The Cooper Point Journal Volume IV, Number 2


Eng cpj0094.pdf
Eng The Cooper Point Journal Volume IV, Number 2
Eng Page 1: The Cooper Point Journal (front page): WTF Local Protests Superior Court Judgement (image: Tom Rainey (by Gilbreath));
Page 2: Staff credits;
Page 2: Table of Contents;
Page 2: (advertisement) Mr. Lee's Beauty Schools;
Page 2: (advertisement) The Original Better Days;
Page 3: Letters (image) Orientation Activities (by Gilbreath);
Page 3: Letters: Unreal?;
Page 3: Letters: Traloo! Tralay!;
Page 3: Letters: From Epic;
Page 4: (advertisement) Introducing the Demiurge (monthly supplement to the CPJ);
Page 5-6 In Brief (News Briefs): Bellevue Folksinger to Perform Monday;
Page 5: (cartoon) DA BOIDZ;
Page 6, 9: Ireland : New Paramilitary Group On Irish Scene;
Page 6: (advertisement) Unclaimed Scholarships;
Page 7-8: An Interview with Felipe Atalig: What Next for the Mariannas? (image: map-proposed Marianna Commonwealth);
Page 8 U.S. & Panama: New Crisis Building;
Page 9 News from Career Planning & Placement;
Page 9: (advertisement) The Bike Stand;
Page 10: (advertisement) A North American Indian Communications Group: "White Roots of Peace";
Page 11: Entertainment (image: "Ellen's Box" improvisational play);
Page 11: (advertisement) Massoth Autoparts & Machine Shiop;
Page 11: (advertisement) Folk Dances of The South Pacific;
Page 12-13: Review: Jackson Browne;
Page 13: (advertisement) Rainbow Grocery;
Page 13: (advertisement) The Colony Inn Apartments;
Page 14: Visiting Faculty Show: Strong, but not Surprising (images:Oak and maple sculpture, Woodwork in Shedua, Desk and chair, woodwork, Weavings by Kristie McCutcheon;
Page 15: Classified Ads;
Page 15: (advertisement) Collegiate Research;
Page 16: (advertisement) The Colony Inn Apartments
Eng King, Janice , Stillwell, Larry ,
Herron, Bob , Jones,David ,
Kaufman, Cary , Cowger, Christina ,
Smith, Ralph ,
Trabka, Barbara Shellnut
Eng Locke-Flemming, Ti
Eng Saterwhite, Owens
Eng Plautz, Gary
Eng Carroll, Chris
Eng King, Janice
Eng Stillwell, Larry
Eng Herron, Bob
Eng Jones, David
Eng Cowger, Christina
Eng Kaufman, Gary
Eng Smith, Ralph
Eng Shellnut-Trabka, Barbara
Eng King, Doug
Eng Gilbreath, Ford
Eng Meighan, Kathleen
Eng Spearman, Danny
Eng Edge, Dexter
Eng Martinez, Tess
Eng Zupa, John
Eng Connolly, Nancy
Eng Sargent, Heidi
Eng Feyk, Jim
Eng Riddell, Catherine
Eng Stivers, Michael
Eng Grisbov, Margaret
Eng Cornish, Billie
Eng Hester, Mary
Eng Paramilitary
Eng Mariannas Island Group
Eng Panama Relations
Eng Career Planning
Eng Jackson Browne Concert
Eng eng
Eng Ireland
Eng Olympia, WA
Eng Washington
Eng Panama
Eng The Evergreen State College Board of Publications and members of the Evergreen community
Eng 16 pages
Temporal Coverage
Eng 1975
extracted text
September 25, 1975


Volume IV Number 2

October 2, 1975


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dovvn the Road from the Greenvvood Inn
Tom Rainey , president of the AFT at Evergreen.
by Chris Carroll
During the pa st week members of the
American Federation of Teachers at
Evergreen have been protesting their lack
of power in the final decision-making
pr ocess concerning faculty planning ,
curriculum planning, contractual relations hips between the faculty and the
in stitution, and specifically, a new faculty
code adopted by the Central Washington
State College Trustees. A superior court
of Washing ton di smissed a faculty suit
cha llenging the code, stating," ' Even if
such a d elega tion (of a faculty voice in
governa nce ) were lega lly permissible, it
would v iolate State law and would be
co nstitutiona lly void ."
Parr o f the protest includ ed the
di s tribution of lea fl e ts titled , "Fac ulty
Sena te Dead?" Although the message does
not specifically state its purpose, one
ga the rs that the AFT wishes to see a
union es tabli shed , similar to those found
in indu stry , where co llective barga ining
wit h em pl oyers ex ists, and one where
workers do have power , by law . (AFT
leaders a t Evergreen were no t a va ilabl e
for 'com ment a t press tim e.)
The leaflet sta tes, "At a time when

A Singles Community

1 Room
2 Rooms
4 Rooms

I st~~



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people in almost every sec tor of private
and public employment are gaining a
greater say over their work situation a nd
improving their .work conditions, college
and university faculties are losing t hi s say
and suffering at the sa me time a severe
and rapid deteriorati o n in work in g
conditions. "
The gaps between written codes , actual
ca rrying out of policies, and th e interpreta tion of administrative actions by fac ult y
a nd student s, is sometimes great, a nd
often co nfu sing. Possibly it is the lack of
communication found between the ad min istration and the AFT, concerning this
ma tter , that explains the a mbiguiti es o f
the leaflet.
The relation ship between the faculty
and the Board of Trustees a nd college
President a t ' Evergree n is based o n hum a n
trust , and though there may be truth in
labling the situation where tru stees have
final decision -making power as a "ben evo lent autocracy " , t h e facult y a t
Eve rg reen a ppears to be o rga nized eno ugh
to prevent a nyon e person , o r g ro up of
persons, from controlling th e fate of the
college. To establish a uni o n where th e
faculty has so vereign power in th e making
01 fin a l dec isions , could be a ste that

co uld a lt er the a lread y unbalanced sca le
of power a t Evergreen.
Ra iney stat ed in a n interview wi th the
Jo urn a l o n Jul y 31 , "I think if we a re
go in g to be a co mmunit y of lea rn ers,
teache rs a nd facilitators , we' re go in g to
need to clea rl y define some of th e roles
a nd decision-making of these gro ups . And
I think a uni o n mi ght be a way to clarify
th ese thin gs. I can sy mpa thize to a ce rt a in
ex tent with the rev ul sion tha t some peop le
have for adversa ry politics. But I think
th a t in th e lo ng run the uni o n here mi g ht
ind ee d s tr e n g th e n th e co mmunit y at
Evergreen b y c lar if y in g th,e d ec is io nmaking process and the ambiguiti es of
that process."
Whe n the AFT was fir st estab li shed a t
Evergreen in March of this year , much
tim e was spent o n organization of the
gro up , w hich now represents approximat ely o ne-third of the faculty. O ne of
the first concern s of the uni o n was the
strengthening of the contractual relat ionship of the faculty with the instituti o n ,
Cnntracts for fac ulty, called "Letters o f
- Reappo intm ent" and which Rainey called
"pro mi sso ry notes" were under criti cism
by so me faculty. Rainey said, "Thro ugh
the efforts 'of, some crusading facult y who
were n o t , incidently , repre se ntin g the
uni o n, we were a ble to get a le tt er thi s
yea r that is essentially a three -yea r
contract. At this point I am willing to say
that our contractual position w ith th e
institution has been considerably st rengthened. "
Ra in ey would like to see negot iat io ns
with th e Trustees medi a t ed from a
position of collective strength through the
unio n . However, a change in laws would
possibly bring about a union tha t has the
capacity to make the ultima te decision s
tha t aren 't necessary, o r even beneficial
on the whole .
The question now remains; w ha t does
the AFT intend to do abou t cha ngin g the
power s tructur e? A S up er ior Cou r t
deci sion is certainly not the final say of
. the court s. Is a n a ppeal to the sta te
supreme court p la nned ? If so, are the
co nseq ue nces of crea tin g a sta te wide
union for a ll co ll ege a n d univ e r s it y
faculty clear?
It is necessa ry th at a uni on between the
faculty be establish ed , to act as a
"wa tchdog" fo r the fac ult y , a nd to bet ter
co mmuni ca te th e needs of the fa cult y, bu t
in ma tt ers such as the choos in g of th e
curri culum , the fac ult y a t Evergreen , as
well as th e student body , have a greater
h a n d in thi s matt e r t h an at man y
in stituti o ns,

October 2, 1975




Ti Loc ke - Flemin g


Owens Sa tte rwh ite

Ca ry r la ut z
C hri s Ca rroll


... . , . . .. . .. .. , ' , . ' .
. ."
.. . . . ... , ...
. . ..



. , . . . , ..... page 3
. .. . , . .
. .. page 5
. page 5
. . page 6
. ..
. page 7
, , . . ... . . ... ... page 8
. .... page 9
. .. . . . . . . ..... page 11
.. page 12
. .. page 14
. . .. .. . . ...... page 15

eco logy, Third World strugg les, fem ini sm ,
a nd radi ca l a rt.
3. EPIC a lso h as fu n d in g t or a
bi-weekly o r monthl y publi ca ti o n , the
purpose of w hi ch wi ll be to prov ide a
forum for id eas ge n e r a t ed b y th e
Film / Speake r Ser ies, s tud y g roup s,
academic work , p o liti ca l ac ti v it y at
Evergreen, int ern a ti o nal iss ues and perso na l conce rn s . The publi ca ti o n wi ll a lso
serve as a clearing house for info rm at ion
about va ri ous S and A g roup s a t
All three of o ur prog ram s, es pecia ll y
the stud y gro ups and pub li cat io n necessita te a grea t deal of energy a nd initi a ti ve
by stud ent s a nd workers a t Ev e rgree n.
Everyone is in v ited to atte nd o ur fir st
m ee tin g of th e year w hi ch w ill be he ld o n
M o nday, Oc tobe r 6 .at 5: 30 pm in Lab
1065 , a nd w ill con tinue week ly a t th at
time. And brin g a sa nd w ich o r fuo d to

Idn icl' Kin g
13l lh H(' I' rl1n
Cdr )' Ka lll l11an

La rr y S till we ll
Da v id lones
C Il ri 'i t ina C( lw ge r

Ra lph S mith
Barnara She ll nllt Trabka



J)()ug ' Kin g
Fllrd C il hrea th
K ,1t h lec n Mei ghan

Dann y Spea rm a n , Mallagr r
Dex ter Edge , A ss istant

Na ncy C onno lly
Heidi Sa rge nt




~ Traloo! Tralay!

People during last week 's orientation activities.



The Ultimate in Beauty Education

Jim F(' y \-.

Ca th erin e Ridd e ll
T he C oop e r Point Journa l is p u b li s h e d wee k l y b y t.h e Eve rgr H n
S ta k C o ll ege Board of Publ ica ti o ns
and me mbe rs o f th e Evergreen com munit y, T h e Jo urn a l is fund e d
t h rough st ud ent Serv ices a nd Ac ti v ities fees a nd a d ve rt is in g reve nu e,
Vie w,> exp ressed in th e Jo urn a l are
no t neceGsar il y th ose of th e e ditorial
sta ff or T he Eve rg reen Sta te Co llege.
The Journa l news and bus in ess
off ices are located in the Co ll ege
Ac ti vi tie G J3.ui lding (C AB ) rm, 306 .
News p h o n e .. : 866 -6 214 a nd -62'13;
a dv er t is in g a nd b u s in ess 866-6080.
T he Jo urn a l is fr ee t o a ll stu de!, ts
01 The Evergree n S ta te Co ll ege a nd
i, di stribut ed o n cam pu s w ith o ut
Lh arge. For non - Eve rgreen s t udent~ ,
a n ine- mo nth su bsc r iption may be
()b t a i~ e d a t th e price of four do ll ars.

Hair Styled for 3.00 & up

95 South Sound Center, Lacey

Have you seen our giant
nevv collection of original
30's-40's never been
vvorn before clothes?

To the Edit o r :

[\ l,Ir); .1


C rib ~ k() v (Jiro

/ 1' 111 )

Bill il'

Tues -Sat 12 : 00 -5:30

C(1 rni ~ h


l1C coun1y


My mind is sad .
Perhaps a little m a d .
I feel the pain .
fro m withil'l,My bo dy trembles.
My eyes ache and feel as tho ugh
they will ex pl o de .
I see things m ove fro m the corners of my
eyes; shadowy ghostly things.
Som etim es I wonder if
I will awaken .
Many a night I have ha d the nightm a re that
I a m sinking down into
the ea rth . I am aware however
tha t I am awake a t the moment
of most fear. It is not only I
tha t is s inking a nd trapped , but the
w ho le room is sinking . Sometimes
I jump o ut o f bed and look out
the window to ge t oriented and I'm
re lieved after a moment th a t a ll was ,

218 West 4th St.

T h e Eve r g re e n Political In for m a ti o n
Center is a n associat io n of young people
o n the left. W e seek to create a sustained
com munit y of educa tio nal and political
co ncern : o ne bringing together liberals
a nd radicals, ac ti v is ts a nd scho la r s,
students, fac ulty and staff.
We maintain a vision of a democratic
society, where a t a ll levels the peo ple
have contro l of the decisions w hi ch affect
them a nd the resources on whi ch they are
depende n t. W e seek a relevan ce throu gh

the continual t OClIS o n realttles a nd o n the
programs necessa ry to effect cha nge a t the
m ost basic levels of eco no mic , p o litical ,
and social organi za tion. We feel the
urgency to put fo rth a rad ical. democratic
progra m co unterposed to aut ho rit a ri a n
m ovements o n bo th the Left a nd the
Our goa l is to bring abo ut a criti ca l
awareness o f the issues which affect o ur
li ves. We want to de- mystif y the rea lit y
we face in orde r to he lp o urse lves a nd
o th e r s und ers tand a nd c r ea tiv e ly d ea l
with o ur eve ryday li ves a nd our futures
before us.
W e feel that the ma ss m ed ia a nd o ur
e ducati o n a l resources offe r us limit ed
assista nce in our attempt s to understa nd
w ha t is ac tu a lly tak ing place in th e wo rld
to d ay. Our experience teac hes us tha t
these in stitution s a re not intended to offe r
a n a nalysis th a t will a id us in d ea ling w ith
th e world, but instead thev often serve to
m ys tify o ur experi ences in o rder to se rve
the ir own interests.
To ac hieve our goa l. we have three
int erre lat ed programs p la nn ed for the
yea r.
1 . Films a nd speake rs wi ll be prese nt ed
each Monday night in Lect ure Hall I at
7 : 30, free of cha rge. A di sc uss ion will
follow each presentation. Nex t Monda y
the film will be th e Cuba n c lass ic,
"Me m ories o f Underdev elopment. " Tom
Rabbitt , a yo un g man w h o rec e nt Iy
returned fro m four years of work in g a nd
s tudyin g in Havana is th e featured
speake r. A fall quart er Film / Speaker
Ser ies sched ul e will soo n be ava il ab le .
2. EPIC has fundin g a nd orga ni za tion a l
reso urces to fac ili tate stud y g ro ups a nd
work s h ops o n topi cs of int e r es t to
s tu de nt s. Some of our ide as includ e
d iscuss ion groups o n th e eco nomic cri s is,
U .S. la b or hi s tor y , t ec hn o logy a nd

To the Edi tor:
frabjou s d ay ! Tral oo! Tra la y ' W ha t ,
m y fri end s, do yo u im ag ine to be the
o dds that Two Hundred & Twent y Rea l
Ame ri can Do ll ars wou ld be found upon
th e g round a nd be turn e d over the
"proper au th ori ti es? " I mu st confess I hat I
ass umed them to be neg lig ib le--so sm a ll ,
in fact , that . I thou g ht a trip to Secu rit y
wo uld be a was te o f my time.
H owever , af ter urgings fr o m fr iends , to
Sec urit y I did go--a nd this I lea rn ed . Two
dudes , w ho refused to leave Ih eir na m es,
turned in thi s wad of cas h t o an
in fo rm a ti o n boo th , from w hi ch it was
forwarded to the Lost and Fo und. So
tw ice was Human Nature pul to th e test,
and twice th e Human Sp irit prevai l. What
more ca n I say? W ere it no t for you , I
wou ld not o nl y have been Ollt of sc hool.
but per haps , o ut of m y mind , Ma n y,
many th a nk s ..
In defere nce to yo ur w ish for a non y mit y,
I sig n thi s,
An Eterna l Friend


Thl' IOlll'llal welcomes a ll sig ned
le tt ers to th e Edi tor . a nd wi ll prinl
th em as s pace pe rmit s. To be con sidered fo r pub li ca tion th a t wee k ,
le tt ers mu st be rt'ce ived no la ler
th a n 5 p.m. on th e Tu esda y preced ing th e Thu rsda y of publi ca t io n .
Leit ers rece ived a fler thi s dea dlin e
w ill be con s idered fo r th e fo ll o w in g
week' s iss ue. Lett e rs th a t a re ty pe w ritt e n , double - s p ace d a nd 700
wo rd s or less ha ve a be tt er cha nce
tll be pub li shed .

October 2, 1975




Ti Loc ke - Flemin g


Owens Sa tte rwh ite

Ca ry r la ut z
C hri s Ca rroll


... . , . . .. . .. .. , ' , . ' .
. ."
.. . . . ... , ...
. . ..



. , . . . , ..... page 3
. .. . , . .
. .. page 5
. page 5
. . page 6
. ..
. page 7
, , . . ... . . ... ... page 8
. .... page 9
. .. . . . . . . ..... page 11
.. page 12
. .. page 14
. . .. .. . . ...... page 15

eco logy, Third World strugg les, fem ini sm ,
a nd radi ca l a rt.
3. EPIC a lso h as fu n d in g t or a
bi-weekly o r monthl y publi ca ti o n , the
purpose of w hi ch wi ll be to prov ide a
forum for id eas ge n e r a t ed b y th e
Film / Speake r Ser ies, s tud y g roup s,
academic work , p o liti ca l ac ti v it y at
Evergreen, int ern a ti o nal iss ues and perso na l conce rn s . The publi ca ti o n wi ll a lso
serve as a clearing house for info rm at ion
about va ri ous S and A g roup s a t
All three of o ur prog ram s, es pecia ll y
the stud y gro ups and pub li cat io n necessita te a grea t deal of energy a nd initi a ti ve
by stud ent s a nd workers a t Ev e rgree n.
Everyone is in v ited to atte nd o ur fir st
m ee tin g of th e year w hi ch w ill be he ld o n
M o nday, Oc tobe r 6 .at 5: 30 pm in Lab
1065 , a nd w ill con tinue week ly a t th at
time. And brin g a sa nd w ich o r fuo d to

Idn icl' Kin g
13l lh H(' I' rl1n
Cdr )' Ka lll l11an

La rr y S till we ll
Da v id lones
C Il ri 'i t ina C( lw ge r

Ra lph S mith
Barnara She ll nllt Trabka



J)()ug ' Kin g
Fllrd C il hrea th
K ,1t h lec n Mei ghan

Dann y Spea rm a n , Mallagr r
Dex ter Edge , A ss istant

Na ncy C onno lly
Heidi Sa rge nt




~ Traloo! Tralay!

People during last week 's orientation activities.



The Ultimate in Beauty Education

Jim F(' y \-.

Ca th erin e Ridd e ll
T he C oop e r Point Journa l is p u b li s h e d wee k l y b y t.h e Eve rgr H n
S ta k C o ll ege Board of Publ ica ti o ns
and me mbe rs o f th e Evergreen com munit y, T h e Jo urn a l is fund e d
t h rough st ud ent Serv ices a nd Ac ti v ities fees a nd a d ve rt is in g reve nu e,
Vie w,> exp ressed in th e Jo urn a l are
no t neceGsar il y th ose of th e e ditorial
sta ff or T he Eve rg reen Sta te Co llege.
The Journa l news and bus in ess
off ices are located in the Co ll ege
Ac ti vi tie G J3.ui lding (C AB ) rm, 306 .
News p h o n e .. : 866 -6 214 a nd -62'13;
a dv er t is in g a nd b u s in ess 866-6080.
T he Jo urn a l is fr ee t o a ll stu de!, ts
01 The Evergree n S ta te Co ll ege a nd
i, di stribut ed o n cam pu s w ith o ut
Lh arge. For non - Eve rgreen s t udent~ ,
a n ine- mo nth su bsc r iption may be
()b t a i~ e d a t th e price of four do ll ars.

Hair Styled for 3.00 & up

95 South Sound Center, Lacey

Have you seen our giant
nevv collection of original
30's-40's never been
vvorn before clothes?

To the Edit o r :

[\ l,Ir); .1


C rib ~ k() v (Jiro

/ 1' 111 )

Bill il'

Tues -Sat 12 : 00 -5:30

C(1 rni ~ h


l1C coun1y


My mind is sad .
Perhaps a little m a d .
I feel the pain .
fro m withil'l,My bo dy trembles.
My eyes ache and feel as tho ugh
they will ex pl o de .
I see things m ove fro m the corners of my
eyes; shadowy ghostly things.
Som etim es I wonder if
I will awaken .
Many a night I have ha d the nightm a re that
I a m sinking down into
the ea rth . I am aware however
tha t I am awake a t the moment
of most fear. It is not only I
tha t is s inking a nd trapped , but the
w ho le room is sinking . Sometimes
I jump o ut o f bed and look out
the window to ge t oriented and I'm
re lieved after a moment th a t a ll was ,

218 West 4th St.

T h e Eve r g re e n Political In for m a ti o n
Center is a n associat io n of young people
o n the left. W e seek to create a sustained
com munit y of educa tio nal and political
co ncern : o ne bringing together liberals
a nd radicals, ac ti v is ts a nd scho la r s,
students, fac ulty and staff.
We maintain a vision of a democratic
society, where a t a ll levels the peo ple
have contro l of the decisions w hi ch affect
them a nd the resources on whi ch they are
depende n t. W e seek a relevan ce throu gh

the continual t OClIS o n realttles a nd o n the
programs necessa ry to effect cha nge a t the
m ost basic levels of eco no mic , p o litical ,
and social organi za tion. We feel the
urgency to put fo rth a rad ical. democratic
progra m co unterposed to aut ho rit a ri a n
m ovements o n bo th the Left a nd the
Our goa l is to bring abo ut a criti ca l
awareness o f the issues which affect o ur
li ves. We want to de- mystif y the rea lit y
we face in orde r to he lp o urse lves a nd
o th e r s und ers tand a nd c r ea tiv e ly d ea l
with o ur eve ryday li ves a nd our futures
before us.
W e feel that the ma ss m ed ia a nd o ur
e ducati o n a l resources offe r us limit ed
assista nce in our attempt s to understa nd
w ha t is ac tu a lly tak ing place in th e wo rld
to d ay. Our experience teac hes us tha t
these in stitution s a re not intended to offe r
a n a nalysis th a t will a id us in d ea ling w ith
th e world, but instead thev often serve to
m ys tify o ur experi ences in o rder to se rve
the ir own interests.
To ac hieve our goa l. we have three
int erre lat ed programs p la nn ed for the
yea r.
1 . Films a nd speake rs wi ll be prese nt ed
each Monday night in Lect ure Hall I at
7 : 30, free of cha rge. A di sc uss ion will
follow each presentation. Nex t Monda y
the film will be th e Cuba n c lass ic,
"Me m ories o f Underdev elopment. " Tom
Rabbitt , a yo un g man w h o rec e nt Iy
returned fro m four years of work in g a nd
s tudyin g in Havana is th e featured
speake r. A fall quart er Film / Speaker
Ser ies sched ul e will soo n be ava il ab le .
2. EPIC has fundin g a nd orga ni za tion a l
reso urces to fac ili tate stud y g ro ups a nd
work s h ops o n topi cs of int e r es t to
s tu de nt s. Some of our ide as includ e
d iscuss ion groups o n th e eco nomic cri s is,
U .S. la b or hi s tor y , t ec hn o logy a nd

To the Edi tor:
frabjou s d ay ! Tral oo! Tra la y ' W ha t ,
m y fri end s, do yo u im ag ine to be the
o dds that Two Hundred & Twent y Rea l
Ame ri can Do ll ars wou ld be found upon
th e g round a nd be turn e d over the
"proper au th ori ti es? " I mu st confess I hat I
ass umed them to be neg lig ib le--so sm a ll ,
in fact , that . I thou g ht a trip to Secu rit y
wo uld be a was te o f my time.
H owever , af ter urgings fr o m fr iends , to
Sec urit y I did go--a nd this I lea rn ed . Two
dudes , w ho refused to leave Ih eir na m es,
turned in thi s wad of cas h t o an
in fo rm a ti o n boo th , from w hi ch it was
forwarded to the Lost and Fo und. So
tw ice was Human Nature pul to th e test,
and twice th e Human Sp irit prevai l. What
more ca n I say? W ere it no t for you , I
wou ld not o nl y have been Ollt of sc hool.
but per haps , o ut of m y mind , Ma n y,
many th a nk s ..
In defere nce to yo ur w ish for a non y mit y,
I sig n thi s,
An Eterna l Friend


Thl' IOlll'llal welcomes a ll sig ned
le tt ers to th e Edi tor . a nd wi ll prinl
th em as s pace pe rmit s. To be con sidered fo r pub li ca tion th a t wee k ,
le tt ers mu st be rt'ce ived no la ler
th a n 5 p.m. on th e Tu esda y preced ing th e Thu rsda y of publi ca t io n .
Leit ers rece ived a fler thi s dea dlin e
w ill be con s idered fo r th e fo ll o w in g
week' s iss ue. Lett e rs th a t a re ty pe w ritt e n , double - s p ace d a nd 700
wo rd s or less ha ve a be tt er cha nce
tll be pub li shed .

October 2. 1975



• "Memories of Underdevelopment," a
Cuban film that explores the inability of a
bourgeois intellectual to commit himself
to the revolution, will be shown Monday ,
Oct. 6, at 7:30 p.m . in Lecture Hall 1.
The film is part of the Evergreen Political
Information Center's (EPIC) film a nd
speaker series .
Tom Rabbitt , who recently returned
from high school in Cuba , will speak before the movie .


the b€mluQq
Bellevue Folksinger
to Perform Monday

A m o nthly Supplement to the JOURNAL

Bellevue folksinger and composer
Ma ggie Unrue will present a free concert
Monday, O ct. 6, a t 8 p.m . on the second
floor librar y lobby . Her con cert is
sponso red by EY E- 5, a co mmunit y arts
proj ect that annually brings several conCerts and other prog ra ms to Evergreen .
Unrue . who plays guitar a nd autoharp,
composes much o f the mate rial she perform s. In the last year, her performances
included the San Juan County .Fair, Seattle
Folklore Socie ty H o use Concerts, Western
Wa shington State College, University of
Pu get Sound , and the Northwest Regional
Folklife Festiv al .in Seattle .
Unrue is also a member of the Olympiabased Co- Respo ndent s, a w o men 's readers
theat er group wh o freque ntl y perform in
th e Ol y mpia area

A collection of poetry and prose,
ph ot ographs and other original art
drawn from in and around the
Evergreen community .

• Accompli shed w oodwind , bra s5 , string,
and percuss ion in strumenta li sts a re being
sou ght by facult y member Greg Steinke to
help form a c ha mbe r orchestra a t Evergreen .
Stein ke, a new fac ult y membe r, sa id he
ho pes th e o rches tra ca n be orga ni zed this
fall. He tent a ti ve ly plans to hold rehearsal s Tuesday _ a nd Thursday a fternoon s
a nd , poss ibl y, one evening a wee k .
Perso ns int e res ted in jo ining the orches tra should co ntact Steinke a t Sem .
41 21 , o r ca ll him a t 866 -6610 .

Fo r m o re in forma tion cal l Ga ry Ka ufm an at th e Journal (- 6214).

First iss ue October 30th.

Fi na l 'i ub mi 'i'i io n on or before 20th o f eac h m o nth

• one who works fo r th e p eople .
In Plato's ph il osop h y, the creative s pi rit who made th e wo rld.



• All inte rested in volunteering at the
Wome n' s Clinic mee t Octobe r 3 a t 4 p . m.
in Lib. 1223 .
.Fo od Sta mp a ppo intments m a y be made
in the Office of Fina ncial Aid. C all ahead
to the ma in office in Tumwa ter to obta in
a n a pplica ti o n. A re presenta ti ve w ill be
he re o n O cto be r 7 a nd 8 .

• The Campus Faith Center is holdin g a
po tluck brunch thi s Sunday at 1 p .m . in
Lio. 4300 .
The purpose of the brunch is to acquaint Evergreen students and other com munity members with the Ca mpu s Faith
Center , local churches and religious
groups, and with each other. Representa tives from churches and religious gro~p s
will be on hand to describe them selves
and their programs .
• Four men's intramural sports activities
will begin in October. according to Kevin
Phillips, co-ordinator of Men's Intramural
Sports at Evergreen . Introduction meetings to these sports are scheduled as fol lows: Volleyball - Wednesday , Oct. 8 ;
Three-man basketball ~ Tuesday, Oct.
7 ; Seven-man flag football - Monday,
Oct. 13 ; and ping pong - Wednesday .
Oct. 15.
All meetings will be held in CRC 202
and will begin at 4 p .m .
Also. men interested in participating in
either the raquetball or handball ladder
can pick up a registration blank in Kiosk
#2, located on the second floor of the

• Th e Pu get So un d Blood Ballk \ hlood mobil e unit will be a t Eve rgree n Tues day,
O cto be r 7, to receive d o na tio ns. Th e unit
will be loca ted o n th e seco nd f/(llIr library
lobby a nd w ill be ope n fro m ]0 a.m. to 4
p .m .
Fo r th ose int e res ted in do na ting blood,
do nor qualifi ca ti o ns w ill be posted o n the
Hea lth Se rvi ces bull e tin boa rd in Li b .
Hea lth Se rv ices has ar ra nged to have a
bl ood draw in g o n camp us o nce eac h quarter.
• W o men fr o m seve n d iHe rent cu lt ures
C hica na, Bl ack, Ind ian , Filip ina , lapa nese ,
C hin ese, a nd Anglo - w ill speak of their
hi sto ri es a nd hero ines, a nd of the powerful influ ences wo men have b r~ u g h t to
th eir na tion s a nd cultures in a p rog ra m
to night a t 7 in the Orcas Room a t th e Sea ttl e Center.
Th e progra m is spon so red by seve ral
Sea ttl e- area w o men's groups a nd , in pa rt ,
by th e Wa shin gto n Comml ss iu n fo r the
Hum a nities. Free child ca re wi ll be p rovided .
continued on page 6

i dM Rea l L), veC{y pt.easeD~I-rH The. R:>re ~•.IT~~ 'T He. seM INaR, OUR 1NSiR\K. r o R. s~eM S To

Be. (}IJ ITe

I(NoWLeD&del~ ...

-~- ~


• International Publications of Los An geles is sponsoring a national college poetry contest open to all college poets desiring to have their poetry published in an
anthology entitled "American Collegiate
Cash prizes of $100, $50, and $25 will
be awarded to the authors of the three \1.......................--.,"'""41
top poems and the authors of all poem s
that are publi shed will receive a free copy
of the anthology .
Deadline for the contest is Oct. 25 a nd
there is a registration fee of one dollar for
the first poem submitted and 50 cent s for
each additional poem. For further inforLeFT CHaNNeL?
mation and a complete list of contest ~------~~~~~~. !~
rules , write International Publications.
4747 Fountain Ave ., Los Angeles , Calif.
90029 .
• The enviromental Advisory Board has
approved a proposed clearing and
reseeding project at the Organic Farm .
Twelve trees will be downed and milled
for the new house, and the one half acre
will be reseeded for pasture space . If
anyone would like to register comments,
pro o r con ... ca ll the fa rm , evenings .. 8666161 .

1 RiGHt Da~M\T!



October 2. 1975



• "Memories of Underdevelopment," a
Cuban film that explores the inability of a
bourgeois intellectual to commit himself
to the revolution, will be shown Monday ,
Oct. 6, at 7:30 p.m . in Lecture Hall 1.
The film is part of the Evergreen Political
Information Center's (EPIC) film a nd
speaker series .
Tom Rabbitt , who recently returned
from high school in Cuba , will speak before the movie .


the b€mluQq
Bellevue Folksinger
to Perform Monday

A m o nthly Supplement to the JOURNAL

Bellevue folksinger and composer
Ma ggie Unrue will present a free concert
Monday, O ct. 6, a t 8 p.m . on the second
floor librar y lobby . Her con cert is
sponso red by EY E- 5, a co mmunit y arts
proj ect that annually brings several conCerts and other prog ra ms to Evergreen .
Unrue . who plays guitar a nd autoharp,
composes much o f the mate rial she perform s. In the last year, her performances
included the San Juan County .Fair, Seattle
Folklore Socie ty H o use Concerts, Western
Wa shington State College, University of
Pu get Sound , and the Northwest Regional
Folklife Festiv al .in Seattle .
Unrue is also a member of the Olympiabased Co- Respo ndent s, a w o men 's readers
theat er group wh o freque ntl y perform in
th e Ol y mpia area

A collection of poetry and prose,
ph ot ographs and other original art
drawn from in and around the
Evergreen community .

• Accompli shed w oodwind , bra s5 , string,
and percuss ion in strumenta li sts a re being
sou ght by facult y member Greg Steinke to
help form a c ha mbe r orchestra a t Evergreen .
Stein ke, a new fac ult y membe r, sa id he
ho pes th e o rches tra ca n be orga ni zed this
fall. He tent a ti ve ly plans to hold rehearsal s Tuesday _ a nd Thursday a fternoon s
a nd , poss ibl y, one evening a wee k .
Perso ns int e res ted in jo ining the orches tra should co ntact Steinke a t Sem .
41 21 , o r ca ll him a t 866 -6610 .

Fo r m o re in forma tion cal l Ga ry Ka ufm an at th e Journal (- 6214).

First iss ue October 30th.

Fi na l 'i ub mi 'i'i io n on or before 20th o f eac h m o nth

• one who works fo r th e p eople .
In Plato's ph il osop h y, the creative s pi rit who made th e wo rld.



• All inte rested in volunteering at the
Wome n' s Clinic mee t Octobe r 3 a t 4 p . m.
in Lib. 1223 .
.Fo od Sta mp a ppo intments m a y be made
in the Office of Fina ncial Aid. C all ahead
to the ma in office in Tumwa ter to obta in
a n a pplica ti o n. A re presenta ti ve w ill be
he re o n O cto be r 7 a nd 8 .

• The Campus Faith Center is holdin g a
po tluck brunch thi s Sunday at 1 p .m . in
Lio. 4300 .
The purpose of the brunch is to acquaint Evergreen students and other com munity members with the Ca mpu s Faith
Center , local churches and religious
groups, and with each other. Representa tives from churches and religious gro~p s
will be on hand to describe them selves
and their programs .
• Four men's intramural sports activities
will begin in October. according to Kevin
Phillips, co-ordinator of Men's Intramural
Sports at Evergreen . Introduction meetings to these sports are scheduled as fol lows: Volleyball - Wednesday , Oct. 8 ;
Three-man basketball ~ Tuesday, Oct.
7 ; Seven-man flag football - Monday,
Oct. 13 ; and ping pong - Wednesday .
Oct. 15.
All meetings will be held in CRC 202
and will begin at 4 p .m .
Also. men interested in participating in
either the raquetball or handball ladder
can pick up a registration blank in Kiosk
#2, located on the second floor of the

• Th e Pu get So un d Blood Ballk \ hlood mobil e unit will be a t Eve rgree n Tues day,
O cto be r 7, to receive d o na tio ns. Th e unit
will be loca ted o n th e seco nd f/(llIr library
lobby a nd w ill be ope n fro m ]0 a.m. to 4
p .m .
Fo r th ose int e res ted in do na ting blood,
do nor qualifi ca ti o ns w ill be posted o n the
Hea lth Se rvi ces bull e tin boa rd in Li b .
Hea lth Se rv ices has ar ra nged to have a
bl ood draw in g o n camp us o nce eac h quarter.
• W o men fr o m seve n d iHe rent cu lt ures
C hica na, Bl ack, Ind ian , Filip ina , lapa nese ,
C hin ese, a nd Anglo - w ill speak of their
hi sto ri es a nd hero ines, a nd of the powerful influ ences wo men have b r~ u g h t to
th eir na tion s a nd cultures in a p rog ra m
to night a t 7 in the Orcas Room a t th e Sea ttl e Center.
Th e progra m is spon so red by seve ral
Sea ttl e- area w o men's groups a nd , in pa rt ,
by th e Wa shin gto n Comml ss iu n fo r the
Hum a nities. Free child ca re wi ll be p rovided .
continued on page 6

i dM Rea l L), veC{y pt.easeD~I-rH The. R:>re ~•.IT~~ 'T He. seM INaR, OUR 1NSiR\K. r o R. s~eM S To

Be. (}IJ ITe

I(NoWLeD&del~ ...

-~- ~


• International Publications of Los An geles is sponsoring a national college poetry contest open to all college poets desiring to have their poetry published in an
anthology entitled "American Collegiate
Cash prizes of $100, $50, and $25 will
be awarded to the authors of the three \1.......................--.,"'""41
top poems and the authors of all poem s
that are publi shed will receive a free copy
of the anthology .
Deadline for the contest is Oct. 25 a nd
there is a registration fee of one dollar for
the first poem submitted and 50 cent s for
each additional poem. For further inforLeFT CHaNNeL?
mation and a complete list of contest ~------~~~~~~. !~
rules , write International Publications.
4747 Fountain Ave ., Los Angeles , Calif.
90029 .
• The enviromental Advisory Board has
approved a proposed clearing and
reseeding project at the Organic Farm .
Twelve trees will be downed and milled
for the new house, and the one half acre
will be reseeded for pasture space . If
anyone would like to register comments,
pro o r con ... ca ll the fa rm , evenings .. 8666161 .

1 RiGHt Da~M\T!




October 2, 1975


nevvs briefs


con tinu ed from page 5
• Dr. Jo hn A. Y:a mo uy ia nnis, nat io na ll y
known a uth tlr it y o n th e b io logical effects
(11 flu or ide , w ill d isc uss th e "Ca ncer Haz ard s in O ur D rin kin g Water ," in a lectu re
at Eve rg ree n Oct. 7 at 3: 30 p .m. in Lecture Ha ll T hreE' .
• Two rem ind ers. Tomorrow is th e last
da y t o reg is ter for m o dul es . Th e
Regi s tr a r's Office w ill be open fo r
registratio n from 9 am to noon , 1 to 5
pm dnd 6 to 8 pm. Registra tion is handl ed
on a first-co me , first-se rve basis.
A lso , th e last day to pay fall quarter
tuiti ()n a nd fees is Mo nd ay, Oct. 6 , so
fork it ou t.
• Marty Se marad, a m e mb er of the
Young Soc ia li st A lli a nce, w ill speak o n
"Fe mini sm a nd Soc ia lism " Wed nesday ,
O c t. 8, a t 12:30 pm in Lecture H a ll 2.
The ta lk w ill be fo ll owed by a n open
di sc uss io n period .
• C HA I (Ce nt er fo r Heb rew Act io n a nd
Involveme nt ) wi ll be s h ow in g " The
Go~s am e r Thread" , a movie dea ling w ith
Jewi sh hi stor y , Wed nesday, Oct. 8 , at
12 :30 pm in Lib . H20.
• T h e Everg ree n Po liti ca l Inf orma ti o n
Center (E P Io wi li ho ld its first meetin g of
th e year Mo nday , Oc t. 6, a t 5 : 30 p m in
Lab 1065 . A new sec reta ry will be ch osen
a t the meetin g .
• Eve rg reen 's 'Gay Resource Center w ill
ha ve a meet in g for the nom ina tio n of
offi ce rs W ednesday , Oct. 8 , at 7 : 30 pm in
Lib. 3217 . Free chil d care, ca ll 943-1683.
• T he Evergreen Judo C lub w ill have a n
in trodu ctory meet ing Wednesday, Oct. 8,
a t 12 noo n in CRC 202 .
• Th e re wi ll b e a m ee tin g for a ll
int eres ted in a Good Eart h program for
next spring, summer, a nd fall Tuesday ,
Oct. 7, at 5 pm a t ASH L-105 . The re wi ll
be student s fro m this yea r's program at
th e meeting to tell a bo ut their ex periences
and giv e suggestions for future prog ra ms.
For p eo p le w h o ca nn o t a tt e nd th e
meet in g, ca ll 866-2323.
• T he staff of th e Coope r Po in t Journal
will mee t tomo rrow at 9 a m in the
Journa l off ice, CAB 306. All present and
prll spec ti ve members sho uld a tt end .
• T he Evergreen Sta te College is hosting a
Sesque Cente nnia l Celebration on Su nda y Novembe r 16t h , scheduled to concur
wi th the Libra ry Ga llery opening of the
Rolph Nesc h Exhibiti on, o n loa n fr o m the
Smith so nian In s tit~ti o n . The celebration
wi ll inc lude No rweg ia n da ncers , singers,
folk art demonstrations, and a reinactof a 300-yea r-o ld wedd ing processio n with
tradit iona l cos tumes a nd mu sician s.
Vo lunt ee rs are needed to help o rganize
and se t up th e fest iva l. T he re will be a
meeting Oc tobe r 6t h in the Boa rd Room ,
Lib 3 11 2, a t 7:00 pm. For m ore
int,'rmation plea se p ho ne lynda W ei n111.1 n. Exhib its Coord ina tor , a t 866-6229.

b y Mi chae l C hin oy

An Interview with Felipe Atalig:

IRSP chairman Costello denies any for mal links with the PlA, say ing it is o nly
a "group of people in sympathy with the
IRSP who have access to arms." But Coste ll o is re p o rt ed t o hav e priv a t e ly
acknowledged that he is th e PLA 's comma nder- in -chief .
Costello himself made a stro ng imp ressio n o n 75 political , religi o us a nd paramilit ary leaders from all sides of Ulster's secta rian divide at a recent conference on the
Irish crisis a t the University of Massachu se tts . The conference was se t up by a
number of Boston Irish-A me ri ca ns wh o
wa nted to a ir the divergent viewpoints
from every side of the Irish question, but
was a tt e nd e d mo s tl y b y p a r a milita ry
groups a nd la rge ly b oyco tted by politica l
parties and governments.
"We believe that the task of the revoluti o n is to be actively involved in the
struggle against British imperialism ," Costell o sa id at the conference. " We support
any a rmed struggle against the British
a rmy . Our main priority is to force the
British o ut , si nce the mai n o bstacle to a
united Ireland is Britain ."
Costello said m ost of the Pro testan t
param ilitary orga niza tio ns who oppose a
united Ireland would have to be thwa rted
by a rmed force, a nd he did not hide his
willingness to use such force .
Indeed , Costello's ability to fight wa s
estab lished earlier this year in hi s bitter
feud with the official IRA. After the IR SP
co ntillued o n pagc II

BOSTON , Sep l . 29( PNS) A new Ca th o li c- based Iri sh paramilitary
o rga ni za ti o n may be responsible for recent
o utbr eaks of vi o le n ce in Ir e la nd a nd
B(ita in , acco rding to re lia ble Iri sh sources.
Ca lled the Irish Republica n Soc iali st Party
(IR SP)' it sp lit fro m the Iri sh Republican
A rm y (IRA ) la te las t year wi th demands
for mo re milit a nt tact ics.
Co mbining the milit a ry com mitment of
the break-away pro v isio na l IRA wi th the
soc iali st po litics of the IRA 's officia l
wing, the IR SP m ay be the ca talyst for a n
intensified a rm ed co nflict in Northern Irela nd.
Sea mu s Cos te ll o , a thin , dark - ha ired
36- yea r-o ld fo rme r ca r sa lesman from
County W ick low in Southern Ireland , is
the leade r of the nine- mo nth- o ld IRSP .
Foll ow ing a bitter a nd often blood y sixmo nth stru ggle fo r survival with the officia l IRA , the IR SP is now ac tively fight ing for a British wi thdrawa l from North ern Irela nd - a nd repo rted ly backi ng up
it s dem a nds w ith bo mbing a nd shoo ting
a ttacks in Belfast a nd london .
Reli ab le Iri sh sources believe that the
IRSP a nd its military w ing, the People's
Libera ti o n Army (PLA), a re respo nsible
fo r recent ex plos io ns a t Belfast pubs frequ es ted by ri ght -w ing Protestant extre mists, a nd poss ibl y for the b o mb a tt ack at
the Lo ndon Hilton ho tel in ea rl y Septem be r, in wh ich two perso ns di ed a nd ma n y
we re injured.



$33 I 500 I 000












Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and
fellowships ranging from $50 to $10,000. Current list of these
sources researched and compiled as of September 5, 1975.





369 ~llen Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103
I am enclosing $12.95 plus $1.00 for postage and handling .
(Check or money order - no cash, please.)


If you w,sh to us e your charge c a rd,
please f,1I out appropriate box es below :







L._ _ __



... . ... . . . . . ..••.. ....



No . ' - - - - -_ _ _ _-"'


b y Bo b Herro n
Farall o n De Pa ja ros? Sa ip a n ? Maug?
Three members o f the Eq uadorian Nati o na l Soccer T ea m , yo u say., Sor r y .
T hese 3 na mes , toge ther w ith 11 m ore,
combine to form th e 14 main isla nds of
the Mariana Isla nd Gro up.
O n June 17, 1975 the 14,000 inh ab itants
of these Pacifi c isles v o ted overw helmin gly
to associate th em se lves w ith th e Uni ted
Sta tes as a commonwealth o n th e order of
Puerto Ri co a nd th e Virgin Isla nds . Comm o nwea lth sta tu s w ill brin g w ith it a
steady fl ow of fed eral mo ney a nd th e g ift
of American citizenship . As determ in ed
by the result s of the electi o n , th ese plu m s
must be sweet indeed.
More than 5 ,600 mil es fr o m ou r west ernm ost sho res, w ith a co mbin ed la nd
mass equival ent to three qu a rt ers th e a rea
occupied by the cit y of San Antonio ,
T exas, and with a populati o n com pa rab le
to tha t of Olympi a , what int erest can th e
U. S. h ave in ass uming the headaches of
14 add iti ona l hunks of mo unt a in a nd
sa nd?
Once there wa s this fab led la nd ca ll ed
South Vietnam ...
As a result of o ur invo lvement in th e
affai rs of tha t co untry, the Pentagon ha s
developed a n interest in securin g a mili tary ba se within access to Red C hin a a nd
Japan (the Marianas a re 2,000 mil es from
mainland China a nd 1,400 mil es from
Japa n) no t subject to the cap ri cious w him s
of a n au to n omous gove rnin g unit (like
those that are troubling U. S. insta ll a ti o ns
in Thailand , Ok in awa , the Philipp in es ,
and Japa n ).
It h appens th a t o ur men in Wa shing to n
have draw n up tent a ti ve plan s for co n verting th e bulk of the isla nd of Ti ni a n
(of WWII fam e; we A-bombed Hiro sh im a from there) int o a 292 milli on do llar air and nava l insta ll a ti o n . G uess wh ere
T inian lies? Correct, ri ght square in the
middl e of the Mar ia nas.
Humanitaria nism o r a n out a nd o ut
imperia li stic land gra b?
Through a stro ke of pure luck (I was
hitchhiking and he picked me up) , I had
the good fo rtune to meet Feli pe Ata lig ,
for mer member of the Co ng ress of Micro nesia a nd currently a member of th e Mari a na D istrict Legisla ture. He a lso is a stu dent a t Evergreen, h op ing to inte rn a t th e
Ca pit a l to lea rn the int ricac ies o f sta te
governme nt. In the co nversa ti o n th a t fo llows, please no te that Fe li pe is spea king
as a stu den t and no t an off icial capacity
as a member of the Mar ia na D istr ict Legislature.

~V/I .I I

lire Y('II 110'1 1' II I El'e rgreel1 7
M y wl e prese ntl y a t Eve rgreen is a stu de nt. I .Jm her(' for a t lea st a year. I hav e
chose n thi ~ co ll ege beca use it is in O lym pi a and it is in lin e with m y ex pecta ti on s
- tll intern in th e off ice o f th e governor ,
Da n EV <l ns.
~V/ltll IJro9,U1II1 I1re yo u ill now 7
I am in a n indi v idu a l co ntrac t wit h Er ic
L.l ws( ln an d am stud y in g po litica l sc ience.
A ft e r I a m fini shed I w ill go back to the
Marianas .
WIIt1 I !.Irc YO UI' f(,p lillgs abollt tile Mari III/a s jai l/ il/ g tll c U.S . ns n cO /llln o r/wealtll



Fl.'nga 8.: Frl'Yt' r



~.-"--r ,...<··~""",,'~ "' ~~










Farallon de Pajaros'



11111 i()}} ~

f-()r 400 years the peop le of the Mari a nas have been exper iencin g th e dominance o f f() reign gove rnments - th e Ger ma n , Spa n ish , a nd Japanese. In tho se
days th e peop le of the Marianas were
ne ver g i ve n the o pportun ity to exp ress
th em se lves a<; tn th eir fu tu re des ti ny in rega rd s to their po liti ca l adm in istrat io n. -But
hav ing th e Unit ed Sta tes admi ni ste r the
isla nd s for half a ce ntury , the peop le have
go tten tf' kno w t il(' Ame ri ca n sys tem of
democracy a nd ha ve begun to accep t it.
Ove r I he last 15 yea rs the peop le o f th e
MJriana s have beg un to exp ress the ir po lit iea l as pi ra ti o ns to beco me a perm a nent
pa rt of th e Unit ed States.
Dill the 15 % of til e peop lp of the Mari tllILl S w llO did 11 0 1 express a des ire to jo in
Ili e U. S. ("o rll e fro lll tli e island of Tinian 7
No, th e isla nd of Sa ipan. The m a jorit y
o r th e peop le of Ti nia n favo red the cove na nt to jo in th e U .S . as a co mmonwealth .
Wllllt is YO llr fee ling abo ut o ur govern IlI e ll l 's lelltalive p lan to build a 292 m il lioll dol/ar IIl ilitary base a ll Tiniall ?
I have a lw ays opposed the idea of turn in g T inian in to a n ai rbase , eve n w hen I
wa s i 11 th e C lln g ress of M ic ron es ia. Eco'n(lm iea lly , it w ill benefit the island itse lf
but I think there are mo re thin gs tha t
~ hou l d be co nsidered in dep th before we
act ua ll y ag ree to that. I am sure that
within th e statu s nego tia ti o n of th e cove ndnt ag reed upon between th e U nit ed
Sta tes a nd the Status Commissio n of th e
Mar ia na s th a t thi s matte r of th e a irbase
yo u a re ta lk in g abo ut is fu ll y d iscu ssed.
Do YOII 11 0 1 fcc l Il lal tile Ullil ed States
illi ercs t is 11 0 1 solely II III lIallilariall -: That
tllcre J/la y be ulterior I/"loli pes ill til e pres(' III Il egol ial iOll s 7
I ca n see t he questi on ' yo u raised but
hav in g no t heen a member of the stat us
« lnlm iss iol1 , I am no t rea ll y qua lifi ed to
m.lke a co!:nment in reference to th at.
Mall .1f U.S. ill slal/aliol1s ill Ih e Pacific
arra lll"r ill greal dall ge r of beillg shut
, low lI dil l' 10 111(' 1111,.lis1711 illi eres ts of th e
F,(l I ICI"I IIII l' lIl s ('" w ll os<' Inllds 0111" bases
/il' . /)' ' 1/ ,111 " "' 1 1111 "I I I" II Cd 1l'illl Ill e I' o,<;s i-




00 T,nian



Rota 0

r --









bility of tl'le Marianas becomil1g th e new
fro ntier of oll r Asian defe nse po licy'
We recognize tha t a cha nge of govern me nt a l fo rm ent a il s certa in risks a nd a
g rea t cha llenge as well as a n opportu nit y
tha t m ay arise. Wh eth er these ri sks w ill
e ndanger the people of the Marianas , I
think the recent p lebiscit es have manifested th a t the peop le of t he Mar ia nas
wa nt the United Sta tes. I have mai nta ined
th a t pos ition, a nd I think it is a position
th at a m a jorit y of the people w ish to
maintain . Whether that posi ti on poses
ri sks to them , tha t remains to be seen .
SO llt11 Viet ll am . During th e U. S . ten ure.
tlllli cou nt ry eX/Jerienc ed a pronollnced
cIIllllra l l/"l etalllorp llO sis witil th e imp osi cOl1t inu ed on page 8


October 2, 1975


nevvs briefs


con tinu ed from page 5
• Dr. Jo hn A. Y:a mo uy ia nnis, nat io na ll y
known a uth tlr it y o n th e b io logical effects
(11 flu or ide , w ill d isc uss th e "Ca ncer Haz ard s in O ur D rin kin g Water ," in a lectu re
at Eve rg ree n Oct. 7 at 3: 30 p .m. in Lecture Ha ll T hreE' .
• Two rem ind ers. Tomorrow is th e last
da y t o reg is ter for m o dul es . Th e
Regi s tr a r's Office w ill be open fo r
registratio n from 9 am to noon , 1 to 5
pm dnd 6 to 8 pm. Registra tion is handl ed
on a first-co me , first-se rve basis.
A lso , th e last day to pay fall quarter
tuiti ()n a nd fees is Mo nd ay, Oct. 6 , so
fork it ou t.
• Marty Se marad, a m e mb er of the
Young Soc ia li st A lli a nce, w ill speak o n
"Fe mini sm a nd Soc ia lism " Wed nesday ,
O c t. 8, a t 12:30 pm in Lecture H a ll 2.
The ta lk w ill be fo ll owed by a n open
di sc uss io n period .
• C HA I (Ce nt er fo r Heb rew Act io n a nd
Involveme nt ) wi ll be s h ow in g " The
Go~s am e r Thread" , a movie dea ling w ith
Jewi sh hi stor y , Wed nesday, Oct. 8 , at
12 :30 pm in Lib . H20.
• T h e Everg ree n Po liti ca l Inf orma ti o n
Center (E P Io wi li ho ld its first meetin g of
th e year Mo nday , Oc t. 6, a t 5 : 30 p m in
Lab 1065 . A new sec reta ry will be ch osen
a t the meetin g .
• Eve rg reen 's 'Gay Resource Center w ill
ha ve a meet in g for the nom ina tio n of
offi ce rs W ednesday , Oct. 8 , at 7 : 30 pm in
Lib. 3217 . Free chil d care, ca ll 943-1683.
• T he Evergreen Judo C lub w ill have a n
in trodu ctory meet ing Wednesday, Oct. 8,
a t 12 noo n in CRC 202 .
• Th e re wi ll b e a m ee tin g for a ll
int eres ted in a Good Eart h program for
next spring, summer, a nd fall Tuesday ,
Oct. 7, at 5 pm a t ASH L-105 . The re wi ll
be student s fro m this yea r's program at
th e meeting to tell a bo ut their ex periences
and giv e suggestions for future prog ra ms.
For p eo p le w h o ca nn o t a tt e nd th e
meet in g, ca ll 866-2323.
• T he staff of th e Coope r Po in t Journal
will mee t tomo rrow at 9 a m in the
Journa l off ice, CAB 306. All present and
prll spec ti ve members sho uld a tt end .
• T he Evergreen Sta te College is hosting a
Sesque Cente nnia l Celebration on Su nda y Novembe r 16t h , scheduled to concur
wi th the Libra ry Ga llery opening of the
Rolph Nesc h Exhibiti on, o n loa n fr o m the
Smith so nian In s tit~ti o n . The celebration
wi ll inc lude No rweg ia n da ncers , singers,
folk art demonstrations, and a reinactof a 300-yea r-o ld wedd ing processio n with
tradit iona l cos tumes a nd mu sician s.
Vo lunt ee rs are needed to help o rganize
and se t up th e fest iva l. T he re will be a
meeting Oc tobe r 6t h in the Boa rd Room ,
Lib 3 11 2, a t 7:00 pm. For m ore
int,'rmation plea se p ho ne lynda W ei n111.1 n. Exhib its Coord ina tor , a t 866-6229.

b y Mi chae l C hin oy

An Interview with Felipe Atalig:

IRSP chairman Costello denies any for mal links with the PlA, say ing it is o nly
a "group of people in sympathy with the
IRSP who have access to arms." But Coste ll o is re p o rt ed t o hav e priv a t e ly
acknowledged that he is th e PLA 's comma nder- in -chief .
Costello himself made a stro ng imp ressio n o n 75 political , religi o us a nd paramilit ary leaders from all sides of Ulster's secta rian divide at a recent conference on the
Irish crisis a t the University of Massachu se tts . The conference was se t up by a
number of Boston Irish-A me ri ca ns wh o
wa nted to a ir the divergent viewpoints
from every side of the Irish question, but
was a tt e nd e d mo s tl y b y p a r a milita ry
groups a nd la rge ly b oyco tted by politica l
parties and governments.
"We believe that the task of the revoluti o n is to be actively involved in the
struggle against British imperialism ," Costell o sa id at the conference. " We support
any a rmed struggle against the British
a rmy . Our main priority is to force the
British o ut , si nce the mai n o bstacle to a
united Ireland is Britain ."
Costello said m ost of the Pro testan t
param ilitary orga niza tio ns who oppose a
united Ireland would have to be thwa rted
by a rmed force, a nd he did not hide his
willingness to use such force .
Indeed , Costello's ability to fight wa s
estab lished earlier this year in hi s bitter
feud with the official IRA. After the IR SP
co ntillued o n pagc II

BOSTON , Sep l . 29( PNS) A new Ca th o li c- based Iri sh paramilitary
o rga ni za ti o n may be responsible for recent
o utbr eaks of vi o le n ce in Ir e la nd a nd
B(ita in , acco rding to re lia ble Iri sh sources.
Ca lled the Irish Republica n Soc iali st Party
(IR SP)' it sp lit fro m the Iri sh Republican
A rm y (IRA ) la te las t year wi th demands
for mo re milit a nt tact ics.
Co mbining the milit a ry com mitment of
the break-away pro v isio na l IRA wi th the
soc iali st po litics of the IRA 's officia l
wing, the IR SP m ay be the ca talyst for a n
intensified a rm ed co nflict in Northern Irela nd.
Sea mu s Cos te ll o , a thin , dark - ha ired
36- yea r-o ld fo rme r ca r sa lesman from
County W ick low in Southern Ireland , is
the leade r of the nine- mo nth- o ld IRSP .
Foll ow ing a bitter a nd often blood y sixmo nth stru ggle fo r survival with the officia l IRA , the IR SP is now ac tively fight ing for a British wi thdrawa l from North ern Irela nd - a nd repo rted ly backi ng up
it s dem a nds w ith bo mbing a nd shoo ting
a ttacks in Belfast a nd london .
Reli ab le Iri sh sources believe that the
IRSP a nd its military w ing, the People's
Libera ti o n Army (PLA), a re respo nsible
fo r recent ex plos io ns a t Belfast pubs frequ es ted by ri ght -w ing Protestant extre mists, a nd poss ibl y for the b o mb a tt ack at
the Lo ndon Hilton ho tel in ea rl y Septem be r, in wh ich two perso ns di ed a nd ma n y
we re injured.



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Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and
fellowships ranging from $50 to $10,000. Current list of these
sources researched and compiled as of September 5, 1975.





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b y Bo b Herro n
Farall o n De Pa ja ros? Sa ip a n ? Maug?
Three members o f the Eq uadorian Nati o na l Soccer T ea m , yo u say., Sor r y .
T hese 3 na mes , toge ther w ith 11 m ore,
combine to form th e 14 main isla nds of
the Mariana Isla nd Gro up.
O n June 17, 1975 the 14,000 inh ab itants
of these Pacifi c isles v o ted overw helmin gly
to associate th em se lves w ith th e Uni ted
Sta tes as a commonwealth o n th e order of
Puerto Ri co a nd th e Virgin Isla nds . Comm o nwea lth sta tu s w ill brin g w ith it a
steady fl ow of fed eral mo ney a nd th e g ift
of American citizenship . As determ in ed
by the result s of the electi o n , th ese plu m s
must be sweet indeed.
More than 5 ,600 mil es fr o m ou r west ernm ost sho res, w ith a co mbin ed la nd
mass equival ent to three qu a rt ers th e a rea
occupied by the cit y of San Antonio ,
T exas, and with a populati o n com pa rab le
to tha t of Olympi a , what int erest can th e
U. S. h ave in ass uming the headaches of
14 add iti ona l hunks of mo unt a in a nd
sa nd?
Once there wa s this fab led la nd ca ll ed
South Vietnam ...
As a result of o ur invo lvement in th e
affai rs of tha t co untry, the Pentagon ha s
developed a n interest in securin g a mili tary ba se within access to Red C hin a a nd
Japan (the Marianas a re 2,000 mil es from
mainland China a nd 1,400 mil es from
Japa n) no t subject to the cap ri cious w him s
of a n au to n omous gove rnin g unit (like
those that are troubling U. S. insta ll a ti o ns
in Thailand , Ok in awa , the Philipp in es ,
and Japa n ).
It h appens th a t o ur men in Wa shing to n
have draw n up tent a ti ve plan s for co n verting th e bulk of the isla nd of Ti ni a n
(of WWII fam e; we A-bombed Hiro sh im a from there) int o a 292 milli on do llar air and nava l insta ll a ti o n . G uess wh ere
T inian lies? Correct, ri ght square in the
middl e of the Mar ia nas.
Humanitaria nism o r a n out a nd o ut
imperia li stic land gra b?
Through a stro ke of pure luck (I was
hitchhiking and he picked me up) , I had
the good fo rtune to meet Feli pe Ata lig ,
for mer member of the Co ng ress of Micro nesia a nd currently a member of th e Mari a na D istrict Legisla ture. He a lso is a stu dent a t Evergreen, h op ing to inte rn a t th e
Ca pit a l to lea rn the int ricac ies o f sta te
governme nt. In the co nversa ti o n th a t fo llows, please no te that Fe li pe is spea king
as a stu den t and no t an off icial capacity
as a member of the Mar ia na D istr ict Legislature.

~V/I .I I

lire Y('II 110'1 1' II I El'e rgreel1 7
M y wl e prese ntl y a t Eve rgreen is a stu de nt. I .Jm her(' for a t lea st a year. I hav e
chose n thi ~ co ll ege beca use it is in O lym pi a and it is in lin e with m y ex pecta ti on s
- tll intern in th e off ice o f th e governor ,
Da n EV <l ns.
~V/ltll IJro9,U1II1 I1re yo u ill now 7
I am in a n indi v idu a l co ntrac t wit h Er ic
L.l ws( ln an d am stud y in g po litica l sc ience.
A ft e r I a m fini shed I w ill go back to the
Marianas .
WIIt1 I !.Irc YO UI' f(,p lillgs abollt tile Mari III/a s jai l/ il/ g tll c U.S . ns n cO /llln o r/wealtll



Fl.'nga 8.: Frl'Yt' r



~.-"--r ,...<··~""",,'~ "' ~~










Farallon de Pajaros'



11111 i()}} ~

f-()r 400 years the peop le of the Mari a nas have been exper iencin g th e dominance o f f() reign gove rnments - th e Ger ma n , Spa n ish , a nd Japanese. In tho se
days th e peop le of the Marianas were
ne ver g i ve n the o pportun ity to exp ress
th em se lves a<; tn th eir fu tu re des ti ny in rega rd s to their po liti ca l adm in istrat io n. -But
hav ing th e Unit ed Sta tes admi ni ste r the
isla nd s for half a ce ntury , the peop le have
go tten tf' kno w t il(' Ame ri ca n sys tem of
democracy a nd ha ve begun to accep t it.
Ove r I he last 15 yea rs the peop le o f th e
MJriana s have beg un to exp ress the ir po lit iea l as pi ra ti o ns to beco me a perm a nent
pa rt of th e Unit ed States.
Dill the 15 % of til e peop lp of the Mari tllILl S w llO did 11 0 1 express a des ire to jo in
Ili e U. S. ("o rll e fro lll tli e island of Tinian 7
No, th e isla nd of Sa ipan. The m a jorit y
o r th e peop le of Ti nia n favo red the cove na nt to jo in th e U .S . as a co mmonwealth .
Wllllt is YO llr fee ling abo ut o ur govern IlI e ll l 's lelltalive p lan to build a 292 m il lioll dol/ar IIl ilitary base a ll Tiniall ?
I have a lw ays opposed the idea of turn in g T inian in to a n ai rbase , eve n w hen I
wa s i 11 th e C lln g ress of M ic ron es ia. Eco'n(lm iea lly , it w ill benefit the island itse lf
but I think there are mo re thin gs tha t
~ hou l d be co nsidered in dep th before we
act ua ll y ag ree to that. I am sure that
within th e statu s nego tia ti o n of th e cove ndnt ag reed upon between th e U nit ed
Sta tes a nd the Status Commissio n of th e
Mar ia na s th a t thi s matte r of th e a irbase
yo u a re ta lk in g abo ut is fu ll y d iscu ssed.
Do YOII 11 0 1 fcc l Il lal tile Ullil ed States
illi ercs t is 11 0 1 solely II III lIallilariall -: That
tllcre J/la y be ulterior I/"loli pes ill til e pres(' III Il egol ial iOll s 7
I ca n see t he questi on ' yo u raised but
hav in g no t heen a member of the stat us
« lnlm iss iol1 , I am no t rea ll y qua lifi ed to
m.lke a co!:nment in reference to th at.
Mall .1f U.S. ill slal/aliol1s ill Ih e Pacific
arra lll"r ill greal dall ge r of beillg shut
, low lI dil l' 10 111(' 1111,.lis1711 illi eres ts of th e
F,(l I ICI"I IIII l' lIl s ('" w ll os<' Inllds 0111" bases
/il' . /)' ' 1/ ,111 " "' 1 1111 "I I I" II Cd 1l'illl Ill e I' o,<;s i-




00 T,nian



Rota 0

r --









bility of tl'le Marianas becomil1g th e new
fro ntier of oll r Asian defe nse po licy'
We recognize tha t a cha nge of govern me nt a l fo rm ent a il s certa in risks a nd a
g rea t cha llenge as well as a n opportu nit y
tha t m ay arise. Wh eth er these ri sks w ill
e ndanger the people of the Marianas , I
think the recent p lebiscit es have manifested th a t the peop le of t he Mar ia nas
wa nt the United Sta tes. I have mai nta ined
th a t pos ition, a nd I think it is a position
th at a m a jorit y of the people w ish to
maintain . Whether that posi ti on poses
ri sks to them , tha t remains to be seen .
SO llt11 Viet ll am . During th e U. S . ten ure.
tlllli cou nt ry eX/Jerienc ed a pronollnced
cIIllllra l l/"l etalllorp llO sis witil th e imp osi cOl1t inu ed on page 8


October 2, 1975

b y Richard Q 'Mara

WASHINGTON , D. C , Sept. 24(PNS)
The U, S, -occupied Pa nama Canal is
likely to ignit e the next crisis in U,S.Latin America relations, even a s a confr o nt a ti o n now builds in Washing ton over
whe th er to give the Canal Zone back to
The Ca na l Zo ne is a 50-m il e lon g, 10 mile stre tch of land cutt in g through the
mid-section of Pa nama and the United
Sta tes occupi es it. Over the years, the
questi o n o f owners hip of the Cana l Zone
has ca used as much di sco rd and disharmony as a n y o th er issue within the hemisphere.
Now th e S tat e Department , under
Henry K iss inger , w a nts to yield to Pan ama o n the issue , wh ile t he Pentagon and
its a llies in Co ngress insi st o n standi ng
pa t. Ki ss inger, in fact , stands pretty much
a lone o n the issue within the Ford Administration .
Ki ss in ge r a grees with ' ma ny ex pert s on
int ernational po liti cs th a t U .S , control of
th e Ca na l and Zo ne is an anac,h ro nism toda y. La st Feb ru a ry, Ki ss inger s ig ned a
dec larat io n of pr in cipl es with the Panama ni a n fo re ign mini ster ca llin g for a n
eve nt ual tra nsfe r o f sove reignt y ove r the
Canal Zo ne to the Panamanians .
Nego ti a ti o ns to work out a new treaty
sta rted imm ed ia tely - with this fa ll se t as
th e targe t date for its ratification , But
th ere is ha rdl y a chan ce th a t will happen
now ,
Th e s ing le mos t impo rt a nt p o int stallin g th e trea ty is th e issue o f U.S, troo ps
in Pan a m a, The Ca na l Zone is headquar ters fo r the U ,S, Southern Command ,
wh ich co ntro ls -n ,000 troo ps a nd civili a n
militar y perso nn el sta ti o ned a t 14 different
ba ses,
Ge nera l O m ar Torrijus, pres ident of
Pa nama, has sa id that Panama could no t
acce pt a n y new trea ty that prov ides for
the co ntinuation of American tr oo p s
th en;,. " Eith e r the co lo ni a l s ituati o n di sa p pear ~ o r it d oesn' t," he says,
Tor rij o s is suppo rted in hi s stand b y th e
pres id e nt s of Panama's imm ediat e ne igh bors - Venezuela , Co lom bia a nd Costa
Rica - a nd b y s uc h po liti ca ll y diverse
Lahn A me ri ca n co untri es as M ex ico, Ar ge ntin a, Peru , C uba a nd even Brazi l, a
~ t.lunc h U,S . a ll y a nd th e most powerful
ndtitln in So uth America ,
But th e Pent ago n is adam a nt. It want s
t<' "k,cer troops o n the gro und " fo r th e
dekn"e of th e Ca na l.
In :-' larc h, 37 U . S se na to rs, led by co n ,e n ',lt i \'C Re publi ca n Strom Thurm o ncl ,
,i)-! Iwd ,1 d ec larat illn tha t th e U.S . sho uld
' liITt'ndl'r nt'n t:' tIl ih p re[(lgdt ives in Pa n ,1111,1. Si ncl' ,111 tr('at ie, requ ire a
tW(\ -

thirds a ffirmative vote by the Senate, any
new accord wi th Panama would seem to
be d oo med at the outset.
Mo re recently , in a sw ipe at the State
Department , the House of Representatives
app ro ved an a mendment ca nceling operatin g fund s for the American team negoti atin g with th e Pa na manians ,
Thi s g roup is headed by Ambassadora t -Large Ell sworth Bunker, who ha s public ly warned that if the issue is not soon
reso lved , Panama cou ld beco m e another
Howa rd H. Calloway , former Army
Secreta ry, s ummed up the depth of conse rva tive c ivilia n and military opposition
to co ncessions to Panama when he said
recentl y: " The current period of U , S ,
co ntro l over the Ca nal is in perpetuity a nd so m e say that perpetu ity is not
enoug h ,"
Ca ll oway heads President Ford 's re electi o n campa ign. Indi cat io ns are that the
Ford Administra tion , except for Kissinger,
wou ld like to put the Ca na l issue on the
back burne r , a t least until a ft er nex t year's
e lec tion. Th e Pres ident , accord in g to
kno w led geab le sources in the State De- '
par tm ent a nd on Capito l Hill , does not
wa nt to a li e na te the rig ht wing of his
p arty by m ak in g co n cess io n s o n the
Ca na l.
Many co nse rvatives fear th a t Panama
has not shown itse lf politically stable
eno ugh to run the vital waterway efficie ntl y. Th e U , S. has a substantial financia l stake in th e Canal, which is critica l
for wo rld trade, ' (Grain and fu el. the two
mos t essenti a l item s in the world econom y, are th e ca rgoes o f hi g hest transit. )
A nd m a n y American s in the import-export bu s iness fea r tha t Panam a mig ht
cha rge exo rbit a nt toll rates,
Ri g id opposition ha s arisen within the
Cana l Zone itself to a new treaty, The
Zone is a n air -conditioned ghetto, a sma ll
fenced pl o t o f American suburbia. Its inhabita nts genera lly possess the chauvinism
characteristic of a ll colo ni sts of great and
powerful empires residing in foreign countri es, Th ey fi erce ly resist a ll attempts to
cha nge the sta tu s quo .
The re is a widely shared belief among
the nea rl y 5,000 civili a ns in the Zone that
th e la nd ac tu a ll y is American . (The total
pop ul a ti o n of the Zone, including military
a nd c ivili a n personnel , is about 15 ,000,)
"Zo ni a ns" o f the second a nd third gen e rat io n es pec ia ll y rega rd the Zone . a nd
Ca na l as American beca use it wa s built
by Am e rica ns, a t a g rea t cos t in lives a nd
mo ney. A s k in g th em to g ive it up is lih
a sk in g a Texa n to surrender th e Al amo to
the Me xic,)Jt ., .

Besides their emotional commitment,
Zonians have a simple practical reason to
resist change: If the Canal is returned,
most of them will lose their jobs, At pres ent they hold most of the posts in the
Panama Canal Co " the agency that runs
the waterway . They work on the military
bases and run the police and fire depart ments, Zone restaurants , and movies ,
In contrast to the splintered opinion in
the U.S" Panamanians are as o ne on the
issue of the Canal: They want it back ,
But the military issue represents a n impasse, and possibly m akes all negotiations
moot. It is the joker in the game .
And many in Panama, and e lsewhere in
Latin America , are becoming convinced
that the only way to break the roadblock
is violence ,

contill ,lc'''' troll/ ,'II,';; ,· cllitural m etam orp hosis with th e imposition of W es tern standards accompanying
our massive presence th ere, Good o r bad,
th e effects will long be felt and //lay have
fa r-reaching co nsequences. Wi ll th ere not
be a similar m etan/ orpllo sis fe lt amongst
tll (, p eo pl e~ l1d til e Cllltllre of th e Mari anas?
I a lways be lieve th a t the internal po li cy
o f the M a ri a na s sho uld be in ves ted by the
peopl e of th e Marian as, th e refore , it is up
to th eir lea d e rs to see whether thi s kind of
cha ll enge ' be welcom e and w hether th c
c ulture be m a int a in ed . But again I wa nt
to e mph as ize that th e mea nin g of th e
commonwea lth is that Yt) U del ega te m ow
a uthtlrit y w ithin th e peo pl e of th e Mar ia nas, not the o ut side people,
Do YP II fpc l tllat til e U, S. will I/nn or ,

til e autil o rity of til(' ppop l(' of Iil p Mari /./I//./ S ?


Th e perso na l representative of th e President and hi ~ tea m has sig ned a cove na nt
in February of thi s yea r which has a lready
bee n approv e0 by th e U.S . Hou se o f Rep rese ntatives a nd is now before th e Senate ,
t ha t s u ppt\f·ts our posi t io n',
I wou ld li ke to make a co mment he re
th a t th e peo ple of the Mari a nas de> not
wdn t to continue the prese nt statu s ind efinitel y, The y want to change a nd become
a pprma nt:'nl pa rt of the United Sta tes. W e .
wan t a governm€nt whi ch assures our
ri ght ~ and t reedom s and th a t rec()gni zes
the tllnd a ment a l l'Cjua lit y of a ll men unde r
the law. h'r Ih e:>e rea~o n s th e peopl e of
thl' M a ridn <l~ .Irl· prl'rared to e mbrace the
IJnit(,d ~ 1 <1l l' ''' C llmli tllti (ln an d it s Bi ll of
Ri ;', I, h .


by Molly Wright
grad uated from Evergreen last winte r
quarter a nd began workin g as th e
Program A ss istant for Career P la nning
and Placement, I am respon s ibl e f o r
initially meeting you , ta lking over so me
of your concerns, helping when I ca n, a nd
coordina ting you with other fo lks in o ur
office, I deal with students and paper
both, Fo r me it is a good balan ce,
As a seni or at Evergreen I avoided the
Caree r Planning and Placeme nt Offi ce
and a ll related activities. I rationali zed my
aversion to somet hin g like : careers are fo r
folks who kn ow what they want to do, I
a lso pretended that si nce I cou ldn ' t affec t
the job market as a college student , it
cou ldn't affect me. My reasons for
creat ing evas ive tactics may be familiar to
you: I didn 't know what I wanted to d o
occupatio nall y, although I could identify
some things I didn't want to do , and I
had some basic job sk ills to rely on, Now
it is important to m e to e n courage
stude nts to think about what it is they
want to d o w ith thier li ves, and especia ll y
to develope ideas, plan s, and a lt ernatives,
A major part of o ur jo b is to pro v id e

, '.'Ilinu ed fro lll pC/xc 6
broke away, the officia l IRA a ttempted to
destroy it by beating, kidnaping a nd eventually shooting several of the new party 's
o rga ni ze rs, But Costell o 's g roup fought
back , a nd after a s ix- month mini-war in
which six men w ere killed , the IRSP had
assured it s s urvival. The off icia l IRA, o n
th e oth e r ha nd , has reportedl y been re du ced to a n impo tent bystander in th e
Iri sh co nflict following the IRSP breakaway and mini - war ,
T od ay , the IRSP (or " Earps," af te r W ya tt Earp , as they a re po pularl y known in
Be lfa st), claim s nearly 700 ac tivists, in cluding the former member of Parliament ,
Bernadette Devl in M cA liskey , Thre e quarters of them a re ex - officia l IRA mem bers who had g rown increasingl y di ssa tisfied with what · they rega rded a s the d onothing a pproa ch of their ol~ orga ni zation (the off icia l IRA decl a red a cease fire w ith Britain in 1972). The rest a re expro v is ionClI I R A membe rs w ho ha d g rown
imra t'ient with the provi sion a ls' cease-fire ,
which has bl'en in effect sin ce Ja nu a ry.
The rr(\visi(\nais had split fmlll th e "t l i("i,t1 IRA (h' l ' r t.!c ti cs in 196<) .
TIll' 11\ S I' ~ lIPP(\rl ~ the Id eli!',ll ,1 P -

se rv ices to student s that will prepare them
fo r " Life af te r Everg reen ," We help folks
eq ui p th e m se lves wit h ba s ic s urvival
s kill ~ , a nd enco urage their a dventures,
Anoth er o ne of our functions of C a reer
P la nnin g a nd Pl ace ment is to track the
ac ti v iti es a nd int eres t of Evergreen __
gra duates. This information is reported to
th c legislature a nd interested public , and .
is used as a resource for eva luating
Eve rgree n as a viab le educat iona l insituti o n .
My purpose in writ ing thi s co lumn is to
tell yo u w ho we are, what we can do ,
wha t you can d o , and how we can help .
It w ill be a place for me to share
info rm ation ra ng ing from a note about a
particularly interesting job opening, a
re mind e r 'abo ut the Graduate Record
Exa m practice test (November 8) , to a
deta iled ex planation about o ne of our
se T'v ices, It 's one way for yo u to get
ac qu a int e d with Ca ree r Planning and
P lace ment. Another is to drop in and
introd uce yourse lf, We are located on the
first fl oo r of the Library Building in the
Student Development Services area, Lib,
"1220, a nd we lcom e yo ur curi os ity ,

proach of the provi sional IRA, which
co ndu cted a five-year bombing and shootin g ca mpaign again st the British army until th e ir cease -fire, But it does not adhere
to th e p rovisional s' strict allegiance to the
Roman Cat ho li c Church , and is politically
to th e lef t of the p ro vi siona ls, If the IRSP
esca lates it s militant tactics , it could place
added pressure o n the provi sional s to
break o ff the ir cease-f ire with th e British ,
Th e official IRA has a lready tried to
ma c hine-gun Coste ll o , a nd he received at
lea st o ne dea th threa t from Protestant
milit a nt s a t the Universi ty of Massachuse tt s co nfe rence.
But if he li ves , Costell o could become a
ma jor fi g ure on th e Irish scene, At the
co nfe re nce, Cos te ll o pro jec ted a n image of
ski ll , intellec t a nd ruthlessness that lef t
supporte rs a nd o ppo nent s a li ke in awe of
hi ~ potent ia l.
(Be rn aJe tt e D ev lin M cA li skey, after
p lay ing a m a jo r ro le ea rlie r this year in
pub liciz in g the IRSP during its figh t with
the officia l IRA, has recently been much
less v isibl e in th e g roup th an Costello ,
Stlurcef' say she may now disagree wit h
it s increa singly milita nt tac tics . )
W ith an a rmed t1rganization to ba ck
hilll up , C (ls tell o a nd hi s IRSI' ma y play
. 1 c riti c. " r" le in rwvtlking , a nd th en de It' rillinin g the out co m e of , th e c ivil wa r in
ll l ~ tl'f' t 1ll.1n y tlbsl' rvers regard as in evi t.1" It, .

I recently began my role as employer.
My first task was to interview applicant s.
I was. worried about making folks nerv o us
in the interview process , and then not
gett ing a clear picture pf their perso nalities and capabilities , I 'found out that
interview ing is also extreme ly difficult for
the emp loyer , but that it isn 't so hard for
me to make contact with people , One
qu es tion I asked each app lic ant was
" What d o you know about Care e r
P la nnin g a nd Pla ce ment? " Emplo ye rs
ofte n judge a persons real interest by how
much they already know about the job
they are applying for. It makes se nse to
research an instituti o n employer, and job ,
if you are considering working for them ,
After all , it's your life , How you spend
yo ur time influences how you like y our
exis tence. We encourage students to spend
the energy necessary to find o ut if a
particular job is what they think it is.
Knowledge ca n make a dynamic int erview,
The September issue of JOB BANK,
publis hed by the Western States Arts
Foundation h as li s ted so me job s o f
interest: Dancers, Ballet Mi stress / Ma ster,
Curator of Exhibits, Assistant T echni ca l
Direc tor (Theater), Mana ger , Summer
C hamb er Music Festival in Ore go n ,
Executive Administrator of the Invi sible
Theatre , Arts a nd Humanities Coordin a-'
tor. For more information abo u t any of
the se job s , Call or vi s it me : Mo ll y
Wright , Lib , 1220, 86~6-6193,

the suJ1lb}
memanics i(] lown,


October 2, 1975

b y Richard Q 'Mara

WASHINGTON , D. C , Sept. 24(PNS)
The U, S, -occupied Pa nama Canal is
likely to ignit e the next crisis in U,S.Latin America relations, even a s a confr o nt a ti o n now builds in Washing ton over
whe th er to give the Canal Zone back to
The Ca na l Zo ne is a 50-m il e lon g, 10 mile stre tch of land cutt in g through the
mid-section of Pa nama and the United
Sta tes occupi es it. Over the years, the
questi o n o f owners hip of the Cana l Zone
has ca used as much di sco rd and disharmony as a n y o th er issue within the hemisphere.
Now th e S tat e Department , under
Henry K iss inger , w a nts to yield to Pan ama o n the issue , wh ile t he Pentagon and
its a llies in Co ngress insi st o n standi ng
pa t. Ki ss inger, in fact , stands pretty much
a lone o n the issue within the Ford Administration .
Ki ss in ge r a grees with ' ma ny ex pert s on
int ernational po liti cs th a t U .S , control of
th e Ca na l and Zo ne is an anac,h ro nism toda y. La st Feb ru a ry, Ki ss inger s ig ned a
dec larat io n of pr in cipl es with the Panama ni a n fo re ign mini ster ca llin g for a n
eve nt ual tra nsfe r o f sove reignt y ove r the
Canal Zo ne to the Panamanians .
Nego ti a ti o ns to work out a new treaty
sta rted imm ed ia tely - with this fa ll se t as
th e targe t date for its ratification , But
th ere is ha rdl y a chan ce th a t will happen
now ,
Th e s ing le mos t impo rt a nt p o int stallin g th e trea ty is th e issue o f U.S, troo ps
in Pan a m a, The Ca na l Zone is headquar ters fo r the U ,S, Southern Command ,
wh ich co ntro ls -n ,000 troo ps a nd civili a n
militar y perso nn el sta ti o ned a t 14 different
ba ses,
Ge nera l O m ar Torrijus, pres ident of
Pa nama, has sa id that Panama could no t
acce pt a n y new trea ty that prov ides for
the co ntinuation of American tr oo p s
th en;,. " Eith e r the co lo ni a l s ituati o n di sa p pear ~ o r it d oesn' t," he says,
Tor rij o s is suppo rted in hi s stand b y th e
pres id e nt s of Panama's imm ediat e ne igh bors - Venezuela , Co lom bia a nd Costa
Rica - a nd b y s uc h po liti ca ll y diverse
Lahn A me ri ca n co untri es as M ex ico, Ar ge ntin a, Peru , C uba a nd even Brazi l, a
~ t.lunc h U,S . a ll y a nd th e most powerful
ndtitln in So uth America ,
But th e Pent ago n is adam a nt. It want s
t<' "k,cer troops o n the gro und " fo r th e
dekn"e of th e Ca na l.
In :-' larc h, 37 U . S se na to rs, led by co n ,e n ',lt i \'C Re publi ca n Strom Thurm o ncl ,
,i)-! Iwd ,1 d ec larat illn tha t th e U.S . sho uld
' liITt'ndl'r nt'n t:' tIl ih p re[(lgdt ives in Pa n ,1111,1. Si ncl' ,111 tr('at ie, requ ire a
tW(\ -

thirds a ffirmative vote by the Senate, any
new accord wi th Panama would seem to
be d oo med at the outset.
Mo re recently , in a sw ipe at the State
Department , the House of Representatives
app ro ved an a mendment ca nceling operatin g fund s for the American team negoti atin g with th e Pa na manians ,
Thi s g roup is headed by Ambassadora t -Large Ell sworth Bunker, who ha s public ly warned that if the issue is not soon
reso lved , Panama cou ld beco m e another
Howa rd H. Calloway , former Army
Secreta ry, s ummed up the depth of conse rva tive c ivilia n and military opposition
to co ncessions to Panama when he said
recentl y: " The current period of U , S ,
co ntro l over the Ca nal is in perpetuity a nd so m e say that perpetu ity is not
enoug h ,"
Ca ll oway heads President Ford 's re electi o n campa ign. Indi cat io ns are that the
Ford Administra tion , except for Kissinger,
wou ld like to put the Ca na l issue on the
back burne r , a t least until a ft er nex t year's
e lec tion. Th e Pres ident , accord in g to
kno w led geab le sources in the State De- '
par tm ent a nd on Capito l Hill , does not
wa nt to a li e na te the rig ht wing of his
p arty by m ak in g co n cess io n s o n the
Ca na l.
Many co nse rvatives fear th a t Panama
has not shown itse lf politically stable
eno ugh to run the vital waterway efficie ntl y. Th e U , S. has a substantial financia l stake in th e Canal, which is critica l
for wo rld trade, ' (Grain and fu el. the two
mos t essenti a l item s in the world econom y, are th e ca rgoes o f hi g hest transit. )
A nd m a n y American s in the import-export bu s iness fea r tha t Panam a mig ht
cha rge exo rbit a nt toll rates,
Ri g id opposition ha s arisen within the
Cana l Zone itself to a new treaty, The
Zone is a n air -conditioned ghetto, a sma ll
fenced pl o t o f American suburbia. Its inhabita nts genera lly possess the chauvinism
characteristic of a ll colo ni sts of great and
powerful empires residing in foreign countri es, Th ey fi erce ly resist a ll attempts to
cha nge the sta tu s quo .
The re is a widely shared belief among
the nea rl y 5,000 civili a ns in the Zone that
th e la nd ac tu a ll y is American . (The total
pop ul a ti o n of the Zone, including military
a nd c ivili a n personnel , is about 15 ,000,)
"Zo ni a ns" o f the second a nd third gen e rat io n es pec ia ll y rega rd the Zone . a nd
Ca na l as American beca use it wa s built
by Am e rica ns, a t a g rea t cos t in lives a nd
mo ney. A s k in g th em to g ive it up is lih
a sk in g a Texa n to surrender th e Al amo to
the Me xic,)Jt ., .

Besides their emotional commitment,
Zonians have a simple practical reason to
resist change: If the Canal is returned,
most of them will lose their jobs, At pres ent they hold most of the posts in the
Panama Canal Co " the agency that runs
the waterway . They work on the military
bases and run the police and fire depart ments, Zone restaurants , and movies ,
In contrast to the splintered opinion in
the U.S" Panamanians are as o ne on the
issue of the Canal: They want it back ,
But the military issue represents a n impasse, and possibly m akes all negotiations
moot. It is the joker in the game .
And many in Panama, and e lsewhere in
Latin America , are becoming convinced
that the only way to break the roadblock
is violence ,

contill ,lc'''' troll/ ,'II,';; ,· cllitural m etam orp hosis with th e imposition of W es tern standards accompanying
our massive presence th ere, Good o r bad,
th e effects will long be felt and //lay have
fa r-reaching co nsequences. Wi ll th ere not
be a similar m etan/ orpllo sis fe lt amongst
tll (, p eo pl e~ l1d til e Cllltllre of th e Mari anas?
I a lways be lieve th a t the internal po li cy
o f the M a ri a na s sho uld be in ves ted by the
peopl e of th e Marian as, th e refore , it is up
to th eir lea d e rs to see whether thi s kind of
cha ll enge ' be welcom e and w hether th c
c ulture be m a int a in ed . But again I wa nt
to e mph as ize that th e mea nin g of th e
commonwea lth is that Yt) U del ega te m ow
a uthtlrit y w ithin th e peo pl e of th e Mar ia nas, not the o ut side people,
Do YP II fpc l tllat til e U, S. will I/nn or ,

til e autil o rity of til(' ppop l(' of Iil p Mari /./I//./ S ?


Th e perso na l representative of th e President and hi ~ tea m has sig ned a cove na nt
in February of thi s yea r which has a lready
bee n approv e0 by th e U.S . Hou se o f Rep rese ntatives a nd is now before th e Senate ,
t ha t s u ppt\f·ts our posi t io n',
I wou ld li ke to make a co mment he re
th a t th e peo ple of the Mari a nas de> not
wdn t to continue the prese nt statu s ind efinitel y, The y want to change a nd become
a pprma nt:'nl pa rt of the United Sta tes. W e .
wan t a governm€nt whi ch assures our
ri ght ~ and t reedom s and th a t rec()gni zes
the tllnd a ment a l l'Cjua lit y of a ll men unde r
the law. h'r Ih e:>e rea~o n s th e peopl e of
thl' M a ridn <l~ .Irl· prl'rared to e mbrace the
IJnit(,d ~ 1 <1l l' ''' C llmli tllti (ln an d it s Bi ll of
Ri ;', I, h .


by Molly Wright
grad uated from Evergreen last winte r
quarter a nd began workin g as th e
Program A ss istant for Career P la nning
and Placement, I am respon s ibl e f o r
initially meeting you , ta lking over so me
of your concerns, helping when I ca n, a nd
coordina ting you with other fo lks in o ur
office, I deal with students and paper
both, Fo r me it is a good balan ce,
As a seni or at Evergreen I avoided the
Caree r Planning and Placeme nt Offi ce
and a ll related activities. I rationali zed my
aversion to somet hin g like : careers are fo r
folks who kn ow what they want to do, I
a lso pretended that si nce I cou ldn ' t affec t
the job market as a college student , it
cou ldn't affect me. My reasons for
creat ing evas ive tactics may be familiar to
you: I didn 't know what I wanted to d o
occupatio nall y, although I could identify
some things I didn't want to do , and I
had some basic job sk ills to rely on, Now
it is important to m e to e n courage
stude nts to think about what it is they
want to d o w ith thier li ves, and especia ll y
to develope ideas, plan s, and a lt ernatives,
A major part of o ur jo b is to pro v id e

, '.'Ilinu ed fro lll pC/xc 6
broke away, the officia l IRA a ttempted to
destroy it by beating, kidnaping a nd eventually shooting several of the new party 's
o rga ni ze rs, But Costell o 's g roup fought
back , a nd after a s ix- month mini-war in
which six men w ere killed , the IRSP had
assured it s s urvival. The off icia l IRA, o n
th e oth e r ha nd , has reportedl y been re du ced to a n impo tent bystander in th e
Iri sh co nflict following the IRSP breakaway and mini - war ,
T od ay , the IRSP (or " Earps," af te r W ya tt Earp , as they a re po pularl y known in
Be lfa st), claim s nearly 700 ac tivists, in cluding the former member of Parliament ,
Bernadette Devl in M cA liskey , Thre e quarters of them a re ex - officia l IRA mem bers who had g rown increasingl y di ssa tisfied with what · they rega rded a s the d onothing a pproa ch of their ol~ orga ni zation (the off icia l IRA decl a red a cease fire w ith Britain in 1972). The rest a re expro v is ionClI I R A membe rs w ho ha d g rown
imra t'ient with the provi sion a ls' cease-fire ,
which has bl'en in effect sin ce Ja nu a ry.
The rr(\visi(\nais had split fmlll th e "t l i("i,t1 IRA (h' l ' r t.!c ti cs in 196<) .
TIll' 11\ S I' ~ lIPP(\rl ~ the Id eli!',ll ,1 P -

se rv ices to student s that will prepare them
fo r " Life af te r Everg reen ," We help folks
eq ui p th e m se lves wit h ba s ic s urvival
s kill ~ , a nd enco urage their a dventures,
Anoth er o ne of our functions of C a reer
P la nnin g a nd Pl ace ment is to track the
ac ti v iti es a nd int eres t of Evergreen __
gra duates. This information is reported to
th c legislature a nd interested public , and .
is used as a resource for eva luating
Eve rgree n as a viab le educat iona l insituti o n .
My purpose in writ ing thi s co lumn is to
tell yo u w ho we are, what we can do ,
wha t you can d o , and how we can help .
It w ill be a place for me to share
info rm ation ra ng ing from a note about a
particularly interesting job opening, a
re mind e r 'abo ut the Graduate Record
Exa m practice test (November 8) , to a
deta iled ex planation about o ne of our
se T'v ices, It 's one way for yo u to get
ac qu a int e d with Ca ree r Planning and
P lace ment. Another is to drop in and
introd uce yourse lf, We are located on the
first fl oo r of the Library Building in the
Student Development Services area, Lib,
"1220, a nd we lcom e yo ur curi os ity ,

proach of the provi sional IRA, which
co ndu cted a five-year bombing and shootin g ca mpaign again st the British army until th e ir cease -fire, But it does not adhere
to th e p rovisional s' strict allegiance to the
Roman Cat ho li c Church , and is politically
to th e lef t of the p ro vi siona ls, If the IRSP
esca lates it s militant tactics , it could place
added pressure o n the provi sional s to
break o ff the ir cease-f ire with th e British ,
Th e official IRA has a lready tried to
ma c hine-gun Coste ll o , a nd he received at
lea st o ne dea th threa t from Protestant
milit a nt s a t the Universi ty of Massachuse tt s co nfe rence.
But if he li ves , Costell o could become a
ma jor fi g ure on th e Irish scene, At the
co nfe re nce, Cos te ll o pro jec ted a n image of
ski ll , intellec t a nd ruthlessness that lef t
supporte rs a nd o ppo nent s a li ke in awe of
hi ~ potent ia l.
(Be rn aJe tt e D ev lin M cA li skey, after
p lay ing a m a jo r ro le ea rlie r this year in
pub liciz in g the IRSP during its figh t with
the officia l IRA, has recently been much
less v isibl e in th e g roup th an Costello ,
Stlurcef' say she may now disagree wit h
it s increa singly milita nt tac tics . )
W ith an a rmed t1rganization to ba ck
hilll up , C (ls tell o a nd hi s IRSI' ma y play
. 1 c riti c. " r" le in rwvtlking , a nd th en de It' rillinin g the out co m e of , th e c ivil wa r in
ll l ~ tl'f' t 1ll.1n y tlbsl' rvers regard as in evi t.1" It, .

I recently began my role as employer.
My first task was to interview applicant s.
I was. worried about making folks nerv o us
in the interview process , and then not
gett ing a clear picture pf their perso nalities and capabilities , I 'found out that
interview ing is also extreme ly difficult for
the emp loyer , but that it isn 't so hard for
me to make contact with people , One
qu es tion I asked each app lic ant was
" What d o you know about Care e r
P la nnin g a nd Pla ce ment? " Emplo ye rs
ofte n judge a persons real interest by how
much they already know about the job
they are applying for. It makes se nse to
research an instituti o n employer, and job ,
if you are considering working for them ,
After all , it's your life , How you spend
yo ur time influences how you like y our
exis tence. We encourage students to spend
the energy necessary to find o ut if a
particular job is what they think it is.
Knowledge ca n make a dynamic int erview,
The September issue of JOB BANK,
publis hed by the Western States Arts
Foundation h as li s ted so me job s o f
interest: Dancers, Ballet Mi stress / Ma ster,
Curator of Exhibits, Assistant T echni ca l
Direc tor (Theater), Mana ger , Summer
C hamb er Music Festival in Ore go n ,
Executive Administrator of the Invi sible
Theatre , Arts a nd Humanities Coordin a-'
tor. For more information abo u t any of
the se job s , Call or vi s it me : Mo ll y
Wright , Lib , 1220, 86~6-6193,

the suJ1lb}
memanics i(] lown,




October 2, 1975


A North

All Day V\ed Oct. 9

An ancient Iroquois tradition tells of the White Roots of Peace spreading in four directions from the Great Tree, symbolizing the first United Nations the world ever knew. Under the Tree of the Great Peace, the People of the longhouse gathered almost a thousand
years ago - and the White Roots spread out to provide a path by which all peoples could
find their way to peace together in the shade of the Great- Tree . .
In September, 1969, a group of yo"ung Mohawks set out to renew their commitment to
these traditions. Since they followed the instructions of the White Roots of Peace, they
took that as! a name to symbolize their group's task.


From 10 : 00 until Noon and 1 : 00 until 4 : 00

Crafts &
Photo Exhi bi t
in t he Library Lobby

(bring foods) 5 : 30 - 7: 30 in Library Lobby

Eveni ng Events
Singing, dancing, speakers
7: 30 - 10: 00 in Library Lobby

If you can host at least two members of
White Roots of Peace for two nights
plt'ase call the Student Activities Office,

Film s


Visit Our Teepee on Campus



frid ay Oct. 3
Frid ay Nig ht Films: " The Lon g
Goodb ye" sta rrin g Elli o t Go uld. 7
a nd 9: 30 pm Lec tu re Hall One .
Sund ay Oct. 5
Co FFee house Sund ay N ight Fil m :
"Trip le C ross" ' w ith Yul Brynner
a nd Trevor H owa rd. 7 a nd 9 : 30
pm. Lecture H a ll T hree.
Mo nd ay Oc t . 6
EP I "Memor ies of Und e rdeve lopment " ex plor es c h a n g in g s ocial
rea liti es in C uba. 7:30 pm. Lec ture
Ha ll One.
Tu esday Oct. 7
Fa cult y Fi lm Se ries : Adam 's Rib
w ith Katherine Hepburn a nd
Spencer Trac y a nd "Woman of th e
Yea r. " 2 and Y':30 pm. Lecture Hall
O ne.
Kidd At nk a , a Sea ttl e-ba sed band
that p lays rock, so ul , jazz, rh y thm
a nd blu es , a nd just abo ut any o ther
mu sica l labe l. w ill pe rform in a
concert/dance a lo ng w ith Seatt le
ba ll adee r Jim Page tom o rrow at
8:30 pm in th e library lo bby.
T he co n ce rt is s pon so red by
Eve rgree n A cti vities a nd the Coffeeho use, a nd a dmi ss io n is $1.99.
Kidd Af rika , co nsistin g of guitarists T eddy Joe Po lit ze r a nd Larry
Rya n , bas s is t Jim Lilly , a nd
drummer Do nn y Marrow , go t their
start in the Sa n Fra ncisco Bay area
in 1967 . S in ce th en , they have
pl ayed in co ncerts w ith gro ups such
as Th e Gra teful Dead , New Riders
of th e Purpl e Sage, Taj Mahal , Boz
Scaggs , a nd A lbert Co llins.
Jim Page is desc ribed as a ma ster
o f th e "ta lk in g so ng" a nd many of
hi s co mp os ition s co nvey his criti ca l
ve iw of co nte mpora ry society .
The Arts
thro ugh Oct. 9
Vi sitin g Fac ult y A rt Show: featuring fun ctin a l and sculptural woodwo rk by Dav e Ga llagher, weaving
by Pa t Spa rk a nd photog ra phy by
Jo n a th a n Ezekie l. Second Floor
'Refe rence area in th e Library
Buildin g during library opera ting
ho urs.
Ca iJitol : The O uter Space Co nn ec ti o n . Phon e 357-7161 .
O IY llliJic: laws . Ph"lll- 357-3422.
S tat e : Dirt y Mary, C raz y Larry ,
a nd V,m ishin g Po int. Phone 3574010 .

The Arts
Friday Oct. 3
App lejam Fo lk Center: Covenant
P layers , a travellin g unit of an
int e rnational repertory compa n y ,
dea ling in contemporary sli ce-of-l ife
drama . Doors open a t 8 pm with
the main act at 9 .
Sa turday Oct. 4
App lejam : Open Mik e Ni g h t .
Doors open at 8 pm.
Fifth Avenue: "Fa rewell My Lovely" a nd "Slith er" continuou s from
12 :35 pm.
Guild 45th: "And Now My Love " 7
a nd 9:10 pm.
Harvard Exit : "Re turn of th e Tall
Blond Man 7:15 and 9:30 pm.
Jo hn Danz: "H iding Place" 7 a nd
9:45 pm .
Varsity: "A Boy and Hi s Dog" ';;: 40
and 9:35 pm.
King : "Last Tango in Paris" 7 a nd '
9:30 pm.

Saturday Oct. 4
Sylves ter Park in downtown
O lymp ia will be site of a festival
a nd o ld fashioned picnic (bring
your own lunch) to welcome
s tudent s from Evergreen, St.
Martin's a nd OVTI back to the
Olympia area.
Sponsored by the Thurston
County Bicentennial Committee and
the Olympia Downtown Association , the festiva l will begin at 11 am
with the Olympia Kitchen Swingers.
At noon the U.S. Air Force Band of
the Pacific Northwest will entertain
foll owed by an open mike at 1: 30.
At 2 pm an Old Time String Band
wil l appear followed by the 13th
Nava l District Rock Band at 3 pm .
From 4 to 5 pm there will be
fo lkdancing a nd open mike entertainment.

Auto Parts



2521 East 4th Ave.
Engine Rebuilders
Best Equipped Machine
Shop in Olympia


"Ellen 's Box ," an improvisational pial!
taken fro m three wo m en's lives, being





iJerfo nll ed ill th e Library lobby.


Instruction by Georgette Pua (hun who has:
• st udied Polynesian d.ance for many years in Hawaii under private
instructors and at the Polynesian Cultural Center
• danced professionally with Polynesian dance troupes in Hawaii,
the Orient,


on the mail

Includes an exciting Tahitian ot

ld USA

, a graceful hula, and a Maori poe dance

Regi strat io n beg ins 7: 30 a . m . Thursday, October 2 and continues on weekdays,
9 a. m . to 6 p . m ., throu gh Wed nesday, October 8 a t the Campu s Recreation Center
Rm . #302




October 2, 1975


A North

All Day V\ed Oct. 9

An ancient Iroquois tradition tells of the White Roots of Peace spreading in four directions from the Great Tree, symbolizing the first United Nations the world ever knew. Under the Tree of the Great Peace, the People of the longhouse gathered almost a thousand
years ago - and the White Roots spread out to provide a path by which all peoples could
find their way to peace together in the shade of the Great- Tree . .
In September, 1969, a group of yo"ung Mohawks set out to renew their commitment to
these traditions. Since they followed the instructions of the White Roots of Peace, they
took that as! a name to symbolize their group's task.


From 10 : 00 until Noon and 1 : 00 until 4 : 00

Crafts &
Photo Exhi bi t
in t he Library Lobby

(bring foods) 5 : 30 - 7: 30 in Library Lobby

Eveni ng Events
Singing, dancing, speakers
7: 30 - 10: 00 in Library Lobby

If you can host at least two members of
White Roots of Peace for two nights
plt'ase call the Student Activities Office,

Film s


Visit Our Teepee on Campus



frid ay Oct. 3
Frid ay Nig ht Films: " The Lon g
Goodb ye" sta rrin g Elli o t Go uld. 7
a nd 9: 30 pm Lec tu re Hall One .
Sund ay Oct. 5
Co FFee house Sund ay N ight Fil m :
"Trip le C ross" ' w ith Yul Brynner
a nd Trevor H owa rd. 7 a nd 9 : 30
pm. Lecture H a ll T hree.
Mo nd ay Oc t . 6
EP I "Memor ies of Und e rdeve lopment " ex plor es c h a n g in g s ocial
rea liti es in C uba. 7:30 pm. Lec ture
Ha ll One.
Tu esday Oct. 7
Fa cult y Fi lm Se ries : Adam 's Rib
w ith Katherine Hepburn a nd
Spencer Trac y a nd "Woman of th e
Yea r. " 2 and Y':30 pm. Lecture Hall
O ne.
Kidd At nk a , a Sea ttl e-ba sed band
that p lays rock, so ul , jazz, rh y thm
a nd blu es , a nd just abo ut any o ther
mu sica l labe l. w ill pe rform in a
concert/dance a lo ng w ith Seatt le
ba ll adee r Jim Page tom o rrow at
8:30 pm in th e library lo bby.
T he co n ce rt is s pon so red by
Eve rgree n A cti vities a nd the Coffeeho use, a nd a dmi ss io n is $1.99.
Kidd Af rika , co nsistin g of guitarists T eddy Joe Po lit ze r a nd Larry
Rya n , bas s is t Jim Lilly , a nd
drummer Do nn y Marrow , go t their
start in the Sa n Fra ncisco Bay area
in 1967 . S in ce th en , they have
pl ayed in co ncerts w ith gro ups such
as Th e Gra teful Dead , New Riders
of th e Purpl e Sage, Taj Mahal , Boz
Scaggs , a nd A lbert Co llins.
Jim Page is desc ribed as a ma ster
o f th e "ta lk in g so ng" a nd many of
hi s co mp os ition s co nvey his criti ca l
ve iw of co nte mpora ry society .
The Arts
thro ugh Oct. 9
Vi sitin g Fac ult y A rt Show: featuring fun ctin a l and sculptural woodwo rk by Dav e Ga llagher, weaving
by Pa t Spa rk a nd photog ra phy by
Jo n a th a n Ezekie l. Second Floor
'Refe rence area in th e Library
Buildin g during library opera ting
ho urs.
Ca iJitol : The O uter Space Co nn ec ti o n . Phon e 357-7161 .
O IY llliJic: laws . Ph"lll- 357-3422.
S tat e : Dirt y Mary, C raz y Larry ,
a nd V,m ishin g Po int. Phone 3574010 .

The Arts
Friday Oct. 3
App lejam Fo lk Center: Covenant
P layers , a travellin g unit of an
int e rnational repertory compa n y ,
dea ling in contemporary sli ce-of-l ife
drama . Doors open a t 8 pm with
the main act at 9 .
Sa turday Oct. 4
App lejam : Open Mik e Ni g h t .
Doors open at 8 pm.
Fifth Avenue: "Fa rewell My Lovely" a nd "Slith er" continuou s from
12 :35 pm.
Guild 45th: "And Now My Love " 7
a nd 9:10 pm.
Harvard Exit : "Re turn of th e Tall
Blond Man 7:15 and 9:30 pm.
Jo hn Danz: "H iding Place" 7 a nd
9:45 pm .
Varsity: "A Boy and Hi s Dog" ';;: 40
and 9:35 pm.
King : "Last Tango in Paris" 7 a nd '
9:30 pm.

Saturday Oct. 4
Sylves ter Park in downtown
O lymp ia will be site of a festival
a nd o ld fashioned picnic (bring
your own lunch) to welcome
s tudent s from Evergreen, St.
Martin's a nd OVTI back to the
Olympia area.
Sponsored by the Thurston
County Bicentennial Committee and
the Olympia Downtown Association , the festiva l will begin at 11 am
with the Olympia Kitchen Swingers.
At noon the U.S. Air Force Band of
the Pacific Northwest will entertain
foll owed by an open mike at 1: 30.
At 2 pm an Old Time String Band
wil l appear followed by the 13th
Nava l District Rock Band at 3 pm .
From 4 to 5 pm there will be
fo lkdancing a nd open mike entertainment.

Auto Parts



2521 East 4th Ave.
Engine Rebuilders
Best Equipped Machine
Shop in Olympia


"Ellen 's Box ," an improvisational pial!
taken fro m three wo m en's lives, being





iJerfo nll ed ill th e Library lobby.


Instruction by Georgette Pua (hun who has:
• st udied Polynesian d.ance for many years in Hawaii under private
instructors and at the Polynesian Cultural Center
• danced professionally with Polynesian dance troupes in Hawaii,
the Orient,


on the mail

Includes an exciting Tahitian ot

ld USA

, a graceful hula, and a Maori poe dance

Regi strat io n beg ins 7: 30 a . m . Thursday, October 2 and continues on weekdays,
9 a. m . to 6 p . m ., throu gh Wed nesday, October 8 a t the Campu s Recreation Center
Rm . #302



October 2, 1975


O n February 16 , 1972 I ha d com e to see
Jon i M itc he ll a t th e Pa ramoun t Theat e r in
Sea tt le. It was the first co ncert o n th e
to ur a nd of co urse , we had to sit th roug h
th e ope nin g ac t. A surprise was in store
fo r me. A yo un g man wa lked o n stage
w ith just a gu it a r a nd pl ayed hi s mu sic . It
d idn 't take lo ng to co nvin ce me th a t w hat
I wa s hea rin g was equal in intensity and
lyr ica l bea ut y with mu ch of wh a t Jo ni
M it chell ha d wr itten . (Thi s w as a lm os t a
yea r befo re For Th e Roses was to be relea sed . )
The man 's name wa s Ja ckso n Browne
a nd he wa s on ly 22 yea rs o ld . He spoke
shy ly abo ut the so ngs he ha d written .
On e of th e sto ries he told co ncerned tra v eling w ith friends fr o m So uthern Ca lifo r ni a to Indi a a few years back . Jackso n
sa id he neve r made it , but his fri e nd
Ad a m had . H e p lay ed " So ng Fo r Adam "
telli ng of hi s fr iend 's fa ll fr o m a buildin g
a nd dea th . I wa s co mplete ly devas ta ted.
On e of th e c horuses went :
''I'm h o lding o ut m y o nl y ca nd le
Though it's so litt le light to find
my way
Now thi s story's been la id be nea th m y ca ndl e
A nd it' s sho rter eve ry hour as it
reac hes for th e da y
Yes. I feel just lik e a ca ndl e in a
I hope I ge t th ere
But 1" 11 neve r rra\' .

leased three month s earlier), I generally
felt it to be a n off nig ht for Jackso n. Perhaps competing with a Sonics baske tball
ga m e th a t T uesda y eve nin g had so me thing
to do with it.
With th e release of his third a lbu m,
Late For Th e Sky, late in 1974, Browne
was back o n the road again , thi s time
with Bonnie Raitt. They were both ho t,
espec iall y Jackson a nd hi s band. The combination of month s of p laying toget her
plu s th e excitement of previewing new
m a te r ia l, especia lly two songs, "La te For
Th e Sky" and " Fountain of Sorrow,"
which painfu ll y desc ribe the breaking up
of a re la tion ship wit h a n o ld lover and
the di sillu sionment with hi s concept of ro mantic love . If you have yet to discover
Jack so n" Browne, this las t a lbum , Late For
Th e Sky , is a must. It features Browne at
th e heig ht of hi s lyri ca l talent to date
which, as I mentioned ea rli er , is eas il y o n
a level with an artis t of Joni Mitche ll 's
ab il ities - no mea n fea t.
That evening a lso featured L.A. rock'n'»
ro ll in all its glory . I s imp ly cou ld not be '3" li eve Dav id Lindl ey 's slide work o n " Red
'" Neck Friend" a nd a longer, extended out
vers io n of " Doctor My Eyes ." As the
Jackson Browne p layed other songs th at
music began to cook, I was con ju ring up
n ig ht including " Some thing Fin e, " "Ja mi ca
images of Duane Allman at hi s best. Lind Say You Will ," " My Openin g Farewell"
ley w as n't using a Gibso n Les Paul mind
and " Doctor My Eyes ." H e eve n apolo yo u . . . no, a ll thi s bone crushing sou nd
gized for hi s pi a no p laying o n " Rock M e
ema na ting from a little Hawaiian
On The Wate r," say in g th at Cra ig Doerge ,
guitar which he . played on hi s lap! The
who pl ayed o n th e recordin g, did it so
a udi e nce loved it and brought everyone
mu ch bett er . Rega rdl ess , he w as g reat ...
back for three enco res, one of which inthe w ho le evening was grea t. Jackson
Bonnie Raitt.
loo ked as shoc ked a nd bew ildered when
Which bri ngs us - exactly one year
Jo n i Mit che ll pul led him o ut from the
la ter - to Jackso n- Browne's recent Sepwi ngs to sin g " C ircle Game" as w he n he
20th co ncert a t the Paramount.
wa s pull ed back to do an e nco re afte r hi s
I'm afraid I was so mewhat disappointed
fi rst se t.
in the even in g's mu sic. Not that it wasn 't
It wou ld be a lm ost two yea rs before he
played "w ith finesse a nd grace, " as J.J.
wo uld return to Sea ttle, thi s time with a
Ca le puts it. The seven - member band is a
ba nd a nd Linda Ron stadt as the' opening
pretty good o ne, as a matter of fact. It
act. Thin gs w ere mu ch different - Jackfeatures the reg ulars, including David
so n wa s m o re a t ease o n stage . He had
Lin dl ey - th e wizard - o n elec tric, slide ,
los t th a t nervo us awkwa rdness , ta lked
nd acous ti c g uit ars and fidd le, and Doug
less be tw ee n numbers a nd seemed m o re
ywood , who has moved from bass to
subdu ed , perhaps even a li tt le tired . Thi s
g uita rs and a littl e piano. W ho comprises
WCl S entire ly
possib le, since the y were
th e res t of the band is a mystery to me ,
do in g tha t part o f the tour o n th e roa d in sin
ce Jackson didn 't bother to introduce
stea d o f fly in g. Linda Ro nstadt , in praisthem
to the aud ience. However, I assume
in g th eir roa dies, told a story o f ho w o ne
they are Larry Zack on drums, a new
of the dri ve rs had fall en as leep a t th e
o rga n a nd piano player, a new bass
whee l af ter drivin g a ll night and had cap laye r and finally a percussionist who
ree ned th e ir equ ipm ent van o nt o so mea dds to Browne and Haywood's tight haro ne's front law n in Orego n.
mon ies on difficult so ngs such as "The
The even in g wasn 't without it s hi g h
te Show ." I was more than once im point s, m os t nota bly the addi ti o h of
by the little flourishes individual
D av id Lindley o n guitars a nd fidd le with
b a nd m e mbers would add to certa in
bass p laye r Doug Hayw ood sin ging ti ght
songs. With a few minor excep ti ons, the
har m o ni es. Even th o ug h much of the m a problem didn ' t lie w ith th e ba nd .
te rial was new (fro m Fo r Everymall , re Jack so n was definit ely int o playin g. He

mentioned a coup le of times about tryin g
to arrange a date last Spri ng to play Seattl e but no t being a ble to . (I assume that
wou ld have been wi th Phoebe Snow, with
w hom he was touring at the time .) He
see med to be enj oy ing him se lf, w hich is
very imp orta nt. Later, I was impressed
with th e sin cerity which he repeated ly
thanked the audience for co ming . As he '
jok ingly mentioned , his las t two co ncerts
we re sc hed ul ed respectively , on the night
of a So ni cs' ga me a nd a n Elt o n John co n cert .
H is openi ng surprised me - " Rock M e
On The Water" from hi s first record , but
he then mainly relied on material from hi s
F&r Everyman a nd Late For Til e Sky a lbums the old sta nda rds every J. B.
freak has come to know by heart: "Take
It Ea s y , " " Ready Or Not, " " For A
Dancer, " " Before The Deluge" a nd "Red
Neck Frie nd. " Ra ther than followin g a
rigid se t, he see med to play what he
wanted , when he wanted , as during a ro ll ing "Doctor My Eyes" he picked up hi s
"Japa nese guitar" and moved th e band
into a versio n of "These Days" su ng wi th
m oving s tr e n g th and confidence. The
show was a fairly lo ng one , las ting a lmost
two ho urs .
But , during a ll this, I was str uggling
with what mainly disappointed me about
the eve ning (other than the opening band
- Pab lo Cruise) . While the mu sic was
good , occasionall y great , I mu st admit
that, at times, I was experiencing feelin gs
of - well , boredom, for wa nt of a better
word . I think this was partially due to the
fact that Browne played (wi th o ne except ion) materi a l so lely fro m hi s first three
a lbums. Songs I had a lready seen him do
o nce, if not tw o times previou sly .
Th e o ne except io n was the disco hit
fro m Philadelphia written b y Dou g Hay , promised earlier in the show. That
yw oo d wa s too shy to sing it was un -

dersta ndab le when Jackso n bega n the' first
verse. It was really a k in d of C&W song,
being the ultimat e put -d ow n of a lover
w ho didn 't ca re abo ut a nyt hi!1 g but fuck ing. It co nt a ined such in stantly cla ssic
lin es as " You la ug hed at m y erec ti o n a nd
the size of my ci rcum sec ti o n ... " a nd
o th er reactionary tras h . I loved it. I'm
af ra id it p ut Harry N ilsso n's " Your breakin ' m y hear t/yo ur tea r in' it a pa rt I so fuck
yo u -" lin e to sha me.
But let us re turn to the pro b lem a t
ha nd . It mu st be a n eno rm o us pressure
fo r a n art ist such as Jackso n Browne, o r
a ny c rea ti ve arti st in a n y medi um , to fee l
as if th ey have to to p th e ir las t work . In
mu sic th e re is th e added de ma nd of reco rdin g co ntrac ts th a t stipul ate o ne a lbum
per yea r o r some simil a r quot a . I'm sure
th a t eve r y one fr o m Bob Dy la n , Jo ni
M it chell to Ja mes T ay lor has had to dea l
w ith the pressure of hav in g to crea te new
ma te ri a l o n a cons istent basis rega rdl ess if
they fee l li ke it o r no t.

On o ne ha nd it fee ls good to see him in
co nce rt , playing mu sic, a nd hav ing a
good tim e in stead of o nl y ve nturin g o ut
o n the roa d eve ry two yea rs or m o re like
Eri c C la pt o n o r Bob Dylan . Howeve r, o n
th e o th er ha nd I ca n' t help but fe el a little
di sa pp oi nted , when after a yea r sin ce th e
release of Late For Til e Sky, he is still
do ing bas ica ll y th e sa me show . I wo uld
have li ked to have see n ju st a littl e
g ro w th. As so mebody at th e co nce rt
ye ll ed o ut betwee n so ngs , "Th ere are a lo t
of th ose foo ls and dream ers in O ly m pia. "
/J ckso n Brow ne smi led a nd rep li ed, '" III

O /I/lIlpia ?'"
N~""" .ILlA .... O PN.....







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4th & Columbia




1 Room $ 74.50
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October 2, 1975


O n February 16 , 1972 I ha d com e to see
Jon i M itc he ll a t th e Pa ramoun t Theat e r in
Sea tt le. It was the first co ncert o n th e
to ur a nd of co urse , we had to sit th roug h
th e ope nin g ac t. A surprise was in store
fo r me. A yo un g man wa lked o n stage
w ith just a gu it a r a nd pl ayed hi s mu sic . It
d idn 't take lo ng to co nvin ce me th a t w hat
I wa s hea rin g was equal in intensity and
lyr ica l bea ut y with mu ch of wh a t Jo ni
M it chell ha d wr itten . (Thi s w as a lm os t a
yea r befo re For Th e Roses was to be relea sed . )
The man 's name wa s Ja ckso n Browne
a nd he wa s on ly 22 yea rs o ld . He spoke
shy ly abo ut the so ngs he ha d written .
On e of th e sto ries he told co ncerned tra v eling w ith friends fr o m So uthern Ca lifo r ni a to Indi a a few years back . Jackso n
sa id he neve r made it , but his fri e nd
Ad a m had . H e p lay ed " So ng Fo r Adam "
telli ng of hi s fr iend 's fa ll fr o m a buildin g
a nd dea th . I wa s co mplete ly devas ta ted.
On e of th e c horuses went :
''I'm h o lding o ut m y o nl y ca nd le
Though it's so litt le light to find
my way
Now thi s story's been la id be nea th m y ca ndl e
A nd it' s sho rter eve ry hour as it
reac hes for th e da y
Yes. I feel just lik e a ca ndl e in a
I hope I ge t th ere
But 1" 11 neve r rra\' .

leased three month s earlier), I generally
felt it to be a n off nig ht for Jackso n. Perhaps competing with a Sonics baske tball
ga m e th a t T uesda y eve nin g had so me thing
to do with it.
With th e release of his third a lbu m,
Late For Th e Sky, late in 1974, Browne
was back o n the road again , thi s time
with Bonnie Raitt. They were both ho t,
espec iall y Jackson a nd hi s band. The combination of month s of p laying toget her
plu s th e excitement of previewing new
m a te r ia l, especia lly two songs, "La te For
Th e Sky" and " Fountain of Sorrow,"
which painfu ll y desc ribe the breaking up
of a re la tion ship wit h a n o ld lover and
the di sillu sionment with hi s concept of ro mantic love . If you have yet to discover
Jack so n" Browne, this las t a lbum , Late For
Th e Sky , is a must. It features Browne at
th e heig ht of hi s lyri ca l talent to date
which, as I mentioned ea rli er , is eas il y o n
a level with an artis t of Joni Mitche ll 's
ab il ities - no mea n fea t.
That evening a lso featured L.A. rock'n'»
ro ll in all its glory . I s imp ly cou ld not be '3" li eve Dav id Lindl ey 's slide work o n " Red
'" Neck Friend" a nd a longer, extended out
vers io n of " Doctor My Eyes ." As the
Jackson Browne p layed other songs th at
music began to cook, I was con ju ring up
n ig ht including " Some thing Fin e, " "Ja mi ca
images of Duane Allman at hi s best. Lind Say You Will ," " My Openin g Farewell"
ley w as n't using a Gibso n Les Paul mind
and " Doctor My Eyes ." H e eve n apolo yo u . . . no, a ll thi s bone crushing sou nd
gized for hi s pi a no p laying o n " Rock M e
ema na ting from a little Hawaiian
On The Wate r," say in g th at Cra ig Doerge ,
guitar which he . played on hi s lap! The
who pl ayed o n th e recordin g, did it so
a udi e nce loved it and brought everyone
mu ch bett er . Rega rdl ess , he w as g reat ...
back for three enco res, one of which inthe w ho le evening was grea t. Jackson
Bonnie Raitt.
loo ked as shoc ked a nd bew ildered when
Which bri ngs us - exactly one year
Jo n i Mit che ll pul led him o ut from the
la ter - to Jackso n- Browne's recent Sepwi ngs to sin g " C ircle Game" as w he n he
20th co ncert a t the Paramount.
wa s pull ed back to do an e nco re afte r hi s
I'm afraid I was so mewhat disappointed
fi rst se t.
in the even in g's mu sic. Not that it wasn 't
It wou ld be a lm ost two yea rs before he
played "w ith finesse a nd grace, " as J.J.
wo uld return to Sea ttle, thi s time with a
Ca le puts it. The seven - member band is a
ba nd a nd Linda Ron stadt as the' opening
pretty good o ne, as a matter of fact. It
act. Thin gs w ere mu ch different - Jackfeatures the reg ulars, including David
so n wa s m o re a t ease o n stage . He had
Lin dl ey - th e wizard - o n elec tric, slide ,
los t th a t nervo us awkwa rdness , ta lked
nd acous ti c g uit ars and fidd le, and Doug
less be tw ee n numbers a nd seemed m o re
ywood , who has moved from bass to
subdu ed , perhaps even a li tt le tired . Thi s
g uita rs and a littl e piano. W ho comprises
WCl S entire ly
possib le, since the y were
th e res t of the band is a mystery to me ,
do in g tha t part o f the tour o n th e roa d in sin
ce Jackson didn 't bother to introduce
stea d o f fly in g. Linda Ro nstadt , in praisthem
to the aud ience. However, I assume
in g th eir roa dies, told a story o f ho w o ne
they are Larry Zack on drums, a new
of the dri ve rs had fall en as leep a t th e
o rga n a nd piano player, a new bass
whee l af ter drivin g a ll night and had cap laye r and finally a percussionist who
ree ned th e ir equ ipm ent van o nt o so mea dds to Browne and Haywood's tight haro ne's front law n in Orego n.
mon ies on difficult so ngs such as "The
The even in g wasn 't without it s hi g h
te Show ." I was more than once im point s, m os t nota bly the addi ti o h of
by the little flourishes individual
D av id Lindley o n guitars a nd fidd le with
b a nd m e mbers would add to certa in
bass p laye r Doug Hayw ood sin ging ti ght
songs. With a few minor excep ti ons, the
har m o ni es. Even th o ug h much of the m a problem didn ' t lie w ith th e ba nd .
te rial was new (fro m Fo r Everymall , re Jack so n was definit ely int o playin g. He

mentioned a coup le of times about tryin g
to arrange a date last Spri ng to play Seattl e but no t being a ble to . (I assume that
wou ld have been wi th Phoebe Snow, with
w hom he was touring at the time .) He
see med to be enj oy ing him se lf, w hich is
very imp orta nt. Later, I was impressed
with th e sin cerity which he repeated ly
thanked the audience for co ming . As he '
jok ingly mentioned , his las t two co ncerts
we re sc hed ul ed respectively , on the night
of a So ni cs' ga me a nd a n Elt o n John co n cert .
H is openi ng surprised me - " Rock M e
On The Water" from hi s first record , but
he then mainly relied on material from hi s
F&r Everyman a nd Late For Til e Sky a lbums the old sta nda rds every J. B.
freak has come to know by heart: "Take
It Ea s y , " " Ready Or Not, " " For A
Dancer, " " Before The Deluge" a nd "Red
Neck Frie nd. " Ra ther than followin g a
rigid se t, he see med to play what he
wanted , when he wanted , as during a ro ll ing "Doctor My Eyes" he picked up hi s
"Japa nese guitar" and moved th e band
into a versio n of "These Days" su ng wi th
m oving s tr e n g th and confidence. The
show was a fairly lo ng one , las ting a lmost
two ho urs .
But , during a ll this, I was str uggling
with what mainly disappointed me about
the eve ning (other than the opening band
- Pab lo Cruise) . While the mu sic was
good , occasionall y great , I mu st admit
that, at times, I was experiencing feelin gs
of - well , boredom, for wa nt of a better
word . I think this was partially due to the
fact that Browne played (wi th o ne except ion) materi a l so lely fro m hi s first three
a lbums. Songs I had a lready seen him do
o nce, if not tw o times previou sly .
Th e o ne except io n was the disco hit
fro m Philadelphia written b y Dou g Hay , promised earlier in the show. That
yw oo d wa s too shy to sing it was un -

dersta ndab le when Jackso n bega n the' first
verse. It was really a k in d of C&W song,
being the ultimat e put -d ow n of a lover
w ho didn 't ca re abo ut a nyt hi!1 g but fuck ing. It co nt a ined such in stantly cla ssic
lin es as " You la ug hed at m y erec ti o n a nd
the size of my ci rcum sec ti o n ... " a nd
o th er reactionary tras h . I loved it. I'm
af ra id it p ut Harry N ilsso n's " Your breakin ' m y hear t/yo ur tea r in' it a pa rt I so fuck
yo u -" lin e to sha me.
But let us re turn to the pro b lem a t
ha nd . It mu st be a n eno rm o us pressure
fo r a n art ist such as Jackso n Browne, o r
a ny c rea ti ve arti st in a n y medi um , to fee l
as if th ey have to to p th e ir las t work . In
mu sic th e re is th e added de ma nd of reco rdin g co ntrac ts th a t stipul ate o ne a lbum
per yea r o r some simil a r quot a . I'm sure
th a t eve r y one fr o m Bob Dy la n , Jo ni
M it chell to Ja mes T ay lor has had to dea l
w ith the pressure of hav in g to crea te new
ma te ri a l o n a cons istent basis rega rdl ess if
they fee l li ke it o r no t.

On o ne ha nd it fee ls good to see him in
co nce rt , playing mu sic, a nd hav ing a
good tim e in stead of o nl y ve nturin g o ut
o n the roa d eve ry two yea rs or m o re like
Eri c C la pt o n o r Bob Dylan . Howeve r, o n
th e o th er ha nd I ca n' t help but fe el a little
di sa pp oi nted , when after a yea r sin ce th e
release of Late For Til e Sky, he is still
do ing bas ica ll y th e sa me show . I wo uld
have li ked to have see n ju st a littl e
g ro w th. As so mebody at th e co nce rt
ye ll ed o ut betwee n so ngs , "Th ere are a lo t
of th ose foo ls and dream ers in O ly m pia. "
/J ckso n Brow ne smi led a nd rep li ed, '" III

O /I/lIlpia ?'"
N~""" .ILlA .... O PN.....







1ST.... , • .16 ·S~




~ Colonyqnnc5l1partmen~

WA 9 8~02 .

20 6

9 4 3-7330

All Utilities Paid

Social Rooms

Fully Furnished

Free TV Cable

Laundry Facility

Recreation Room

Wall-to-Wall Carpeting
Easy access to freevvay & City Center
Just dovvn the Road from the Greenvvood Inn
A Singles COmmunity
Specialty Foods
Open 6 day s
4th & Columbia




1 Room $ 74.50
2 Rooms $144.00
4 Rooms $250.00

"'kJ~ d)~


C~ MtuJi"



October 2, 1975

Visiting Faculty Show



by Barbara Shelnutt Trabka
The Visiting Facult y Show is no t fu ll of
surp rises. However it is a stro ng, ca reful
exhibit int rod ucing the new v isiting art
fac ult y to the Evergreen co mmunit y . The
show is ta steful a nd no t unlike a n inte rior
decora tor' s dream .

Large ca bine t wi th d o ors - 2 x 3 x 4 has worki n g TV & AM - FM . bro ke n ph o no
- or - emp ty a nd use for? - $35 - 352'J712.

Pat Spark is a very prohClent w ea v~1
w ho has enough nerve to use Mt. Ra ini er
in a tapes try, a nd the power to bring it
off we ll. It IS th e most daring piece in the
s h ow. M ic h ae l Fr ick , a lso a weav e r,
e nt w in es ti ss u e- li ke litho s into so li d

Smith-Co ro na ty pewrit e r, office type man ua l - a b o ut 12 y rs. o ld , $4 0 - eves. 352-1712.

Honda Stepth ru Motorcycle. Elec .
Sta rt , Auto clutch . $375 . Offer.

S te reo fo r sa le - fine co nditi o n . $'lO0 . A lso
5 -s tri n g ba njo w / case, $40. See T e ri in
L2115 o r leave m essage.
SOFA FOR SA LE : 100" two piece c us tombu il t sec ti o na l. rose-beige , o nl y $60 - ca ll
866 -0708.

The show as a who le is seda te. It is a
ca lm rend e ring of th e ex perti se these
visitin g faculty have. Th ey a re techni ca l

Women 's 10 -speed Sc hwinn , se ldo m used _
fe nders - li g ht - exce ll e n t cond iti o n - $60 _
FOR SA LE : 1967 Rambl er Ambassad o r
best o ffer . Ca ll 352 - 'l709 .

~ut the sh ow leaves me a littl e sa d a t
theIr profess io na lism and th e feeling of
deJ av ue. There is no thing rea ll y exciting,
no thing offen SIve , nothing polit ica l. Even
Ezekie l's N ixo ns do n't make a sta te ment.

TO SELL: Med it , s ty le sofa $75 : Magna .
po rt . s tereo, needs wo rk , $20 ; wome n's
8' 2 sk i b oo ts, $5. C hr is - 6510 .

Evo lLi tion #3 woodwork ill shedua , Dave Ga llagher.

WANTED: Good Da tsun pick u p (w ith ca nopy?) 1968 -1972. Ca ll Michael a t 357-9464 .
WANTED : VW Bug o r G hi a, ca ll Jack ,
days 866 - 6270, eves 943-0162.

Recy cl e bee r bo ttles - 45 & 50 ce nt s / case.
A lumin um 15 ce nt s / lb. g lass, pape r 1 / 4
ce nt s / lb . ti n & b i- meta l cp ns, pop bottles.
Tacoma Recycl in g Ce nt e r w 32 10 S. Ta c .
W ay - P h : 474·8360 o r 5209, ask fo r Joe .

Oak and m ap le sc ulpture, Dave Ga llag her.

WAN T ED: 3-speed Ra leigh, m an o r w oman . De ni se Baker - 1077 Fra nk lin St. Stop
by or leave message eve nin gs.

2 free ki tt e ns . 1 a ll w hit e, j b lack & whit e .
6 m o nth s o ld . very affec ti o na te. 352 -0299 .

FOR SALE: Eastern WA-grown Jo hnath a n
a nd go lde n deli c io us ap ples $4 & $5 . Ca ll
Torn a t 866-2129 even in gs.

Jo nathan Ezekiel. is a ph o tographercum-ma ster technI cIa n . Hi s phot os have
such variety , it seems im possib le they a ll
ca me from the sa me person . But th e re is
too mu ch to look at a nd hi s bow l of fr uit
a nd apples co uld say it a ll .
Dave Gallagher makes wood a lesson in
a na tomy. He too is a ma ster tec hni cia n .
Richard Bu~t o n desc ribes Eli za beth T ay lor
as an englneenng masterp iece: so a re
Ga ll agher's pi eces.


Tent for sa le: 2-pe rso n . $15 , " Wor ld ,Fa m o us" b rand. Co mp lete wit h rubberized
p las ti c fl y. Bri an, 866 -7665 .
Hitachi 8- track co mponen t recorder / p lay ba ck deck - 70 clams 0r t rade fo r? Dan
- 5 19 N. Ce ntra l.

I am looki ng for so me a ut omo t ive tune-u p
equipme n t : i.e. , timin g li ght . dwe ll tach ome ter - Brian 866-7665 .

A free m assage is being offered to T ESC
s tuden ts - Bruce Pete rs, p rac t iti one r (If
massage - ASH ap' ts. b ld g. - C28
FIG HT FASC ISM - a ll colors. Se nd f\)r
Fu rry Fa sc is t Fi ghte rs newsle tt e r , o ne y r .
o nl y $1 .50 4903A 17t h Av eN W , O ly 98502
Music - th ea tre: we a re formin g a n art ce n tral. Wan t to sta rt band - Bea tl es no r o li t.
Daw n , 4903A 17t h Ave. NW , O ly. 98502
To th e thief of Bla no y Neg ro 's b lack
lea th er: I'm go nna s to mp yo ur nut s in to
c ider .
H e lp put me throu g h sc hoo l. I' m ava il ab le
to do ho usewo r k . Co nt ac t Chris a t 352 3868 , af te r four .
Fro nt ie rs U nl imited - don 't be c hoked b y
s tag na ted rea lit y. Move o nce is a ll. W rite
here, 4903A 17 th Ave . NW 98502 .

Despe rate ly need ho use to rent b y Nov. 1 .
Ca ll G race W oodruff a t 866-6310 o r 3521622 eves.
Need o ne person to m ove int o large ho use
o n 4 th - 4 bdrms. 2 ba th s. Conta c t Mike a t
c rJ office . WE ARE NOT QU IET .
Need co untry comm una l ho m e to li ve in
imm ediate ly - prefer Overhulse / Mix area woma n - quiet - he lp - We ndy, 866-3794 .
• 1937 Int e rna ti o na l bu s ow ne r a nd hi s
dog a re look ing fo r a beau ti fu l pl ace
to live in a rura l se ttin g .
desire elec tri ca l hook up a n d bath privi leges o nl y, hav e
o wn roo m a nd k it c he n . Leav e m essage for
Fredrick - 866-5001 - o r a t far mh o use a t o rga n ic farm .
yo un ~

WANTED : I'm looki ng for a s m a ll propa ne ta nk a nd 1 or 2 burn er s tove setup to
co ok Dn. W illi n g to pay $ . Leave mess. for
Eri C' a t M318B .

Vo lu nteers needed fo r Norwegia n a rt festi va l. Meeting Oc t. 6 , 7 :00 / Board Room .
Ca ll 866·6229 fo r informa t io n .
My new book / I think Im ay pa int th e house
in Augu st a t books to re now . Vicky
D ra ha m .
BETTER DAYS have yo u see n o u r ad in
thi s iss ue?
Co nsig nr.l e nt s wa nt ed from arts a nd crafts
peop le fo r Duck Ho use acr,'SS frl'm Ca fe te ri a, se ll e r's fee 10 %
I'm try in g to find the perso n who o tfcreJ
m e a pl um .-I spaced ou t ask in ~ your name .
Co me to CA B 306 .
C lass is w ha t it takes to be a n a th ei s t .- it
ma kes us c rea to rs o f o ur ow n truth s
welco me back H IG H C'S
I'm t ry in g to ge t a w r iters feedba c k grClup
s ta rt ed . There are 4 o f us. Wan t more . Ca ll
Gary, 49 ] -0924 .

Two ti res fo r sa le: Fires to ne c hampion ny lo n cords, 5.60· 15 (VW size) , $10 ea. Ca ll
Jan a t 866 -6270 .

Th is material is designed to be used as a research aid only.
FOR SALE - TRADE '69 VW bu s, good
brak es , tires, rebui lt eng i'1 e . $1,800 o r offer
- Larry, 'lO77 Frank lin S t. , O ly mpi a evt's .

MUST SELL Spa ld in g sid era l sla lom sk is in
g reat co nd o 207 c m marker b in d ings , ne w ,
$200, sacr ifi ce at 75 - 866 -5 198 .
FOR SA LE : O ne fi ne s tereo, g rea t for sma ll
(dorm) rooms . In c. 15 a mr turn tab le s peak ers, $50 . Ia n a t A S H 55 - co me by


Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, mail order catalog of
5,500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling.

Us Oyster Bay roade rs wan t to s tart
poo l - 866 -0388 , Jud y tlr In hn


(ar -

Ca r poo l, anyone? I co mmut e d a ily fn) m
Tacoma (C lover rark). Want t" sha re riu es
- cnn t;Jc t Wi ll. 1-582 · 3 128 .

oak and shedlla by Da ve Gallax17 er.
~V(,~lViIlX <; Ill) Kri st i!' M,C lIt rlIPOII .


-------------------------------------------------------Name __________________________________________________
Address ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
City _____________________________________

State __________________ Z ip - - - - -_____



October 2, 1975

Visiting Faculty Show



by Barbara Shelnutt Trabka
The Visiting Facult y Show is no t fu ll of
surp rises. However it is a stro ng, ca reful
exhibit int rod ucing the new v isiting art
fac ult y to the Evergreen co mmunit y . The
show is ta steful a nd no t unlike a n inte rior
decora tor' s dream .

Large ca bine t wi th d o ors - 2 x 3 x 4 has worki n g TV & AM - FM . bro ke n ph o no
- or - emp ty a nd use for? - $35 - 352'J712.

Pat Spark is a very prohClent w ea v~1
w ho has enough nerve to use Mt. Ra ini er
in a tapes try, a nd the power to bring it
off we ll. It IS th e most daring piece in the
s h ow. M ic h ae l Fr ick , a lso a weav e r,
e nt w in es ti ss u e- li ke litho s into so li d

Smith-Co ro na ty pewrit e r, office type man ua l - a b o ut 12 y rs. o ld , $4 0 - eves. 352-1712.

Honda Stepth ru Motorcycle. Elec .
Sta rt , Auto clutch . $375 . Offer.

S te reo fo r sa le - fine co nditi o n . $'lO0 . A lso
5 -s tri n g ba njo w / case, $40. See T e ri in
L2115 o r leave m essage.
SOFA FOR SA LE : 100" two piece c us tombu il t sec ti o na l. rose-beige , o nl y $60 - ca ll
866 -0708.

The show as a who le is seda te. It is a
ca lm rend e ring of th e ex perti se these
visitin g faculty have. Th ey a re techni ca l

Women 's 10 -speed Sc hwinn , se ldo m used _
fe nders - li g ht - exce ll e n t cond iti o n - $60 _
FOR SA LE : 1967 Rambl er Ambassad o r
best o ffer . Ca ll 352 - 'l709 .

~ut the sh ow leaves me a littl e sa d a t
theIr profess io na lism and th e feeling of
deJ av ue. There is no thing rea ll y exciting,
no thing offen SIve , nothing polit ica l. Even
Ezekie l's N ixo ns do n't make a sta te ment.

TO SELL: Med it , s ty le sofa $75 : Magna .
po rt . s tereo, needs wo rk , $20 ; wome n's
8' 2 sk i b oo ts, $5. C hr is - 6510 .

Evo lLi tion #3 woodwork ill shedua , Dave Ga llagher.

WANTED: Good Da tsun pick u p (w ith ca nopy?) 1968 -1972. Ca ll Michael a t 357-9464 .
WANTED : VW Bug o r G hi a, ca ll Jack ,
days 866 - 6270, eves 943-0162.

Recy cl e bee r bo ttles - 45 & 50 ce nt s / case.
A lumin um 15 ce nt s / lb. g lass, pape r 1 / 4
ce nt s / lb . ti n & b i- meta l cp ns, pop bottles.
Tacoma Recycl in g Ce nt e r w 32 10 S. Ta c .
W ay - P h : 474·8360 o r 5209, ask fo r Joe .

Oak and m ap le sc ulpture, Dave Ga llag her.

WAN T ED: 3-speed Ra leigh, m an o r w oman . De ni se Baker - 1077 Fra nk lin St. Stop
by or leave message eve nin gs.

2 free ki tt e ns . 1 a ll w hit e, j b lack & whit e .
6 m o nth s o ld . very affec ti o na te. 352 -0299 .

FOR SALE: Eastern WA-grown Jo hnath a n
a nd go lde n deli c io us ap ples $4 & $5 . Ca ll
Torn a t 866-2129 even in gs.

Jo nathan Ezekiel. is a ph o tographercum-ma ster technI cIa n . Hi s phot os have
such variety , it seems im possib le they a ll
ca me from the sa me person . But th e re is
too mu ch to look at a nd hi s bow l of fr uit
a nd apples co uld say it a ll .
Dave Gallagher makes wood a lesson in
a na tomy. He too is a ma ster tec hni cia n .
Richard Bu~t o n desc ribes Eli za beth T ay lor
as an englneenng masterp iece: so a re
Ga ll agher's pi eces.


Tent for sa le: 2-pe rso n . $15 , " Wor ld ,Fa m o us" b rand. Co mp lete wit h rubberized
p las ti c fl y. Bri an, 866 -7665 .
Hitachi 8- track co mponen t recorder / p lay ba ck deck - 70 clams 0r t rade fo r? Dan
- 5 19 N. Ce ntra l.

I am looki ng for so me a ut omo t ive tune-u p
equipme n t : i.e. , timin g li ght . dwe ll tach ome ter - Brian 866-7665 .

A free m assage is being offered to T ESC
s tuden ts - Bruce Pete rs, p rac t iti one r (If
massage - ASH ap' ts. b ld g. - C28
FIG HT FASC ISM - a ll colors. Se nd f\)r
Fu rry Fa sc is t Fi ghte rs newsle tt e r , o ne y r .
o nl y $1 .50 4903A 17t h Av eN W , O ly 98502
Music - th ea tre: we a re formin g a n art ce n tral. Wan t to sta rt band - Bea tl es no r o li t.
Daw n , 4903A 17t h Ave. NW , O ly. 98502
To th e thief of Bla no y Neg ro 's b lack
lea th er: I'm go nna s to mp yo ur nut s in to
c ider .
H e lp put me throu g h sc hoo l. I' m ava il ab le
to do ho usewo r k . Co nt ac t Chris a t 352 3868 , af te r four .
Fro nt ie rs U nl imited - don 't be c hoked b y
s tag na ted rea lit y. Move o nce is a ll. W rite
here, 4903A 17 th Ave . NW 98502 .

Despe rate ly need ho use to rent b y Nov. 1 .
Ca ll G race W oodruff a t 866-6310 o r 3521622 eves.
Need o ne person to m ove int o large ho use
o n 4 th - 4 bdrms. 2 ba th s. Conta c t Mike a t
c rJ office . WE ARE NOT QU IET .
Need co untry comm una l ho m e to li ve in
imm ediate ly - prefer Overhulse / Mix area woma n - quiet - he lp - We ndy, 866-3794 .
• 1937 Int e rna ti o na l bu s ow ne r a nd hi s
dog a re look ing fo r a beau ti fu l pl ace
to live in a rura l se ttin g .
desire elec tri ca l hook up a n d bath privi leges o nl y, hav e
o wn roo m a nd k it c he n . Leav e m essage for
Fredrick - 866-5001 - o r a t far mh o use a t o rga n ic farm .
yo un ~

WANTED : I'm looki ng for a s m a ll propa ne ta nk a nd 1 or 2 burn er s tove setup to
co ok Dn. W illi n g to pay $ . Leave mess. for
Eri C' a t M318B .

Vo lu nteers needed fo r Norwegia n a rt festi va l. Meeting Oc t. 6 , 7 :00 / Board Room .
Ca ll 866·6229 fo r informa t io n .
My new book / I think Im ay pa int th e house
in Augu st a t books to re now . Vicky
D ra ha m .
BETTER DAYS have yo u see n o u r ad in
thi s iss ue?
Co nsig nr.l e nt s wa nt ed from arts a nd crafts
peop le fo r Duck Ho use acr,'SS frl'm Ca fe te ri a, se ll e r's fee 10 %
I'm try in g to find the perso n who o tfcreJ
m e a pl um .-I spaced ou t ask in ~ your name .
Co me to CA B 306 .
C lass is w ha t it takes to be a n a th ei s t .- it
ma kes us c rea to rs o f o ur ow n truth s
welco me back H IG H C'S
I'm t ry in g to ge t a w r iters feedba c k grClup
s ta rt ed . There are 4 o f us. Wan t more . Ca ll
Gary, 49 ] -0924 .

Two ti res fo r sa le: Fires to ne c hampion ny lo n cords, 5.60· 15 (VW size) , $10 ea. Ca ll
Jan a t 866 -6270 .

Th is material is designed to be used as a research aid only.
FOR SALE - TRADE '69 VW bu s, good
brak es , tires, rebui lt eng i'1 e . $1,800 o r offer
- Larry, 'lO77 Frank lin S t. , O ly mpi a evt's .

MUST SELL Spa ld in g sid era l sla lom sk is in
g reat co nd o 207 c m marker b in d ings , ne w ,
$200, sacr ifi ce at 75 - 866 -5 198 .
FOR SA LE : O ne fi ne s tereo, g rea t for sma ll
(dorm) rooms . In c. 15 a mr turn tab le s peak ers, $50 . Ia n a t A S H 55 - co me by


Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, mail order catalog of
5,500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling.

Us Oyster Bay roade rs wan t to s tart
poo l - 866 -0388 , Jud y tlr In hn


(ar -

Ca r poo l, anyone? I co mmut e d a ily fn) m
Tacoma (C lover rark). Want t" sha re riu es
- cnn t;Jc t Wi ll. 1-582 · 3 128 .

oak and shedlla by Da ve Gallax17 er.
~V(,~lViIlX <; Ill) Kri st i!' M,C lIt rlIPOII .


-------------------------------------------------------Name __________________________________________________
Address ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
City _____________________________________

State __________________ Z ip - - - - -_____

September 25, 1975


Volume IV Number 2

October 2, 1975


~ ColonyGJnnc!Ylpaltmen~
Social Rooms

Fully Furnished

Free TV Cable

Laundry Facility

Recreation Room

Wall-to-Wall Carpeting
Easy access to freevvay & City ,Center

dovvn the Road from the Greenvvood Inn
Tom Rainey , president of the AFT at Evergreen.
by Chris Carroll
During the pa st week members of the
American Federation of Teachers at
Evergreen have been protesting their lack
of power in the final decision-making
pr ocess concerning faculty planning ,
curriculum planning, contractual relations hips between the faculty and the
in stitution, and specifically, a new faculty
code adopted by the Central Washington
State College Trustees. A superior court
of Washing ton di smissed a faculty suit
cha llenging the code, stating," ' Even if
such a d elega tion (of a faculty voice in
governa nce ) were lega lly permissible, it
would v iolate State law and would be
co nstitutiona lly void ."
Parr o f the protest includ ed the
di s tribution of lea fl e ts titled , "Fac ulty
Sena te Dead?" Although the message does
not specifically state its purpose, one
ga the rs that the AFT wishes to see a
union es tabli shed , similar to those found
in indu stry , where co llective barga ining
wit h em pl oyers ex ists, and one where
workers do have power , by law . (AFT
leaders a t Evergreen were no t a va ilabl e
for 'com ment a t press tim e.)
The leaflet sta tes, "At a time when

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people in almost every sec tor of private
and public employment are gaining a
greater say over their work situation a nd
improving their .work conditions, college
and university faculties are losing t hi s say
and suffering at the sa me time a severe
and rapid deteriorati o n in work in g
conditions. "
The gaps between written codes , actual
ca rrying out of policies, and th e interpreta tion of administrative actions by fac ult y
a nd student s, is sometimes great, a nd
often co nfu sing. Possibly it is the lack of
communication found between the ad min istration and the AFT, concerning this
ma tter , that explains the a mbiguiti es o f
the leaflet.
The relation ship between the faculty
and the Board of Trustees a nd college
President a t ' Evergree n is based o n hum a n
trust , and though there may be truth in
labling the situation where tru stees have
final decision -making power as a "ben evo lent autocracy " , t h e facult y a t
Eve rg reen a ppears to be o rga nized eno ugh
to prevent a nyon e person , o r g ro up of
persons, from controlling th e fate of the
college. To establish a uni o n where th e
faculty has so vereign power in th e making
01 fin a l dec isions , could be a ste that

co uld a lt er the a lread y unbalanced sca le
of power a t Evergreen.
Ra iney stat ed in a n interview wi th the
Jo urn a l o n Jul y 31 , "I think if we a re
go in g to be a co mmunit y of lea rn ers,
teache rs a nd facilitators , we' re go in g to
need to clea rl y define some of th e roles
a nd decision-making of these gro ups . And
I think a uni o n mi ght be a way to clarify
th ese thin gs. I can sy mpa thize to a ce rt a in
ex tent with the rev ul sion tha t some peop le
have for adversa ry politics. But I think
th a t in th e lo ng run the uni o n here mi g ht
ind ee d s tr e n g th e n th e co mmunit y at
Evergreen b y c lar if y in g th,e d ec is io nmaking process and the ambiguiti es of
that process."
Whe n the AFT was fir st estab li shed a t
Evergreen in March of this year , much
tim e was spent o n organization of the
gro up , w hich now represents approximat ely o ne-third of the faculty. O ne of
the first concern s of the uni o n was the
strengthening of the contractual relat ionship of the faculty with the instituti o n ,
Cnntracts for fac ulty, called "Letters o f
- Reappo intm ent" and which Rainey called
"pro mi sso ry notes" were under criti cism
by so me faculty. Rainey said, "Thro ugh
the efforts 'of, some crusading facult y who
were n o t , incidently , repre se ntin g the
uni o n, we were a ble to get a le tt er thi s
yea r that is essentially a three -yea r
contract. At this point I am willing to say
that our contractual position w ith th e
institution has been considerably st rengthened. "
Ra in ey would like to see negot iat io ns
with th e Trustees medi a t ed from a
position of collective strength through the
unio n . However, a change in laws would
possibly bring about a union tha t has the
capacity to make the ultima te decision s
tha t aren 't necessary, o r even beneficial
on the whole .
The question now remains; w ha t does
the AFT intend to do abou t cha ngin g the
power s tructur e? A S up er ior Cou r t
deci sion is certainly not the final say of
. the court s. Is a n a ppeal to the sta te
supreme court p la nned ? If so, are the
co nseq ue nces of crea tin g a sta te wide
union for a ll co ll ege a n d univ e r s it y
faculty clear?
It is necessa ry th at a uni on between the
faculty be establish ed , to act as a
"wa tchdog" fo r the fac ult y , a nd to bet ter
co mmuni ca te th e needs of the fa cult y, bu t
in ma tt ers such as the choos in g of th e
curri culum , the fac ult y a t Evergreen , as
well as th e student body , have a greater
h a n d in thi s matt e r t h an at man y
in stituti o ns,