

Part of The Cooper Point Journal (October 31, 2018)

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: @yourCPJ

the cooper point journal
The Evergreen State College Newspaper Since 1971| October 31, 2018







The Cooper Point Journal


Georgie Hicks

C r e at i v e D i r ec t o r
Mason Soto

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S a m a n t h a L u n a - Pa t t e r s o n

A r t s & C u lt u r e E d i t o r
B r i t t a n y a n a P i e r ro

C o p y E d i t o r & W eb
D a n i e l Vo g e l



Mar ta Ta hja -S y ret t
Daniel P f eif le
Fo res t H un t
S teph Bec k Fe y
Z ainab Ummie S il la h
Jac k S t ro ud
Mar iah G u il f o il-D o vel

O f f i ce

T h e E v e r g re e n S t a t e C o l l e g e
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O l y m p i a , WA

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© 2018 the Cooper Point Journal




Halloween 1987. Taken by Steve Davis, courtesy of The Evergreen State College Archives.


The Cooper Point Journal is produced by students at The Evergreen State College, with funding from student
fees and advertising from local businesses. The Journal is published for free every other Wednesday during the
school year and distributed throughout the Olympia area.
Our content is also available online at www.cooperpointjournal.com.
Our mission is to provide an outlet for student voices, and to inform and entertain the Evergreen community
and the Olympia-area more broadly, as well as to provide a platform for students to learn about operating a
news publication.
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We accept submissions from any student at The Evergreen State College, and also from former students,
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Have an exciting news topic? Know about some weird community happening? Enjoy that new hardcore
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Olympia, the state of Washington, the Pacific Northwest, etc.
To submit an article, reach us at cooperpointjournal@gmail.com.


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but we’ll do our best to consult with you about any major changes.


Gun Protest 1995. by DEBRA GERTH. Courtesy of TESC ARCHIVES.



In its last edition the Cooper Point Journal reported
that Police Services quietly purchased rifles in fall of
2017, and that the purchase
was quickly authorized by
President George Bridges
over that summer.
Stacy Brown, former Director of Police Services, requested five AR-15 rifles on
Aug. 1, which Bridges approved only two weeks later.
Purchase orders reveal that
the school procured seven
Colt LE6920 AR-15 rifles at
$792.68 each and seven Aimpoint Patrol Rifles Sights
at $429 each on Nov 7th,
2017. A week later the school
bought nine cases of .223
Remington and 5.56x45mm
NATO bullets for $2,326.76.
Including tax and shipping, the guns and bullets
cost the school $10,897.76.
Outlined in their “Standard Operating Procedures,”
Police Services rules allow
officers to use personal rifles. There are currently nine
officers working for campus
police, meaning there could

be 16 rifles on campus at any
given time.
“I don’t know why they
would spend that money because these police officers already have rifles, I’m sure of
it. I mean everybody who’s
involved in gun culture, who’s
involved in the military, who’s
involved in police, etc. is going to have a personal rifle no
doubt about it,” said Lars, a
current Evergreen student.
Lars said they were familiar
with Police Services through
Copwatch, an autonomous
network who observe and
document police activity, and
through participation in local
gun culture alongside police.
Community Responds to
Rifle Decision
Interim Director of Police
Services Raymond Holmes
said that campus police provide “a safe environment
which enables students, staff,
and faculty to focus on teaching and learning,” and “to accomplish that, we must be
trained and equipped to the
best professional standard.

That includes rifles, which are
part of the standard equipment for law enforcement at
every public four-year college
in the state of Washington.”
Professor Emeritus Michael Vavrus pointed out
that, although it may be true
that other public four year
universities in Washington
have rifles, schools of comparable size to Evergreen
— like St. Martins and high
schools across the country —
don’t have these arms.
Evergreen student Sanna
Nour Mohammadi said they
understand the rifles were
purchased for “protection” after the shooter threat from a
New Jersey man in 2017, but
criticized Police Services for
not thinking more broadly
about threats. “Where was
the protection when Naima
Lowe was receiving death
threats and photos of lynchings?” asked Mohammadi.
“Where was her and other
faculty of color’s on-campus
security escorts?”
Another student, Cameron, expressed empathy for the

concerns of some community
members for an active shooter event, but didn’t think the
AR-15s would help. “I don’t
know if having more weapons on campus will make
anything safer for anybody,”
said Cameron. “I think it will
escalate the situation.”
Lars said they would prefer
campus to be free of all arms,
but that “students should be
armed if police officers are
Student Bobby G expressed skepticism that active shooter situations were
common enough to even
worry about. “I think that it’s
far more likely the cops will
use rifles to injure or kill unarmed students,” said Bobby
Student K.B. agreed and
expressed concern that rifle
bullets have a high potential
to ricochet off the concrete
and brick that defines Evergreen’s architecture. K.B. also
pointed to the now heightened implications of someone trying to commit suicide
by cop. “I find it terrifying

this doesn’t seem to have been
considered.” Vavrus added
that the bullets of an AR-15
could pierce classroom walls.
“The active shooters I’m
worried about are, basically,
the Evergreen police,” said
Wobbly, a current student.
Community Speaks Up
On Police Misconduct &
“Our officers are highly
trained and certified in the
use of their equipment,” said
Interim Director Holmes.
“They adhere to the best
practices and procedures regarding their use.” Police
Services has not yet released
documentation confirming
officers have reviewed the
new Standard Operating
Procedures for use of rifles
since the Cooper Point Journal sent a public records request lodged Oct. 10.
An Evergreen student,
Lynn, remembers occasions
where she witnessed dubious
behavior by campus police.
She recalls watching a group
of students of color being
“treated like they did some-




thing wrong” and asked for
their ID by Police Services officers after accidentally pressing the information button on
an elevator. She also worried
about how the police respond
to students experiencing an
emotional crisis, recalling a
friend of hers “crying and
wanting to be left alone” before the police “sat on her and
fucking arrested her.”
Courtney Conaway, an Evergreen alumnus, described
the police as “petty” and unfocused on crime prevention,
and recalled a situation where
they handcuffed her after seeing an herb grinder in her
room on campus.
Lars said they saw an Evergreen police officer participate
in a “very violent” response to
recent direct action events at
the Artesian Commons Park.
Ever, a current student, recalls how she was stopped for
a traffic ticket by a campus
cop, and the officer was “unnecessarily aggressive.” She
believed his behavior was influenced by a grudge from a
previous run-in with him.
“I’ve certainly spoken to
many students who have been
harassed by police,” said Peter
Bohmer, a faculty member,
also recalling an incident in
which Officer Larry Savage
listened in on his phone calls
on campus years ago.
Nicholas Jeffreys, a current student, outlined several
instances of concerning conduct at the hands of campus
police. He recounted how a
former roommate “went to
contest [a] ticket… and was
slammed on the ground… by
[an Evergreen] police officer,”
which Jeffreys characterized
as an example of “racial bias,
History of Tension with
Campus Police
The Journal has covered
instances of campus police
misconduct in the past. The
Journal reported on a May 14,
2017 incident in which “two
Black students ... were woken
up by the campus police and
taken to Police Services to
be questioned and remained
there from around 11 p.m.
until 2 a.m.,” and were not allowed to use the restroom for
the duration of that time.
Jasmine Kozak-Gilroy wrote
in an op-ed for the Journal
titled “Campus Police: Not
‘Just Here To Help’” that,
during the 2017 student protests, “Evergreen police officer


O’Dell shoved through students … injuring protestors.”

American, Latino, Native
American ... [people] of color
being the ones who would be
“It’s Bigger Than Hip shot.”
Hop,” by Reclaim The MeJames is a student who is
dia documents the infamous also troubled by how uncom“V-Day Uprising” that took fortable students of color will
place outside the Campus feel knowing police have ARRecreation Center in 2008. 15s. James said he would love
The documentary outlines to think it did not have an
how following a Dead Prez effect on speech, but “I would
hip-hop concert a black male watch what I said if someone
student attempting to break had an AR-15 rifle,” he said.
up a fight was arrested by
H.L., another student,
Campus Police Officer April expressed his fear to speak
Myers before being set free honestly as a person of color
in the face of a crowd of sup- about his opinions regarding
portive students. Soon after, police getting rifles, particuthe Olympia Police Depart- larly as to how policing interment arrived, “throwing blows sects with racism.
with their fists and batons
Indeed, a significant porand spraying pepper spray on tion of community members
… [the] peaceful protesters,” quoted in this article elected
according to the documen- to use a pseudonym out of
tary. The crowd subsequently fear that speaking their honflipped a police car.
est opinions may provoke
Bohmer recalls how the campus police and potentialschool sided against the stu- ly put them in harm’s way.
dents, collaborated with law Many others seemed reticent
enforcement, and “made many to express their whole opinfelony arrests afterward.”
ions even with the protection
Jeffreys also described an of anonymity, one concluding
incident when campus police after our interview, “I’m just
“viciously and violently” threw trying to stay alive.”
“an older Chinese woman” on
Ezra Haley, a current stuthe ground for suspected drug dent, wondered how many
use after she spent “too long” members of the Evergreen
in the bathroom during an community never come forevent when writer and trans- ward with stories of campus
gender rights activist Janet police violence and misconMock spoke on campus in duct out of “fear of what EvMay 2016.
ergreen police could do to
Jeffreys also recalled how them.”
campus police never identiIt’s not just fear that has
fied who painted a large swas- prevented some from comtika on the side of a SEM II ing forward with their stobuilding in 2017, concluding ries. One alumnus declined
that police were not prioritiz- to comment on an incident of
ing action against hate crimes. racial bias due to resurfaced
On top of these particu- trauma connected to the inlar events, the police “treat cident.
black students here differently, especially black queer
Community Responds to
and trans students, they treat
them badly, don’t talk to them,
Community members by
don’t interact with them,” said and large did not know why
Jeffreys. “They follow [people the college decided to buy riof color] around, they look at fles, a void in communication
them differently … people of that many filled with their
color don’t feel comfortable own theories. “Did they acgoing to police, queer and quire [the rifles] because of
trans folks more than most.”
the death threats or did they
Jeffreys said “I worry about acquire [them] because of the
other people who look like me students that were protesting
being murdered by campus and making national news?”
police because the AR-15s, asked James. “Maybe, but they
it’s a hair trigger.” He went on would never say that.”
to reason a handgun can still
Ever was more explicit, saygive a person time to survive ing, “I bet they’re preparing
compared to an AR-15, where for more riots, and that’s why
the faster trigger time and they’re getting more guns.”
increased number of bullets
The Journal reported last
make survival unlikely.
week that Evergreen senior
Boehmer shared similar administration have been
concerns, “I’m worried about candid about the secrecy sursomebody who’s African rounding the purchase of ri-


President George Bridges
made the final decision, but
the smaller details of how the
decision was made and who
knew what — and when —
still remain unclear. Allison
Anderson, Public Relations
Manager, claimed the Board
of Trustees “were consulted
on the issue of police equipment and rifles.”
There appears to be no record of this consultation, nor
any mention of rifles at all
in the past two years of their
publicly available minutes.
“I think the students deserve to have input on [this],
especially because we’re the
ones being affected,” said Maria, a current student.
“This campus is so undemocratic and untransparent, it
doesn’t surprise me,” said student Patrick Hamilton. Hamilton said the secrecy surrounding the purchase shows
the administration “know the
vast majority of students here
would probably support disarming the police.”
Student Alice McIntyre
agreed, and added, “Not only
should we disarm the police,
we should kick them off campus period. We should also
abolish the administration
and the Board of Trustees in
favor of democratically elected
What Next?
“We need to stand up and
protest against [the rifle decision],” said Jeffreys. “We need
to stand up and fight back,
because [this] decision was
not made on our behalf, and
we’re willing to pay everyone’s
salary. We have to rejuvenate
the school spirit by rejuvenating the basis of what it is.”
Dan agreed “I think when
your back is up against a wall
you have no reason not to
fight,” they said. “if you have
nothing to lose, why not fight?
Why not?” They encourage
the community to fight for
the sake of it, and not stop if
they lose.
The International Workers
of the World South Sound
General Education Union,
which is attempting to organize students, staff, and faculty into a single union and
counter-institution, is planning a “Profs Not Cops” rally
on November 7th at 1pm on
Red Square.
David Weinman, a student
involved with the rally, de-

scribed it as “students, faculty,
and staff joining together to
demand that administration
stop redirecting funds from
art and political economy
programs to campus police.”
Responding to the idea that
Evergreen has a public relations problem in the state legislature and any more protest
might risk state funding or
even the closing of the school,
Jeffreys said, “That’s what Evergreen has been based off of,
risking it. No great change is
made through bowing.”
“There will be a way, there
is always a way, but not if the
institution doesn’t have the
students back,” said Jeffreys.

The following are pseudonyms
to protect the anonymity of the
individuals quoted: Cameron,
Lynn, Wobbly, KB, HL, Maria, Lars
Corrections and Clarifications From Last Issue’s Rifle

• AR 15 rifles use .223
caliber ammunition, not .22.
According to the Alex Yabon
writing for The Trace, a newsroom focused on gun violence,
the .223 caliber is slightly larger and heavier than .22’s, but
“what makes the .223… deadlier than the .22 is its velocity.”
The .223 will hit it’s target with
335 foot-pounds of force while
the .22 carries 70 foot-pounds,
Yabon concluded in his article,
“The Simple Physics That Makes
Some Bullets Deadlier Than
Others.” The AR 15s now owned
by Police Services are chambered
for 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition, which can also be used
to shoot .223 rounds, according
to Dave Dolbee writing for The
Shooters Log.
• There are nine campus police officers, and thus potentially
nine additional personal rifles.
Not ten, as previously reported.
• Michael Vavrus’s quotes
regarding “weapons envy”, etc.
were a response to the original
proposal to purchase AR 15 rifles made by Police Services
in 2008-9 and not the recent
purchase of the rifles which was
made without any proposal.
• Wendy Endress was formerly Vice President Of Student Affairs, she now holds the
title of Vice Provost for Student

The State Capitol building on Jun. 20, 2012 . SHAUNA BITTLE. Courtesy of TESC ARCHIVES.



voters rejected a carbon tax
in 2016, they once again
must vote on a similar proposal.
In 2016, initiative-732
proposed a revenue neutral carbon tax based on a
similar tax implemented
in British Columbia eight
years prior. To account for
the increased cost of fossil
fuels on Washington residents the initiative would
have included a one percent
reduction in the sales tax—
from 6.5% to 5.5%. With
nearly sixty percent of 2016
voters in opposition to the
initiative, it did not pass.
Those in support of this
year’s initiative, I-1631,
want voters to take careful
note that it is a fee, not a
tax. The distinction lies in
the allocation of the collected moneys. Robin Chapman, an Evergreen student
and an advocate of 1631
explained the distinction.
“Since it’s a fee we get to
dictate where it goes,” said
Chapman. “If it gets thrown
in the tax money pool it can
go to anything.”
While I-732 would have
been a tax borne directly by
consumers, I-1631 would
charge the states top carbon

polluters. If passed, I-1631
will cost the state’s top polluters $15 per metric ton
of carbon dioxide released
into the atmosphere, with
notable exceptions such
as aviation fuel, aluminum
manufacturers and other
trade dependent businesses,
a coal fired plant in Centralia scheduled to shut down
in 2025, and pulp and paper mills which are considered carbon neutral under
Washington State Law.
This fee would be implemented in 2020 and
increase annually by two
dollars, with inflation taken
into account. If the state’s
2035 carbon sequestration
goal is met and things are
likewise on track to meet
the 2050 goal, then the fee
will no longer increase except for inflation adjustments.
I-1631 aims to reduce
WA’s carbon emissions
by twenty million metric
tons by 2035 and fifty million metric tons by 2050.
A study conducted by the
Washington Department
of Ecology concluded that
the 2035 goal is too lenient
and should be pushed up to
Estimates of the how

much money I-1631 could
generate in the first five
years of its implementation range from $2.2 billion
to just under $3 billion. A
fifteen member panel, all
appointed by the governor,
would have the ultimate
say in how this revenue is
spent. The statute stipulates
for what purposes the money must be spent, however,
flexibility and adaptability
are constitutive of the initiatives budget plan.

“This initiative was
drafted in large part by
people representing the
voices of lower income
In a discussion facilitated by the Yakima Herald
Editorial board, a representative of the No on 1631
coalition, Dana Bieber, said
“this 15 member board can
spend the money in any
way they choose.” Bieber
suggested board members
might invest money generated by I-1631 into personal hedge funds or spend

it out of state where Washingtonians would reap no
In that same discussion,
Mo McBroom, representative of the Nature Conservancy and proponent of
I-1631 retorted that Bieber’s claims were “absolutely
not true.” While there is no
concrete budget plan, the
initiative states that money must be spent to further
one of three environmental
categories: clean air and
energy investments, clean
water and healthy forests,
and healthy communities
The Initiative would include three Investment Advisory Panels, one for each
of the above listed environmental categories. These
panels are intended to be a
check on the jurisdiction of
the 15 member board, even
though the panels would
likewise be appointed by
the governor. McBroom,
in the previously mentioned
discussion remarked that,
“This initiative was drafted
in large part by people representing the voices of lower income communities.”
Furthermore, it is written
into the initiative that, “at
least one-third of the membership of each panel must
be representatives of the
interests of vulnerable populations in pollution and
health action areas.” Advocates of 1631 feel that this
diverse participation in the
creation and continuance
of the measure can justifiably assuage concerns of
accountability. Opponents
aren’t so sure.
Many worry that the
fee intended for large oil
companies and other polluters will be passed on to
consumers. The estimates
of increased cost of living
vary widely. Bieber relies
on predictions that foresee
an additional $440 a year
for Washington families;
Chapman, on the other
hand, states that, “It’s only
going to cost the average
household $10 a month.”
These costs, no matter the
amount, would be a result
of oil and energy companies increasing their costs
to make up for the carbon
fee, they are in no way an
integral part of the initiative. McBroom argues that,
“The oil companies want
you to think that they will
pass the costs on but if that


were the case why would
they be investing $20 million to defeat this initiative,
they know that it is going to
hit their bottom line.”
Jon Devaney, President
of the Washington State
Fruit Association and opponent of 1631, pointed out
a contradiction he saw in
McBroom’s and other proponents argument to the
Yakima Herald Editorial
Board, “that our growers
will be able to pass on these
added energy costs to our
customers and they expect
us to believe that oil companies will somehow not use
that market power to pass
costs on to their customers, who are my members.”
Devaneys main argument
is that Washington farmers
will be put at a competitive
disadvantage due to increased costs of fuel.
The initiative is intended to reinvest the money
it generates to help disadvantaged communities, as
stated in section six of the
initiative: “Funds for this
community capacity program must be allocated
through a competitive process with a preference for
projects proposed by vulnerable populations in pollution and health action areas and rural communities.”
Speculation to the efficacy
of this and other provisions
of the initiative run wide.
Advocates feel that it is
too late to wait for a perfect
solution. A recent United
Nation study paints a devastating picture of global
temperatures at 1.5˚C above
pre-industrial levels, suggesting we are well on our
way to a disastrous tipping
point and drastic measures
will have to be taken to prevent it. Devaney feels that
proponents of I-1631 set
us up with a “false choice
of either you do nothing
about environmental issues
and air quality or you pass
1631.” He goes on to say
that Washingtonians care
deeply about the future of
our environment and much
is going on to protect it in
spite of 1631.
If the initiative passes it
will be the first of its kind in
the United States and will
potentially be a model for
other states and countries
to follow. If it does not pass
those battling for environmental protection will not




Objects In Front Of 3D Printer. by MASON SOTO


3D Printers, Virtual Reality, Raspberry Pi & more
Tucked away in a corner
across from Media Loan, Library Room 2708 is easy to
overlook. But since this summer, it’s been home to one of
the most interesting spaces on
campus. The Physical Computing Center, as it’s called, is a new
computer lab attempting to take
an interdisciplinary approach to
comp-sci. Boasting a 3D printer, an HTC Vive virtual reality
headset, as well as a supply of
Arduino microcontrollers and
Raspberry Pi miniature computers; the Center attracts students from a variety of academic backgrounds and working
on a variety of projects. A bike
shop coordinator comes in to
make plastic fenders with the
3D printer. A business student
explores New York on Google
Earth VR. One student, as a final project for a robotics class,
used a Raspberry Pi to make
an apparatus that checks their
potted plant’s soil moisture and
waters it accordingly.
It isn’t only the fancy technology that brings people here,
however. It’s common for people
to come in to work on and ask


for help with more traditional
programming projects, with interns Andrew Jordan and Jaysun
Balakrishnan serving as unofficial tutors. Other times people
come in just to hang out or do
homework. Jordan says he goes
out of his way to try and encourage a friendly, social atmosphere in the lab. There’s coffee
always on offer, shelves full of
technical books and sci-fi novels
for students to read, and Jordan
himself is always happy to chat
and to help with projects. His
efforts seem to have paid off.
Francisco Velez, an astronomy student working on digitally
modeling binary star systems,
enthusiastically describes the
lab as a more supportive, productive environment than other
workspaces on campus. “This
place is very welcoming. What
helps me perform better here
is the way everyone treats each
other here, it’s very positive.”
And Professor Richard Weiss
specifically notes that the two
programs he’s taught that made
use of the Physical Computing
Center saw more enrollment
than usual from students who


had never taken a computer science class before.
If anything sums up the
space’s mission then, it’s this:
A common project, especially
for those hoping to work up to
robotics, is to program LEDs to
change colors or blink in a sequence. The lab is full of small
lights used for just this. When
Boasting a 3D printer, an
HTC Vive virtual reality headset, as well as a supply of Arduino
microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi
miniature computers; the Center
attracts students from a variety of
academic backgrounds and working on a variety of projects.

he can, Jordan leaves the overhead bulbs off so that the room
is illuminated by the soft colorful LED glow. Each pattern, the
result of a student coming here
and leaving knowing more than
they did when they walked in.
It’s kind of beautiful.

On October 18th, Canada
legalized recreational marijuana.
It’s about time, eh? On that same
Wednesday, State police raided
local dispensary Dank’s Wonder
Accompanied by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board, the officers responded
to complaints of a possible illegal
marijuana smoking club operating at the dispensary. For two
years, Chronicast, a member of
the High Times podcast family,
had been covering the news of
Dank’s Wonder Emporium. It
is a possibility that Chronicast is
also linked to marijuana usage on
the premises.
The dispensary was closed for
an official search on Wednesday.
Enforcement officials confiscated cannabis, paraphernalia
and other items from the shop.
In addition to the products in
the shop, officials confiscated
equipment used by Chronicast
as a part of the investigation. The
Emporium reopened Thursday,
October 19th, operating its regular business hours.
Dank’s Wonder Emporium
was originally founded in November of 2012, as a medical
marijuana collective in Pacific,
Washington. Its official website states its aim is, “to provide
the best possible medical marijuana to as many Washington
patients at the most affordable
price possible.” This ongoing goal
prompted the collective to apply
to the “lottery” for an I-502 retail
marijuana establishment license.
Washington voters originally
passed I-502 in 2012. The State
Liquor Control Board conducted a lottery drawing to determine
which establishments would receive recreational retail marijuana licenses. Three members of
the collective applied for three
licenses out of a total of nine potential lottery slots. The location
in Pacific, Washington was the
only dispensary granted a license,
that was later annulled due to a
ban on recreational marijuana in
the city. Similarly, in September
of 2013, Dank’s owner Random
Vaughn, expanded the collective
to the city of Auburn. However,
the establishment was shut down
a few months later due to a city
enacted ban on all marijuana collective gardens.

However, members of the
collective were not deterred. In
April of 2014, Dank’s purchased
an existing cannabis collective
in Puyallup, Washington. The
dispensary was renamed Pacific
Green, and underwent remodeling to create a more accessible
environment for its customers.
Pacific Green of Puyallup was
the first store that had a fully
functional Dab bar and lounge.
Dank’s official website states,
“The purpose of the Dab lounge
was to provide patients a safe and
secure place to consume their
medication if for any reason they
were unable to safely or securely
consume it at their home.”
Owner Random Vaughn
purchased another struggling
cannabis collective in August of
2014. The location in Spanaway,
Washington was remodeled to
include a Dab bar and lounge,
due to the success of its sister
store Pacific Green. The collective then expanded to the city of
Tacoma in November of 2014.
Washington state passed SB502 in April 2015, stating that
all medical marijuana collectives
and dispensaries were to be shut
down as of July 1, 2016 or face
felony charges. The state allotted additional recreational retail
marijuana licenses in lieu of the
closings. Dank’s was granted
priority one out of a a three-tier
priority list, and would apply to
potentially receive three licenses. Dank’s was granted the two
locations currently operating in
Edmunds and Olympia, where
the investigation is taking place.
Dank’s website states, “We
[have] fought for safe and local
access for patients and now customers since 2012.” The company realizes that they are a part of
a growing industry, therefore understands, “additional effort may
be required,” in providing customers with high quality products. If it is found that marijuana
was indeed used on the premises,
Dank’s Wonder Emporium, and
its owner Random Vaughn, risk
losing operating licenses, and
could face criminal charges, according to a spokesperson for the
Washington State Liquor and
Cannabis Board.
Investigation is underway, expect
updates from the Journal.


The Washington National Cathedral. by AgnosticPreachersKid.Courtesy of Wikicommons

Remembering Matthew
Shepard 20 Years Later

As autumn approaches, a
chill in the air reminds us that
the winds of change are ever
present; and no more than today do we need to hold this reminder close to our hearts. With
tension increasing in our divisive
culture, it is important to remember the steps that we have
taken to get where we are. In the
immortal words of philosopher
George Santayana, “Those who
do not learn history’s mistakes
are doomed to repeat them.”
This is why the name Matthew
Shepard must not be forgotten.
On Oct. 6, 1998, a gay university student by the name of Matthew Shepard was kidnapped,
beaten, and tied to a fencepost
on the outskirts of Laramie,
Wyoming. Shepard would spend
the next 18 hours tightly bound
to that fence, fighting for his life
in freezing temperatures, before
a mountain biker discovered
him the next evening. Shepard
was then helicoptered to Poudre
Valley Hospital in Fort Collins,
Colorado, where he was cared
for until he passed away on Oct.
After the incident, members
of the New York Tectonic Theater Company made pilgrimage
to Laramie in search of answers.
Over the following years, they
conducted upwards of two hundred interviews with residents of
the sleepy Wyoming town, some
of whom actually knew Matthew Shepard personally. From
those interviews, the company compiled and produced The
Laramie Project, a narrative the-

ater piece describing what happened in the town after Shepard’s beating. The play has since
been produced across the country, and this fall, the Evergreen
Theater Company will bring it
to Evergreen’s campus.
The Laramie Project serves
both as a reminder of the transgressions committed and as a
way to honor Matthew. When
director of the Evergreen Theater Company, Walter Grodzik,
chose to produce The Laramie
Project, he did not know that
this year is the twentieth anniversary of Shepard’s death. A
number of the cast members had
not heard of Matthew Shepard
before picking up the script.
Frankly, if it weren’t for my
theater fanatic of a mother, I
wouldn’t have known the story
There are a lot of people that
don’t remember what happened,
and at the time it was a national
and world news event,” Grodzik
recalled during our interview.
With the recent passing of the
twentieth anniversary, Grodzik
believes now is the perfect time
to put on this show. “It’s been
a coming together of a wide
variety of circumstance,” said
Grodzik. “This play was exactly
what we should be doing right
News of Matthew Shepard’s
beating reached the national
spotlight, and seemed to shock
America to its core. The crimes
committed against Matthew
appeared to be motivated by
hate. America seemed to wait on

pins and needles to hear about
this case. With the AIDS crisis
occurring one decade prior to
Shepard’s beating, a paranoid
homophobia loomed in the
United States. The defendants in
the Shepard case, Aaron James
McKinney and Russell Arthur
Henderson, clung to the “gay
panic” defense. The “gay panic” defense excuses the actions
of the accused on the basis of
an unwanted encounter with a
homosexual individual. An outlandish legal defense such as this
has historical precedent, and can
be compared to the “Twinkie
Defense” adopted by Dan White
while on trial for the murders
of Harvey Milk and George
Moscone. The perpetrators in
Shepard’s case, Aaron James
McKinney and Russell Arthur
Henderson, were both from
Laramie and were only 21 years
old at the time of the attack —
the same age as Matthew.
Shepard was openly gay, and
alone at the bar the night of
his attack, making him an easy
target for such hate. After word
of Matt’s assault became public
knowledge, he quickly became
a symbol in the fight for gay
rights. After Matthew’s death,
vigils were held in some of the
country’s largest cities including
San Francisco, New York City,
and Washington D.C.
The magnitude of Matthew’s
murder shook the earth, and the
aftershock was felt by many —
Grodzik included. “People are
really mourning the loss of this
gay man, I don’t think it had

happened in this country before,” recalled Grodzik with a
somber voice. “It was just very
common that a queer-identified person — particularly trans
people at that time — would be
murdered, and no one would
give a shit, and all of the sudden
this happened to Matthew and
the world seemed to stop. It was
unbelievable to me, that after the
devastation of AIDS that they
actually stopped. They mourned
the loss of this young gay man,
they paid attention. It was just
unfathomable to me that that
actually was the response because it appeared that the country had finally woken up, and the
world woke up too.”
Yet, in the eyes of many, the
country is still asleep. No matter how much time passes, hate
does not seem to disappear.
Twenty years after the tragic
death of their son, Dennis and
Judy Shepard still struggle to
find a final resting place for his
ashes. They had held onto Matthew’s urn since his passing, for
they feared that burying him in
a public place would leave him
subject to vandalism. However, two decades after their first
born’s death, the Shepard family has finally found a home for
Matthew, with the help of Bishop Gene Robinson.
Bishop Robinson of the Episcopal church — the first only
gay man to hold the position
— worked with both the National Cathedral and the Shepard family to ensure Matthew a
safe final resting place. The Na-

tional Cathedral in Washington
D.C. — which has historically
advocated the inclusion of the
LGBTQ community — offered to house his urn. On Oct.
26, 2018, almost exactly twenty
years to the date of his death,
Matthew Shepard was laid to
rest in Washington D.C.’s National Cathedral. Internet headlines published after ceremony
gave Matthew four final parting
words: you are safe now.
In a 2017 interview, Judy
Shepard shared her emotions
surrounding hate crimes; more
specifically the one committed
against her son in Oct. 1998.
“I’m angry that people who
knew better let this happen, that
we let this happen.“ She spoke
of the fear she held for the current state of our nation, a sentiment many seem to empathize
with. “You have to channel that
into making things happen. It
has to be what gets you up and
keep moving.”
Although the winds of
change might whip us around
every once in a while, as long as
we keep it at our back, we will
keep moving forward. As we
carry on, we must remember
what happened to Matthew,
as to not repeat the same mistake; and this is why Grodzik
is devoted to telling this story.
“It’s really simple: to be remembered, your story must be told,
and we’re telling the story,” said
Grodzik. “We are remembering



Arts & Culture

artist interview by Brittanyana Pierro


Arts & Culture
Stitch Baird has been drawing for
One of the bigger projects baird has
most of his life, finding ways to chan- been working on is a Tarot card deck.
nel his art into a representation of The deck is called Midnight Oddities
and according to Baird it represents
“The things that go bump in the night,
“I feel like it’s a way for me to com- the monsters under the bed.”
municate what I experience without
having to spill my life story to strangEach card in the deck has an iners. And when people see my art, dividual meaning. One of the cards
and when they say they like my art, Baird is most deeply connected to is
it makes me feel like I’m not alone ‘The Magician’.
in what I experience. Because even if
someone else doesn’t experience the
“It’s about your capabilities and
same thing, they can see how I expe- the resources at your disposal. And it
rience it.” Baird said.
means you need to tap into your whole
full potential and not hold back. And
“I think I’m more of a conduit than that’s been very important to me. Bea creator...I channel my feelings into a cause in high school I I took on a lot of
visual medium, or visual representa- projects, but I never really I took them
tion... I don’t think of things to draw on because I felt like I had an obligathe things that I draw end up on the tion...Because everyone [said to me]
paper with the pen that I’m using.”
like, ‘Oh, you have so much potential’.
“I found it to be really therapeutic.” And I felt like ‘I have to do something
Baird said “ If i’ve done the outline for with that’. But I was never really doing
something and i just have to go over it, things that I enjoyed or that I thought
I can like dissociate into it. And then I was good at. And now I’m focusing
i can sort out my feelings about what on fewer things, but things that I actuI’m trying and about what that rep- ally think I have potential to be good
resents while I’m going over it.”
at. And things that I feel good about”
he said “for me [the card is] about

transformation into more of who you
are meant to be.”
The deck as a whole has also has an
important purpose, created by Baird
to be a message for those in search of
“Different decks are designed to
have different energies and stuff. And
this is meant to be a deck for survivors.” Baird said. “ This is meant to
be like a recognition of what we’ve all
been through and a route to get past
that, and heal from that.”
There are currently 16 out of 22
cards completed in the deck. Baird estimates the finish date to be December
of this year. To contribute to the production of the Tarot deck follow this
link and donate! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/594883811/midnight-oddities-tarot?ref=project_link
To see more of Stitch Baird’s art follow his IG: @bad.wolf.artisto or his
Tumblr: @badwolfartisto. To commission Baird work email him at

“It’s sort of like
taking your
demons and
putting them
on paper, and
telling them that
they don’t
control your



Letters & Opinion



To the Editor,

As you may have heard, I-1631,
the bill to charge big energy
companies for their carbon
pollution, has made it to the ballot. As a student studying climate justice, this makes me very
excited. I’ve spent a lot of time
this past year gathering signatures to get it on the ballot and
recently have been reaching out
to voters about the benefits of
the initiative. I think it’s really
great that there is a wide representation of Washington citizens
that will have a say on where
the money collected from big energy money will get to be spent.
The main goals are to get clean
energy infrastructure built so
that low income communities
can easily make the switch, to
mitigate and prepare for climate
disasters such as sea level rise
and wildfires, and to restore
forest and marine habitat. With
these goals in mind, the appointed committee will work to ensure
the environment is being protected.
I learned about cap and trade
deals last year in school and it
left a bad taste in my
mouth. I saw that these kind of
policies can easily be taken advantage of by big energy
companies to exploit land in far
away places. I don’t see this happening with I-1631 because the
people handling the money have
our best interests in mind. I hope
you’ll join me in November
on voting YES on I-1631!
Yours truly,


Art Forces x Susan Greene:
Art that Forces Change


At the corner of State and
Capital in downtown Olympia
is the Olympia-Rafah Solidarity
mural. A large tree grows from
concrete, obstructed by bright
blue waves crashing over. Since
2011, the eye-catching colors
of each leaf invite the viewer to
take a deeper look into who the
leaf depicts. Indigenous people,
activists, musicians and radical
organizers are painted in vivid
color as important leaders in
the Olympia community.
Art Forces has created a diaspora of peoples working on
art and social change from
the streets of San Francisco to Olympia, Washington,
and across the globe to refugee
camps in Palestine and Lebanon. Their artwork articulates
global issues of social justice,
precarity, borders, migration,
and decolonization.
Spearheading the movement
is muralist Susan Greene. The
New York City native has led

“imagine new possibilities,” by
disturbing and rupturing perceptions of culture, in order to
create cultural alliances that offer the public an opportunity to
see global connections.
Evergreen student Ana Beatriz says the mural “makes me
feel like there are so many stories, that I can never cognitively
understand them all. But I can
get a view of them from this
Art Forces straddles many
mediums with its ongoing goal
“[of using] culture as an organizing tool to bring people
together across movements.”
Since its inception, the movement has completed over fifty
public art projects in the United
States, Palestine and Lebanon.
Their projects and products are
used by activists and organizers to promote change in many
arenas, including mental health,
non-violent resistance and the


over thirty public art projects
worldwide. Greene’s work as a
social art practitioner, educator and clinical psychologist
sparks the discussion of world
commonality and connectivity.
A San Francisco activism archive, Freedom Archives, says
she focuses on “the borders and
migrations involving memory, decolonization, and the relationships between creativity,
trauma, and resilience in the
context of globalism.”
Founded in 2001, Art Forces
states its use of community art
and technology, including murals, websites, social media, is to
inspire analytical thinking and
action. The vision of Art Forces is to connect social justice
struggles and histories that have
been decimated or consigned
to oblivion. Their official website states their work is in “the
intersection of trauma, memory, creativity, resilience and resistance.” The project aims to

Letters & Opinion


A new section where we ask students questions and
they answer! Is this a section about your style? Your
ideas? Your impulsive responses to a stranger’s questions on the street? Only time will tell! For now, let’s
say all of the above. If you have a question to recommend, send it our way.

Question: What is your favorite thing about Halloween?

“Seeing people in different


1 Amanda Gardier - Empathy
2 Ural Thomas and the Pain - The Right Time
3 Aphex Twin - Collapse
4 Nes - Ahlam
5 Hip Spanic Allstars - Old School
6 Catarina Dos Santos - Radio Kriola —
Reflections On Portuguese Identity
7 Johnny and Jaalene - Johnny & Jaalene
8 Diane Durrett - Diane Durrett
& Soul Suga
9 Cumulus - Comfort World
10 Tiki Collective - Muse

“Definitely candy.”
“Probably the parties, can I say

“My favorite thing is especially the
ability to do something really disgusting and its socially expected.”

There no age barrier to wearing
a costume. Candy corn flavored





Hydenellum Peckii A Fungus Native To Washington State. BERNYPISA. COURTESY OF WIKICOMMONS.


Building the Movement for
Mutual Aid
3 p.m.

SEM II C1107

Olympia Halloween!
3 p.m. - 6 p.m. free candy

Downtown: look for balloons!

Black Box Jazz: Anjali Silva


8 p.m., $25

Center for the Performing Arts



Shook! Drag Extravaganza
9:30 p.m.

Octapas Cafe

Angels in America:
Millennium Approaches

7 p.m., $12 admission, $7 for students

Kenneth J. Minnaert Center

Films: Queerama & State Fair
11 p.m. - 2 a.m. $10 admission

Capitol Theater

Makeup Workshop with
Hartung FX
2 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Octapas Cafe


WED 11/13 - THUR 11/14

A Gay Fantasia on National Themes
Kenneth J. Minnaert Center for the Performing Arts.
Various Dates & Times. $7 Students, $10 General.

This upcoming two-part event will offer discussions at
Evergreen with indigenous people, environmental water
protectors, scientists, and media creators, all dedicated to
sacred water. First, a Welcome Dinner at the Longhouse
on Tuesday will include a potluck, poetry reading, live
music, and an open mic. Wednesday events will involve
panel discussion with special guests at the Recital Hall. The
Mediaworks Programs is sponsoring the event, which is free
to all and open to the public.

Tony Kushner’s nearly 30 year old two-part play continues
to captivate playhouses and audiences all over the country.
It is about the AIDs crisis, about being gay in New York
in the eighties, about religion and politics and love and the
nature of progress, among other things. The South Puget
Sound Community College Theater Program is producing
the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning set of plays in
four showings, with a back to back performance on Sunday,
Nov. 18, along with optional dinner catering.

MONDAY 11/12

4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. $10 admission

Capitol Theater

The Water Connects Us:
Welcome Dinner

6 p.m. - 9 p.m. potluck & open mic

The Longhouse

The Water Connects Us:
Panel & Special Guests
10 a.m - 12:30 p.m.

The Recital Hall

International Education Fair
12 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Library Lobby



Gathering with Those Who Work in
Water Protection & Restoration
Recital Hall. See Calendar for Times. Free. All Ages.

Film: Trans Youth


THUR 11/8 - SUN 11/18



Capitol Theater. 3 p.m. $10 Cover.


Olympia Film Society will be showing this 2017
documentary film at Capitol Theater. It follows the lives of
seven trans young adults living in Austin, Texas. Director
Rebecca Adler attempts to capture the nuanced, intimate
lives and reflections trans youth experience, to dive deeper
than surface images and understandings of trans life. The
trailer had me shaking!! In a good, stirring way. Check it out!
(Also, if your interest is piqued, you might want to save the
date for another Olympia Film Society showing, Queerama
on Nov. 11, a film “somewhere between documentary and
theater”, revolved around queer film history).

The West Central Park Project is back at it, hosting
“volunteer work parties” every Sunday at the titular park,
where they encourage the community to come out and
support local parks through gardening, pruning, picking up
litter, and bird house painting, as well as plenty of other fun
outside craft type things! They invite everyone, from those
with a naturally green thumb to people who don’t even really
know what dirt is! Join them any of the Sundays from here
to March to participate in keeping the town’s parks lovely
and lively.


West Central Park. Free. All Ages.

Ads & Announcements












The CPJ is always taking comic submissions. Just send your comics to CPJcomix@gmail.com at at least 300 dpi or drop off a hard
copy to the CPJ office, CAB 332 across from student activities.
For more information, as well as submission guidelines and sizing requirments, visit us at http://www.cooperpointjournal.com/submit/




(October 24 - November 22):

You slay all day and don’t want to do it
alone! You are the group costume!
Specifically, the Spice Girls! Get your four
besties together with you and no matter
where you go you’re sure to have a great

(November 23 - December 22):

You are always such a clown! You love keeping everyone laughing so, naturally, you are
going to have the funniest costume of the
night. Let this night give you the chance
to showcase your hilarity and popularity by
flexing your meme muscles. You are:
The meme costume!

(December 23 - January 20):

You are a natural trendsetter and have a
great sense of style! This, along with your
penchant for feeling comfortable and always being prepared to sprint has you fitting right in (or keeping up?) with your
favorite celeb family. Take advantage of the
current athleisure trend and pop on your
fave sweats and those white dad sneakers
and you are set to go. Yeezy vibes all night.

(January 21 - February 19):

You view Halloween as a scary, spooky,
fright filled night, but thats what makes
you so into it. You can be found at a haunted house or hosting a scary movie night.
But isn’t that true for all year round? Your
costume is truly terrifying. Go ahead and
dress as your normal self, just with an extra reminder of the scariest thing to us all:
crushing student loan debt!

(February 20 - March 20):

The anti-Halloween person. You’re the one
who forgets its even Halloween until a
bunch of kids show up at your door dressed
as Batman and cats. You realize you’ll either need to turn off all your lights and pretend you aren’t home or rush to the store
and buy a big bag of candy and leave it in a
bowl outside your door while you continue
your Bob’s Burgers marathon.
You should choose the second option. Pick
up some Candy on your way home and

leave a “Please take one” sign on
your steps.
Aries (March 21 - April 20):

We all know you’re a go-getter and a bold
person. You’ve been crushing goals all
month and you don’t have the time to devote to an elaborate costume. You still love
the holiday and want to be a part of the fun
without all the extra work. You should be:
Jim Halpert dressed as 3 hole-punch Jim!

Taurus (April 21 - May 21):

As the procrastinator of the group, you win the
last minute costume award. Despite this, you’re
not going to go for something that would be
*GASP* predictable! No way, being uncreative
is your nemesis! With this costume, you get to
wear whatever normal stylin’ outfit you love.
Just take a frame off your wall and take out
the photo inside. Then, when someone asks
“What are you?”, you hold the frame around
your face and exclaim “I’m a self portrait!”

G ui l f oi l -Do vel

Gemini (May 22 - June 21):

Obviously, you’re a social butterfly. Between your latest fling’s monster mash
and your class friend’s big shindig, you
are at a loss for which party to attend.
Honestly, you’ll probably end up going to
all of them. You are a social butterfly, so
for Halloween, be a social butterfly! Duh!
This costume is fun and simple, all you’ll
need is to print out some logos from social network sites onto a tutu and pop on
some butterfly wings! Voilà!

Cancer (June 22 - July 22):

Cancers are known for always keeping
others guessing and you have definitely
been keeping your costume a guarded
secret all month long. Take advantage of
this Halloween to not only debut a new
outfit, but a new relationship as well!
Your costume is:
The couples costume!
There are a lot of routes you can take, but
of course you love the path less traveled.
Introducing Bob Ross and Tree Painting!

Leo (July 23 - August 21):

Leo’s high self esteem and love of attention means the choice has to be something fun and easy to wear. You are in
for a night of activity, be it at home with
the family or out causing some spooky
mayhem. No matter what, you will want
a fun and easy going costume that still
steals the limelight. You are:
The Baewatch Lifeguard!
This costume works on so many levels.
You can make it sexy with little effort or
suitable for the cold weather with little
effort. All you need is a red swimsuit,
some red sweats, and a jacket you can
take on and off as you please.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23):

Virgos love thinking and analyzing situations, but you also know how to have a
good time. When it comes to choosing
your Halloween costume, you are no different. You’ll want something that shows
off your personality but won’t break the
bank or be too demanding of your time
and attention during this haunted night.
You are a party animal and don’t want
your costume getting in the way. Introducing:
The party animal! All you’ll need is a
mask of your favorite animal and a party
dress or suit that makes you feel like a
million bucks.

Libra (September 24 - October 23):

Libra, you queen. You’re very ambitious,
as usual. Your goals are big and you are
ready to conquer them. You’re a great
friend, a natural diplomat, and honestly
YOU RULE. Sometimes that attitude
can get you in trouble but not on Halloween. Take this night to embrace your
natural royalty!
You could go full gown and sceptre this
year or keep it simple with just a crown.