of University Women and was instrumental in getting Evergreen started. Extent 2" x 26" x 9" Diameter: 33" Spatial Coverage Plexiglass Case Date Accepted 1982 Accrual Method donation Number 88 Creator David Gallagher Donator Donated by Mrs. Virginia Saibel in memory of her husband Bernard C. Saibel Has technique Wood Location of COM Building, 2nd Floor, overlooking CRC Material Sculpture, freestanding, interior -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2396 Title X-Series No. 2 Description Large dark circle with an X on top and smiley face at bottom. Date 1981 Identifier 1982.016 Extent 34" x 37.5" Spatial Coverage 38" x 42.5" x 2" Date Accepted 10/14/1982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 121 Number 88 ShortDescription 2/2023: Good condition. Proper photographic documentation not possible right now due to reflections on glazing. Creator David Gallagher Donator the Gallagher family Has technique Mixed on paper Location of Library Building, 2nd Floor, Computing Center near room 2610 Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Wood -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2394 Title Wild Wave Description Color photograph of family in foreground sitting on the edge of a pool, with other people swimming in the background. Date 1979 Identifier 1982.013 Extent 6.75" x 9.5" Spatial Coverage 13.25" x 16.25" Date Accepted 7211982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 125 Number 52 Creator Craig Pozzi Donator Capps Has technique Color photo Location of storage - V-C2 Material Photograph Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2393 Title Untitled Description Photograph of a chair with legs leaning on them, superimposed with a sky and pine trees. Date 1979 Identifier 1982.012 Extent 9.75" x 11.75" Spatial Coverage 19.25" x 16.25" Date Accepted 761982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 57 Number 57 Creator James Sahlstrand Donator Sahlstrand Has technique Color Cibacrome Location of storage - VB Material Photograph Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2392 Title Man at Counter in Cafe Description This is a pencil on paper artwork depicting several men at a diner counter. Date 1981 Identifier 1982.011 Extent 8.75"X11.75" Spatial Coverage 18.25"X22.25" Date Accepted 6121982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 108 Creator Jay Steensma Donator Wehr Has technique Pencil on paper Location of Display: Library Building, 2nd Floor: Room: back hall of Academic Deans area Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2391 Title Artist Photographed by Marsha Burns Description This is a drawing/sketch of an artist being photographed in a small room. Date 1981 Identifier 1982.010 Extent 8.87"X11.87" Spatial Coverage 18.25"X22.25" Date Accepted 6121982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 108 ShortDescription 4/2022: Negligible bulge overall, especially in center. Good condition otherwise. Pre-2020: matt maybe ok ? Creator Jay Steensma Donator Wehr Has technique Pen and ink on paper Location of storage, Building: Floor: Room: Bin: Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2390 Title Untitled Description Oil pastel of desert landscape in various muted shades. Date 1978 Identifier 1982.009 Extent 9" x 9.25" Spatial Coverage 23.5" x 20.25" Date Accepted 6121982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 2 Number 7 Creator Glenn Brumett Donator Wehr Has technique Oil pastel on paper Location of display: Art Annex, 2nd Floor, alcove over drinking fountain Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2389 Title Untitled Description Red-and-white pole on a yellow hill before seascape under clouds with pine trees in the background. Date 1975 Identifier 1982.008 Abstract Craig Hickman studied photography at Evergreen, where he also learned computer programming. He later began developing software that became "Kid Pix," for Apple Macintosh. In Portland Hickman co-founded the influential Blue Sky photography gallery, and subsequently became Professor of Art at the University of Oregon. Extent 8" x 12" Spatial Coverage 14.25" x 18.25" Date Accepted 621982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 93 Number 93 Creator Craig Hickman Donator Hickman Has technique Color print Location of storage - VB Material Photograph Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2387 Title Pullet Surprise Description Man on a carousel riding a giant chicken. Identifier 1982.006 Extent 6" x 9" Spatial Coverage 26.25" x 22.25" Date Accepted 5251982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 92 Number 92 Creator Young Harvill Donator Harvill Has technique Silkscreen on paper Location of storage - VC-2 Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2386 Title #1 Cactus in Storm Description Print of bright red and green cactus on a darker desert background. Edge with multi-colored blending, and orange heart shapes at each corner Date 1978 Identifier 1982.005 Extent 40.75"x28.25" Date Accepted 5241982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 59 Number 59 Creator D.G. Smith Donator Smith Has technique lithograph Location of storage Material Print -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2383 Title Lip Series #24 Description Black and white photograph of a mouth and chin with stubble; mouth is frowning. Date 1979 Identifier 1982.002 Extent 6" x 9" Spatial Coverage 14.25" x 18" Date Accepted 5171982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 5 Number 5 Creator M. Bondarowicz Donator Bondarowicz Has technique Black and White Location of storage - VB Material Photograph Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2382 Title Forest Night Date 1977 Identifier 1982.001 Extent 11.25"X16" Spatial Coverage 26.25"X24.25" Date Accepted 5171982 Accrual Method donation, unrestricted Identifier 22 Number 22 Creator Robert Graves Donator Graves Has technique Collagraph on paper Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2380 Title Clowns Companion Description Tan porcelain sculpture with green glaze on edges. Top has stick and feathers pierced through. Identifier 1978.030 Extent 12" x 13" x 7" circumference: 22.5" Date Accepted 1978 Number 85 Creator Peggy Dickinson Donator Dickinson Has technique Porcelain Location of storage - 3d object shelf Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2379 Title Clown Description Tan porcelain vessel with green glaze along edges. To porcelain's roll accents include feather and bone arrangement. Identifier 1978.029 Extent 13.5"X6.75"X14" circumference: 22" Date Accepted 1978 Number 85 Creator Peggy Dickinson Donator Dickinson Has technique Porcelain Location of storage - 3d objects shelf Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2378 Title Ancestral Lovers Description Multimedia collage featuring human faces and genitals with colorful paint and glitter. Date 1977 Identifier 1978.028 Extent 30"X24" Spatial Coverage 30.25"X24.25" Date Accepted 1978 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 133 Number 39 Creator Sherry Markovitz Has technique Collage on paper Location of storage, Building: Floor: Room: Bin: Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2377 Title Saratoga Description Handmade paper in shades of taupe - lighter color on top layer horizontal, darker color underneath diagonal with dark string running horizontal. Date 1977 Identifier 1978.027 Extent 19" x 24" Spatial Coverage 23" x 28.5" Date Accepted 1978 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 133 Number 18 Creator Nancy Genn Has technique mixed media Location of storage - B1 Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Plexiglass box -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2366 Title Vanity of the Female Description Wooden paddle featuring duck - human figures, koi fish, and waves on handle. More duck people on verso side. Date 1977 Identifier 1978.016 Extent 17" x 10" Spatial Coverage 18.75" x 14" x 14" Date Accepted 1978 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 135 Number 94 Creator Deborah Horrell Has technique prismacolor drawing on wooden fan Location of COM Building, 3rd Floor, art gallery facing CRC Material Painting/mixed media on canvas/board/etc -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2364 Title Desert Box Description Abstract painting of multi-colored lines and shapes in oil pastel, with yellow, orange, and pink acrylic paint dotted throughout the empty space. Date 1977 Identifier 1978.014 Extent 64" x 60" Spatial Coverage 65" x 61" Date Accepted 1978 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 134 Number 41 Creator Laurie Messchaert Donator Kiku Gallery Has technique Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas Location of Display: Library Building Lobby - 3rd floor Material Painting/mixed media on canvas/board/etc Description Wood -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2363 Title Accelerated Feeding Program, 40-D Fudgealoups Description Part of the “Fish Trap” series. 3D pieces on paper, black and gray depictions of fish, fish roe, and various other shapes. Right-oriented piece, featuring bass fish and cantaloupe sundaes cascading down, white space on the lower right. Date 1976 Identifier 1978.013 Extent 14.5" x 11.5" x 2.5" Spatial Coverage Individual: 15.5" x 12.25" Frame of triptych: 23.5" x 50.75" Date Accepted 1978 Identifier 105 Number 106 Creator Bill Rades Donator Rades Has technique pencil, ink, paper, formica, in plexiglas box Location of display: Lab 1, 2nd Floor, office area Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Formica -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2362 Title Fish Trap, Accelerated Feeding Program, Cantaloupe Sundaes Description Part of the “Fish Trap” series. 3D pieces on paper, black and gray depictions of fish, fishroe, and various other shapes. Left-oriented piece, two cantaloupe sundaes at the top, with other sundaes melting toward the bottom. Date 1975 Identifier 1978.012 Extent 14.5" x 11.5" x 2.5" Spatial Coverage Individual: 15.5" x 12.25" Frame of triptych: 23.5" x 50.75" Date Accepted 1978 Identifier 106 Number 106 Creator Bill Rades Donator Rades Has technique pencil, ink, paper, formica, in plexiglas box Location of display: Lab 1, 2nd Floor, office area Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Formica -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2361 Title Fish Trap, Accelerated Feeding Program, Bacon, Tomato and Double Potato Description Part of the “Fish Trap” series. 3D pieces on paper, black and gray depictions of fish, fishroe, and various other shapes. Middle-oriented piece, bass fish being shuffled down a conveyor belt, with their roe at the bottom. Date 1977 Identifier 1978.011 Extent 14.5" x 11.5" x 2.5" Spatial Coverage Individual: 15.5" x 12.25" Frame of triptych: 23.5" x 50.75" Date Accepted 1978 Identifier 106 Number 106 Creator Bill Rades Donator Rades Has technique pencil, ink, paper, formica, in plexiglas box Location of display: Lab 1, 2nd Floor, office area Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Formica -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2343 Title Tatter Date September 16, 1976 Identifier 1977.044 Abstract Carl, or C.T. Chew is a Seattle based artist and teacher, working in traditional and digital printmaking, video art, stamp art, xerography, performance, rugs, tapestries, scarves and clothing. His work often takes a humorous and fanciful perspective. Extent 30.5"X23" Spatial Coverage 39.5"X31.25" Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 123 Number 81 Creator Carl Chew Has technique Calligraph on paper Location of storage - C3 Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2330 Title Wearable Kite Description Colorful textile hat made with iridescent fabric, yellow and green cap with mirror accents, green polka dot tentacles and a green string on red spool. Identifier 1977.031 Extent Head: 12" x 18" x 9" Torso: 52" x 40.75" x 18.5" String: .75"diameter x 16" - 100 yards long Date Accepted 1977 Identifier 132 Number 44 ShortDescription 6.21.2022: Slight discoloration overall. Flaking mirror backs. Pre-2022: bad window corners Creator Susan Niniger Donator Allied Arts of Seattle Has technique Mixed Location of storage - 3D Object Storage Material Sculpture, freestanding, interior -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2324 Title Ceramic Bowl Description Plate in warm shades of red, yellow, and copper. Identifier 1977.024 Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 91 Number 91 Creator Mark Gulsrud Has technique Raku porcelain Location of COM Building, First floor lobby Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2323 Title Ceramic Bowl Description Teal plate with pink accents. Identifier 1977.023 Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 91 Number 91 Creator Mark Gulsrud Has technique Raku porcelain Location of COM Building, First floor lobby Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2322 Title Ceramic Bowl Description Plate with dark brown speckling. Identifier 1977.022 Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 91 Number 91 Creator Mark Gulsrud Has technique Raku porcelain Location of COM Building, First floor lobby Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2321 Title Bowl Description Ceramic bowl featuring two salmon illustrations in varying gray colors and red dots. Date 1977 Identifier 1977.017 Abstract Boyden was trained as a painter, printmaker and art historian but in 1968 got seduced by clay and the world of the ceramic arts. In 1972 he stopped painting and gave his full time to clay. Because of his skills as a draftsman he began the journey of learning how to incorporate drawing techniques onto vessels and other ceramic objects and this journey continues to this day. From 1968 to 1981 he worked mostly with native materials and clays and low temperature firing techniques. During that time he received grants to study Pre-Columbian as well as contemporary ceramics in the Peruvian jungles. He also received a coveted National Endowment for the Arts grant. In 1984 he built the sixth anagama kiln in America and has spent the time since then perfecting the discipline of wood firing at high temperatures. Since 1993 he has worked only with porcelain. What sets Boyden’s work alone and makes it cohesive through the 40+ years is his energetic and fluid incised drawings on vases. Boyden believes that his ceramics and the subject matter of the decorations should reflect his interests in his immediate environment in both visual and biological formats. Because of this, he has concentrated his imagery to correspond with the animals that populate his estuary environment. Boyden has conducted hundreds of workshops and lectures around the world. He has acted as advisor and guest editor for Ceramics Art and Perception and Studio Potter periodicals. He is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics and NCECA. Source: frankboydenstudio.com Extent 8" x 8" 8" Diameter 30" circumference Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 128 Number 77 Creator Frank Boyden Has technique Raku, stoneware Location of Library building, First floor, Stairwell display case Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2320 Title Bowl Description Bowl in brown featuring two fish figures. Date 1977 Identifier 1977.016 Abstract Boyden was trained as a painter, printmaker and art historian but in 1968 got seduced by clay and the world of the ceramic arts. In 1972 he stopped painting and gave his full time to clay. Because of his skills as a draftsman he began the journey of learning how to incorporate drawing techniques onto vessels and other ceramic objects and this journey continues to this day. From 1968 to 1981 he worked mostly with native materials and clays and low temperature firing techniques. During that time he received grants to study Pre-Columbian as well as contemporary ceramics in the Peruvian jungles. He also received a coveted National Endowment for the Arts grant. In 1984 he built the sixth anagama kiln in America and has spent the time since then perfecting the discipline of wood firing at high temperatures. Since 1993 he has worked only with porcelain. What sets Boyden’s work alone and makes it cohesive through the 40+ years is his energetic and fluid incised drawings on vases. Boyden believes that his ceramics and the subject matter of the decorations should reflect his interests in his immediate environment in both visual and biological formats. Because of this, he has concentrated his imagery to correspond with the animals that populate his estuary environment. Boyden has conducted hundreds of workshops and lectures around the world. He has acted as advisor and guest editor for Ceramics Art and Perception and Studio Potter periodicals. He is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics and NCECA. Source: frankboydenstudio.com Extent 7" x7" Diameter 24" circumference Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 128 Number 77 Creator Frank Boyden Has technique Raku, stoneware Location of Library building, First floor, Stairwell display case Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2319 Title Bowl Description Bowl in dark and medium brown with four goose figures on a dark red background. Almost identical to 1977.014, except the good on top left has beak closed. Date 1977 Identifier 1977.015 Abstract Boyden was trained as a painter, printmaker and art historian but in 1968 got seduced by clay and the world of the ceramic arts. In 1972 he stopped painting and gave his full time to clay. Because of his skills as a draftsman he began the journey of learning how to incorporate drawing techniques onto vessels and other ceramic objects and this journey continues to this day. From 1968 to 1981 he worked mostly with native materials and clays and low temperature firing techniques. During that time he received grants to study Pre-Columbian as well as contemporary ceramics in the Peruvian jungles. He also received a coveted National Endowment for the Arts grant. In 1984 he built the sixth anagama kiln in America and has spent the time since then perfecting the discipline of wood firing at high temperatures. Since 1993 he has worked only with porcelain. What sets Boyden’s work alone and makes it cohesive through the 40+ years is his energetic and fluid incised drawings on vases. Boyden believes that his ceramics and the subject matter of the decorations should reflect his interests in his immediate environment in both visual and biological formats. Because of this, he has concentrated his imagery to correspond with the animals that populate his estuary environment. Boyden has conducted hundreds of workshops and lectures around the world. He has acted as advisor and guest editor for Ceramics Art and Perception and Studio Potter periodicals. He is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics and NCECA. Source: frankboydenstudio.com Extent 6.75" x 8" Diameter 24" circumference Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 128 Number 77 Creator Frank Boyden Has technique Raku, Stoneware Location of Library building, First floor, Stairwell display case Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2318 Title Bowl Description Bowl in dark and medium brown with four goose figures, on a dark red background. Date 1977 Identifier 1977.014 Abstract Boyden was trained as a painter, printmaker and art historian but in 1968 got seduced by clay and the world of the ceramic arts. In 1972 he stopped painting and gave his full time to clay. Because of his skills as a draftsman he began the journey of learning how to incorporate drawing techniques onto vessels and other ceramic objects and this journey continues to this day. From 1968 to 1981 he worked mostly with native materials and clays and low temperature firing techniques. During that time he received grants to study Pre-Columbian as well as contemporary ceramics in the Peruvian jungles. He also received a coveted National Endowment for the Arts grant. In 1984 he built the sixth anagama kiln in America and has spent the time since then perfecting the discipline of wood firing at high temperatures. Since 1993 he has worked only with porcelain. What sets Boyden’s work alone and makes it cohesive through the 40+ years is his energetic and fluid incised drawings on vases. Boyden believes that his ceramics and the subject matter of the decorations should reflect his interests in his immediate environment in both visual and biological formats. Because of this, he has concentrated his imagery to correspond with the animals that populate his estuary environment. Boyden has conducted hundreds of workshops and lectures around the world. He has acted as advisor and guest editor for Ceramics Art and Perception and Studio Potter periodicals. He is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics and NCECA. Source: frankboydenstudio.com Extent 6.5" x 8.5"Diameter 27.5"Circumference Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 128 Number 77 Creator Frank Boyden Has technique Raku, stoneware Location of Library building, First floor, Stairwell display case Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2314 Title Peachy Keen Description Abstract peach-colored pastel piece with scribbled figures in white, yellow, and some green. Date 1975 Identifier 1977.010 Extent 35.75" x 42.25" Spatial Coverage 40.75" x 46.25" Date Accepted 6/15/1977 Accrual Method Purchase Number 101 Creator Alden Mason Has technique oil pastel on paper Location of display: Library, 3rd floor, library proper, on green wall Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2313 Title Wheeled Chrysalis Description Abstract shapes in white and various colors, outline in black with a gray background. Date 1975 Identifier 1977.009 Extent 35" x 41" Spatial Coverage 40.75" x 46.25" Date Accepted 6151977 Accrual Method Purchase Number 101 Creator Alden Mason Has technique oil pastel and pencil on paper Location of Display: Lab I, Floor 2, Offices Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2308 Title Mr. Unnatural Date 1976 Identifier 1977.004 Extent 36" x 25" Spatial Coverage 37" x 26" Date Accepted 1977 Identifier 130 Number 66 Creator William Wiley Has technique lithograph - printed by Landfall Press, 32/65 Location of storage - V-B4 Material Print Description Plexiglass box -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2307 Title Bottle 76 Description Ceramic bottle in abstract shape with abstract detailing in various vibrant colors and textures. Date 1976 Identifier 1977.003 Extent 12" x 9" x 4" Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 127 Number 76 ShortDescription 6/29/2022: Gray top has hole that appears to be inherent to the piece as the textural paint is found around inside edges of hole - suggesting hole was present when overlay applied. Creator Ed Blackburn Has technique Porcelain Location of Library building, First floor, Stairwell display case Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2306 Title Peruvian Locomotive Description Abstract depiction of a train with tire shape at right, connected to various geometric and organic shapes in varying muted shades of tan, red, blue, and gray. Date 1976 Identifier 1977.002 Extent 7.5" x 14.5" x 2" Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 127 Number 76 ShortDescription 6/29/2022: Good condition. No issues noted at this time. Creator Ed Blackburn Has technique Porcelain Location of Library building, First floor, Stairwell display case Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2305 Title Stirrup Jar Description Abstract ceramic sculpture. Base consists of two mounds - left mound is shorter than the right, with an arch connecting the two at the top. Decorated with abstract designs and patterns in shades of black, orange, blue, and red. Date 1976 Identifier 1977.001 Extent 9.25" x 9.5" x 6.25" Date Accepted 1977 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 127 Number 76 ShortDescription 6/23/2022: Good condition. No issues noted at this time. Creator Ed Blackburn Has technique Porcelain Location of Library building, First floor, Stairwell display case Material Ceramic -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2302 Title Detective Lunch Description Wooden box with black velvet cover that buckles. Painting underneath depicts a rough collie exhaling smoke in a backyard, with an axe and stump coming out of the smoke. At the top of the box is a 3D banana. Identifier 1976.012 Abstract "My interest lies in the appreciation of the environment and the expression of it. Moving and playing with form and color are just a thrill that I can’t deny myself. The essence of water is also an important piece of all puzzles I paint. The point of departure is the moment I can recognize how my ideas fit into the world as we think we can see it, then a bit of a drive to sort it all out." Source: https://franksamuelsonartist.com/About.html Extent 15.5" x 20.5" Spatial Coverage 19.75" x 22" Date Accepted 1976 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 107 Number 107 Creator Frank Samuelson Has technique on canvas Location of storage - top of C shelves Material Painting/mixed media on canvas/board/etc Description Wood and velvet -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2299 Title Not Outta the Woods Yet Description Wooden box with black velvet cover that buckles. Painting underneath depicts a smoking cougar in a forest by a river, tire and rope swings hang from the trees. At the top of the box is a 3D log. Identifier 1976.009 Abstract "My interest lies in the appreciation of the environment and the expression of it. Moving and playing with form and color are just a thrill that I can’t deny myself. The essence of water is also an important piece of all puzzles I paint. The point of departure is the moment I can recognize how my ideas fit into the world as we think we can see it, then a bit of a drive to sort it all out." Source: https://franksamuelsonartist.com/About.html Extent 15.5"x 20.5" Spatial Coverage 22" x 22.5" Date Accepted 1976 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 107 Number 107 Creator Frank Samuelson Has technique on canvas Location of storage - top of C shelves Material Painting/mixed media on canvas/board/etc Description Wood and velvet -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2295 Title Two Woodpeckers Description Tiny cottagecore scene depicting a Yellowstone cabin among rocks, moss, and some pencils. Tree over the scene has red binoculars and a bird house hanging from it. Date 1977 Identifier 1976.005 Extent 5.5" x 5" x 3" (irregular dimensions) Date Accepted 1976 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 112 Number 112 Creator Merrily Tompkins Has technique Mixed, wood Location of storage - 3D object storage Material Sculpture, freestanding, interior -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2293 Title Actual Size Date 1974 Identifier 1976.003 Extent 31.25"X23.25" Spatial Coverage 31.25"X29.25" Date Accepted 1976 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 109 Number 109 ShortDescription wood frame painted gray, sort of drab Creator Charles Stokes Has technique watercolor Location of storage - C1 Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Wood -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2292 Title Song of the Future Description Watercolor painting of mostly reds, pinks, blues, and purples, with three repeating, abstract, multi-colored shapes. Date 1975 Identifier 1976.002 Extent 31"X23" Spatial Coverage 33.25"X25.25" Date Accepted 1976 Accrual Method Purchase Identifier 109 Number 109 ShortDescription 4/2022: Slight scratching on glass - center left to center right. Does not obstruct viewing. Pre-2020: Framing, glazing touching art Creator Charles Stokes Has technique Watercolor on paper Location of Storage - C1 Material Painting/drawing/mixed media on paper Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2287 Title Color Area Description Blue geometric grid with a peach/purple rectangle at the top. Date 1971 Identifier 1971.051 Extent 17" x 17.25" Spatial Coverage 24.25" x 24.25" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 72 Creator Glen Alps Has technique Collagraph Location of Display: Library, 2nd floor, Dean's Area, near Lib 2011 Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2285 Title Universe Four Square Description Four grayscale prints of the moon - one in each corner, with yellow square in the center. Identifier 1971.045 Extent 18"X18" Spatial Coverage 24.25"X24.25" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 31 Creator Joel Jessen Has technique silkscreen Location of storage - VB-3 Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2280 Title Untitled Description Black and gray piece with varying light and dark circular shapes - three light circles in a row at center, with four black circles in a row at lower left and lower right. Date 1970 Identifier 1971.037 Extent 11"x14.75" Spatial Coverage 19.25"x21.75" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 60 Creator Karl Frederick Sodt Has technique Etching on paper Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2279 Title Arboretum Lanscape w/vw Description Grayscale lithograph of bare trees, road, and a car in the distance. Date 1971 Identifier 1971.035 Extent 12/37"X17.87" Spatial Coverage 21.75"X25.5" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 59 Creator D.G. Smith Has technique lithograph Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2278 Title Baja Shores Description Two-part piece. Right: two shapes. One cut-out, the other yellow. Left: larger with yellow and blue, yellow cut-out piece featuring a shell added on top. Date 1970 Identifier 1971.034 Extent 21.5" x 37" Spatial Coverage 29.5" x 46" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 58 ShortDescription 5/24/2022: Frame could benefit from an adjustment. Some minor scratching of glass on bottom center and top edge. Creator Margaret Sahlstrand Has technique Color etching and collograph on paper Location of storage - VB-4 Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2277 Title Death Watch from Duke's Hill Description Multi-layered print featuring several figures in red at top right, and a layering of a skull and two figures in center, lower left, and center left. Identifier 1971.032 Extent 15" x 18.5" Spatial Coverage 20.25" x 24.75" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 55 ShortDescription 4/19/2022: Good condition. No issues currently noted. Creator Rand Robbin Has technique intaglio Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2275 Title Clouds Description Multimedia on upper half, with light purple shape in center left, and soft yellow to orange ombre shape in lower center. Bottom has soft orange fading to edge. Date 1971 Identifier 1971.030 Extent 27" x 20.25" Spatial Coverage 32.25" x 25.5" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 105 ShortDescription 5/10/2022: No issues noted at this time. Creator Kathleen Rabel Has technique stencil Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2273 Title Chickens in the Sky Date 1971 Identifier 1971.027 Extent 4.75"X4.75" Spatial Coverage 11.5"X12.25" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 46 Creator John Overton Has technique Gouaglio (aqueous intaglio) on paper Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2272 Title I Am Beautiful I Description Lithograph of a nude figure lounging on a striped pillow and blanket. Date 1968 Identifier 1971.024 Extent 15" x 21.5" Spatial Coverage 25.75" x 31.75" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 37 ShortDescription 6.21.2022: Slight buckling of support. Speck of mold on upper left on the leg. Pre-2022: terribly set Creator Norman Lundin Has technique lithograph Location of storage - D1 Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2271 Title American Landscape II Date 1970 Identifier 1971.023 Extent 15"X20" Spatial Coverage 23.25"X33.25" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 35 Creator Cheryl E. Lepper Has technique lithograph Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2270 Title Hook II Description Print of a hook tool in black ink on white paper. Date 1969 Identifier 1971.021 Extent 12"x9.5" Spatial Coverage 21.5"x17.75" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 96 Creator Thomas Johnston Has technique Lithograph on paper Location of storage Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2264 Title Fueler Description Silver motorcar driver figure. Date 1968 Identifier 1971.012 Extent 12" x 12" Spatial Coverage 20.75" x 25.25" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Edition 59 Number 84 ShortDescription 4/2022: Design is in great condition, but the edges around it have yellowed over time. Very good condition considering its age. Creator Maxine Dibene Has technique silkscreen Location of storage Material Print Description Steel Mark Fueler '68 5/9 Maxine DiBene -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2263 Title Ravine Description Abstract print in shades of green, brown, blue, and black. Date 1970 Identifier 1971.010 Extent 34"x32.75" Spatial Coverage 43.25"x40.5" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method purchase Number 10 ShortDescription 5/24/2022: Good condition. No noted issues at this time. Creator Bill Colby Donator Colby Has technique Color woodcut on paper Location of storage - C2 Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2262 Title Spring Petroglyph Description Green abstract shape on a black background. Deer-like figure on the lower right with antlers that zigzag up to the top. Moon in upper right middle. Small red icon on the lower left. Date 1971 Identifier 1971.008 Extent 15" H X 10"W Spatial Coverage 16.75"x23.5" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 78 ShortDescription 4/2022: Negligible warping overall. Creator Helen Buchanan Has technique Cement on paper Location of storage - VC-1 Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2260 Title Icarus Description Black and white abstract figure on the left, with golden sun on the right. Date 1970 Identifier 1971.005 Extent 17.63" x 27.5" Spatial Coverage 40.25" x 28.5" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 75 Creator Bruce D. Beal Has technique Etching on paper Location of COM building, 2nd Floor, Alcove Facing CRC Material Print Description Steel -- Url https://collections.evergreen.edu/art/s/evergreenart/item/2258 Title The Color Square Description Grid of uneven squares in warm colors - yellow, red, and magenta. Bottom three rows are a dull brown. Date 1971 Identifier 1971.003 Extent 15.5 x 15.75" Spatial Coverage 25.25" x 25.5" Date Accepted 1971 Accrual Method Purchase Number 72 Creator Glen Alps Has technique Collagraph on paper Location of storage - VC-2 Material Print Description Steel --